Lesson 1 and 2 Video

Introduction to Biblical Life Coaching Course Introduction to Basic Biblical Life Coaching Class 1
1 hour 26 minutes
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Welcome to dream mentors. I'm Pastor Candace Smith them in and this is my husband, Pastor Adam and we oversee freedom destiny church in orange Park, Florida and we are the founders of dream mentors transformational Life Coaching Institute. People take our courses all over the world and they learn how to be biblical life coaches. A biblical life coach is somebody that is properly trained in the elements of coaching, being able to encourage others effectively Listen, to help take people into a place of purpose and destiny and they've been through proper training and doing that. Coaching is a fancy word for discipleship, because really all we're doing here is are being good people helpers and good disciple errs. If you're watching us tonight for the very first time, watching online, you're watching because we are going on Facebook just for tonight's session, the very first session.

We want to You all have an opportunity if dream mentors is something that you're interested in, in tonight's class, you'll get the first two weeks of our dream honors course. And so we invite you after that to go online to dream mentors. org and you can find out how to become a credentialed biblical life coach with us how to become a part of the network, how to learn and grow and possibly teach these classes yourself. So we invite you just to go on to dream enters and look around enroll in the class. If you choose to do that you will be able to watch online with us through a special portal system for the remainder of the course which will go until May 14, we have some Mondays that we will be off so if you're thinking about that or you decide at the end of the class you want to do that make sure you sign up@dreamers.org so you can come and be a part of this.

If you just want to do the class for spiritual growth and you're watching online today that's fantastic also, but you still have to enroll@dreamers.org and pay for your materials. There is an Certain section on the website, which is called certificate certificate of completion. And that is for those who just want to grow spiritually in the Lord. And we invite you to participate that way also. But in order to stay with us for the next 12 weeks that we're going to be having this class, you need to make sure that you enroll and pay for your materials. So we thank you so much for being online with us today.

And we're excited about what God is doing in the house. All right, and we also want to welcome all you who are taking the class for the very first time and you're watching it through your computer. And these are going to be videotaped the first time in 10 years that we're redoing the material. Anybody that has taken the dream honors classes, has watched the parent PowerPoints and listened to amazing audios that have had pastors leaders, seminary professors, just awesome other teachers on the line that have had the chance to communicate. We will keep that as part of our material online and you'll be able to have access to that but these will be additional teachers. 10 years later that are professionally recorded, and will enable us to be able to transmit the message at even a greater level now after 10 years, all right, so welcome to dreamliners 101.

Let's get started. All right, we're gonna flip to these PowerPoints rather quickly here. This material is copyrighted, which is why we ask you to follow through with enrollment. I'm gonna I'm gonna jump in right now. We're gonna just pray for you. Join me.

Father, I thank you, Lord, for your presence here. We thank you for this opportunity. Lord, we thank you, as we get to do what you said. You said, all the power has been given to you and you give it to us and tell us to go teach everybody teach the whole world baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them everything that you commanded us. So Lord, we thank you for this opportunity and ask for your continued blessings over this. Because you gave it to us first.

We asked you to continue to be Blessed Candice and I as we share this material that you gave us first, we ask for your blessing in Jesus mighty name. Amen. Amen. Amen. And yes, this material did come straight from heaven 10 years ago and God has done amazing things with it online or on destination, you'll find the syllabus and additional course information there. After you sign up, you'll be able to have access to that or if you're online@dreamers.org.

So let's go through a couple of questions that we're going to be answering. While we're in this class, we're going to learn about some basic discipleship training skills. We're going to introduce to you what basic biblical life coaching is, and how to specialize in Christian transformational life coaching as well. We're going to talk to you the differences between discipleship and coaching. Between Christian coaching and Christian counseling. A lot of people don't understand that and also, especially realization of transformational life coaching how that differs from biblical life coaching.

We're also going to talk to you about vision, purpose and destiny, how your values influenced your vision, we are going to talk about motivation theory. There's quite a few different models and strategies that are going to come up in here different standards that we need to uphold, as those people who are good disciple errs or are good coaches. There's also ethics that's involved in what we're doing certain things you have to know about yourself to help another person on how to be a good spiritual director in someone's life and how to practice the spiritual disciplines because without them your soul will not be transformed. You need to understand the spiritual disciplines and to be able to help another person. So we're also going to teach you the basics about how to overcome obstacles in our life. We're all faced with obstacles, right?

There's times where we have mountains that are much greater than us and We need to know how to get over them around them underneath them whatever it takes, so that we can be the people that God wants us to be. You also find, if you're taking the course online, you have the opportunity. Or even if you're here and you want additional teaching, you can go to dreamers.org. And you can get our mp3 files. There we have some additional teaching on the various subjects that you see above us, which is Pastor Adam and I teaching on a variety of different subjects in this area. All right.

