5. Capability

34 minutes
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Good day Ladies and gentlemen, what we're going to do is continue with the human intelligence and finance one course, concentrating on lesson number five, which capability. And just as a reminder, the last lesson that we covered point of contact and the next lesson welfare are all interconnected. So don't take them as just standalone lessons you need to be able to understand point of contact and capability and welfare and work it into the relationship all at the same time. So my ends today are going to follow on from less than four point of contact, to understand to allow you to better understand the capability where it pertains to our sources. And to appreciate this capability and how it fits in the talent spotting spectrum from the previous course, human basic you'll know that talent spotting is includes access motivation, point of contact and capability, which is a MP OCC or am Park as we call it in the UK.

And all those are part of what we call the talent spotting spectrum. So now we're coming to the end of this talent spotting component, which is capability. And finally we're gonna learn how to assess potential sources being capable. So what is it? What is the capability that the source needs? Well, obviously, a source must be able to deliver the information that you've requested and that he or she has agreed to provide.

So if it's, say a route study, from A to B along the track and three or four bridges, you've asked the source to drive that route to assess whether it's suitable for humanitarian humanitarian trucks, and also to look into bridges to see if they're badly damage, you're still standing. And that will provide report with photographs back to you and for your client. So if they can't do that, for a variety of reasons, then they're not capable. And maybe they can't do it because they've got some other commitments the next day or the day you want it done, that's fine. But if they can't do it, because they haven't got a vehicle, if they can't do it, because they don't understand the information requirements, if they can't drive through that area, because there are other clans that may affect the security, they're not capable for that job.

And it may be they're not capable for being a source in the first place. You have to make that assessment. So they've got to deliver the information in detail. I further detail you ask if you ask them to drive that route. They have to drive that route or they have to be a passenger or they have to Someone has to take them along that route a taxi, for instance. It may be that you've asked to take photographs, as I said, so they have to be capable use the camera to deliver the photographs.

And it may be that you want some metadata on those photographs. So date and time groups, for instance. And maybe even if they're using a phone, the grid reference or the latitude and longitude of where the photograph was taken, just to prove that you're looking at the correct location, you then drop down into Google, Google world, Google Google Earth, and that will come up with a map showing where the location was taken. If they can't do that, then you may be able to train them up, if they don't understand the concept, or they don't have a phone and they don't have the capability potentially. So all these little things add up. And it's up to you to make the decision when you're speaking to them and you speak to them by the information requirement to make that decision.

Got to be as in depth as you agreed on. So here we have the management of expectations that we spoke of in the last lesson point of contact. you're managing your expectations by managing his expectations. And you write down carefully what you want from him or her. And he agrees on that, then he delivers that if he doesn't deliver that, then he doesn't get paid at the end of the day. It's gonna be in the correct format, if you asked for it on a Word document, and he or she agreed to that.

It should be in that format. If you want it on slides or PowerPoint, it should be on that format. And but they're a little bit more complex, you might you you can't expect everyone around the world to have access to all that. So, there has to be a bit of give and take from you as a handler and the source is going to be completed at the correct time, the time that was agreed. So if you agreed to have it done by next Saturday and delivered to you by various ways various means or various messaging app, then it should be done at that time. They're gonna use the right technology.

As I said messaging app, you may want it pass secure, you may want to pass through different means or emails fine, or whatever you've agreed upon. And if he or she is going to follow the instructions you give them. So start here, finish here, drive during daylight, take photographs of the branches. So follow simple, relatively simple instructions. And you have to confirm that with them. Make sure they have it verbally, if possible, but definitely in writing and make sure obviously, there's going to be language difficulties or challenges, depending on where your sources and where you are and your language capabilities.

So make sure that it is fully understood. There's nothing worse than getting information back on the day that you asked for it. But it's actually not the information you Need, then you have to go back to your client and say we need another week. And that, of course looks bad. And they have to ask questions. They don't accept things blindly.

Because they know the situation better than you do in the field, potentially. So they may have relevant questions about their safety and security or their capability to do that because the cameras broken and maybe you can front them $50 so they can get another camera so they can do the trip. They have to feel confident enough to ask questions about doing the job and also the information that's required from them. It's a business arrangement. So don't feel offended if they come back to you with questions. In fact, it should be the opposite you should feel pleased.

