05 Spectacular animation of handwritten inscription

37 minutes
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Yeah, hi everybody. My name is Alex Santiago. And this is the lesson special for video smile. And I'm going to show you what will be in the rest. Ooh power this option of animation of writing fonts or loggers with a written this way. Also go over the tricks that can be added to the animation to make it more beautiful and spectacular.

But the first time in role as an adult to pay attention that the animation is divided into two parts. I did it on purpose to show the variability of the technique. It means that one can create endless number of options using the basic principle. Everything depends on your imagination. So let's start the lesson. Firstly, we make a new project and you composition.

I will Need logo animation. duration is five seconds and it is enough. Okay. Next, print here the logo that you are going to animate, grab and move it to the program and add it to the timeline. I'm going to animate the only one letter, but on this example, you'll be able to understand all the think. Okay, let's imagine that the letter is ready.

In general, there are a lot of techniques of forms animation in After Effects, but I'm going to tell you About the free these turbo plug in up trap card to have the ability to use it, you should create a new solid. The car doesn't matter. So press OK. In case there you so next go to the effects to strip club and just read this joke. Okay nothing has happened because 3d stroke works like a mask to see it in the preview window. You should draw a mask on this layer.

I use pan to select it and draw the bar that we need. I'm going to draw this box with a little extra plays and further will tell you what for for example, and draw a little pop and other draw a letter book. My 3d stroke is bugging me and doesn't display a line. Hope you will not have such a problem. And for your convenience, you could turn off the layer and after creating the mask, you could turn it on and tune as you need. What is next?

I'm trying to match this choke and the letter I better get this sad that it isn't worth to increase the width of this truck because in future you will have a bunch of problems with it. So dude, as precise as you can. Okay. I think that this choke is okay now and I like the form Now I can turn to the animation of this talk. Namely, first stroke or stroke one duplicated. I'll tell you a bit later but for I'm doing it now turn off Wi Fi stroke and turn to the animation of this choke.

One. 3d stroke has a lot of transforms that can be tuned and and the beginning and it's such transforms like stars and changing the slider, you see that the stroke is being drawn from zero to 100. So we're going to animate the Setting click the clock, put the key value is zero from the zero frame and slide it about 20 frames more and the value will be 100. To open the animated case you need to press you on the keyboard. Okay, let's play the animation and have a look. You see that this joke is starting to appear I change the value of the last key.

So that's it. Bye Right click go to the key assistant and choose is in the animation became softer and smooth at the end. I mean the speed of the animation is higher at the beginning that in the end so you can tune the speed by Graph Editor. Click here and change this curve as you like. It is not the last time to follow step by step but to use the technique okay Sal has got the animated stroke one. And let's turn to let's turn it off and turn to the stroke number two.

The task is that the second stroke should be exactly the same as the latter is. So, we should delete extra dots of our bar. To do it, he should click down to menu and select, delete vertex to and use it. To match exactly as the latter, you may add with okay. And by the same way, I'm going to animate the appearance of this second stroke. Okay, the second part of settings of animation is ready.

Let's do it deduct the letter from this choke. Put the logo behind this choke to and in the most track mat you should select out of the alphabet what is on the screen You see that this choke, droves? The latter. It is the simplest and the most basic part of the first animation. I think that in some cases, these animation is enough. Maybe when you have a very strict logo, or you don't need any other decorations on it.

So by this technique, you can animate the whole logo and it will be cool. But in the lesson The show must go on. So good. Take the first stroke and put it above turn on and do something special. Now the first and the second stroke been drawn at the same time. But we need this talk number two to be a bit later, we needed to start drawing at the moment the line touching the second dimension.

I can decrease capacity to see it. Okay, back this way I want this first stroke to be a drop tiny drop that will draw our logo. To do it, I will use some transform that I can turn. I open taper and make it active by putting the tick here, you see that this talk changed, change its form. It is not aligned but sharp points appeared. That is what I'm going to show you by changing the value of paper and you will see that the cups can be thin and thick.

And now it is more looking like a drop. But I think that the best time of this talk is to learn And it should varnish at the moment that we need. To do it, we should animate another setting of this talk. It is called start. Let's move about five frames or even two three, it depends on your speed of animation and put the first key and the value will be zero. Slide a bit further, further the last key that we have had unput this target value like 100%.

Now you see that this talk is disappearing. Okay, let's change the color color of the first stroke and make it the same as the ledger has and play the animation Have a look. Is it that the latter is a Baron from from the kind of a drop. It has a direction it flies into the letter and draw it. Okay let's tune the case a bit and tend to in adults let's dedicate his talk with political win and we can precompose Stroke number one and number two and go. Okay, turn it off for a while.

