Week 1 Class

7 Weeks to a ThinnerYou™ Week 1 - No Diet Weight Solution®
41 minutes
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Hello, and welcome officially to the no diet weight solution program. We are thrilled to be here with you, mainly because we're going to teach you some things that diets probably have never ever, ever taught you. Just as the name says, This is not a diet. This is a weight solution. And what that means is, this isn't a program that's going to tell you eat this not that or do this don't do that count calories, count carbs, carbs, count points, count fat, grams count anything. This isn't a math class.

Your life is not a math class. And so what we're going to teach you to do is how to develop a healthy relationship with food. Because a lot of times, people think that food is the thing that makes us fat. And it's interesting to stop Think about it. diets Have you thinking about food 24 seven for that very reason. And often second guessing yourself, should I be good?

Or should I be bad? Should I have a cheat day? Or should I not? We want to help you get out of your head and back into your life because the reality is, food alone does not make you fat. What creates excess weight game is your relationship with food, how you think about food, how you use food when you reach for food. So welcome, right off the bat to your new lifestyle.

Over the next several weeks, we're going to introduce you to very simple concepts. And we're going to show you how to apply them effectively to your every day life so that you can get off dieting rollercoaster forever and lose that excess weight for the last time. Let's jump right in. Where we like to start, even though sometimes people go Wait, why are you starting there is talking about failure. What stops a lot of people in their tracks from accomplishing something that they want to do and are perfectly capable of doing is the fear of failure. I can't do this.

I have failed on every diet I've ever been on. So we want to we want to kind of shift your mindset on a couple of things right off the bat. Number one, no diet that you've ever been on. Have you failed with you haven't failed on diets. diets have failed you. diets are not one size fits all diets don't give you the solution.

That way you can keep coming back to them. That's, let's just face it. That's how they make their money. You have to keep coming back to them if they showed you how to solve your weight problem forever, you wouldn't need them. So you have never failed on a diet. diets have failed you many times.

And so we want to shift how you think about failure. There is no fear of failure. Understand that failure is part of success. You have got to trip and fall down sometimes in order to learn. That's the only way to learn. And any thing in life you have ever been successful with.

I guarantee you fell down a heck of a lot more before you were able to just kind of stand up with it. Think about it. when a baby is first learning to walk, the baby falls down dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens of times. But at no point is the baby say You know what? I don't think this walking stuff is for me. I'm just gonna crawl the rest of my life.

This is ridiculous. No, they're determined. And they know that if they just keep doing it, all of a sudden, they'll wake up one day and they'll be walking, and they'll never think about it again. Now, obviously, a baby isn't going through that thought process. But we can go through that thought process as adults. And we have to know right off the bat, that every time you fall down, you've grown up a little bit more.

Failure is absolutely a part of success. You cannot have success without failure. So failure is a positive thing. It's a process of growth. And we want you to really think about that right off the bat. It doesn't matter if you fall down.

What matters is do you get right back up? That is something that we're going to remind Throughout throughout this program, the other thing that we asked you to do right off the bat is make a commitment to yourself a commitment not just to listen and observe and take in the information, but to actually participate. So in the next several weeks, we're going to give you a lot of tips, a lot of tools, we're going to explain how these things get applied in everyday life. And we're going to invite and encourage you to consistently be working with them. But a lot of times people simply like to observe when they're learning. Oh, that's interesting.

Oh, yeah, that's a cool thing. Yeah, I'll have to try that. But they don't put it into action. And so this commitment is about you fully participating. You have invested not just in a program you have invested in yourself. So hold yourself personally accountable.

To participate, do don't just listen, don't just think about it, don't just talk about it, do it. Doing is the only thing that's going to get you the exact results you want. So we're going to be doing a lot of things that are going to ask you to commit to making changes in your life, behavior changes, because most of the reason that we have, the things we want to change about ourselves is simply because we've had habits over time that have created that outcome. We want to show you and teach you and show you how to apply habits that you can create, that you don't have to think about anymore, that actually serve you and get you exactly the results that you want to get. and end up being able to just be healthier, happier and thinner. It's a lifestyle.

