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This is all about highlights from this book How to either I published I'm very proud of it. So it's my mom and dad, they think I've got a proper job now. Well, can I tell you? what it's all about is based on a masterclass that I've done, which is all about the highlights of the book. And it's designed to help you think about design and deliver a better customer experience for your customers, obviously, oh, by the way, my name is Adrian. I'm an author and an advisor on service and experience and do a lot of writing and research on this.

So welcome to the course I hope you enjoy it. It's broken down into short videos. There's about 15 of them, mostly me talking to camera, sharing some research, evidence, insights, lots of stories, and then a few exercises throughout the course and we'll bring it all together at the very end. So hope you enjoy it and lock

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