MLM vs Affiliate Networks

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Alright, I want to talk about how to move from the MLM scheme to the American dream. Now, when it comes to MLM, like I discussed just a little bit before. Again, you want to avoid things that start looking like a pyramid after too many levels, especially after three, that's where it starts to get a little bit dangerous and dicey. There's going to be multiple names, it's going to seem like it's legitimate, and that there's a way to stay afloat. But the idea is just supply and demand. And eventually, when you create things where most of the income or a decent portion of income is actually derivative from getting people under you to sign up as this program's provider or seller, or however you want to call it, franchisee anything, it's going to very quickly surpass the actual demand, and the demand is going to make itself known pretty quickly.

Although unfortunately The company won't show you the statistics, because that's the idea of an MLM. Why would they tell you that sales are down? They want to tell you that sales have never been better. Because of course, there have never been more people that have joined the network than ever before. Are all these people active? That's another question.

All of these things just need to be taken with a grain of salt when you move into certain networks that offer these ideas of making money overnight or the quickness of riches through almost no time dedication, I say even to be making it inside of my coaching program. We're going to be helping you building out sales funnels and helping you know you tweak everything sales calls everything. I still say you need about five to 10 hours a week and that's not much I'm saying one to two hours every day after you get home from your nine to five your work whatever you do, I know it may seem a little bit but 60 minutes 60 minutes to dedicate towards that, and you can start adding up a lot of time. But when they say, Oh, you don't need much time, you know, it's it's part time, it's gonna take a lot more.

And for me, it's five to 10 hours, over 12 months. All right, so it's not just a little portion, it's when you add this all together, you're going to be putting in anywhere from 250 to 500 hours, that's what we're looking at. So I'm gonna be helping you through all of that. That doesn't sound like an MLM that sounds more like a lot of work. And that's the exact thing that MLM wants to kind of steer away from us all. You're not gonna have to work too much, you're not gonna have to do this.

But the truth is, is that there's work in everything that you do, you can obviously leverage your time and outsource work with VA s, things of that nature. virtual assistants are great help when you're looking to do mundane tasks or repetitive tasks or data entry, any of those things that you can even train them to do more specified. I'd work like SEO work or anything like that. I've done that before even. So what you want to steer away from is the mlms that have you start building those networks and those downlines you also want to avoid mlms that force you to buy their products, because what that's going to mean is that when they get more downlines, of course, they're gonna multiply. How many people are buying products, and that's going to inflate those chart rankings, where they go, Oh, you know, here's our data, you know, we're doing great.

But really, all they've done is they've improved from sales to the sales, men are salespeople. And as that goes up, so do the sales. So again, there's a lot of tricks that you want to watch out for inside network marketing. With that beans, I'm sorry, network, multi level marketing outfits that call themselves Some network marketers. That's the better befitting term. Now, if you want to be an affiliate if you want someone else's product this is really what I'm getting down to and boiling down to the best places to go are things like Clickbank All right.

Let me just put this for you filete networks. And again, these are trusted places that have already been vetted by thousands and 10s and hundreds of thousands of users. And the other one I there's a few others that we'll go into, but these are the three biggest ones. And Clickbank, jvzoo, and share sale, all have different Things that are unique about them with Clickbank, you can have almost instant approval on I would say about 80% of the products. That means if you find something you can do all the research every affiliate network has, you know, not the amount of sales but they have how well it converts you know sometimes the conversion rates right on the page sometimes it's more judged by a different number like hey, when you push a lot of traffic to it's popular as a lot of sales on Clickbank that's known as a gravity, I'll be walking through some of these things for you.

So you can understand how to get started inside each affiliate network and kind of join what you want, depending on how you're gonna fill out what I call and we'll talk about this, your value ladder and your value ladder can be made up of all your own products or someone else's, it really doesn't matter. The point being is that you have something that's priced, small, medium, and as I call it a back end or high ticket so Outside of that, you're probably going to have what's known as a continuity where time passes another charge, time passes, another charge, something like that. And when you have this setup, this, whoops, this entire thing right here, this is a business, people that say, Oh, you only need one sales funnel. You know, there's a couple mentors that I follow, and they sometimes have it wrong. I don't know if they lose their message amongst all the millions they make.

But it's sad to see that some people are saying you're only one sales funnel away from being a millionaire. And that's not quite true, your one value ladder away, which you could consider a streaming value ladder in a sense, you know, it wraps through but I don't know about one sales funnel, one sales funnel, is what you're supposed to do to break even. And if you thought that you can make a million dollars off your front end, you're going to be in for a very, very Very long wait. And I don't want you guys waiting for success success is something that you achieve. It's something that is pushed by you. It's not, oh, it'll fall in my lap.

So each of these different affiliate networks will fill in probably a different part of your value ladder. And, you know, jvzoo might be one of your mid tickets because it has higher priced options. Share sale might be your top tier because it sometimes has launches. jvzoo does as well where their coaching programs for 510 $25,000 getting one sale like that, and being paid out. 50% boy $12,000 It's a pretty hefty paycheck. But it's nice when all you have to do is send maybe a couple emails to your email list.

And they know Oh, that's Zach Miller. That's a Nick, Nick single or, you know, that's Dan Kennedy. Yeah, I want to get some coaching from them. And then from there, boom, you're paid out. 50% Commission's you don't have to deliver, you don't have to worry about any of that hoopla. It just simply comes with an email and understanding, Hey, he's This is going to be a launch for you know, June 1, so get ready for that.

And it's not that these things are gonna always be around for you forever. Some are some of these, you know, larger back ends for, you know 25 K, or always there's affiliate programs, there are some, but most come as launches and that's a really cool thing to take advantage of. Because launches really are sexy in a sense of the limited time it's right here right now. And if you don't get it, you're going to miss out and I don't want to miss it out. So, again, affiliate networks Clickbank, jvzoo, shareasale. We'll be going over each of those that fills out your value ladder, that's a better idea to start out with then trying to go to different network marketing or really most of them end up being MLM programs because what's gonna end up doing is probably end up being a scam if it's too sounds too good to be true.

It probably is. And with that, I'll just leave you on those words. Let's jump into the next section.

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