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In a world that's constantly trying to grab our attention, being able to focus in one single task at a time might be one of the most valuable skills right now, the problem with answering that message, picking up the phone or dealing with a quick issue lies on the loss of productivity, effectiveness and results. Every single time you're interrupted. You're making it more difficult for you to achieve that task. This loss of productivity and time is not easy to measure. We're so used to checking our phones and refreshing our emails that it almost seems normal recall the experience of trying to keep a conversation with a friend or a colleague. While he's constantly answering messages and picking up the phone.

You're going to repeat the same things over and over again, which makes you irritated and annoyed. How do you think that conversation will go? Probably much worse than it could be? The same thing applies To you, every single time you stop working, you stop focusing on a project to you know, check your messages to answer a phone to talk to someone, you're interrupting what you were doing. And so you are stealing from your creativity, greatness, productivity and focus, great ideas, businesses, projects are born when people are totally immersed in what they are doing at the moment, and they are not checking other things. I challenge you to think how you've been working recently, if you've been noticing a lack of focus, you're probably wasting a lot of time switching from one task to another.

And so what is good take you 30 minutes to finish is not taking you one hour or even more, but lack of focus doesn't only mean answering your phone while you are working. It also means replacing important projects with meaningless tasks that don't require much energy in that that are easier to go through. But they should not be your focus, they are not your priorities. So in this class, I will also be focusing in which tasks you should be paying attention to. And in those activities that will make you improve and advance in your life, career, or any other goal that you have. You might feel productive while you check your email and answer to text messages.

But do those activities will really move the needle forward in your business in your projects in your career when experiencing lack of focus than ever, but it was only when I understood that that lack of focus was making me less productive, that I started applying other principles and routines to my daily life that really made my focus exponentially better. I read a few books on this subject and I made my research because I really want To understand how my lack of focus was affecting my results in productivity, I'm now able to focus for much longer periods of time. And I always make sure my phone is away from me. And I try to dedicate my time, energy and focus to the activities that will help me to achieve my goals. Nonetheless, I still make a few mistakes. And we have to be okay with accepting our own mistakes, because that those are going to happen.

But I think that putting a few principles into practice will really help you out to increase exponentially your levels of focus. In this class, you're not only going to learn how to focus properly and intensively, but you're also going to understand how you can dedicate more time energy and focus to those activities that are really going to help you to Move forward, as Tony Robbins said where focus goes energy flows. If you find yourself constantly distracted, I really think you will benefit from this class. See when stopped

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