As you get into the Freddie King style through these instrumentals that we're going to learn in this lesson series, I think it's helpful to just master a few of Freddie kings, what I call signature licks. These are links that he uses over and over again in different ways and different songs not just as instrumentals, but also his vocal tunes. And so here, I want to show you some of these basic ideas, what he's playing, and then when you hear them in the instrumentals, you'll already be at least a little bit familiar with some of the essentials of his style. The first one is the bands. And the thing that makes Freddy King's style of guitar playing so cool is the way he uses bands. And Freddie King basically has two types of bands that he uses in different ways.
All these licks in this section I'm going to show you in the key of A all of these are movable since they're going to be played either over the first position blue Xbox, which again is going to follow the first position barre chord and then the second position blues box, which we've talked about, and he's got a couple that are are outside that a couple of his double stops move beyond that. But let's start out with is this is basic so when he's playing in the first position blue Xbox, what are some of the general liquidity that let's start with events, I call these long bands. When he's bending on the second string with all four fingers, first finger on the fifth fret. So here's my first position, a barre chord, we're gonna start there, and just put the fingers down until your pinkie is on the eighth fret of the second string, you bend them all together.
Sometimes they'll throw in some vibrato. But on the second string with four fingers, that's something Freddie does a lot. In the first position, blue Xbox sometimes So, hold that ban, sometimes we'll kind of play with it something like this and move into other licks. Sometimes they'll just hold it to different degrees. Now that same idea, move it to the first strike. And there is a very common Freddie King like bending the first string and the first position blues box.
Again, same finger position, just move everything over. And when you listen to Freddie kings playing, you'll hear all kinds of variations of that position. So that's over the first position, blue Xbox, we've got these poor what I call four fingered bets. Now there's also three fingered bets. And mainly when Freddie's playing in the first position blue Xbox, he's going to do that. So for an A, he's going to do it on the seventh fret of the first string.
And a lot of times they'll run into it. Like this, something like that. So here I'm bending with three fingers on the fifth, sixth and seventh fret. And he doesn't do a whole lot of that he usually uses that is kind of a quick ban or something like that. But every now and then he will, then the second string, if you take that same three finger position, move it back to the second string. Every now and then he'll bend on that, but that's not one that Freddie used a ton.
Mostly when he did the three fingered band in the first position blues box, he do it. On that note right there. Some other basic Freddie King licks in the first position blues box. Another one is what I call a foundation lick. And this is one that he does in two different ways. So let me show you what I'm talking about here.
Go something like this. That kind of lick he uses to start off a solo to start off some of the songs. And in the middle of a solo, he'll use that lick and a lot of different ways, maybe something like this. And this way I'm bending into it. So the first variation of this lick, I'm bending up the seventh fret of the third string. And then I'm getting the second string and then the first string at the fifth fret.
And then coming back to the eighth fret to the fifth fret. That kind of lick and then he can continue on with that in a lot of different ways. Right to the third string or some of those bands like that, but that's something you hear him do a lot in his solos and also in his fills and other stuff. Now, another way He might get into that as by starting from the fifth to the sixth or something like that. So I'm starting on the fifth fret of the third string, sixth fret, and then five, seven on the second string. back, I'm not going to the seventh fret of the second string, we got this.
So instead of this we got this very similar licks, but not quite the same. Sorry, I was a little confusing there. So leave that out. He does do this. That kind of lick but not there. This time.
He's just gone Five, six, eighth fret, second string, eighth fret, first string, and then whatever else he's gonna do next. So those are a couple, what I call Freddy King foundation likes he uses those to start a lot of licks that he uses, you know, and there's different solos and things like that. First position blue Xbox, maybe the key band that Freddie does is on the third string. And he bends the third string a ton. So four in the first position, blue, Xbox and a we're bending the seventh fret of the third string with three fingers. He does a lot of different stuff with this and that's something you'll learn as you go through all these instrumentals is you know, the different variations so Sometimes he'll just bend it straight.
Other times he'll do what I call a double band where he'll bend up. Come back to the thread like this. Again, right away without you'll hear him do that sometimes. So banner cola Between the fifth or seventh and the fifth fret. I'll do all kinds of stuff based on that lick right there. Then Then the third string in the middle of the first position loose box.