Setting Up Your Opt In Form

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Learn How To Set Up Your Squeeze Page


Okay, welcome back in this video, we're going to talk about your actual squeeze page or your OPT in page, and how to actually set that up and have a place where people can click on your link, they can go to your OPT in page and enter their email for whatever free gift you're going to give them. And remember, I told you before that the free gift that you offer on your OPT in page can simply be whatever you find in the affiliate page of whatever offer you're promoting, okay? A lot of times they give away free gifts for you to give away as the affiliate to maximize your chances of people clicking on the link and going and buying the product. So is really cool website. People do pretty much anything for five bucks. Okay, so this is a great place if you don't know much about HTML, to actually have your squeeze page built.

Okay, so you can go here to the top and join and then basically You can just go here to search and just type in opt in page. Alright, and you can see here the very first result I'll create a landing or opt in page for five bucks. This person says they'll design custom email opt in overlay forms for five bucks This person will give you 20 video opt in squeeze pages for five bucks templates. Okay, so these templates, video templates are really really cool. video has been known to convert a lot better than just standard opt in pages. So that's something to keep in mind.

Now there's all kinds of other research you can do on this. But if you're going to choose somebody from Fiverr just make sure they have good reviews. So you click here on the link looks like about three day delivery. 100% good grading. Okay, we've got 17 positive reviews. So you want to go in here and you want to read through some of these reviews.

100% Or 100% is all I would I would use, okay, if somebody has one negative review, I wouldn't go for them. Okay, so they have zero, okay, 69 people have collected on this gig, okay? So this may be a great opportunity for you. So let's go to Fiverr and type that in, and you'll be good to go. Okay, the next thing you're going to do, once you have the template is you're going to have to have a site to put it on, okay, so if you don't have hosting, you need to go ahead and get hosting because that's going to allow you to host this page on a blank website. So what you could do is, you know, buy your own domain.

If you're in the health and fitness niche, you know, buy a domain, like lose fat fast or something like that. And then you can put that squeeze page on that domain. Okay, so people click on the link, they'll come to your page with your opt in form on it, and they'll enter their name and email or just their email address. They'll get their free gift and then you can route them to whatever product you want to promote that you found on Clickbank or Amazon. And then the final thing you'll need to do because the next step is going to be actually, you know, building and communicating with your with your new list is you're going to need to go to AWeber. And you're going to need to set up your own opt in form account.

Okay, so basically what this is going to do is it's going to allow you to come in here, you'll just sign up for $1. And then you can go and create an email marketing list through AWeber. So AWeber is an autoresponder that's going to allow you to send mass emails out to multiple people at one time, okay, because they can spam back. It's really important to use an autoresponder it's going to save you a lot of time. It's also going to keep you nice and legal. Okay, so AWeber has a great platform.

It's probably one of the best platforms you can use. Starting out to basically just click here on sign up for $1 a Weber has a really great tutorial on walking you through exactly how to set up your autoresponder and exactly what to do. Okay, so now you've got your squeeze page templates, you're hosting them on your website, and then you've got your autoresponder form, ready to go. And now you can actually start collecting leads. And not only are you collecting leads and building your list, but you're also promoting a product that you found. And you can make lots of money while building a list.

And then once you have a big list, then you can start promoting to that list over and over and making even more money. Okay, and that's what this is really all about. So in the next video, we're going to talk to actually sending, we're going to talk about actually, we're going to talk about how to actually send promotional emails to your new list going to give you a few tips on that. So we'll see in the next video

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