Welcome to 7x7 - Mindfulness Course That Sticks

7 Minutes in 7 Days: Design Your Own Way to More Mindful, Focused, Happier and Smarter You Welcome to the 7x7 Course - Design Your Own Way to More Mindful, Happier and Smarter You.
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Welcome to 7x7. In this course, you will learn how to use the natural connections between our minds and our bodies - our brain and our nervous systems to bring more happiness, calm and focus to your life. Each day contains two videos - A little video explaining some neuroscience concepts that we will use in practice and guided meditation. In the last two days, you will get to choose if you listen to one of the previous meditations or you will pick and design your entirely own practice. Remember - this is your practice, so make sure it brings you joy and that you are having fun and enjoying it all the way. If there is something that doesn't suit you, feel free to change it. There is only one rule - stick to your 7 minutes of practice each and every day. Good luck and I hope that you will enjoy the journey!


Welcome to seven times seven, seven minutes in seven days to rewire your brain to become a peaceful, happier and Michael, you. You can use the most powerful tools that neuroscience has in order to create new neural connections, mindfulness and meditation techniques. We will use these mindfulness meditation techniques to relieve stress and anxiety around you in the moment but also to strengthen the prefrontal cortex, which is a part of the brain that's responsible for decision making abstract thinking, communication, and logic. So in the process, you literally will become smarter and more efficient. You will create your own path and your own protocol to really stress, anxiety, and become more grounded and peaceful. This course is for you if you've tried mindfulness and meditation techniques before but you never found a way how to make them part of your daily routine.

Everyone's different and everyone has a different approach. We will focus on creating a routine that will work for you and what your personal circumstances. Those are perfect for complete beginners or for people who just want to come back and revisit the basics. Let's dive in.

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