Firstly, you can duplicate the animation several times and place it like as tears by moving few frames, then go to the effect, find their field effect and choose different colors so I've changed the game To be on the one frame, and now see that the animation has an additional fact that I think looks late. It is not necessary to use three colors. You can use just two or even five or 10. It all depends on here. It has scale the ledger you'll see behind behind the ledger layers to fix it. You can select the first layer then go to the effect.

Choose Matt and use simple trucker should be one then copy it and paste it to the second layer. Now see that there is no borders behind layers. Okay, what else there are endless number of options, how the animation can look. I will show you my own and my favorite one I tend to choke change the color to another one, press OK. Then change the width of this choke. I think that I animated the settings so I need to turn off Turn off the animation by unlock the lock. When you click this clock to be an active, all the keys are deleted, so no need to do it by hand.

Okay I have to change the way that I can go to change be the path of this choke because I don't wanted to repeat exactly the basic path. I just move the points of the mask rabbit and of course it is randomly but please do it smooth Okay, have a look. Now we see that this choke is moment with our animation. But we can do an effect of later appearance. I think it will look nicer. Also we can tune the value of taper and make it like that.

Tapper has sat him down And we can make them smarter, I think it will look better. I don't like this corner and I'll edit it okay. So there is a tricky hug that alike and that we can add here now the fact that this stroke is in lace in the ledger to do such an effect you should make a new solid Bring here reduce choke and going to draw a mask like spiral. Oh, that is like a shooter here and aunties trying to decorate the animation and buy this as not to say that you should do experiments. Try it Maybe it will be cool. Okay.

Now you see that the curls are above the letter, but we need them to be slightly behind the letter when you to duplicate the letter then put it behind the curse and by using mosque recover the parts that we need, or actually that we don't need. We can turn on this talk for a while. And now let's see the package talk has about around the letter. Let's animate Go to the seconds of reduced choke use and the value is zero. Slide the time line and the value will be 100% and the same with the weather disappearing effect. Okay let's show the left hand of our mask that covers the letter to cut annually you need to press out plus square bracket it is opened so it will cut left side and closed bracket right head Okay, have a look I'd like to edit the graph added to Ks.

Okay, have a look. It looks nice. So let's turn on one more stroke and put it above and play the animation altogether. Okay you can add as many lands and strokes as you like. can shift to the box and then look like a capital asset also you can edit it by timeline to make this bit different also the lines can be above or behind the letters. All depends on your imagination and sounds.

Okay, let's leave this animation as it is looking now and add something more I think that it would delete to start this animation with a tiny drop that will have grown up to such an animation. I will precompose all the animation now. Just select all, select all the layers, then press layer pre compose, name it as you like. Actually, to name layers is a good manner and add a half such manner, but for you I will do so, main animation press ok let's imagine the box Future drop. Okay, how I look and this point is this part of the basic animation. So let's add one more.

Making use solid. Okay, go to the effects, doing 3d stroke, use pencil and draw one more curl. Okay, I think this box is enough to name it, drop and let's animated use charts. settings actually, to make it to look and like, drop real drop. We need to short this book. I'm going to use tape or sentence activated and let's make a drop form like this one.

Okay, so my job will be look like this one. Okay, maybe we should charge more It's 10 and 10 on the main animation. So now, we should match the time of start of one animation and the end of another one. Okay, tune the key a bit and reached this result. There are no rules of doing it, only your intuition. You just should do have a look like or don't like and that's how and this is the best Principle of animation such as logos or forms, I think that this design will be useful for you at least for once in your life.

And also I can tell you about box and problems that you can face. If you look at this logo let me bring it here. Yeah logos are different. And the more tricky it is written, the more difficult to match this token to the letters of the original one. For example, How shall you what can happen? So make a new solid to everything like the previous project and for example, I'm going to animate these weather and have a look.

Okay, let me floor on this back for you. Okay, sometimes when stroke isn't able to cover the pond Exactly, and you'll see such a massive hangnails and it looks lad good to toe Now let's say that and the solution of this problem is in hand added and fixing. Don't leave such an artic box if you would like the animation looks smooth. So in this case, for example, lead the animation is okay. We should precompose the letter then then select power tool check that out unselected men shape and form that covers the man. Now the shape covers these back and we can deduct using track mat and alpha invert mat.

Here it is. But at this moment we got another bag so watch We do wish to find the moment where this part this, but this patch is not needed. And after we should cut this layer this patch there and you see that the block is fixed. And now we have the good animation. The number of patches can be really big. I don't know exactly.

But yes it happens, for example to animate Sasha lager, and to to fix it in many places. Yes. As for the technique, I would like to tell you that The animation of the whole logo can be divided into several parts and you should see these parts. For example, here, the capital letters were have their own animation than this line, this underline will, will have its own animation. Both of the words that are written as one word will have a stroke animation like an imaginary part of the band or brush. But in some cases, you will need to interrupt and making his joke or no using my advices and recommendations.

He is a great elite and stylish animation. That's all thank you see you

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