6. Welfare

33 minutes
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Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Welcome back to human intelligence advanced one. This is number six. So lesson number six, which is entitled welfare. If you look back last time, we looked at discussed about the capability of the source and capability of yourselves as handlers. And we're gonna go next after this to discuss active listening, which is another key component of getting information from your sources, and from people generally.

And I promise today that my phone is switched off, so you shouldn't hear any background noises. But you never know when you're doing some live discussions like this. So just to sort of recap of what we're trying to achieve through this course. Initially, obviously, we talked about introduction into more advanced techniques, talent spotting, access motivation, point of contact capability unpop. Remember, we discussed much more detail on how they those points interact between you and your source. And now we're going to discuss welfare, which is a critical component, if you're going to be handling sources on a day to day basis, depending on your needs, depending on your relationship with your source, this may not be a big factor, but often it does creep in anyway.

So it's worth definitely worth knowing about. And if you're having a sort of long term, day to day relationship with the source, as far as business transactions for information goes, then welfare can be quite become quite critical. Then after this lesson, we're going to go into active listening, which is you dropped off you weren't listening I knew it. It's critical. When you're doing a face to face meeting with a source or on a video link with a source, then you have to be listening, because obviously you need to get the information from them. But also you have to be seen to be listening.

Any of you have children out there, if you're talking to an eight year old, then you'll understand the concept of people not listening, or people pretending to listen or looking as though they're not listening. So active listening is it's a little bit of acting. But it's also critical that you hear all the information that is given to you and also how it's presented to you. And then we're going to move on lesson number eight into a little bit more of an operational side, I mean operational by the fact that this is a bit more, get out in the ground and be a bit more security and safety conscious. And the reason why I put surveillance away And that is because the next course will be a little bit more active. And it also means that we'll be considering additional risks and threats.

Not only online, but from a physical perspective. If you're ever meeting sources face to face. Surveillance awareness is a key component because current roles, hostile actors tend to do a lot of surveillance or at least some key surveillance before they carry out their activities. So actually identifying their surveillance means you're much more aware you can detect the turret delay, whatever, whatever activities, the rupture, and this does lead into the more physical side of human intelligence. So it's quite important. That's why I find it on at the end of this course.

So today, my aims are to introduce welfare as a component of source handling. It's a standalone It's obviously not talent spotting, but it crosses over the lines of talent spotting in that. If the source has a lot of family issues, then they may not be capable or they may not have regular access to the information that you need. We're going to discuss the reason why we're interested in the source as welfare and discuss how this interacts, as I said, with the talent spotting elements, certainly access capability and motivating factors bearing in mind that you may be a year into our relationship with source when something changes, and it's to do with welfare, but it triggers a change in the motivating factors. So we're trying to meld it all together into one big sort of teleporting welfare ball, which helps you monitor the source, monitor the sources information.

Some sources will be more needy than others from the outset. Or they may grow media by media. I mean, you probably got relatives, some you'll never hear of from from a day to day basis or week to week, month, month and others you can't get rid of. So some sources are very time consuming. They'll get in touch with you on a daily basis. They'll be asking you questions they'll be asking you for more projects, and more work more money.

But in the middle of that they may well start including facts about themselves facts about their families. And if their progress has started deteriorate, then it may be linked to I've said previously, family illness or jobs or the lack there off anything that can impact on their their typical routine, and that can become a welfare issue. So you have to balance your time with the benefits of the source provides. Well, mainly looking from this course on a business transaction. So getting deeply involved in their welfare issues may not be a good idea. But sometimes if you've only got one source in one place, then you may have to balance out their welfare needs or their welfare issues before you can get some good work out of them.

And it's just like, working with an eight year old and you have to deal with our welfare issues or make sure that they're to make sure they're happy and make sure they've had a bit of playtime before you get to make that bed for instance. And if source is becoming increasingly needy, they're taking up more and more of your time on non business related matters, then that may be the time to start considering developing your network a little bit, growing more social sources in the same area if that's possible. You can do that bit by bit so you can identify Source given little bits of work, whereas your prime source who started become media, you give them a little bit less here and now a little bit less through balancing out your, your work. And the media one is getting a little bit less than a little bit less because they take up a whole lot of time.

