What is the Social Rebellion?

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What is The Social Rebellion?

By definition, a rebel is someone who revolts against the establishment. In our modern-day, social drinking has become the norm; the establishment. We rarely question why our social engagements are fuelled by alcohol or how our moments of true joy or despair are often dealt with by drinking. As a society, we have lost the ability to find another way to celebrate or commiserate, be it alone, at home, or out with friends. The Social Rebellion exists to redefine this norm. Allowing each person the necessary space and time to reassess their current position with alcohol, and redefine its role in their life. Arming people with the techniques tools required for a guided lesson in self-assessment and habit formation, this book enables each person to make an empowered choice about the role of alcohol in their lives, rather than going along with the crowd.

For anyone who feels a bit trapped in their drinking habits, or that perhaps they drink a bit too much too often, The Social Rebellion is a movement that has been formed with the intention to equip people to become aware of their own choices, assess their relationship alcohol and find true freedom.

A note from the co-Editor of The Social Rebellion: As Maz’s editor, I took on this project with work in mind. Being a moderate drinker, I didn’t consider myself to have any issues around alcohol, so what I completely underestimated was the impact this book would have on me personally. Although about drinking, this is so much more than a heart-warming story and a ‘how to take a break from alcohol’ manual. Rather, Maz has seemingly unlocked a door to freedom from so many of our habitual behaviors and, delving deeper into the human psyche, she presents the question ‘What if the problem, isn’t actually the problem?’

With a wealth of research to fall back on, Maz challenges us all to reach beyond our bounds and limited mindsets and to take a good hard look at the life we’re living in comparison to the life we’re wanting. Using her own life as a guide, and delivered with true Maz Compton wit and hilarity, her raw honesty is relatable, and makes living our best life seem doable even to us average Jo blows.

This course isn’t just for people with issues around alcohol. It is for anyone at all who is ready to take life by the proverbial and truly live.

Over the next month, you have the ability to redefine your relationship with alcohol. How you came to be in the place where you feel trapped, or perhaps not your best self when you drink, or maybe you drink and you just can't figure out why? The reason for your arrival at this place isn't all that matters so much, what matters that you are here, now today and this course is here to help you identify the reasons for your choices, so you can make empowered ones.

So why take a month off alcohol?

First of all, it's only a month, for some people a month without a drink is an impossible thought but I like the idea of making the impossible possible. So why not shoot for the stars? A month alcohol-free in today's society is a scary proposition but not if you are equipped with the right reason and one simple goal in mind. SO let's start there, let's establish for you personally, one reason that is bigger than you that you can keep in mind as you take on a month without alcohol. Once you have identified this reason, it will enable you to stay focussed on your goal. It takes this from a concept to a practical step, helping you walk with the purpose for this month.

When your 'why' is big enough, you will find your 'how'. So how do you take a month off alcohol to find a good enough reason? I would like for you to write this down, you might need to spend some time brainstorming, writing, drawing or maybe just walking, to come up with the right articulation, here are some thought starters and some great reasons to take a month off alcohol.

  • For my health, to improve my physical body
  • To clear my mind so I can be more focussed at work
  • To be present for my family
  • To enable me to make better choices
  • I don't think I can, so I want to challenge
  • To save money for (wedding, holiday, birthday etc)

Once you have articulated your one good reason, your why write it down in a few places to remind yourself why you are doing this. This will be helpful in times of temptation or self-doubt.

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