A return on investment or ROI is a performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency and profitability of an investment or to compare the efficiency and profitability of multiple investments. To calculate ROI, the benefit or return of an investment is divided by the cost of the investment. In other words, a return on investment measures how successful an investment was, or is likely to be. Let's break the phrase return on investment into syllables into parts. The first Part ri sounds like the art II sound in the words reverse remark repulse. The second part turn sounds like the word turn and rhymes with burn.
And Fern. The third part on sounds like the word on and rhymes with gone and yon. The fourth part in sounds like the word in and rhymes with Finn and grin. The fifth part vest sounds like the word vest and rhymes with best and dressed. The sixth part meant sounds like the last part in the words pavement appointments appointment. Armament Now repeat after me.
Re turn on in best meant return on invest meant return on investment. return on investment. I can see the future in our return on investment is going to be astronomical. This is great You're being silly. However, you're right. Our return on investment will be quite high.
We've worked hard. We lost everything on that deal. There was no return on investment at all. I feel really depressed. You win some and you lose some. Don't worry, we will have a better return on investment in future deals.