So growth and reassessment. Your sources may improve over time, they may deteriorate over time. They may just get happy and stuck in a rut and they're just happy giving you market prices for whatever they see in the market on a Saturday. And that's fine. You may ask them for a different test that they've never done before, I haven't done for a year. So I drive that route, for instance.

So you've got to help them grow into their role. If you think in four months time, they're going to need to use a camera, start teaching them how to use the camera start teach them to take prices of tomatoes, tomatoes in the market, or traffic conditions outside to get them to grow their skills. But we've also got to look at our capabilities when our sources move locations or jobs. This goes back to the access phase is Do they still have access to the access to those markets to the eyes access to the sources of information? Do they have access to the roads between MB so they could take the branches, maybe not. So these things you have to keep track of, and constantly reassess.

The family circumstances might change I mentioned yesterday, a son might get ill and have to be in hospital. So they spend a lot more time looking after them or driving backwards and forwards to the hospital, they may have children, they may even new daughter, there's just been born and that's taken up a lot of time, they can't do as much work as they thought they could. Or On the flip side, they may want more money to look after this new daughter. So they're more than happy to do more and more and more. So you have to assess their capability to do any additional tasks. The motivation changes.

We mentioned that earlier as well as part of the talents body what's their motivation and motivation. Maybe they just wanted to do some work and get some money for it but with a new family with a new daughter. They've switched to I need more money and I need it quickly. Now their son's ill in hospital need more money to pay the doctor's bills motivation changes can change very quickly. social circumstances, they may have more access to information that you need, or they may have less, because their social circumstances have changed. And you should assess them regularly.

So you just assess all these capabilities and all the motivational changes family circumstances, social circumstances, anything else that pops up, at least every six months, I would suggest as soon as someone say something like, my son is now in hospital, he's going to be there for quite a while I need money to pay for the doctors then that's a potential motivator change. So you need to reassess the whole access motivation point of contact and capability spectrum. And also reassess when you're when and if your information requirements change, or they may expand. If the source has been doing a good job. Your client may turn around and say hey, I want More information about this, I want them to go further along that road, not just 30 miles an hour but 100 miles. So then you reassess the sources capability to do this extra work.

Or certainly if the information requirements change to something that you think is borderline, then you have to reassess the cut your capabilities, sorry, the context capabilities and discuss it with them. Can you do this? Get them to commit or not commit if they don't feel comfortable with doing the work. Management capable sources can answer your information requirement, and more quite a lot of sources provide additional information to just the basics you asked them for any information requirements, which is good. If you don't ask for it, then remember it's a business relationship. You don't pay for it unless you feel comfortable given them.

Bonus for the additional information that could be linked with motivating factors. Remember, if they're starting to provide more information because they think they get more and more money, it may be that the motivating factors have changed. I remember the son in the hospital if they're typically low maintenance, I mean, the relationship is you get in touch with them. You say I have these information requirements, they say, Okay, I can do that no problems and they deliver on time in the way you want them to. That's good, that capable. They understand the relationship.

They don't want you for any other. They don't want to discuss what it's like living in Europe or America. They just want to do the job and get the money and get out a pure business relationship. And that shows the capability. If they're generally stable, they don't drink they're not on drugs. They they're there when you call them I If you make an arrangement, they answer messages quickly, and they do the job that you asked them to do on time.

If they're reliable, same thing, if they're never late, which is probably a human impossibility. But if they're very, very rarely late, and they come up with a valid reason, then that's fine. You have to factor that into your plans. And I tend to give sources a couple of days. So if my information requirements had to be backed by the client by the end of the month, then the beginning of the month, I would be tasking the source to provide the information and I would expect an answer, say on the 14th or 15th of that month, that would give me two weeks to manipulate the information if I needed to put it in a report whatever way the client wants it, but also it would give me that two weeks just in case the source either didn't come back with all the information for whatever reason Or if they were late for whatever reason, would give me a good two weeks.