Again, this is not a one off. This is the next program. You're going to try This program shows you how to stop the dieting rollercoaster forever and create this new lifestyle. So print this out it is in your workbook pages, print this out, sign it, read it, sign it, date it, put it somewhere on your bathroom mirror, right by your bed stand. So you see it every morning or every evening. This is something that we want to impart upon you, you are the biggest piece to this puzzle.

You can have all the information in the world you can have all the greatest tools and tips and tricks and all that kind of stuff. If you don't take it and do something with it every single day and make it a consistent part of who you are every single day. It's not going to work. Just like anything else that we choose to do that with choose to participate in this and you will be amazed at how quickly and easily shifting some of these habits on a consistent basis. basis can have a huge impact on your health and your weight. Now, that being said, I said that word change a couple of times.

Let's face it, nobody likes to be changed, but a baby when it's wet. That's about the only time we like change. So I'm going to also invite you to throw the word change out of your vocabulary for the rest of this program. You're going to hear me talk about behavior change. That is the key essence, the core, the foundation of making anything happen in your life. It's about your daily behaviors.

The things we do on a daily basis, create what we get in life, good or bad, right or wrong. The reason we are today, who we are and where we are, are simply because we've chosen to do things consistently. Those things have created habits. Those habits have created our life. When we shift some of those habits because we make a choice and we make and we have awareness and say, those choices are not serving me the way I'd like them to. We're completely free to make different choices.

And so I'm going to ask you to throw the word change out and replace it with the idea of, if I don't like something right now in my life, I can choose to do something differently. Because if I keep doing what I'm doing, I'm going to keep getting what I'm getting. However, if I choose to do something different, I will get something different. So how does change work? Let's just high level talk about change. Number one, you've got to pinpoint what it is you want.

You've got a name it before you claim it. A lot of times we're very vague with that, for example, if we're talking about weight loss, I want to lose 20 pounds, I want to lose 50 pounds, I want to lose some weight. I want to get healthier. I want more energy, I want to get off my medications. And if I lose some weight, I know that that's probably going to happen. Those are very vague.

What's very vague was, um, I'm going to encourage you to go to number two here. Do I want it enough? Because what we're talking about there isn't your What? What your Why? Why do you want what you say you want? So if your want for example is I'd like to lose 50 pounds.

I'm going to ask you to dig deeper. Why? And the way that you found find your why is if I said I had a magic wand and poof you're 50 pounds lighter right now. There you go. It's done. My question to you is, how is your life different?

I just took your 50 pounds away. What's different? What can you do now that you couldn't do before? What can you wear? Now? What is going on?

Are you off your medications? Because you lost that way? Are you do you have more energy and stamina so you can go play with your grandchildren in the backyard and run around like you couldn't before when you were 50 pounds heavier? There's got to be a deeper reason, or you'll never get what you want. So do you want it enough? That is your why.

So I want you to take a moment and just think about what is it you want and so much more importantly, why do you want it because unless you can identify that why it's never going to happen. You will never be internally motivated enough to go for it because it Doesn't mean a whole lot to you. I want to lose 50 pounds until I see the chocolate cake if I love chocolate cake and then I really don't care, it flies out the window that day. And then I get in my head and beat myself up about it. When you find your why and connect with your why it takes over. And it's so much easier to simply walk away from things in moments of temptation.

When you remember your why. Now, we will give you ways to do that to truly connect with and it with your why and it moments when you you feel tempted by something to go back into an old habit. How can you get back into your new habit, your new lifestyle, we're going to share those things with you. But for now, you've got to know what you want specifically, and why it is so important to you to get that if you don't know those things. Please don't go on until you know Those because you will not find success with anything until you get clarity. When you get clarity, you can take the right action.

And when you take the right action, you get the results you want. Now, the third part of changes, I want to also have you think about what's going to get in the way. What's going to get in the way. We know the people, the places, the situations, the things that that get in our way, every time we know those things. I'm going to call them triggers. I could be sailing along and doing all my stuff the way I want to be doing it making great choices or better choices more often than not.

But there are certain things that walk into my life on occasion where I'm just gonna lose it and go straight back into old habits. That's part of behavior change. So I want you to think about ahead of time, what are those triggers? What are those environments What are the situations? What are you feeling in those moments? Are there certain people who tend to be triggers for you to reach for food?

