Skill of the Mouth

9 minutes
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Learn how to articulate and speak clearly.



Not perfect, but you'll get the point. When it comes to playing music we need to be able to put our fingers in a certain place to make music if we don't, makes no sense at all. And same thing when it comes to speaking, is we have to put our mouths and we have to use our breath correctly in order to communicate what we're trying to communicate. Our tongues have to go to specific places to produce the sounds to make it clear enough they do say one out of every five Words people pick up. If you think about that one out of every four, if you're not clear, people are not going to put the sentences together and you're not going to achieve your result, which is to communicate something that you have in your heart for people. So, come close, and let's start off with a few things that I do to get myself ready to be able to articulate correctly.

It nothing close. Okay. articulate. Yeah, okay, brilliant. So firstly, what we're going to do is we got to exercise our face like we do everything else, get it warm, and we must remember is that if we don't do this and get our face nice and relaxed, we kind of get these nervous things and we smile. And it's just not real.

We must know we our faces and spending time in the mirror, there's a section maritime ban and go learn what we need to do in front of the mirror and out of that before I go into Talk I'm going to be spending time in front of the mirror doing exactly this. Let's learn some articulation stuff. This will be sent to you if you request it by email, we will send this to you, which is a whole breakdown of the different words that we use to practice and a whole lot more that you can practice at home to make sure your mouth is in the right place and space in order to communicate correctly. So here we go. Six thick thistle sticks is the first one tried with me six thicker, Fussel sticks, six thick, thick muscle sticks stick stick. Six thick futsal sticks, you drive.

Good. Six thick futsal sticks. Brilliant. Let's go to the next one. I'm a critical cricket critic. I'm a critical cricket critic.

Now remember when I'm doing this, I'm not going. I'm a critical critical critic. I'm a critical thinker. I am a critical cricket critic. The rhythm is in your mouth doesn't go into your body. I'm a critical cricket critic, critical critical Cricket Cricket critic.

Now remember, you can in the beginning do it very, very pronounced, very pronounced. So lack of the guitar, you will put your tongue where you need to be six tick vessel sticks. I made critical cricket critic, lovely one this one truck first shot, red lorry yellow lorry Red Red, red, break it up red, red, red, Lori red, Lori red, Lori. Red, red. Lori Lori Lori red Lori. yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, red lorry yellow lorry Red Lori yellow lorry red lorry yellow lorry drive.

Brilliant now that when we are tend to say you talk New York's unique, unique New York, New York's unique, unique New York, New New York, brilliant, and we get into those famous ones, and remember with the email you requested, we've got a whole lot more for you is you got it. She sells seashells on the seashore. She sells seashells on the seashore is a trick to make this easier for you. I'll give it to you in a moment. And then the other one, how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Now step back a little bit too. Yes, trick number one is when I am going to do a script for a movie when I'm going to say In front of an audience, whatever I'm going to do, whether it's on Radio Edit, waiting doesn't matter where you're going to speak in public, I first visualize it, visualize. It's a script, I'm gonna picture the whole thing in my mind because then I just attach the words to each scene. But for those over here, six stick sticks, write it down. Six tick sticks. Now visualize that.

They are how many six thick vessels, those prickly sticks, sticks. There are six tick sticks. Now when you read it, try it again. It's got six tick Fussel. 66666666 tick sticks, six tick thistle sticks. Brilliant.

And let's go to the next one. I am a critical cricket critic. Read it I am what a critical what cricket You get it. You get movie critics. You get sports critics. This is a critic that criticizes cricket and that's what you are.

I am a critical cricket critic. I am a critical cricket critic, critical cricket critic and a critical cricket critic. Perfect. The more you do this, the more professional you become well done. And the next one, red lorry, yellow lorry, even picture a red Lori and a lorry red lorry yellow lorry red lorry yellow lorry. If you're not normally speaking English, you might have a strange accent or you might not be completing the words correctly, this is going to fix it up for you.

Red lorry yellow lorry red lorry yellow lorry. So you could be a person from a different country like Mexican and you're going to speak to an English audience and they go wow, your English is great, but if it's not articulating correctly, they're not going to make out what you're saying. So it's very important that you learn us and New York's unique, unique new York New York's unique unique New York. New York's unique unique New York. Brilliant. Now that big humdinger.

She sells seashells on the seashore. picture that who she does what sells what seashells way on the sea shore. You can say She sells seashells from the back door picture where she is. She's just so happened to be standing on the sea shore. This is going to help you with your SS. So how many seashells could she sell?

If she sold seashells on the seashore? Just picture it. Well, She sells seashells on the seashore. I suppose if she got 20,000 seashells the day before she could sell many seashells on the seashore depending on how much time she has to sell seashells on the seashore. Got it. Then that would Chuck how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Have you got a clue what a witch check is? It's a funny fuzzy like a beaver kind of animal. I've got to visualize it. So I've got to have a picture of what it is. So that's a woodchuck and then it says how much wood We know what wood is you pick your wood that can be firewood, it can be planks of wood, but long as you have a picture of what wood is, so how much wood wood a wood Check, check if he could, if you had hands maybe chuck wood. So picture this animated character picking up this wood who's a woodchuck and he's checking it.

Now say it as you see it. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? I don't know how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Take these and others if you want it by email, we'll send it to you and put them together and practice over and over and over and over again, and practice it moving around in your house while you're making coffee. Anything that you're doing, so you get it into your mind.

But the point is, is to get your mouth to be in the right place at the right time. and your tongue will be bouncing all over the place to articulate correctly. So people when you do public speaking, can hear you correctly because you have a responsibility as a communicator. To communicate correctly, and there is a part on full communication where you can learn it in its entirety, but you do have a responsibility to the people that you're speaking to. Till next time, enjoy the bow

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