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Hi there, welcome to the frazzle to balance program. This is a step by step program to help busy working parents slow down and focus on what really matters in life. I am really excited you're here, I have been exactly where you are in the past, so I can understand how you're probably feeling right now. You might be feeling frustrated and exhausted, you might be overwhelmed and tired of struggling. And if that sounds like you, then stick around, I have a whole lot of good stuff for you in this program. So before we dive in, let's make sure that you're in the right place, you'll know that you're in the right place if you're a dedicated parent, and you're having trouble balancing your career with all of the other people interests and commitments that you have going on.

You're also in the right place if the guilt of neglecting your kids is really overwhelming, but you have so much going on that you can't really seem to catch up. Or if your marriage is suffering because you constantly have to put your spouse on the back burner here also in the right place, if you feel completely out of control and you're tired of living, like your life is a fire drill completely at the whim of everyone else around you. Or if you just feel like you're unfulfilled with your life, because you never have any time for yourself. And you're definitely in the right place. If you feel like there must be more to life in this and you're finally ready to make some real changes in your life. If any of that sounds like you, then stick around.

This program was designed specifically for you. If you implement the tools and the skills in this program, I can guarantee that you'll find relief at the end of it. Actually, let's go into some detail about exactly what kind of relief you're gonna feel at the end of this program. First, you're gonna feel a lot more in control of your time and your schedule. You're also going to remove anything from your plate that straining you or isn't supporting your deepest values and priorities. And by eliminating things that aren't in alignment with your values and priorities, you're going to have more time for the things that really are important to you.

And you're also going to be more efficient at work so that you can maximize your time and get home to your family. You're also going to learn how to set boundaries with people around you without jeopardizing your closest relationships, I found that this can be one of the hardest things for working parents to do. But it's really one of the best skills you can master to save yourself time and truly enjoy your life. You're also going to learn how to identify which commitments are actually worth your time. You have a lot of demands and invitations and opportunities. And I know that it's hard to figure out sometimes which things to focus on on any particular time.

But by the end of this program, you're going to have a simple system you can use to decide which activities you should focus on. And we're also going to go over the potential pitfalls that can come up whenever you're trying to live a balanced life. There are a lot of things that can get in your way of a balanced life. And we're going to go over not only those things, but we're going to talk about how you can prevent them and overcome them. If you're already struggling. The bottom line is that creating balance in your life isn't about time management.

It's not about productivity or becoming more efficient, or even really saving time, creating more balance really comes down to making conscious choices about where you focus your attention. It's about identifying what's truly important to you, and then creating a life that allows you to spend your time and energy on those things. It's an overwhelming concept in our hyper connected, busy centric society. But I'm going to give you the tools and resources and guidance you need to finally reclaim control of your time and your life. So let's talk about what you can expect as you go through this program. Well, there are three main modules and each module has four lessons.

Module One is dedicated to helping you build the foundation for a life of balance. In Module Two, we're going to get down to business and start saving you time. And then in Module Three, we're going to talk about how you can implement self care into your schedule so that you always have the energy you need to make conscious choices. So now let's dive in a little deeper and talk about the lessons that are included in each module. The first module is all about building the foundation, where we'll set the stage for the rest of the program. In lesson one, we're going to talk about interpreting life balance.

In this lesson, you're going to come up with a personalized concept of life balance, a description that fits your life. You'll also create a life balance plan that will work with over the course of the program. In lesson two, we're going to identify your values. One of the most important things you can do as you decide how to create a more balanced life is identify your core life values, what drives you? What guides your choices in life? We'll answer those questions in lesson two.

In lesson three, we're going to identify your priorities. We'll talk about the difference between values and priorities and how you should set up your priorities to reflect your core values. Then, in lesson four, we're going to talk about building your support system. And the final lesson of module one, I'm going to help you identify who's in your tribe. The secret to your success in this program is going to be having a supportive community to lean on when things get hard, or to bounce ideas off of or just check in with about your progress. In Module Two, we're going to dive into mastering your time.

Lesson One is all about schedule analysis, we're going to do an audit on where you're currently spending your time. In lesson two, we're going to help you find more time. This is where we're going to talk about a lot of strategy and tactics. You're going to get tips and checklists and other tools to help you reduce the amount of time you're spending on non essential activities. Then in lesson three, you're going to manage your work life. We're going to dive deep into how you can increase your efficiency at work.

And then lesson four is all about managing your personal life. Here's where we're going to talk about how you can reduce more stress at home as well. Module Three is all about mastering your self care. In lesson one, we'll talk about the risks and benefits associated with self care. I wanted to start with this. I wanted to start this module off with this lesson because I think that the risks and benefits of self care is something that we talk about on a surface level, but we never really think about what's truly at stake if we can continue avoiding self care.

Then in lesson two, we're going to talk about why putting yourself last, putting yourself first is so hard. If you're going through this program, I'm gonna guess that you have a hard time putting yourself and your own needs first, if that sounds like you, then we're gonna dive deep into figuring out what's holding you back from putting your health and well being first. Then in lesson three, we're going to talk about your self care plan. This lesson is all about identifying those specific areas that you need to establish in your life. To ensure that you're prioritizing your self care. You'll create a plan to make sure that those areas are taken care of first before you give away all of your energy to everyone around you.

And then in lesson four, you're going to create a new and improved life balance plan. In this lesson, you're going to pull it all together. You're going to come up with a complete plan for life balance. You'll also have a system in place to reestablish balance in your life whenever things get crazy or out of control in the future. So now you have a pretty good idea of what we're going to be covering. And I just want to go briefly through what you're going to find in each lesson to help you implement what you're learning.

So first and foremost, make sure you check out the overall program checklist. This checklist is going to walk you through each and every step of the program and can help keep you on track as you progress. The program gives you small steps to take in a specific order so that you can feel more balanced at the end. So try not to skip ahead, just follow the program to get the best results. There's also a brief recording for every lesson that you'll want to listen to before you jump into any of the exercises. I specifically designed this program so that you could listen to the lessons on the go.

Each one is probably between like five and 25 minutes so they won't take too much of your time. But the audio lessons are important to make sure that you're understanding the background of each exercise and what you can do to get the most out of each, each one. So each lesson also includes at least one action oriented exercise to help you implement what you're learning in the audio lesson. The emphasis on this course is on taking action so you can improve your life one small step at a time. Don't skip the exercises. That's really where the rubber meets the road in this program.

You'll also see a section called success tips in every lesson, which are little tricks and strategies I recommend to help you make the most of the material. These success tips will give you a little boost to help you implement what you're learning is effectively as possible. There's also a success section called potential pitfalls in every lesson. These are the potential obstacles that you might come across, that could derail you from seeing success in the program. So I like to point out these areas so that you're aware of them, but we'll also discuss ways for you to bypass those obstacles altogether. And finally, I also believe Guide recommended resources in every lesson.

I organized this program to give you what you needed to create a more balanced life. Taking these steps are going to help you get results, but this is really just the beginning. If you're enjoying what you're learning, then these recommended resources will help you dive even deeper into the topics we're discussing. Okay, hopefully you have a better idea of what's coming up in this program and are excited as I am. If it feels like a lot, just take a breath, go grab a glass of wine or tea or whatever you like to drink and relax a little bit before we get started in module one. Whenever you're ready, go ahead and download the frazzle to balance program checklist and I'll see you in the first lesson.

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