Take a moment and think about those things for yourself. And then I'm also going to ask you, and we're going to start again with this. But this is something that you're going to discover throughout the program for yourself, what do you have to do to get exactly what you want? Once you've named it, once you figure it out why it's important to you, once you've thought about, hey, here are the triggers, I know that are going to get in my way, the barriers and here's what I'm going to do about them. You need to make a commitment to yourself to do those things. Because again, Nothing happens without action.

And that's what we're going to help you do get clarity in your life so you can take action on these things to create that healthier happier sinner lifestyle for yourself. Wanting change will not give you change. Want is not a strategy. So throw the whole thing out with I just want I want, you've got to want it enough to make it happen. And then you have to make the choices that are going to get you exactly what you want. Now, we're also going to change your language a little bit.

I mentioned changing your relationship with food again, food isn't the culprit. If food alone was what made people fat, everyone in the world who ate food would be overweight. And we know that's not the case. So it's not that some people have better metabolism or better genes are But no, no throw all of that out. Here's the thing. Food Isn't the culprit food alone does not make you fat?

What creates your excess weight? Is your relationship with food? When are you reaching for food? Why are you reaching for food? When you change your relationship with food, many things happen in your favor. And so here are a handful of them.

And I just want to, I want to walk through this with you kind of quickly here, high level, and we're going to be digging deep throughout the program into these different concepts. Different people want to change their relationship with food for different reasons. So some of the things that do happen when you change your relationship with food, I will be healthier. I will be in touch with my body and listen to my body's signals. I will regard food as fuel and put it in the proper perspective in my life. I will value my body and take care of it consistently.

Will enjoy all foods. And if I don't have a particular craving, I'll choose a healthier option. I will not only feel better, I will look better, and that will give me more confidence. I will have more energy, I will be more productive. I'll eat as though food matters because it does. movement will become a consistent rhythm in my life and I will no longer feed my emotional hunger with food.

Now when we talk about people who are overweight and people who are not overweight, what we're talking about here is often two different mentalities. It's the mindset what's happening between your ears and we like to refer to this as it's mind over fatter. Now, we call these two different mentalities of sin mentality and a fat mentality. Sin mentalities. And as I go through this, I want you to picture somebody that you know who eats like this. They only when they're actually physically hungry, they somehow know that and then they they eat what their body tells them.

They seem to know somehow, what they have a taste for what their body is looking for and what they don't want to eat right then and there. A thin mentality stops before they get full. They don't like the feeling of fullness. They they eat until they're satisfied and then they stop. They somehow know when that point is. As a matter of fact, thin mentalities avoid overeating.

They do not like that feel, and they don't take themselves there. A thin mentality doesn't think about food unless they're actually physically hungry. It's just not a part of their life until they have a physical Feeling that, oh, my body's looking for some fuel. These people sometimes forget to eat. They're busy, they're doing something. They're really into something and at some point they go, Oh, I'm really hungry.

You know what I haven't eaten today. They forget to eat. Thin mentalities do not put an emphasis on food. Food is not a part of their life, unless they're actually physically hungry. Now, let's switch over to what we call a fat mentality. A fat mentality is thinking of food constantly, constantly.

Whether they're hungry, not hungry, doesn't matter. That's not the point. They're afraid of hunger. A fat mentality is often something that dieting has created that it's the dieting mentality, and dieting mentalities are afraid of hunger. Why? Because what if I ate my calories, my carbs, my fat grams, my points my whatever for the day and I'm hungry.

What if I actually get hungry, I can't eat more. There's this this built in deprivation that happens. And so they're afraid of hunger and may eat to avoid hunger and that often causes overeating or going over whatever it is you're trying to accomplish. And it never ends well, because you're always upset with yourself always angry, always disappointed in yourself. They're always questioning constant questions around food, what should I eat? Should I be good or bad?

How much should I or shouldn't I eat? And then inevitably, the dieting mentality takes over and they say whatever I have already ruined today. I might as well ruin the weekend, and then start again on Monday and Monday becomes what D day diet day again, and there's a constant field of view. guilt, because you never feel like you're doing it right or even when you are, you're guilty of something. It's an ingrained feeling with a dieting or fat mentality. Now let's put these two mentalities.

