Hello, in this video I am going to show you how to implement a Cupertino tab scuffled for you watch this video, I recommend that you check that the Cupertino tab bar which basically I created this, this navigation bar is just optional. So face this, this usually goes hand in hand with the Cupertino tab scaffold wants you to do them separately and this one first, so I could show you how that works separately and not confuse you when you know integrating it with the tab scaffold. So what we want to do is know all of this is basically going to go in one capacity or another. So for now, I'm gonna leave because we're gonna need that. So I'm gonna turn number return. Don't worry, we're not going to have the one return on and delete the other one.
I'm gonna put Cupertino tab, got phones on the poor semi colon and in salt All here, what we are going to put is we're sorry, we'll put tab bar top bar. And this tab is gonna be the Cupertino chapter which is what we've got right here. So I'm just gonna literally cut this out so you'll see we're still having most these codes, it's just going to be a rearrange slightly and obviously the No Child here because it is part of the top bar property. Levels slaughtered all the dictation for everything. Okay, so there we go. Next, what we want to do is you want to hear really only one more property tab builder here, you want to do build context.
Build context for the context into index. Inside of the app, we are going to return to a new tub, you need to hold on and inside of here we're gonna have a builder is gonna build contacts. And that's it for this one. Now the curly braces, and inside of here, we're going to basically have we are going to return our super Tino Paste scaffold, which is basically what we know got. Yeah. So we can actually put it that mean?
Yeah, that's what we want. So there we go. Yeah, so we should be ready to actually run that someone say is going to hot reload, as you can see, is the same as before. But this is now at the bottom now, and in integrates with a Cupertino tablet scaffold, because still use a regular item. There's just a few extra, you know, widget items that essentially contain all of the rest of the stuff, an extra task. What I want you to do is have a look at displaying items here, depending on what is clicking Kim simple.
It's like pulling one widget there. You got that now done. The rest should be simple. A little clue here is where we would put the widgets and we've got a container that you could create this container as well. Also justice Park, have many free different containers. And essentially that contained a variable is assigned here.
That container variable gets updated depending on that, depending on what the index is, you can check for that here we're using a switch statement or an if statement. And that's it was really onerous, but if you have any questions, feel free to drop me a message. And as usual, I look forward to seeing you in the next video.