Intro - Digital Electric Circuits

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This course is entitled digital electric circuits. In today's world, the manufacturers are coming out with more and more what we call IEDs or intelligent electrical devices, which are pretty much computer based. And they have a logic system to them. That requires a basic understanding if you're going to work with the manufacturers and their relays and meters and the different control circuits that are out there on the market. This course will give you that basic understanding so that when a manufacturer sets up to give you the instructions for the new device that you purchased or the new device that you're going to purchase, you will understand what he or she is talking about. The course starts out in a very rudimentary fashion in looking at numbering systems.

And there's several numbering systems out there. But very quickly, we will converge on the digital and the binary systems of numbers, which will be the core of this course. For instance, in defining a number, in this case, the decimal number, we talk about things like the base and the weight of each number, and how it's used to describe the number in its universal form. We get very quickly into conversion of binary systems into decimal systems and go through some rules for that. And we also can talk about the conversion of decimals, binary systems and we go through that the basic rules For binary arithmetic is reviewed here because they become very important as we get into the later stages of analyzing adder circuits and shift registers and the like. So, the basic rules and understanding of what happens in a digital numbering system are examined.

Addition as well as subtraction are covered in this area. about midway through the course, probably the most interesting part of it is the analysis of gates and this is where a lot of emphasis is placed when dealing with IEDs or intelligent electrical devices that the manufacturers have out there. They will refer to the functionality of their equipment in terms of standard gate logics And we go through an analysis of an gates OR gates NOR gates Exclusive OR gates. And we do a series of what would look like a an electric functional electric circuit that you see here. And as I said, we cover and gates OR gates, NAND gates NOR gates negative AND gates, negative OR gates Exclusive OR gates, and Exclusive NOR gates. Gates very quickly lead into multi vibrators and flip flops and latch circuits which are examined and designed in front of you and the functionality are looked at as well.

Several different types of flip flops and latches and multi vibrators are examined and defined in this course. Along with them is the functionality of the JK flip flop. From there we go on to counters and shift registers. We don't do an in depth study of it, but we do cover off what how a counter works and how a shift register functions. And we look at various forms using the various types of multi vibrators. In order to do that, for example, this four bit up counter, which is examined in detail.

And finally, we get into some of the combinational logic terms and, and functionalities such as the adder circuits, which will add binary numbers together in order to give you what you're looking for in the way of combinational logic. logic. full adders are then connected together as in this example of a parallel ladder. And the functionality of a four bit parallel ladder is gone through in some detail, which will give you a good feeling for the functionality of parallel adders. And that pretty much sums up the course.

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