What Behavior Will You See In The New Culture

Respect Culture - Team Leader Skills 2 How To Create A Culture Of Respect
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Lesson two, what behavior will you see in the new culture and the principles of influencing it? As we've stated, culture is formed through individual people's behavior. behaviors, behavior is a function of your thinking. Now, whenever we're trying to think about changing people's behavior, and changing people's thinking that leads to behavior, we're going to think about three approaches cognitive behaviorist, and social. Cognitive approaches are where we're trying to influence people's thinking. So get them to think in a different way.

So they reason through the benefits of behaving in a culture of respect. And they reason through what their behavior is going to do in order to achieve that or not. Behave behaviorist approach is focusing on what people do not what they think. So a behaviorist basically takes the individual and thinks, well, I can't know what's going on in their thinking. But what I can do is observe their behavior. So through a process of giving rewards for the right behavior, and not giving rewards for the wrong behavior, if you like, we can start to develop and form better habits of behavior.

And the third element is the social and that's really thinking about how other people affect what an individual does. So it's all that influence from their social world, including the team that they're now a part of. So this course will look at all three of those areas. We won't dig into the psychology of it any more, but we'll just think about the different ways that we can influence people's thinking, what they do and how they behave, and how a team can influence each other to create a culture of respect. So for this exercise, please download The exercise sheet and jot down the answers to three questions. First question, what will you be able to observe?

Second question, what will you hear people saying? And thirdly, what will people do when they think no one is watching? So this is the second part of our three step process. And really, I'm asking you to imagine the future. What will it be like when you have a culture of respect? What will you be seeing in your team?

What will people be doing? What will they be saying? And what will they do when they think no one's looking? Have a think about the answer to those questions? Pause the video, and come back once you've got a list of things that you think you'll be able to observe. So hopefully, you've got a good list there of ideas about what you'd be able to observe.

If you had a culture of respect. We're really trying to define what a culture of respect is. Especially It's not easy to do that. So we want to look for some observable behaviors that you would be able to see in a culture that was able to demonstrate respect for culture of respect. Hopefully you've got a good list there. Here's some of my suggestions.

Firstly, you might see team members sharing a friendly greeting with each other and talking civilly to one another. So you should be able to see the way they talk to each other. Whether there's a mutual respect there between them, showing a genuine interest in the other person's well being. You'd want to see that in a team that respected one another. Not jumping to negative conclusions about bad motives, but assuming good ones. Team members listening to each other's ideas disagreeing with each other without getting into an argument.

And team members expressing the value that other team members bring to the team. So if I was looking at a team, and I wanted to see how much respect there was within that team for each other, and for the team itself, these are just some of the things that I'd be looking at, to see whether that mutual respect was there. Hopefully, you've come up with some other ideas. What I'm going to do is go through these now on a step by step basis, and look at what you can do as a manager to influence people to behave in these ways. There are a number of influencing factors that you can deploy, that will help you to influence people's behavior, and they are as follows. Set the right rules and expectations.

Demonstrate the personal benefits in doing it that way. That you want them to do it. convince people of the benefit to the group or the tribe negative outcomes for not doing it the right way between the group and the individual social expectations or norms. So think about how we create expectations that we will behave in a certain way. beliefs about practicalities, is it possible for me to behave in a certain way? actual practicalities, making it easy to do the right things and habits and unconscious behavior so creating some good habits that generate the culture that you need or want

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