Remember, the police for instance, a good 90% of the time is taken up with about 5% of the people. And that's pretty similar to source handling. And some like I said, you won't hear of until you present them with a bit of a business opportunity again, and others will be online all the time, sending you messages trying to find different ways of attracting your attention. And that's the way they are and sometimes these sources are excellent. You know the time that you spend with them is worth it. Other times the welfare issues and the management issues actually outweighs quite considerably what they bring to the table as far as business and information goes.

So it's like counseling, that sauce do most of the talking. Avoid giving them advice because that can lead you into problems. You know, if you say, we'll do this instead of this, you can guarantee in a week's time, they'll come back and say, Well, I did what you said and it worked out terribly. So avoid giving them advice, let them come to their own decisions. But the source work out their own problems if that's a possibility. So what for pretty much means health, happiness, prosperity and well being in general, that includes you.

It includes the source in particular and includes the whole business transaction. If the business transactions healthy. if everyone's happy, they're earning money, then everyone feels good if one factor drops out from that, For instance, the pay is delayed into their bank account, then welfare can be impacted, they may rely on that weekly monthly pay. And for some reason, the bank has messed up the transaction. And it does happen. I'm sure you're well aware.

So that will impact on health, happiness and definitely the prosperity if they don't get a weekly check that they may have got used to. So again, it goes back to managing expectations, keep telling them that you know, the bank system around the world is not 100%. As soon as I make a payment by end, it doesn't mean that arrives immediately your end, there could be a delay. And banks nowadays have to do a lot of compliance checks, which can take a lot of time and it can also result in some payments being cancelled or returned. So this health, happiness and prosperity will impact the source and that in turn may impact the information that You get back from them. And financial assistance means that because it's a business tax transaction, they do work for you, you pay them.

If that doesn't happen seamlessly or as quickly as possible, or even as quickly as expected, then that can also impact on welfare. And once they start discussing their welfare, it's a sign of trust from the source. you're someone who maybe they have met, maybe you're speaking to them remotely, the whole relationship is remote. You're in the US or Europe or the UK, wherever you are. And they're in a different continent. But they start to open up about their family, they're having difficulties with a wife, they've got a girlfriend got a girlfriend and a wife.

The children the money the car, yeah, all this sort of stuff could start to come out. And once it does, you need start looking for potential red flags because of get left Got welfare problems, and you haven't discussed it through with them. They may think that you're not interested, then it's a report issue. And then it's an information issue after that, so you've got to be pretty quick and dealing with welfare issues as much as possible as much as you can from potentially the other side of the world. And as I've said, if you're dealing with welfare issues, or at least discussing them through, then that helps to grow the rapport and the relationship between the two of you. Remember, you need that relationship so that you're getting good information back at the end of the day, it's a whole process can be become quite time consuming, so you need to manage it.

But also, it's if it fails, then the information or the veracity of the information can be questioned. My status be managed carefully. Don't give advice. Don't To allow them the opportunity to come back in a week or a month's time to say, Hey, I spent this money to do all this that you advise and nothing happened. You've got to be very circumspect. And you've got to act like a more of a counselor to get them over the hump or get them to think it through so that you can get on to the business, which is getting information back to the primary aim of it is to maintain or improve the productivity of the source.

This may sound a little bit cold blooded, but it's a business relationship. At the end of the day, you've only got so much time you can add a lot to this source. You have to answer questions that your client has requested. You have to go over a few hurdles, maybe through rapport and welfare, to get the source moving, and to get the information back. It may be worth it. But if it takes up too much time, then it's a balance.

You need to start looking at In your networks and developing that, so the productivity of the source is pretty much get them out there, get the information that you've asked for and return it within the timeline. It does improve report greatly. I've got some long term relationships online, with with the previous sources that I just keep ticking away. And I pretty much know the whole background. They will they will tell me more than they tell their wives that tell me more about the communities and they tell their friends. And so it's an interesting relationship.

