EtherChannel Lab

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Welcome back everyone. Here we are in our ether channel lab. Ah all right now I know this is no ether channel here because we're doing a comparison loops. We're doing a comparison between this identical network here to hear with ether channel and without ether channel now they obviously none of them have ether channel on there and how do I know that because just by looking at the lights I see the spanning tree is doing its job is blocking some redundant links in order to avoid switching loops and it's actually blocking like that a go length. So what we want to do there there was a purpose why this person said hey, I want to put more tables between my switches because he wants more bandwidth he maybe can afford cat six he can't afford you know, fiber or whatever the case may be. He wants to you know, put more burnouts batteries Getting in his way.

Because he's route spanning tree saying, hey, these are redundant links, I can have that. So we bypass that, we bypass that, which, for CCNP level or even greater, you'll learn that that can cause an issue as well. But anyway, we won't get into that we'll get into just how to create a ether channel, tunnel or ether channel port, how to aggregate these particular lines. So work together as one without spanning tree having to block that way, access one line, and we will get 300 megabits per second, going down our backbone. Okay, so it'll run faster. So, now I have it here, also, so you don't have to worry about it.

And I'll just go ahead and take this if it lets me. Okay, here we go. I don't know why does that computer's running weird. Alright. All I really need to look at is the switches. Alright, so now we know that V means vendor, we know c mean Cisco, Cisco.

And if you're going to use pag p, if you use desirable, I mean, say that's what you're using. That's it. And then on the other side, you put auto, and then it will say, Oh, well, you're using pag p, I'm going to use pack p two. So that's what essentially you're doing right? Here's a configuration, the basic configuration of ether channel is pretty straightforward. Pretty straightforward.

And I put this interface here, because this is just one of the interfaces that we're using, we're using 2021 22. But to for you to know that these particular commands down here are actually gone on the interface. But now this is what I like to do. Let's go ahead and start with switch number two, okay, on the left, because to whatever it is, it will doesn't matter. Let's just let's go to name so we know we're at config t hostname and switch to switch. SW two.

Yeah. Okay, so switched on so what we're gonna do is those ports that we're going to be working with on our first shut them now in range F Zero slash 20 through 20 and we'll do shot and the reason for that is I don't want any DTP frames getting in the way I don't want sending any information amongst each other, alright? Because they do send up to us to each other. I don't want none of that because I don't want any problems. I hope this switch three okay. config t hostname as w three and let's go to int range, F Zero slash 20.

And then BAM we do shot I'm back all later. All right, once we're done with the configuration, alright, let's go back to switch to. Alright, let's get out of here went to global and let's first do what it says right there. We're going to create our port channel, right? We're gonna go interface port, channel one, okay, I want to truncate switch port one, switch port mode trunk because trunk port Okay, then we're gonna go back into that range to see if I can get back in here. All right, me lazy interface range, F Zero slash 2022.

And now we do trunk those ports as well. switch port mode trunk. Okay, do a non negotiate. Alright, non negotiate, remember, so it doesn't send any DTP frames, switch port, we learned that previously. Non negotiate And then we tell it what channel group channel. Really?

Channel. Yep, I'm spilling it all over the channel for other channel hyphen. Wha Okay, group one question mark to the rescue. And remember, desirable means unconditional. So that's what we're going to do desirable. desirable.

I misspelled it. Awesome. There you go. Do wr That one's done. All right, let's go. Now to switch three.

I want to do the same thing out here. I'm gonna do the same exact thing, interface. Port typhon. I'm gonna type in one, channel, one. Okay, and then we truncate. I said, it wasn't but Trump can't help myself.

It's like an automatic response. No one wants out range again in range F Zero slash 25 and 22 and then we're truncate switchport mode trunk right we do not negotiate twitch for non negotiate and then the channel hyphen group one but I thought desirable is time mode is going to be out of because that's what our domain is if you take a look over here is still Pappy, but is detected desirable as unconditional. So we're going to put out that you go to our and I'm going to do a no shut since we're already in these windows shut. Right and we are again just because That way. All right, let me bring this switch over again over here, and we'll do no shock. All right, so let's see a change state to up.

So what we should see. All right, is that a fast forward in time, let's click here. All green, all lights are green. So we actually aggregated these ports to work as one night not going to see any here. You're going to go over here and try to do a little packet whatever is going to go with things fuses, the programming wasn't that good? Or that detailed?

Okay, so you can see the changes. But if you do a show start, you'll see there's your port channel trunk, okay. You're going to see your what you've configured under those right there. Okay. And let's see if you can see show ports. I think you can see show show port security ports, I don't think is to show port security items.

Okay? No big deal. I mean, the lollies, you can see that indeed, that is now spanning tree is not an issue, because we've aggregated these ports, okay to work as one. So that bypasses spanning tree The good thing. Why? Because we get more bandwidth.

But as our configurations get more complex, we could run into an issue of switching loops when we got to be very careful when we got to really monitor our networks. If we're going to be aggregating any kind of ports, especially within our land, that we don't run into any type of switching because now we're just bypassing spanning tree. We haven't turned it off which is bypass matching a spanning tree, treat this as one huge port. That's why we first create a port channel one, and we associate that port channel one, right with this channel group one. All right, which means this right here, so they can all they can work as just one particular port. Okay, just to get more bandwidth, that is the purpose of ether channel.

And that's how you would do it again, certification purposes, you won't have to configure ether channel. If you do, there it is, you'll have this resource available to you. Okay, but is basically knowing this right here. The purpose of it, which I just told you, and this and that. It's called aggregation, aggregation. Bringing multiple lines, you can do this and when you did this in telecommunications, possibly with T one lines you bundled One lines together.

All right, obviously you did it with PPP. But you did Bongo T one line so you can get greater bandwidth you were aggregating those t ones. Here we're just aggregating using ether channel, these Fast Ethernet ports. So now instead of getting 100 megabits per second, we should have 300 megabits per second. And that is your ether channel. configuration.

See you in the next

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