Let's let's put them in a real world situation so you can get a good sense of what this looks like and sounds like and feels like in real life. Let's imagine that you have two friends and these two friends have met for lunch one day, they meet at a restaurant, they sit down, the waiter hands them both the exact same menu, they open it up. And even though they see the identical words on that menu, there are two very different conversations happening in those two people's minds. So let's start with the fat mentality or diet or mentality. They open the menu, they look and they go, Oh, everything looks so good. I want everything Okay, and then the question start, should I be good?

Or should I be bad? They look at everything. And there are things that they say I can't have that I can't have that I can't have that I can't have that. And what they do is they end up with some lettuce filled salad. And that's it. And every single thing they've looked at, they look at dressings, and if it says fat free or low fat, they pick those things automatically because there's a thought process of, I'm going to deprive myself.

And if it says no fat or low fat, that must be better. For me while I'm trying to lose weight. Everything they see has a number attached to it. They're looking at the calorie counts, the carbs, the everything fat grams. No matter what they choose, there's either guilt or there's deprivation. Now let's go to the other side of the table, where you have the friend who's the Finn mentality.

And that friend is looking at the identical words on the identical menu. But what's happening in their head is, hmm, wow, lots of really good stuff here. Let me see, well, what do I have a taste for? And they start kind of perusing until a couple of things might catch their eye. Oh, that you know what? Yeah, that would taste really good.

Now, they somehow know what they have a taste for and what they don't. And then they kind of think, well, let's see how hungry am I? You don't I'm not that hungry. Maybe I'll get the bowl of soup. And I'll get that dessert that looks that you know what those that looks really good to me right now. And they're not looking at numbers.

And there's no guilt attached to any choices they make. They're not making choices out of guilt or deprivation. They're making choices out of how hungry am I and what do I have a taste for? What's my body looking for right now? And when you begin to have a relationship with food that looks more like that you get the result you want. Because you're feeding your body what it wants, you're not feeding your mind what it thinks you should or shouldn't have, or wonder what you're gonna have later or not have later.

So these two different types of mentality. So how do you begin to go from a dieters mentality or a fat mentality to a thin mentality, I'm going to go ahead and give you an analogy. That's going to introduce you to a thought process to help you begin to do that. And by the end of this program, you will be able to become a naturally thin mentality for the rest of your life. We call this analogy a room full of gold. And here's how it goes.

Imagine that you love gold, you're obsessed with it gold bars like the money you see there on the screen. You love gold bars more than anything. And I come along and say to you, Hey, I have a room full of gold. Here, let me open the door for you. Go ahead and take what you want. But here's the thing.

I'm only going to allow you into my room full of gold for three minutes. That's it, and then I'm going to lock the door you're never allowed back in. What would you do? Chances are what most people would do would go I've got three minutes, I have to take everything I possibly can. And so you go in and you start tossing gold bars out. If you can find a wheelbarrow or a you know a truck, maybe there's a u haul up the street, you go grab it, you fill it up as much as you can, so you can haul it away.

You take everything you can get your hands on, and then I lock you out of the room forever. If you think about it, that's a lot like dieting. Right? You're doing okay. And then all of a sudden, there's this smorgasbord of food. And and you go a little nutso with it, and you overdo, let's say it's a it's a Friday and maybe for work, they bring lunch in or somebody has a party or you go to something a big dinner that evening, and you just go overboard, because it was there.

And you go, you know what? It's okay. It happens. I'm going to get right back on track tomorrow. And then you go, Oh, wait a minute. Shoot.

Tomorrow is the wedding. And I have to have wedding cake. And we already have the dinners. I'm having the big steak and you know what? Nevermind. I've already blown the weekend.

That's fine. I'm just going to start again Monday. And that's the cycle that we get in. Because just like the room full of gold, if it's open to you, you're going to take everything, because the rest of the time you feel deprived. So I'm going to shift your thinking on this a little bit. I still have a room full of gold, and you still love gold bars.

I come to you and say, I have a room full of gold. And I am going to allow you into my room full of gold to take what you need, anytime you need it. And I'm going to hand you a key and say, there you go. Now, once you've trusted, that your key works, and you can go in and take what you need. And then if you need some more later, you can come back and take some more you begin to start to think Wait a minute, I don't have to grab it. All right now, I can simply go get some.

