Introduction to Energy Healing

13 minutes
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Today is a special day for you because you have made the choice to begin to help yourself heal. This video series will show you how to do so with the power of energy healing. My name is Barbara Stephen, and I am the author of gentle energy touch the beginner's guide to hands on healing. And I am a master energy healing specialist, Reiki Master Teacher, clinical and medical hypnotherapist, life coach, consultant, and spiritual teacher. In this video series, part one will teach you what energy healing is, its benefits who can benefit from its energy healing. You will learn about energy and TCE and the seven major energy centers called the chocolate And in part two, I will teach you about the aura, how the energy you will be working with how it feels like and what cleansing period that you may be experiencing during your self healing.

And part three, I will teach you the beginning steps, you will need to begin your self healing session and of course, self healing positions. And I will go over energy protection techniques with you. And of course, then our conclusion and you will receive downloadable information on all the self healing positions, plus questions pertaining to the chocolates. And please, if you have any questions after completing this video series, please email me at Barbara East haven at aol. com. Please note that after you answer the questions pertaining to your chocolates, and then you email them back to me at that time, you will receive yourself healing certification.

So now on to part one. You know, I have been practicing energy healing for over 25 years and I have been blessed to work with thousands of clients suffering from any kind of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues imaginable. And I have helped many pieces of people release the root cause of the challenges through my energy healing work. I have seen people regain a sense of calm and balance unbalance physically mentally and emotionally. And I have seen people helped with their heart disease, cancer, skin problems, cuts, bruises, back pain, depression, anxiety, insomnia, and so many other challenges. And I have I've seen how energy healing work complements all medical modalities and accelerates treatment and speeds up the healing process.

And it is a wonderful and miraculous work. And I am so blessed to be able to do it, and to share this video series with you. And I have come to call what I do gentle energy touch. And that's what I'm going to teach you in this video series today. Anyone can do it, it becomes more powerful with practice, of course. So please do not get discouraged.

If you do not see results quickly. Keep at it, and let me tell you, the healing truly will come. But there's certainly nothing new about hands on healing. It is an ancient method of revitalizing the energy fields of your own body and I'm going to Start at the beginning and teach you each of the basic techniques in turn. We will create a solid foundation, and then build from there. And we'll start with things that you can do for your own healing.

And if you are already an energy healing practitioner, or Reiki practitioner Healing Touch whatever practitioner you may be, I know you will find plenty of information here that will be useful as well. And you will learn hands on techniques that actually targets certain areas of the body that need attention and needs to be healed. And most important, you will learn how to apply gentle energy touch with just the intention of asking for divine universal energy, the force that revitalizes our own lifeforce and truly helps us to heal on all levels. So perhaps you've gotten good results from alternative therapies such as meditation, yoga, exercise, also improving your diet, acupuncture, acupressure, reflexology massage. And let me say there are also so many other touch therapies or energy healing techniques, such as Reiki and healing touch pranic healing, that therapeutic touch and so many other situations. And all of these approaches work, because they unblock lifeforce energy.

And there are many extraordinary healers in the world who have dedicated their lives to understanding how we become ill, and helping us to stay well. But the truth is, anyone with a desire to maintain and stay healthy, can easily learn to tap into this wonderful, magnificent energy. No license. required, just practice. And you can improve your own health once you understand how. So we'll start by looking at the seven major chakras that are so critical to maintaining our health and our chakras.

They work like valves that allow lifeforce energy to flow in and out of us and circulate throughout the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual parts of our being, helping balanced our body systems. And even conventional Western medicine is now beginning to embrace the fact that we are not simply physical parts and function. And that there are energy fields our aura that around the body and energy centers the chakras within the body, all of which can become imbalanced, whether by stress, trauma, injuries, was definitely by inattention. So I'll go is to restore balance to the chakras into our aura. When our auras and chakras are weakened or blocked, we are more likely to get sick. But when they are strong and free flowing, it is easier to maintain our health and our well being.

So learning how to cleanse and balance the chakras will help you understand why you may have an illness and then offer a way to resolve those who could take issues in your tissue and then to begin to heal. And this cleansing opens the door to creating a healthier body, mind and spirit. So what this is all about really is actually taking responsibility for your own healing. And if your life's lesson is the illness Learning about the chakras will help you understand why you are going through your particular challenges. Not only will you understand why things are the way they are, you will discover that you have the power to change them to help your own body heal, and take the steps to prevent illness and be in better control of your own wellness. So imagine, Imagine being able to utilize the power of your mind for healing, just by asking and gentle energy touch uses intention alone to begin the healing process and then activates when your hands placed on your body.

And you will learn that the energy that seems so mysterious, is quite simple and readily available to you just for the asking. And it is with you all if it's For the rest of your life, gentle energy touch can be learned by anyone who is open and willing to learn this healing energy to flow through their body. And you know, it truly amazes me how energy healing truly works on all levels physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, truly supporting our inner growth and our spiritual development. And you will learn the beginning techniques that will help you build a strong foundation so that there is no doubt in your mind that you can help yourself and to heal. By learning and giving yourself gentle energy touch treatments on a regular basis, you will notice that you'll one frazzled energy is now centered, grounded and balanced. You all also notice that your mind is more at peace.

Your everyday stress is a lot easier to deal with. Gentle energy touch will help you enjoy a healthier relationships with others and allow you to heal those emotional and mental wounds that guess what no longer serves your purpose. And learning this technique will reduce your stress, giving you the ability to see things more clearly. And then make better decisions that will force the use of dominant and your happiness. And these are just some of the benefits of gentle energy touch that will be discussed in this video series. You know, I would like to mention here that you are in the right place right now.

And this is the time for you to learn this ancient technique now being offered in so many medical institutes, hospitals, wellness centers by And so many hotels because it truly works. And the key to healing lies in enhancing your lifeforce energy, so your immune system will get stronger and you will feel more energized, have improved sleep, and so much more. And you must realize that you must do the work for yourself in order to feel like you have never felt before, you have to do something that you have never done before. And that's to change. This is all about all aspects of yourself on all levels. So give it a go if you want to be healthy, happy, successful, and to fulfill your life's purpose and your life's passion.

I want to mention here that energy healing can save lives. It saved my life many years ago. When I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, severe chronic fatigue and raging migraines, headaches, and when you choose to let go of your challenges, and learn to forgive and accept energy healing can save your life to whether you need physical, mental, emotional or spiritual healing. And from my own experience, I can say there are no limits to what energy healing can accomplish, provided it is in line with the souls life plan. And what I mean by that is, if your journey is the illness, energy healing will enable you to understand why this is happening. And through my experiences with thousands of clients, I have seen energy healing face some of the darkest sources of emotional and physical pain.

A human body can withstand. And then when lifting the weight of that pain and providing relief for the patients, and helping them become the best versions of themselves, and enabling them to fulfill their true life purpose. That is why I have devoted my life to teaching and creating this video series for you.

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