How To Get Started (How To Write A Book, Part 1)

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You can write a few hundred words everyday. Just do it.


Hello, this is Rob carbon, and I'm going to tell you how to write a book. Now, I don't mean to be over simplistic, the best advice I can give you is to just do it, open up a Word document, open up a Google Drive document. And right at the same time, every day, usually the first thing in the day, I get up and write a few hundred words. It's not necessary to overcomplicate the business of self publishing the world shops for books on Amazon. And yet, it is as easy as uploading a Word document on a web page. Now, I wouldn't recommend you actually do that.

There are better formats for your Kindle book, but we'll get on to that in other videos. However, ultimately, it's simple. You write the book every day, and by the end of a few weeks, it'll be ready to meet other authors. liaise, online and offline with other authors. who are interested in the same subjects as you are interested in. So I'm sure you're already on Facebook, Google Plus and LinkedIn groups that are about subjects that you will write about.

So when you're on there, tell them that you are an author. Tell them you are writing a book about this subject. Here is a group you can join right now and it was set up by Pat Flynn. So if you go here to Pat's first, and that will redirect to a Facebook group, which is a great place to talk about any form of self publishing Kindle paperback, audio book on Amazon off Amazon fiction nonfiction, you can talk about it here. There are a lot of amazing successful authors on this group. People like Steve Scott, and Pat Flynn, are there and remember, it's not about the money, do it to build your brand, do it to educate, inform and entertain.

There's no Nothing better than writing a book that you love to write and have that book help people. I do publish my revenue reports at Rob carbon comm slash income hyphen reports. And you'll see from those that I made about $3,000 revenue from self publishing in 2016, and I only published one book in that year, it might give you a little bit of pocket money, write multiple books. One of the authors who's kind of a mentor to me is Steve Scott's The first thing I learned from Steve was to write loads of books, Kindle books only need to be 12 or 15,000 words or more. That's not a lot. They are very short.

So you really want to get the first one second, one third, one fourth, one out as soon as possible. Because you won't have a success with your first book. you're much more likely to have success. If you write multiple books, and then one will hopefully hit the jackpot, so whatever you do, don't put everything into your first book and make it 100,000 words, a real epic, you'll get bogged down by the sheer size of that project. It will demoralize you much better to get that first book published as soon as possible. And I can help you do that.

Read loads of books yourself. When I started writing Kindle books, I started reading them, you can get the Kindle app onto your laptop onto your tablet onto your smartphone. You can download loads of free Kindle books there. Once you hook up the Kindle app to your Amazon account. It's as easy as anything, download a book, start reading it the next second and you don't even have to pay for it if it's free. And this is a great way to understand what works on Kindle and what doesn't work on Kindle.

And lastly, listen to your Audience we all have an audience. We all have a community, the people we work with the people who are interested in similar things that we are interested in. Notice what questions people are asking on forums and groups online and in your line of work. Ask people, what are they struggling with? How can I help you right now? what's going wrong in your business at the moment, these are the pain points you need to find out about.

You can write about how you can solve these issues and these problems in your Kindle books. And this is a great way for finding material to write about. Most importantly, tell people about your book ideas and ask them what they think this is such a good idea for so many reasons. Not only do you get some great ideas back from people when they discover about your writing intentions, but also these people will then feel engaged With your project, and then they are more likely to leave you reviews and evangelize about you and your books and your business and products and services. My name is Rob carbon. I'll see you in the next video.

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