And then I can go back and get some more. I don't have to take everything I want. I can take anything I need when I need it. How would your behavior change? Probably drastically once you trusted the process. So if you think about it, oftentimes a dieters mentality looks around them in their world and says foods everywhere.

It's on every commercials on every street corner, you can't go down the street, you go to work and it's sitting in the in the break room constantly. There's always food and that's not a good thing. The thin mentality goes, there's always food. So whenever I need it, it's gonna be there. It's not going away. That's okay.

Don't ever have to worry about being deprived. You're having it not be there. What am I going to waste away to nothing? No, that's pretty impossible. You're going to be able to get it anytime you need it. And so this mindset shift from I wanted I wanted I wanted, I'm reaching for I don't even know I've reached for it and I'm eating it until I'm halfway done.

We're going to bring some new awareness to you. We're going to bring you some new behavior shifts to you. And we're going to put you in control of your life when it comes to food, and you will have your own room full of gold for the rest of your life. So here's the first thing that we're going to start with concept one. When we meet again in our next lesson, we're going to dive deeply into this but for right now, here's a concept I want you to put into your mind. You are going to begin to eat only when you are Physically hungry.

When your body is asking for fuel, because the body sees food as fuel, it's no different than putting gas into your car. Your body needs fuel, it needs food, to actually allow you to do all the things you need to do in life. So begin thinking in terms of stopping eating, when you are body satisfied, we're going to talk about what that means. Because as per the room full of gold, you don't have to overeat anymore, you know, you can have it again. Any time you're physically hungry again. D walk the creator of this program loves to say there is an 11th commandment and it is Thou shall not eat unless body hungry.

The other thing we're going to ask you to do is get rid of your scale. Now, some of you when I said that might have just gasped Huh? What? No, what? No, I can't No, no, I need to check in seven times a day on my scale. That's a habit we need to break.

It's a habit we need to break, you are so much more than a number on a scale. And you need to begin believing that you need to know that. We're going to talk a lot about your self talk and your self belief and those things. Those are the biggest key components to you accomplishing your weight loss goal and sustaining it. You've got to say no to your scale, just say no. So I'm going to encourage you this week to sit down and break up with your scale.

Just break up the relationships over break up. They are not helping you. They are toxic. They are not a person you want in your life anymore. They're not helping you We're going to begin bringing things into your life that simply serve you better. Your scale is not one of them.

You can weigh yourself seven times today and have seven different numbers. The numbers are not what we're aiming for. That's not the problem. Numbers simply play head games with you, and we're getting out of your head. It doesn't matter what's going on. If you were in your head about it, it's an awful place to be you've got to get out of there for all of us.

So write yourself a dear john letter if you need to your scale, tell it you're breaking up with it. But before you do that, I want you to weigh yourself one more time. Now, before you weigh yourself and you put that puppy in the closet, you put it somewhere else I want you to get rid of it, get it out of the house and give it to somebody to hold on to for you if you want. In five or six weeks, I'm going to let you weigh yourself again. And here's why we do them. You checking in with a false number every three hours is not helping you.

It is not real. It is absolutely a mind game that gets played. If you drink a glass of water that's incredibly healthy for you. But if you drink a glass of water and get on a scale, you're going to weigh a pound heavier. I want you drinking the glass of water, I don't want you depriving yourself of something healthier, that's going to help you lose weight consistently. Because the number on the scale tells you you just gained half a pound.

We've got to stop playing head games with ourselves. It doesn't work. So say no to the scale, weigh yourself, jot that number down because it's going to be a reference point. It's several weeks out you're going to have another reference point that you are going to adore. But in order to be able to do that. You got to throw it out for the time being Let's wrap up this first week with some program goals.

Here's what you're going to come out of at the end of this program. One, you're going to begin to solve your weight problem by learning to determine the difference between physical body hunger and emotional mind hunger. They're two very different things. And they take two very different types of fuel to to face any issues of overeating, and then eliminate your dependence on food is a solution to any problem other than eating. I guarantee you regardless of what the problem you're facing is, the answer is never in the refrigerator ever. And three, to introduce you to a different way of life.

