Program Introduction

Personal Planning with a Purpose Developing a Personal Life Plan
4 minutes
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This video will provide an introduction to the life-planning course, “Personal Planning with Purpose!” After watching this lesson, make sure you download the course workbook.


Welcome to the course personal planning with purpose, pursuing a vibrant and dynamic life. This will be the program introduction. Hello, my name is Jim Warner. I'm the creator and instructor for this course. And I want to thank you for trusting me to go through this course to help you with your life plan, I believe you will find it both beneficial and enjoyable. My mission is to help others live a vibrant life and have a dynamic life.

And this is more than just a slogan to me, I truly believe you will have greater success and satisfaction in life by creating and implementing a personal development plan. This is an exciting adventure. Now an adventure implies that you're going to be on a journey. And usually a journey starts with a dream. You think about something in the future you anticipate it and then you put it down plan together. And that plan makes that journey possible.

But it actually doesn't happen until you execute the plan. That's the journey. So implementation is crucial. We're going to talk more about that later. Also, this is a process and not an event. We are conditioned to sit in a classroom and learn things or to learn online.

And we kind of look at that as an event. But this course is just the starting point. It's to get you started on a journey. We can learn in a classroom, but almost all development and goal attainment occurs over time while you're doing real life. So please view this as a process. The process is life changing.

Now this sounds dramatic, but I really believe it's true. I've seen it happen in so many lives. Many desire to have a better life or to pursue their goals but they lacked the process to get there. life plan can allow you to achieve your goals and make change happen. It truly can change your life. Also, you will get out of it, what you put into it.

Now, this is an old adage, but it's true. So I encourage you watch the videos, do a thoughtful and honest assessment of your life. Do all of the assignments and please write things down. avoid the temptation of just doing them in your mind and not documenting them. And then finally, we will develop an accountability system to make sure that your plan really is implemented. If you do these things, you will be way ahead of the pack.

I compare a life plan to a company or organization having a strategic plan. Most companies would not think about going forward without a strategic plan. And I believe the same thing is true for your life. So you can have dramatic outcomes. If you are committed to the process, and you take the first step, let's look at the word design because I think this is an important word as we consider life planning. The definition is to create fashion, execute or construct according to a plan to conceive and plan out in the mind and to have a purpose.

And so, if you look at a big building, a beautiful building, you know that that just didn't happen by accident. Somebody designed it, wrote the plans. And then a construction company followed the plans to build the building. The same thing is true with a watch. You look at the intricacies of the watch, and you know, by instinct that somebody designed all those little pieces and how they work together. And then someone meticulously built the pieces and constructed the watch.

So we have a plan and we have construction in your life. With a life plan, we will have a plan and then we will implement it. Your life is no different than building a building or a beautiful watch. That is what planning is all about knowing who you are, what you want to become, and implementing a plan to get you there. Now, there's no assignment for this video, but I would ask you to think about these things carefully before you continue. Our next video will be the principles of development.

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