Module 9: Mindfulness-Self-Compassion

Mindful Communications Mindful Communications
4 minutes
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Forgiveness goes back to intuitive listening, 360 degrees POV, others POVs Self-love and self-care Summary of inner mastery/outer impact


Hello, welcome to Module nine, mindfulness, self compassion. We'll discuss briefly how forgiveness goes back to intuitive listening to 360 degree points of view and others points of view, self love and self care and we'll also do a summary of inner mastery and outer impact. So self compassion is giving yourself some empathy. In the other sessions, I was talking about being empathetic toward others walking in their shoes seeing from their eyes, but this time, I want you to do that for yourself. We have to remember that we've all done the best we can with what we know at the time. So Not to punish ourselves.

We've all made choices that may have worked out or didn't. self compassion is about accepting yourself as you are with all the wonderful traits that you have, and even all those perceived weaknesses, or weaknesses that you may have. It's about forgiving yourself. Because we are all not perfect. Remember and learn from things that didn't go your way. Forgive yourself and move forward.

I love a quote by the Dalai Lama. He says forget the failures, keep the lessons. So engaging in self care, loving yourself embracing life. I do talk a lot about love in the past couple of sessions and now and I do think it's an important concept. So going back to self care, you know, which is in a way loving yourself and also the other people that it can be going out to a ballgame. Getting stoked to go surfing, a dinner with caring friends, or being with friends on the beach, watching the sunset, whatever you enjoy and if it gives you pleasure, it can even be you know, self love and self care if you're passionate about fashion and you own your own fashion boutique.

You love what you're doing. So that is self care and self love. Deep down. Many people don't think they're enough. Therefore undeserving of love. Shift your mindset say I am enough.

I am lovable. say this every day. If you have those feelings, self care is important. Try to do something positive for yourself every day. If you're journaling, write about your experience. We need to love ourselves and have self compassion, as well as love others and have empathy and compassion for others.

And this always helps in creating better relationships personally and professionally. So this is a summary of inner mastery and outer impact. It starts with self awareness, knowing yourself and then it moves towards empathy and compassion for yourself and others through mindfulness and self awareness and communicate with others. Through intuitive listening, and the 360 degree point of view, I asked you to practice with baby steps. These tips are to nudge you onto the path of self awareness, leading to better communications and relationships with others based on empathy, and compassion. I look forward to Module 10 with you that focuses on the art of civility and its importance in our fast paced and rapidly changing world.

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