So we have three main coaching standards are actually discipleship standards that we want to have in our life when we're helping others and that is we need to take care of our attitude. We need to understand attitude, skills, transformation skills, and how to work specifically with people that we are trying to help and we call those clients centered skills. We're going to walk away from this class with confidence on how to build relationships and also how to have good ethics. And I know, we're not going to cover the international coaching Federation ethics in, in this particular class anymore. In dreamliners. If anybody wants to know more about the ICF, they can come and talk to me or they can email me and we can talk more about that.

We're going to focus specifically just on the ethics that dreamers has set aside. All right, in order to be able to help people and have the right transformation skills, we need to have an understanding about active listening, effective questioning how to clarify with people and how to give them appropriate feedback. So in this course, you're going to learn how to listen right to people. Now this is going to be helpful in all relationships that you have, whether you're on the edge of helping somebody or whether you're just on the end of a relationship. Communication is extremely important. And so learning these skills is essential to that.

We're also going to be talking about how to stay focused on the people that we're helping. A lot of times you can enter a helping relationship with somebody, especially if you're a prophetic person. And you can be very focused on what it is that you're going to say to them. But the fact of the matter is to be a good people helper or to be a good coach or disciple her you have to listen to what other people are saying before you try and go and deposit truth on the inside of them. And so in this course, we're going to teach you to how to help somebody where they can really share with you the change that they want to make, and where you begin to draw them out where they gain a conscious awareness of who they are. And they become committed to that change.

And then they discover things about themselves rather than having you be the person on the other end. That has all the answers and is coming with the answers for somebody good coaches, good dislike blurs want to help pull out of people who they are. And so they want to ask them, right and proper questions that's a little bit different than probably often how we think in life about relationship. We think about just making deposits into people, instead of drawing them out and helping them discover things for themselves. Alright, so now we're starting to start to get into some definitions. So what's discipleship?

Discipleship is somebody who is taught the doctrine of another person. In other words, discipleship is directive, and it's very focused as a disciple or we want to really begin to say, I'm the disciple er, and you're the disciple II, therefore, I'm the expert, and you're the apprentice, okay? So we enter those types of relationships but even still, as God was the mat as Jesus was the master coach, no matter how much he was the greatest disciple or of all, he still met the people where they were at. And he still had so many effective questions to draw them out and help grow them into who he wanted them to be. So even still, he was not one that was focused on. being proud about having all of the knowledge and all of the wisdom he just wanted to see others grow in that knowledge and wisdom and become connected to him so they can be changed and transformed.

That's what a good disciple er is. Now, coaching, so what's coaching now, this is a quote by Gary Collins, who is a has his own coaching business, and he has he was used to be the president of the American Association of Christian counselors. He's been writing books on coaching for years. And he says coaching is a key element in producing good leaders to be a good leader, you must be a good coach. And to be a good coach, you must recognize that coaching is a significant form of leadership. At dream mentors, we believe in being a coach, don't just do coaching, that's our motto.

Okay, so what does that mean? What does it mean to be a coach, be a coach means that at the end of this course, you would have been transformed by this material. And so therefore, you would be positioning yourself to be a good coach and a good disciple, er, rather than just being again, somebody who has all the knowledge and is throwing it at somebody else expecting them that they're going to grab that ball and run with it. But more or less, you've become transformed by what you've heard. And now, you're convinced that you can go and do this yourself. You can disciple another person, you can coach, another person, you've had enough revelation that you've received, that is making Change on the inside of you.

So a good example of this is Jesus wash his feet. And so many times the world says a leader is someone that we bow down to. But Jesus said, to be a true disciple of mine, you're gonna wash somebody's feet. So it's kind of the inverted pyramid, where if you're at the top you are doing, you're, you're leading people and everything you're leading from the front. In other words, and so when somebody wrongs you, you'd still be willing to wash their feet kind of mentality. So that and that's a process because it's very hard for the for the soul to understand this.

But being born again, your spirit is perfect. Your Spirit knows how to do this. So as we're going to see over this course, what the Word of God says about transforming your soul, it takes time. It's going to take time because Because our soul is born with sin, our flesh is born with sin, but our spirit, which we didn't have when we're born, that's why we are born again and now the spirit. So just giving you an example of how this is going, and sometimes it's a challenge for how we have to deal with our worldly positions or how to function in this world, but we are to be the salt in the light go out and show that. So just giving you a correlation here as we continue.

Okay, so in the differences between discipleship in coaching, a coach asks more questions, but facilitates and probes more in the area of drawing the client out. And the clients goals for purpose and destiny are focused on knowing God. If the client wants to know God more than the coach's job or the disciple His job is to help take them to that place of knowing More so no matter what skill training you're using, the bottom line is you're going to help somebody know God more. That means no God more whether or not there's a huge obstacle in their life, no God more whether or not it's the best day of their life, but ultimately the coach or the disciple, or is taking the client to the place of knowing God more. Now, here's another quote by good ol Gary Collins, and that is that someday training Christians to coach will be a common parlance and a valuable ministry in the church even as coaching has become widely accepted in large secular communities.