Now you don't always have that ability to do or to manage, manage it as simply as that. But that's, that's just a guideline if they're reliable, and this one here where it says they never hold your information hostage until the money gets into their bank account, this is all about rapport. But it's also about capability. are they capable to plan the work and manage their own expectations as far as money delivery, and there are delays as I've said. So, occasionally, if the if the delays in payment, because of bank restrictions or international law restrictions or changes and all those, then sometimes the the source gets very paid off, and it's understandable. You have to rely on the report.

You've built with that source to maintain the relationship and keep the information flowing. Now, if they start holding it, ransom, if they start holding the information ransom saying you're not getting the information until that money's come in my bank account, then there's obviously a failure of trust. Maybe you have managed expectations properly with the source. Maybe he is just getting too desperate for money, again, which is understandable. But as soon as they start holding that, that information for ransom, then you need to consider changing the source or a very least getting getting an active backup, who could provide you the information as well as he or she could, then you have to consider getting rid of them. Again, it's a business relationship.

So if they are holding your information hostage, though Do it again. You know, there may be they may go back to normal working where they're reliable and credible but informants time when the money doesn't go in the bank as expected, they will do the same thing again, almost certainly. So you got to you got to be very careful about that sort of behavior and nip it in the bud straight away. I would, yeah, I would always have a backup ready, and maybe given them some work every now and then. And then as soon as the initial source said, You're not getting your money until the money's in, so you're not getting the information till the money's in the bank. Then I would switch sources and the other one would be carrying on work and answering information requirements as quickly as possible.

So how is our backup plan? And finally, they don't be asked, they're bullshitting. They don't prevaricate, they don't make excuses why the information was late. If they do that, if they start to do that, then you you should take that A red flag of a potential problem that will probably get worse later on. Once or twice is fine, it happens, you know, they they can't deliver on time because the internet's down, or the laptop stolen or whatever reason once or twice is fine. But if you get that sort of excuse or that sort of BS almost every time, then I suggest again, you go to plan B.

So your needs as a handler are you're handling the source who is out on the ground or you may be meeting them on a weekly basis or once a month. You constantly assess your sources for their access, motivation point of contact capability. As I said, with the B plan, you're always looking to expand your networks network in depth, they have more than one person that you rely on to provide this information because if they fail, they disappear or they are simply going to run over by a bus, then you're gonna have to answer to your clients as why you're late. Especially become high maintenance. They ask too many questions, you know this, this changes in their behavior or the prevaricating or blessing, then consider replacing or duplicating them. As I said, changes in any of those access motivation point of contact capability may signal changes in their information veracity.

What does that mean? The information that they previously provided is now becoming more doubtful. They may be lying, maybe get information from third party sources that haven't been checked. They may be getting photographs that haven't got the metadata on it. They may be getting information off the internet. I've seen that happen.

So you have to take these signals and start questioning the source about Where they get the information, make sure photographs do have the date time group on it and the lat long of why they took the photograph as proof or evidence that they were there. And then a reduction in capability should be assessed as soon as possible. So if you think their work is weakening, because they're committing too much time to other things, then you have to put that to them. And if necessary, get them replaced, or at least get someone else in who can answer certain ions that they're now struggling with. You'll see behavior changes. This is going to be triggered by a number of related but or also unrelated facts and factors, but they could manifest themselves as increased attention leads.

They're getting in touch more and more often. They're asking more More questions, maybe where you live, maybe what you're doing maybe what company? How else can they get in touch with you? Are you on LinkedIn? Are you on Facebook? The work could start to deteriorate.

And whereas previously it was perfect, very capable work, it's starting to go downhill, there could be a huge variety of reasons for this. home life has changed. New Kids, babies conflict, maybe conflict in the area. That can also support deteriorating work, but you have to question it if you notice. They could start come up with excuses. Get it to you.

Today's time, my granddad, I have to take him here and so on and so forth. If they start to use excuses, that's a big red flag. If they do it once or twice. Again, it's not an issue. And it may affect a little bit in the rapport between you or her and him. But if the star Do you use it almost every single time that you have an information requirement needs answering then excuses are a red flag.