And once you've got that rapport, it's it's a great way to increase your knowledge of the source and maybe bring up some red flags to the relationship problems talking about saying relationship. But also, it's a good way to ensure that the flow of information is continued Despite the fact that they may not have been paid for the past two weeks, because the bank is screwing around, said, it's good, it's good way of flushing up some red flags. If they come back and talk about their mother having to go to hospital doctor's bills, then at that point, I'll be flagging up some say in my head to say, Okay, then in the near future, they may be asking for more money, or they may not be able to deliver the same amount of information, because they're busy at the hospital. And things things change for them, and that that could impact on your answering of your information requirements.

But you have to manage the welfare issues. If they started getting media, they'll start to message more they'll start to look for different ways of contacting you. Last for meetings online, for instance, or face to face. And at that point, you should be concerned that there's going to be some impacts In the information delivery, so many areas welfare, usually personal, there may be drinking more because for whatever reason, they're no longer working, they can't find a job. They have family issues can be 101 different reasons. Some sources I've used.

I've been in been on drugs and that's they they are probably the neediest just above the alcoholics. So, establishing that at the talent spotting phase is very useful because it means that you don't develop that relationship you find someone else, if they're drug on drugs. If they're alcoholics, and you can establish that early then that saves you a whole lot of time. And also safety and security concerns. They may be living in conflict areas. That in itself is a concern for them, obviously, it's concerned for you because Can they do the job safely and securely, and that will impact on family security and the ability to find work, and maybe they have built it fine food and water.

And so it could potentially be a huge welfare issue. But I've I've and I still do speak with sources who are in heavy conflict areas. And they, they do extremely well. And I've constantly been surprised about how well they can do under such circumstances. But you still have to talk through the issue sometimes. So some of the things that the family could bring along safety and security of their kids, their wives, their extended family, health.

Schools, they may not be able to go to school or schooling is become a problem or it's become expensive. The men have housing, decent housing. That could be a A lot of different issues. The future is always concerned for everyone, you know, am I going to be earning enough money this time next year? Am I still going to be earning some money from you this time next year? And that's always a difficult question to answer because businesses business, you never know when it's gonna wrap up unless you've got a long term contract, of course, trauma, if they're living in high conflict areas, there could be a huge amount of trauma that they don't want to speak to with their family.

And but they may start breaking up with you. Virtually so it's pretty much the same. birthdays anniversaries on there, because quite often, they may ask for a little bit more money. And that may be an opportunity to pay them a bit of a bonus and say, okay, your son's birthday is coming up. Your daughter's birthday is coming up. I'll give you an extra you do this job properly.

I'll give you an extra $50 or at the end of it once they've passed him information on and it's good information, then you can say, Well, I'm going to give you a bonus because I know that your son's birthday is coming up or your daughter's birthday is coming up. Please buy them something nice. And that that that will go a long way to building rapport and potentially dealing with some welfare issues if they don't generally have the cash to buy something for their birthday addictions or mentioned alcohol drugs. It's a big red flag. Sometimes you may be stuck with the sources and alcoholic may be an alcoholic for a whole variety of reasons may be just that they're addicted and may just be they're under a lot of pressure because they've got two girlfriends one wife 16 kids, who knows and also of course the trauma issue.

Conflict areas or it's the conflict time of year clans versus plans. All depends on what's going on around them will And we'll sort of highlight what welfare concerns are. And doesn't mean that people in conflict areas have more welfare concerns. They've just got different welfare concerns and probably a lot more serious than than people who are living in a big city or a relatively peaceful, they'll still have welfare concerns. They won't have enough money, they'll have girlfriends and boyfriends, wives in all interconnected and have emotional problems, may have employment difficulties. So there'll be different, but the welfare issues, especially to the source will be the same across the future as discussed.

So some welfare hazards, potentially, you've gone a bit too deep in the rapport and you're their best friend, even though you're on the other side of the world. That could be an issue. You have to look at their welfare issues, objectively would suggest that most times, they'll be happy to speak about your So they're welfare issues. And they'll not be that interested in your welfare issues. And I would suggest and recommend that you don't have welfare issues that you introduced to the table because it could start to become a pissing match. My welfare issues are much more and yours.

