My Self-Publishing Journey & Becoming An Amazon Bestselling Author

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My self-publishing journey & becoming an Amazon bestselling author.


Hello, this is Rob cabin here I want to show you a bit about my self publishing journey. Here is my Amazon author page, you can go to Amazon search Rob cabin and you can find this page. It's got all the books you can purchase in paperback or on Kindle or audio books. You can watch a video there's latest blog posts, there's a biography where you can go to my websites, and there it all is. So I can show you how to set up this page on Amazon. And I can show you how to become a self published author and let me show you the back this is how you do it.

This is how you upload your books. Here are my books all uploaded and let's go into reports show you how much I sell. Let me first show you the last 90 days. Firstly I'll show you free books. You get Write free books you can have 1000 of them downloaded in one day. That's 1000 people reading your books, but they're free.

So we'll turn those off. Here you can see the launch where I was selling 200 a day. Before that, you can see how I was like coasting along. Remember, I didn't do anything in 2016. But I was still selling six books a day, even 10 books a day. And what's even more pleasing is since the launch, I'm selling more like 10 books a day every day.

Slight drop at Christmas, but it's still well upon that. This is the amount of pages read by people who've got the book for free people who have enrolled on Kindle unlimited. You get paid by pages read and I get about 1000 pages read a day from those books. And you can see the royalties over $1,000 in US nearly 200 pounds in the UK And there are various other countries there. You have to add on to this the royalties I get from paperback sales and audio sales. But that gives you some idea of what you can expect the numbers you can expect from selling books on Amazon.

First of all, let me tell you a little bit about my journey. So I used to work every day for somebody else. But now I work for myself and I have a business. I live in Thailand most of the year. Although I have to say I am making this video from very cold London, I set up my six figure business with nothing, just a $200 investment. But the beauty about what I do is i'm totally free to go anywhere in the world, do anything I want when I want and I can run my business with just a laptop and an internet connection.

So along the way, I have detailed everything that I do in my business, passive income Wise at Rob carbon comm slash income reports. And I'm really pleased I did this, because it gives me all the statistics from years and years back of what I did. So I published my first book in 2013. I think I published three more in 2014 2015 and 2016. I completely took my foot off the gas, I concentrated on other things, I wanted to expand my business into Amazon FBA and do lots of more interesting things. So I didn't publish a book until right at the end of that year.

So I think it's quite interesting to see it, especially in 2016 how I did nothing, and I still made over $2,000 and sold. More importantly, over 2000 books. Remember, it's not about the money you make from the books. You make money from getting the readers onto your email lists. So you can upsell higher priced products to them at a later date. And look, I've sold nearly 10,000 books, I sell a lot of paperbacks as well and not all of those are included in these totals.

I want to give you a conservative estimate. Okay, it's not get rich quick buzz, it is totally worth doing. I am so pleased. I started writing books and had them published on Amazon. I am so pleased I did that most of these 10,000 people were people who wouldn't have bought a book from me or anything from me. Otherwise, they found me through Amazon.

So I'm just going to go through some of my books now and show you how easy it was to get a bestseller status. So here's a book called build a brand, create products and earn passive income, and it became a best seller in the computers and technology blogging and blog category. If you do that, you'll see on the right you get in hot new releases, even if you don't make the best seller, but you do quite well, you maybe you got to number nine or something, then you'll be in that hot new releases for about a month. And this gets you so many organic sales that you wouldn't get otherwise. Here's another book about WordPress. I got to the top of a category called website design.

Again, you can see on the right there, I was also hot new released. Here's another book I actually wrote a book it was more about personal development and less about business. It was completely different category a completely different genre. It's so much fun to see your book beating established authors like Deepak Chopra, you know who's sold 10s and hundreds of thousands of books a millionaire and Esther Hicks who writes books on the law of attraction, very famous personality and there, I was beating them to the Number one spot on Amazon. Here's another one beating other great books by Eric rice and Peter teal. And my latest book the new freedom I published this less than a month ago.

And I got into the bestseller categories on the first day, I got into a really easy category to become bestseller of. I then quickly changed into the difficult category of entrepreneurship and main category and became the hot new release there. I then hit the top of other categories. I'll show you how to do this in the course you can change categories, you can even end up in more than two categories. Here I am number one in small business category. Here I am number one in web marketing category on the right there.

And on the left, they're having a little bit of fun beating Donald Trump in a category even though he had only two been elected as the next president of the United States. There I am, again, number one in small business category. And there I was number one in three different categories. So, I'm going to show you how you can become an Amazon Kindle Bestseller, how you can make money, but more importantly, how you can use the Amazon platform, the most amazing, successful e commerce platform of the Western world. How you can use that to your advantage to get customers and get them to buy higher priced products from you in the future. My name is Rob cabin.

I really hope you're going to take this course and I really hope you're going to take action and write that Amazon bestseller this year. Do it with me, I'll help you. I'll see you in the next video.

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