Step #3: Energizers - Warming Up the Body and Lifting up the Energy and Spirit

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We have to become physically fast to calm down the mind. These are modalities to lift up the energy and connect the group in a playful way. Warming up the body and raising the heartbeat up to 120 bpm. We have to become physically fast to calm down the mind.

During these modalities, you get everybody into the games and you can do your checkouts in the group on the way: Fears – gone. Expectations - gone. Let’s play.

And after 10 mins. of intense warm-up, people start to feel good, sweaty, enjoying, laughing, and connected with each other. Warming up, lifting up the energy, and the spirit in a playful and safe way is very important. When you are playful, the energy flows freely and you are like a “life’s young branch” that can move and swing in the wind. But if you are too serious about it, you are like a “dry stick” that can break easily.

People will play games without fear of getting hurt because you’ll set up simple rules at the beginning, like “Nobody gets hurt.” So they move in the way their body needs to move and everybody starts from their own capacities and potentials. And your job is to let them know that it’s safe to move in a way they feel and to just encourage them in this process.

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