You don't listen to me, reports affected. And for this very reason, right from the start, avoid given too much personal information the way you like to recall it at some point. So if you've got some made up family that you've been using to build rapport, and I'm not saying this is a good business practice, but it may be necessary to build report. Yeah, I could send to I have a daughter too. So on and so forth. You have to remember all this stuff, because the source remember quicks nine times out of 10 You're the only person they speak to outside their village on the town.

And so be a bit careful. Keep it slim. Keep a skeleton persona But people being people source may not be that interested in your background, and little bits, little snippets, but not too much. But still avoid giving personal information or real time personal information away, because that could come back to haunt you. If you have to shut the source down, like we're talking in the last lesson, or if they start to get so many welfare issues that it's affecting them emotionally, and they start hunting you down on the internet to try and maintain contact. So be very careful about your, your safety and your security online and face to face.

That's just mentioned there. handle being yourself. personal safety and security. You've got to consider that all the time. So be very careful about email addresses about messaging, access about all forms of contacts. Whether it be face to face, and the more emotionally unstable source gets the tattoo you have to be about time control but also safety and security measures.

Don't make promises you can't keep. This is a overriding human intelligence instruction. They will remember the promises you make. It will bounce back, not immediately, but maybe in six months time or even a year's time. So be very careful about saying things like yeah, this contracts gonna last forever and we're gonna keep this relationship. I'm gonna keep paying you and any promises like that don't make false promises to a source, it will bounce back at some point and bite you on the backside.

Now this term, the manager, sometimes you have to set the blame for late payments, any other bad things that could impact on us Source by saying, Oh yeah, my management, my manager, sorry, says I can't pay you any more this month. That's fine once or twice. But be very careful not to overuse that because you'll lose some respect, you'll lose some rapport. And they will think that there's someone else in control. And source may start asking, Well, if the manager makes all the decisions about this, can I speak to the manager, then you may be maybe stuck, especially if you don't have a manager. So it's good to offset some of that responsibility to maybe an imaginary manager.

But be careful, it can bounce back and they'll start asking to speak to the manager so that they can get more pay for the work. Bearing in mind that you may not have a real time ability to help the source out. They could be on the other side of the world. A little bonus here and there. And maybe fine. But apart from that, you can offer a little bit of empathy.

Maybe redirect the thoughts to somewhere a bit clearer. Maybe increase that pay depending on the relationship. But for the most part, there's not a whole lot you can do to be very careful. Remember to record these processes. Just a couple of lines in your logbook or database to say that new welfare issues are coming up, often the source of bonus of $20 Once this is completed, satisfactory, and and he seems happy with that, at this point in time, that sort of note in your database will go a long way. And he has time when you remember you recall that there were issues and now this further issues down the line.

Can we provide actual assistance? As I've just said, not a whole lot you can do reminders, source, they will have a different perspective on the relationship. For instance, if you're sitting in New York and USA will consider you as being wealthy well to do and possibly a source for more income for them, which can help them without with some of the welfare issues, of course. But you have to be careful. So you have to keep that relationship tight. Money isn't the critical component of welfare, but it's certainly usually at the root of some of the problems.

So when they start asking for more money, it could be because of a welfare issue, which in turn can impact on their motivation to do the work for you. They asked for more money, you can't give them it. Their work could degrade. It could degrade because you just lost rapport with them but could degrade because they're doing more and more work around the village, around the town. They have to get extra jobs for the income sons in hospital, as I have mentioned before, they have to pay doctor's bills. And if you can't help them, then they're going to switch to something that can.

So you may lose the source or you may lose the attention of the source, you only get 50% of the effort that you got previously. So you have to be very careful and maintain that relationship quite tight. We're providing them as a form of employment. And again, this this of rules and regulations and laws that that may limit that relationship depending on where they are and where you are, and what your business relationship is with the source. And it may be that you can offer them more work to help them through a welfare issue. Oh yeah, we have a client who wants to know more about this route from A to B to C. And I was gonna give it someone else but I can give it to you.