Delays can be problematic. If they occur once or twice again, that's fine. If the start become more and more than just like the excuses, you have to look at it in detail, deteriorating time awareness. Oh, I didn't realize I had to deliver it today. I thought I didn't realize it was Saturday. Oh my goodness, I thought I'd to another two days.

Send them calendar invites when you make the agreement for the information to be delivered on there. Have all the basics of how you want it when you want it. And so on and so forth. photograph and tell them what how many photographs you need of each location if that's if that's part of the information requirements in creasing demands from money. We've discussed this life's change. Sometimes there's immediate need to for money, especially after pay doctor's bills, families Ale, you may have to fix a car to get to work is 1000 thousand different ways you need for money.

Excuse me, I shouldn't happen I should have turned it off. So, a number of reasons why they would, why they would ask for more money. Excuse me for that phone and bartering. So if any of you have kids, if they're out about seven or eight, if you ask them do something, no, go I'll do that if you do this. And so, no, it's a business relationship. You ask them to do an act.

Information provision, and they do that they get paid. That's the business relationship. Y'all know it, it's just like going into a shop, you want something you pointed out, the shopkeeper puts it in a bag, you exchange that goods for cash or other goods as well. So this is the this is similar. Once the source starts bartering and Santa, I will only do this or I will only take photographs. If you pay me another $50 or the so on and so forth.

Then the relationship starts to go downhill a bit, he or she is starting to get a little bit overconfident. And he or she is starting to forget that it's a business relationship you are paying them to do that task. If they can't do it, or they don't want to do it, or they're struggling to do it, then there are ways around it. But once they start to barter about every single little point, then that's when you need to actually apply and be so Their capability for whatever reason starts to deteriorate. You need to have an in depth network. So you can cover that.

So you have your plan B, you have to keep your business distance. So whereas previously you're building rapport, and you're almost friends and so on, you may want to push back a little bit and keep a business distance and remind them that they're providing information for payment, or whatever the relationship is. With regards to your source, if you understand that or start to appreciate that their information delivery is deteriorating, whether it's time or whether it's content, then you have to tell them and say, Look, this is not good enough. I'm not going to pay you a bonus or actually you're only going to get half the money that we agreed upon because you've only provided half the work, I need the remainder by next Monday because that's when it's due to the clients. So, put them on notice. Give them the opportunity to improve, but at the same time start looking at your plan B, you convinced them if the work doesn't improve as long as you've got someone who can take over, say, I'm going to use for a while when you get your act together, I want you to appreciate that this is a business relationship.

And so I'll get back to you maybe in a month or so it's time to see how we can we can continue the relationship and you manage their expectations. So you tell them clearly that there will be no contact for the next month because because because you failure to deliver the information means that I have to start speaking to other people and and generate some new networks. Following this few manager expectations they're not going to be contacted for now. Next month so management and recording always record your access motivation point of contact capability review and just make a brief note on things are the same or things start to change at home there have been children and moving house they go to different jobs so on and so forth or wife, or I'm getting married or my wife has got a job where she may have access to information as well.

Record in a database. It doesn't have to be complicated. It can be on an in a notebook and paper but make a record of it as I've discussed in less than four. Note all the concerns. I've got put that by the manager analyst if there's more than you know, I'm saying if there's a team of a team of you, then normally a manager analyst would would have a look at all the records and maybe make comment say we need to review this guy or this girl And all actions taken by analysts to our managing sources or yourselves must be noted in that database, which includes praise warnings have they been benched? Why have they been benched who's taken over from so cross referencing all the information that you get.

The bottom line is, if a source cannot do the job or they can no longer deliver the IP, the intellectual property, for instance, or the information requirements in the expected way, they should be warned, this is not good enough, you need to improve provided an opportunity to improve just like you would with a colleague at work and necessarily be replaced. And that can be full time. They can be best. I put them on the B list until a time where you may have to bring them back on or you think They may have improved, you can find them. And But the big thing about all this activity is planned for Fallout in the event that you have to bench or fire a source. Now by this I mean all those times you've had discussions about them and family and you built rapport, they may or may feel sad, but they're no longer working for you.