That is free from obsession with food and dieting. And you will be off of the dieting roller coaster forever. Three things you've got to have in You've got to have them in this order. One, you've got to want it enough. It's not just enough to want it. We mentioned that just wanting change doesn't give you change.

There are additional things you need to do. You need to take action. But you've got to truly and honestly wanted and have your why as to what's going to motivate you internally. Secondly, a lot of people want a lot of things. But you're only going to get the result you want. If you're ready.

You've got to be ready to make the changes that you need to make to get exactly the result you want. And you've got to be committed to what you want. The second thing you saw when we first started our time together here was a commitment to yourself. You know what when you're working with a coach, a mentor, a program, any sort of thing that's helping point and aim you and walk you through something People sometimes have a tendency to, you know, to lie or hide the truth from that coach or that teacher or that person they're working with, I could care less what you tell us. What you need to do is not lie to yourself. You have got to acknowledge the good, the bad, the right the wrong, acknowledge it, and own it and make a simple decision to make a different choice the next time it's happened, don't beat yourself up about it.

Moving on. So don't stick with things for too long. We're going to show you how to do that. But don't lie to yourself during this process. be fully open and honest. And whether you like the choice you made or not in that moment, own it, own it and move on and confidently you will get exactly what you want.

We are not born winners. We are not born losers. We are all mourn, choosers. Choosing is what gets you what you want. making the choices that get you what you want consistently will get you what you want, every single time. Now there is a workbook page that also if you'd like to print off for yourself, or there is a link on the top of this page, if you'd like to go there and do it online, feel free.

If you do it online that will come to us. We do not share that with anyone. It's simply information for us to maybe better be able to point an aim and guide you so feel free to do that. But it really is kind of allowing you to just really honestly and authentically become aware of what you're currently doing and what you're currently thinking and what you're currently feeling. So I would encourage you whether online or just print this out and do it. It also gives you a point at the place at the bottom to give you that That that benchmark that baseline weight, what is that weight when you go weigh yourself on a scale today?

What is that weight jotted down for yourself somewhere, keep that that is a benchmark. And then get rid of that scale. And in several weeks, I'll tell you, you can pull it out again. And you're going to love what you see when you separate yourself from it. But here's a place that you can kind of parking lot that as well. At the end of every lesson, we also have a series of affirmations.

Some people really like affirmations, some things are kind of silly. Here's the reality. You become what you believe. You become what you consistently tell yourself. And so if you're in the habit of really siding with some very negative self talk, if you are not accustomed to saying nice things about yourself or to yourself. I'm going to encourage you highly to read your affirmations regularly.

Pick one To you can read the whole thing, pick one that resonates with you, and remind yourself of that consistently, every single day, I'm going to hold you to saying something nice to yourself. Because it seems silly and simple. But your brain believes everything you tell it. Your subconscious mind is listening constantly to you. So you've got to watch what you're saying. And oftentimes, we are our own worst critics.

Oftentimes, we would never talk to a friend or somebody that we liked the way we talk to ourselves. And we wouldn't allow someone else to talk to us the way we talk to ourselves. There'd be a fight if someone said some of those things that we say to ourselves. So you've got to learn to start becoming your own best friend. You are is what is going to make the difference in your results. And a huge piece of that is what you're Choosing to tell yourself on a regular basis.

So here are some things that you can work with, you can make your own. But I'm going to encourage you to find a couple of nice things you can say to yourself. I've chosen to change my eating habits and my relationship with food. I have chosen to become a naturally thin person. I've chosen to be accountable to live a healthier lifestyle, mind, body, and spirit. I deserve to be thinner, and I want to be thinner.

I'm ready to make those changes. I'm committed to what I want. It's not just about changing your waistline, it is about changing your life. So congratulations. Just by starting You are so far ahead of all of those people who are still choosing to do nothing. They're not choosing To change their life in a positive way for themselves, so congratulations.

Reach out anytime if you have questions concerns if you have challenges if you need some clarity on something if you need a little bit of a push or some motivation, if you've had a success and you want to share it with us, we love all of those things. We are here for you. You can reach out at support at no diet weight solutions calm anytime you need us and we will get back to you and we will be there for you. I will also be there for you in our next lesson. Until then,

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