If you can get it back to me by two weeks time with photographs, etc. etc. But it's still something that can I can help them out. And of course, that's rapport building. I mentioned about payment. And so every business relationship will involve payment.

But it has to be managed very carefully. And as I've said previously manage their expectations, which in turn, can we do some of the welfare issues, they know that at some point, the bank may screw them over and the payment may get cancelled, which is not helpful to them at all. And we'll still have them questioning your ability to pay them correctly and on time, even though it's out of your hands. It's the bank's fault. And it could become a welfare issue because maybe that payment is for rent for the house. And so you have to talk it through with the source and reach a solution like okay, well, it's been canceled and going to pay you today again or I'm going to try a different means of payment.

And we'll get it set we'll get through to you as quickly as possible. So, in conclusion, your main criteria is to build and maintain rapport with the sources that in turn will improve your information flow and in times of difficulty such as payment difficulties, then that will overcome some relationship issues between you and the source or show opponent interest welfare the source may not be that interested in hate. Some of us are a little bit callous, and there's a there's a fine balance between two counts and being too interested if you're too interesting could take a lot of time and you tend to tends to gray the areas between a business relationship And sort of friendship, and you may not want that. Because that in turn, will take up a lot of time potentially maybe not immediately, but certainly in the future. empathize because sympathize, remember you if you haven't lived in Aleppo, when the conflict was going on, then you can't really sympathize with your source, his welfare, his family, and whatever else is going on in their, in their world.

Do get to know the source. This is the prime purpose of building rapport, get to know them build rapport, you can have a picture of them then you can understand how to better get good information from them to get to mature them to develop them. And that in turn, helps the keep a close eye on the motivating factors and their capabilities as well as their access to the information. exploit welfare. Again, it sounds a little harsh, but it's a tool. So just as you would say alert someone on the street, if you meet a friend you haven't seen for a while, ask them about their family, or some about their interests.

This is the same thing exploits maybe a bit too much of a harsh word. But use that relationship, build and develop that relationship, because that in turn will improve the information flow back to you and inevitably back to the clients. always maintain control. You may have falling outs with these contacts with these sources. It'll happen invariably happens over money. Otherwise, things tend to be okay unless their standards drop.

And you have to squeeze with a little bit of putting them in the right direction and maybe give them a little bit of a warning just as he would the seven or eight year old that I mentioned previously. Tell him how to make the bed, show them how to make the bed and then hopefully they'll be able to make the bed in the future but they won't they'll get slapped. And you'll have to do go through the process. Again, that's the same with sources. practice these skills at home or at work. Don't just wait until you have a call where the source or face to face meeting with the source, practice it.

Use the welfare as a tool to get to know your friends, even your family a bit better. Take a little bit more interest, even if it's feigned interest, pretend interest, it's a great skill set to have. And especially if you do it credibly, people will start to build rapport with you very quickly. But overall, remember that the relationship you have with the sources of business relationship? So I'll you touch on welfare in a conversation. It's not everything.

All right, everything is feeding your information requirements. That's what you need to do. That's where the business relationship is. Remember, you ask these people do work in in response to payment All they get paid for providing information. So control it, manage it and and don't get too sucked up in their welfare. I've done a lot of analysts who handle sources and a lot of business people have sources who go down this black hole of welfare and it can get too much and they can can affect the capabilities of the analyst as well because they start to feel as bad as the people out in the field that your sources suck.

Concern for welfare is improved rapport is increased willingness to talk, passing information, improve productivity, and a better product. You building that rapport, they like you they want to do as good as possible. They want to answer your information requirements as well as they can capably do an overall job well done. Not only for the source but for you. And the end result is your client will pay you and come back to you for for more. So let them talk about welfare, but control it is probably the key issues of it.

That's it for today. And it's it's a little bit of a gray area in the talent spotting. It's more of the developmental phase warfare is. So when you're structuring the talent spotting for a particular source in a particular location, for instance, or think about what are we going to do next how we're going to develop this source to better improve their capability, their access, assess the motivating factors, and a lot of that can be built around their their welfare. Thanks very much for your time. I look forward to speaking to you soon on our next subject.

Bye bye

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