Course Overview

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Hello sunshine. Welcome to make fans feel special email lists for creatives. This is my first ever course and I am over the moon with excitement to share my ideas and my knowledge with you. Now, you are in the right place. If you are an authentic friendly artists who wants to scale your close fan connections, that means Be yourself but automated and in several places at once so that you can be practicing and gigging all the while you are in the right place, if you have full creative control over your music career, so that means there are no pesky investors, no label who was controlling and trying to gatekeeper your relationship with your fans telling you what you can and cannot say to them, that you have to go through them to be able to talk to your fan base. And lastly, you are in the right place if you are someone who wants to define your creative success on your own terms, all while being yourself, does this sound like you?

If so, let's continue to tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Clarence. I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and I run a music marketing agency called pop of color. You know how stage actors will wear stage makeup in order to enhance the natural facial features to a larger audience. I help artists do that with their personalities, who and artists is on their off days when they're at the grocery store should not be who they are when talking to their fans. So what we do at color is we help them find the best parts of their authentic personality and turn up the volume on them in order to cut through the noise whether that be on social media, in interviews, bantering in between songs of their set, or via email.

It's a delicate art because you never want artists to come across as a parody of themselves, or get caged or pigeonholed into some 2d run trick pony role, where they're not able to be their versatile selves. That is what comes with true artistry and authentic music. I started out as a country folk singer songwriter myself, and I was very fortunate to discover early on that I'm someone who prefers to be cheering loudly from the VIP row, then to be the center of attention. I firmly believe I was put on this earth to serve to be helpful and to make people feel special. And that's why making fans feel special is a cornerstone to my philosophy as an entrepreneur and then in the music industry, and that is what I'll be showing you how to do in this course.

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