Money Blocks

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Three Key Strategies To Dive More Deeply Into Finding Your Money Blocks

Number 1: Journal the thoughts that pop into your head

When you are tapping the Money Blocks Script thoughts will pop into your mind. They are your story. Get your journal out and write them down. When you have finished the tapping write about how you feel and what you think now. This will be your next layer of beliefs You have the bonus lesson on how to write your own scripts, use it! 

Number 2: Use positive affirmations to pull out negative beliefs

Everyone thinks positive affirmations just imprint good thoughts and while they do it's not all they do. You can use a positive affirmation to pull out negative beliefs. As you tap on each point, saying the positive affirmation, any beliefs that are opposed to this positive idea will fill your mind. Write them down, insert them into a script and tap them away. Do this every day for at least three to five days and watch your mind change how it relates to money. 

Here are two positive affirmations to get you going:

#1 I am willing to be financially free

#2 I am open to reading all the money I want

Or I am open to earning all the money I desire

(why not do both)

Number 3: Explore your family conditioning

While all messages you absorbed as you grew up about money matter if they are limiting your ability to earn, save and utilize money productively, it is the specific messages you learned from your father that often have the biggest impact. Get our your journal and jot down your answers to these questions:

1. What did your father say about money?

2. What did you promise yourself you would never do based on what you saw your dad go through?

3. We often decide (unconsciously) we can never achieve beyond our fathers. What limitations have you placed on yourself so you can respect your father and never be better (achieve more/earn more) than him?

Put all the information you have collected into your own tapping script and tap it away.

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