Project Primer

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In this quick video, we'll talk about how the course is structured - covering which videos are ESSENTIAL for completion of our Shooting Gallery style project and which videos are OPTIONAL (to explain core concepts to beginners).


Welcome one welcome all a quick project primer. Before we really get rolling here I just wanted to communicate with you all how the course is constructed so that you can get the most out of it. For starters, you should know that you should go through the course sequentially start with video one then go to Video two, video three, video four, etc. Don't be jumping around videos because the knowledge in one video is built upon in subsequent videos. Don't go from video 40 down to 62, etc. Make sure you're going through them in order.

Now, you may notice that I have different thumbnail images here along the left hand side, depending on what the video content is all about. What's the difference here? Well, I've broken down videos into course critical videos and for beginners Only videos. Any video that starts off with a black and white thumbnail image such as this, that is considered a course critical video everyone hoping to complete this course and have a shooting gallery style game at the end should absolutely go through these videos. However, for those that are completely new to Unreal Engine four, I have some beginner only videos. Those are denoted by these black and blue thumbnail images.

Now these gives some very foundational essential information to beginners of Unreal Engine four things like how to place actors, what are events, what are functions, those sorts of things, and I actually do those lessons in a completely separate project from our shooting gallery. So if you are going through some of these beginner only videos and you notice that hey, this isn't the shooting gallery style project. You're right that's because Those are done in a completely different project and are just meant to explain those very key concepts that we will be using back in the shooting gallery project that we will be putting together. So just know that go through the videos sequentially, and the video that starts off with a black and white thumbnail image is course critical in any video that begins with this black and blue thumbnail image is for beginners only. Alright, hope that helps clear things up.

So glad you guys joined this course can't wait to see you inside. See you in the next video.

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