Bonding: Level 1

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Level one now the fun begins. You've taught your dog how to learn, now you get to teach him what to learn. At this level, we start with three easy concepts that have far-reaching benefits eye contact, sit, and self-control. The more you reward your dog for paying attention to you, the more likely he will be to make eye contact and pay attention to you. Sit is a basic skill that every dog should have, but how do you handle it when you cue your dog to sit, and he doesn't obey? self-control is needed for everything else your dog will be learning from this point on, so let's start teaching it now. The more he can control himself, the less effort you have to make in controlling him. You should have already printed the homework sheet from level zero, but in case you missed it, I will put it here too. The homework gets progressively more difficult, but it's broken down into easy steps. Your job is to test your dog on each of the homework points don't just read it and assume he can do it. You have to do all the steps in the homework.

We'll cover the following topics in this section:

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