And I can have different effects. They'll go, Okay, that's fine because I've spent a lot of time with my family. Or it could be that they start to grow aggressive. And start trying to find you on different means of communication such as LinkedIn and Facebook and starting to ask questions then they are Why aren't you using me and, and trying to embarrass you or just trying to reach out to you? It could be that they start to say somehow For things, it's not common, but be prepared for it, you will know your source better than anyone else. And so you have to say, Okay, I think if we bench this guy, he's going to go over the top.

So that actually harks back to how do you have that relationship? How do you build a relationship? And all the basics of your own personal security? Have you introduced them to your family on Facebook? It has happened. Do they know your full name?

Did they know you really didn't know actually where you live? I'm not saying that someone from South Africa is going to fly over to London. Because they're angry that they're on the they've been benched. But you know, too much information can be a bad thing when you share numbers sources, so be very careful. And they may have stresses and strains with with being fired, so they may lash out So you have to be prepared for that, right from the start of the relationship until the relationship ends if it doesn't. So you should have the capability to bring the best out of your sources.

If your sources aren't doing a good job. It's either because you haven't really assessed their capabilities or you've given them too much work or too much detail that they're not used to. or you haven't been teaching them some of the skill sets. Maintain a distance doesn't just been talking about not necessarily geographically if you if you meet them face to face, then that that geographic proximity is a concern, but also maintain distance online. Now this is a balance between building rapport and getting or encouraging them to do work for you, apart from paying them, but maintain a bit of a difference. Yeah, get them to talk about themselves more than you talk about yourself if necessary.

Use a, you know, a second second person who you are. You're john smith with a family of two kids and you live in Washington DC rather than London. And you can build out like that. I appreciate that. It's a little bit untruthful, but at the end of the day, if you have to fire them in two years time, and they get aggressive you're not going to get any harassment from it. So it's a safety and security concern.

Grow and expand your network constantly. Appreciate it takes time and you must have worked to keep people happy. But it's always good just to see okay, well, I'm using this guy or this girl from this village. Wonder who else is there where I can start adding them to the network and start talents but town spotting them and others in the village to see if they're they have the capability and the access to answer the information requirements. Notify sorry, identify and notify ranges in access motivation point of contact capability and effect delivery of your intellectual property, property or information requirements and act on those. If there are red flags and they go in and you start to be concerned if this is the first or second time third time that's happened, act on it as necessary.

And record any interactions and concerns. You'll make sure you got in your notebook or your your database. Facts are okay round about this day, this month this year. Our source Sam brown started to demand more money. He reported that his son's in hospital and so on and so forth. So and also record what actions you've taken about that.

So in summary, to be credible, your source must be able to provide the information in the detail that you've asked for. In the timeline, you've asked for In the format you've asked for, and, as agreed, so you need three photographs of each bridge, for instance, with the metadata. During the discussion phase, if he doesn't understand or has never used metadata, then you can ask him, you can sorry, you can inform him and train him how to turn that on your phone. So that photographs of the embedded metadata which will prove that he or she was actually there at the bridge when the when the photographs would take, or at least someone was holding that camera at that date time at that bridge. And you can verify, as I said, latitude and longitude using Google Earth. They have to keep themselves safe and secure.

They can discuss their concerns with you, you can discuss your concerns with them. But at the end of the day, certainly if they're doing on a different continent, or different towns, countries, villages, then it's really up to them to keep themselves safe and secure. If they don't feel safe doing the work. gathering information, they should have the confidence to come back to and say that they should be able to keep the information safe and secure. And again, this should come from you, you should direct them. If you want to use encrypted email or encrypted messaging, then that's something you should look into and there are a lot of options around and they should be able to keep the relationship discreet.

It's a business arrangement. So the information requirements should be kept discreet, usually get sweet, they should be kept discreet. So I by that mean, their identity, your identity, to the relationship, the information requirements should be kept this discreet as you need them to complete your task. And that's about it. capability. Can they do the job?

I apologize for the phone ring and that should have shouldn't have happened. I'm professional for me. It won't happen again, I promise. But I look forward to discussing in the next lesson welfare, which is a bit of a surprise for some people when we're doing these courses, as it's not normally part of a business relationship, but it's valuable especially when you're speaking to sources who are some considerable distance away. I look forward to speaking to you in the near future. Bye bye

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