Video: Voice Variables

Working With Words: Adding Life to Your Oral Presentations Lesson Six: Using Vocal Variety to Make Your Presentation Come Alive - Part One
7 minutes
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Welcome to using vocal variety of pert to voice variables. Each of the following variables are used in varying degrees to add interest to your voice and speech. We'll take a closer look at each of these variables over the next few videos. Start off with your clarity. Some people tend to speak through clenched teeth, and with little movement of their lips is this inability to open mouth and failure to make speech sounds with precision that is the root cause of an inability. The sound is locked into the mouth and cannot get leather.

To have good articulation it is important to unclench the jaw, open the mouth and get full benefits each sound you make, making particular attention to the ends of words. This will also help your audience has a certain amount of lip reading will be possible When speaking in public, try to convey the information with as much vocal energy and enthusiasm as possible. This does not mean your voice has to swoop and dive all over the place in an uncontrolled manner. Try to make the talk interesting. And remember that when you're nervous or even excited, vocal cords, tense and shorten, causing the voice to get higher. emphasize certain words and phrases within the talk to convey their importance.

And to help add variety of pitch refers to the lowness and the hardness of the tone, or sound in your voice. The best pitch range is at least eight notes. A narrow range bores listeners and they'll quickly tune out. We've all heard speakers that we would describe as being monotone. That is their voice. never changes.

We get tired to them, and we stop listening to them. A good speaker may use as many as 25 different notes to convey variety and meaning. This is more often a problem for men than for women because men, sometimes consciously or unconsciously, trying not to express too much emotion, and as a result, can sound flat. Although women generally use more pitch variety, they sometimes get into an upper pitch range. Stay there too long. It can sound shrill.

Let's look at some pitch variables. The pitches to high under normal circumstances. This frequently occurs because of nervousness. You remember your first tuck freight, or from being over anxious to respond. If you suffer no physical problems that may affect your voice, the more often you To speak, the more relaxed your throat muscles will become, resulting in more pleasant vocal sounds. I experienced this problem myself when I first started to develop my public speaking skills.

At the time, I didn't know how to express my enthusiasm on this book. I tended to speak and not to save or to higher than I normally speak. My wife said that I sounded like Donald Duck delivering a speech that took me a while over to become confident enough in my speaking that I was able to comfortably speak within my normal range. The pitch is too low. You may know some people who speak with a very low, base like sound. Usually they speak slowly.

Reading aloud, happy lively material. children's books, for example, at a fast pace is a good exercise that may help to raise a low pitch monotone To avoid or eliminate a monotone, you must find your normal range. Just in case the term on call tone isn't clear yet. That's where a person speaks and one tone. There are no ups and no downs. Every word comes out sounding the same, can be difficult to determine where one sentence or thought ends and a new one begins.

The pitch is normal. So what's normal? This is the vocal area that is most comfortable for you to carry out at a normal conversation. And from which you may easily raise or lower your pitch. Everybody's normal is likely differ. Once you establish your normal pitch range, it's crucial to maintain it.

Listen to how it sounds and feels when you use it. So that whenever you speak, it becomes as natural as breathing inflection inflections, inflections compromise. Sorry inflections comprise another important characteristics of speech. And inflection is a raised pitch. A high note used to add emphasis to a word. The up and down inflection of your pitch adds color to your delivery.

A single change in inflection, they often change the meaning or implication of a sentence. How dare you use that tone of voice on me? Let's take a look at an example of inflection in action. The simple sentence as I said, he was no good. inflection is on different words, in the same sentence. I will ever announce them clearly here to help illustrate the point.

And hopefully it will make sense. I said he was no good. I said he was no good. I said he was no good. I said he was no good. I said he was no good.

I said he was no good. I think that you agree with With me that while it's the exact same sentence, inflection changes the meaning of the sentence. Do you use HRT s have to admit the term HRT was new to me until they discovered it. In my research for this curse. I was aware of the habit not necessary that there was a term for the habit. HRT stands for high horse, sorry, high rise terminals, which really doesn't explain it at all, does it?

So HRT is the habit of some speakers to raise the inflection of the final word, each sentence so that it comes across sounding like a question. Some call it up talk. We mainly hear young people when use frequently, it appears that the speaker is asking a lot of questions when really, they're making statements and leaves the listener confused as to the real meaning of what is being expressed a lilt at the end A spoken sentence may also leave the impression in the listener that the speaker is unsure of themselves. They sound hesitant in their sentence. Like they're putting the words out there, where they're not sure if they're right or wrong, whether they actually believe in what they're saying, or that they're being defensive and preparing to defend what they said. If the listener disagrees here's some vocal exercises to help improve your vocal pitch.

And some sage advice is to always work gently. When you do voice exercises. Your voice may get tired as do other muscles when you use them, but it should never hurt. Start on a comfortably low tone and count up the scale as high as you can, without straining. Then count back down. Don't gravel at the bottom.

In the next video in this lesson, we explore your speaking rate

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