Denis Barnard

Demystifying HR Tech!
Ipswich, GB, IP1 3JN
Denis Barnard is founder and lead consultant at GreenRiver Technology World Ltd and is recognised in the field of HR Tech, successfully working in a wide variety of sectors both UK and international. In 2009, he launched HRcomparison (no... read more
Denis Barnard is founder and lead consultant at GreenRiver Technology World Ltd and is recognised in the field of HR Tech, successfully working in a wide variety of sectors both UK and international.

In 2009, he launched HRcomparison (now GPAcomparison) the first UK site dedicated exclusively to HR  payroll systems. In 2024, he partnered with other industry experts to create the online HR tech selector, 
In early 2017, he published “Selecting and Implementing HR  payroll software" which has sold in 19 countries, as a guide to the whole process. In 2023, he published "Mission:HR" to more clearly define HR activity.

As well as consulting, Denis is actively engaged in producing educational videos, webinars and written material for HR professionals.
Greenriver Technology World Ltd - Full-time
November 2011 - till date
Mendlesham 1P14 5SG - Remote

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