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So Hi, and welcome to designing training. So I'm really excited that you are here, because it is on a training, we'll be talking about the main fears that people have. And that may prevent you from taking important actions. Maybe you want to approach that person, but then you have some kind of fears inside you. Or maybe you want to ask for raise, you want to start in your business, or you have any other action that you want to take to create a better life for yourself and for people around you. But you don't take action because you are afraid.

So it is on a training, we'll discuss the main fears that people have and how you can overcome them. Fear is something that everyone has. So no matter where you are from and who you are, everyone will experience fear to a certain extent. Now it's important to understand that fear is not only something bad, because most people perceive fear as something negative. And sometimes fear is a great thing. Let me explain why.

Sometimes fear has a message. Let's say that you want to approach Someone in a bar. And then you fear something, you don't know what, but you start getting Theatre in your body. So you should listen to the message that fear is giving you. So how can you do that? So you put yourself in the situation that is stressful, or you just imagine that you are in the stressful situation.

And then I would like you to feel your body. And to try to locate where the fee is. Let's say that you want to approach that person. And you are afraid. And I sense that I have this fear here in my stomach. So what I will do, I will just put my hands on my stomach that will just listen.

I would judge what is there I would just listen. And sometimes fear has a message if we give you a message, and it can be Alan finally it's the right time to take action. Or Alan you should trust yourself and take action or Arlen. Now it's really time for you to shine. Sometimes you will have message like that and so it It's really great to be aware that sometimes fear is here to guide you. So sometimes you should listen to the fear, you should listen to the message that it has to guide you.

And sometimes you must tell your fear to be quiet. Because if you keep focusing on your fears, the more you focus on something, the more it grows. So it's the same thing if you are driving your car, if you focus on the road, where do you go on the road? If you focus on the side of the road, and if you focus too long on the side of the road, what happens? You get an accident. Why is that?

Because by focusing on things that are preventing you from going forward, in this case are fears the more you focus on your fears, the more you will be paralyzed by them. So it could be great to to listen to your feet and say, Oh, I have this theory. It guides it guides me to do that. It's great, but then at the same time, you don't want to put too much focus on it. Just want to get the message and then you want to move forward. And you don't focus on the fears, you focus on where you want to go.

And here's the secret here. If you really want to take massive action, it's about just focusing where you want to go, and the fears, you will see that the wishes appear. The more you focus on the fears, the moderate growth, the more you focus on where you want to go, the easier it will be, to go. If you want to decrease fear, and you feel that you have, you can just change what you put your attention on. And I encourage you to be grateful instead, because being grateful and being fearful are two things that you cannot experience together. So, next time that you are afraid of doing something asking for a starting that new business.

It's because you have put your attention focus on something that makes you feel fear. So if you want to change what you feel and decrease this fear, you just have to change what you put your attention on. And you can put your attention on something that makes you feel grateful. Maybe it's people that you love, maybe it's somebody thing that you are proud of, it's really up to you to find things that you are grateful for, what I encourage you to do is to find at least three to five things that you are grateful for. And immediately after you feel this fear, you can just change your focus and put your attention on the things. And you will see that you will feel a crate full instead of fear.

So let's say that I'm afraid now because I have to take an important action. So you see here, I'm putting myself in a state of fear. I'm, you see here, I'm fearful because I am thinking about what the actions that I would have to take. And if right now I just say, Okay, what if he said, putting off what if instead of putting my attention on what I have to do, what if instead, I just focus on being grateful. So here, I'm focusing on what I'm grateful for. And you can see here that immediately, I have a state change, it means that I'm grateful now, and I'm not fearful anymore, and now it's a really great place to work.

People tend to take the action from a state of being grateful, rather than being fearful. So try that right now. Just think about the situation that you are stressed about. And then you stop thinking about the situation. And you change your focus, change what you put your attention on, and you put your attention on something that you would feel that will make you feel grateful, you are not your fear. And here a distinction that is really important, because people think that their fear is part of them.

But what I would like you to realize is that fear is something that enters your body. I would like you just to imagine that you're in a situation, and then when you are afraid is because you catch fear. It means that there is a fear that enters your body. And by knowing that it's easier to let it go. I would like to use a metaphor so that you can just understand how you can deal with fear in general. I'd like you to imagine that you're walking down the streets, and there are fears floating around and then when you In a certain situation, you will have one fear that will enter your body.

For example, before approaching someone, you are walking down the streets, you want to approach someone, and then there is a fear floating around that is the fuel for approaching that enters your body. So it's not, you are not this fear of approaching, it's just a fear that enters your body. You are, you want to ask for race, then you have the fear of the fear of them succeeding of failure that enters your body. I would like you to imagine fear like that. Maybe it's not true. But what will help you is that if you thinking in that terms, you know, that is not your fear.

And in design training, I will show you the best ways to decrease all these fears, so that you can just take action. So think about that, that you have fears entering your body, and then you can let them go. So now let's jump right in. Let's start with the fear of failure, which is a really big one. So see you in the next section.

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