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First of all, let me congratulate you for being here. This shows your commitment and motivation to craft a better year in life for yourself. Having the motivation and interest to seek classes on how to improve yourself already says a lot about your future success. and improving yourself is always a gift that you are giving to the words. It doesn't matter if you're watching this on first January or 25 of September, you are always in time to change things for better and to improve yourself. But if you do seem to be watching this in the beginning of January, I hope you have a great, great year.

Now you have to be clear in what you want your year to look like you are the one deciding how this year will look to you. So start by writing in your journal, a word that describes your ear, a word that describes how you want your ear to look like so I want to New Year to be extraordinary. As Brendon Burchard said, there are two things that can change your life. Either something new comes into your life, or something new comes from within. So make sure that this year you commit yourself to get something new coming from within that will give you an extraordinary year, because you have the power and the motivation to make this year, the best year of your life. If you can make yourself do it.

Well in this class, you will learn how to set proper goals and how to actually achieve them. But remember that this is not only about achieving your long term goals. It's also about the journey and you have to learn to enjoy the process that you commit yourself to. Every new year I've been writing my goals down and also a plan on how to achieve them. Because having goals is not enough. You have to work towards them.

So this class is not about writing your New Year's resume. illusions and waiting for them to come true. It's about setting proper goals and actually working to make them come true. You don't need to compromise all of your time to achieve your goals. You just need to commit yourself to make progress every single day. And that might be one of the most important things that you can take away from this class.

So attach your identity to who you want to be. Raise your standards, and then improve yourself make progress every day to make sure you can rise to meet those standards. Because when you say you are not optimistic, don't think that you will become optimistic when you say you are lazy. Don't think that you suddenly will stop being lazy. You have to decide who you are going to be. And you have to attach your identity to that.

So decide now that you are a high achiever, and that you will achieve all of your goals because when you actually decide that you are a high achiever, you'll be Much more prompt to achieve those goals. You can choose to be a high achiever to be a more kind of person to be more optimistic to have more joy, you are the one deciding who you want to be. So I hope you can make progress on this class by watching it till the end. But more importantly, I challenge you to apply the things that you're going to learn here because those are some of the things that will help you to have a better life for yourself and to actually achieve your New Year's resolutions once and for all. So I hope to see you inside

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