01 十二经络 任督二脉 The Twelve Meridians Ren and Du

Tai Chi Fitness for Office - Relaxing and Stress Control Traditional Chinese Medicine Concept Meridians - Tai Chi theory Foundation
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01 十二经络 任督二脉 The Twelve Meridians Ren and Du


So, we believe in a very mysteric Jenny's concept, that 12 marriage in the channel of the flowing of this one is cannot be proved more than medical, as I call the Mr. Rick. See, since in Chinese medicine the meridian system was called Jimmy Kimmel, the channel network is a concept in traditional Chinese medicine, about a pass through which the life energy not as cheap flows, that life energy. flow in different channels is different from the blood vessels and also different from the Puma. In my in my conception missiles as we watch a movie, studying from from here from prime the path at the bottom in front of me the body go up up until your chin and try to go inside. Starting from the pad on the floor, back to the top of the head. Until on top I'm had them flow in front your nose going isn't isn't a mouse This is a two men channels.

Then. Despite the despite the ongoing research in essence of meridian non currency in scientific evidence can be the foreword for their existence. Even same concept with ci cannot be proof but we can feel it. This is very similar with yoga concept chakra two short movie clips Combined with abdominal bricks, you can propel the CI flow from Lima and the domain is very very good for house even for men and for growth for your sexual activity different. The sub sub channels falling from my hands from from foot is the shop name total Extra, extra ordinary marine Dean something that excess Miss nuke, some access to Count the floor the chief law isn't Very important in painting practice. Take your mother standing there achieve standing from the food move in Samsung next Sparrow Russa type g as I told you color internal is focus more on embracing an intention, the meditation and internal control you are the topics and more detail for the many other essence to assess the tail.

Mandy's CTO lung to lever See you next lesson.

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