Someday people in the church will recognize that effective leadership is coaching and that the most effective Christian leaders and the most effective Christians must be effective coaches. Now he made the statement back in 2001. Coaching was really just getting started at that time, but now coaching has become A common buzzword even in the area of churches, you can go and get yourself a Christian coach. And so this is what we're doing is we're helping to train and reframe your thinking so that you can not only position yourself as a disciple er but you're also a coach that's helping someone get over that blockade in their life and and to come to know Jesus Christ more. Now, people outside the church are seeking professional coaching services. That's a fact they're paying for coaches all over the place.

I mean, when Tony Robbins does an event, he will pack that place out but he does not talk about Jesus. And so Christian coaches are very well needed because they integrate the discipline of coaching which is using effective questioning and active listening these types of things, integrates that with the ology integrates that with an understanding of who God is, and then you have a very powerful connective blend that will really enable us as Christians who have the values of being a Christian and loving Jesus help take us on to the places that God is calling us to, rather than just being motivated with some really good, um, psychological words are different kinds of things that pump us up and get us excited. Now we can integrate that with our relationship with God. Now, let's get into some scripture. Let's talk about the leadership that Moses had given by coach Jethro.

Yes, Jethro, his father in law was essentially a coach for him. And when he had gotten to a place where he needed some answers to something, he went to his father in law, we call him coach Jethro, and in Exodus chapter 18, you can read 13 through 18, but we're just going to focus on 19 and 20 says, Listen now to me and I will give you some advice. Is what Coach Jethro is saying, and may God be with you, you must be the people's representative before God and bring their just speeds to him. This is what Jethro was saying to Moses, because Moses is just overcome with all the people and all the problems and all the issues. And verse 20, he says, teach them the decrees and laws and show them the way to live and the duties they are to perform. So coach Jethro, who is encouraging the student, Moses, to understand the decrees and the laws of God, and then, because he knows them to show that proper way of living to be an example show the way that God is calling the people to go and do it in action, and then they'll understand what it is they're supposed to do.

So when we talk about being a coach, we're talking about the fact that you are so transformed by the word of God. By understanding how to help another person, it's you get your own Aha experiences in this class over the next 12 weeks that we meet, and you become one who is able to help another person because of the change that was made the word actually changed you transformation actually happened in your life and now you're equipped to help another person. No one is equipped to help another person unless you yourself have been changed. If you haven't been changed all you are somebody that just told somebody what to do, but you never experienced it yourself. God wants you to experience it for yourself. And that's what Jethro was, was explaining to Moses.

Alright. So what are some responsibilities that we have as coaches and leaders to consecrate ourselves to make her declare that we are sacred and set apart that we are to be holy examples? All right. So as a disciple or as a coach, you need to be a holy example. Now that word might be scary to you, but really what it means is that God has set you apart to be a People help her to help another person in Romans chapter 12. Really, almost all of Romans chapter 12, but we're just going to focus on four through eight, God breaks down the various giftings of his body.

And he says this he says that each of us has one body with many members and these members do not all have the same function. So in Christ we though many form one body and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesied and prophesied in accordance with your faith, if it's serving, then serve is teaching teach, if it's to encourage, give encouragement, if it's giving, then give generously and if it's to lead do it diligently, if it's to show mercy, do it share fully. So God's gift to you and set you apart to be used by him at this time in history. Coaching is your opportunity to use your gift with your family, with your friends, and with your workplace.

You have a unique calling any unique contribution, and God desires that you be a change agent in the lives of many people. But you have to believe that for yourself. I mean, we can tell you that God has given you these gifts, but you need to be confident to use these gifts. And we believe that this class is going to give you some confidence because it's going to give you some skill training in your ability to be able to use the spiritual gift that God has called you to, with confidence backed by faith, that you've been transformed and you're going to help transform another person. All right, coaching is about free. Well, it's not about overpowering somebody.

God will always affect the change. You're not a failure when you're helping another person. If your client or your disciple he has not reached their goal. If you feel that you're a failure, because you're helping somebody and they're not moving forward. That's pride. Okay, because technically all you are is an agent that God is using God makes the change.

You just have the craft have the confidence to step out and do what he's calling you to do, but you're not called to make the change in their life. They have freewill. If if you were then that would be control and manipulation. That's right. Now let's go on to the next one. So Christian coach will integrate coaching skills of attitude transformation and client centeredness with what a biblical worldview that's what makes them different than a regular coach.

They will pray for who they're working with. they'll discuss spiritual issues with who they're working with. You should have the same worldview as the people that you're coaching. Now, if you don't, if you're unequally yoked with somebody, they're not going to want you to deposit into the many ways their free will is going to turn away. But if they're ready to receive the word They've got just a little bit that is is blowing up that is full of light when you begin to speak about things that continue to speak about them, continue to speak and continue to encourage and continue to guide as long as they have the free will to be there and to be worked with. Coaching is not past focus, that's counseling.

Coaching is forward focused. We take you from your current place, and we move you to where your goal is, or where God wants you to be the ultimate being that you will know him more in the process. See what's so funny about somebody setting a goal is they may not actually reach their goal but what they'll find is they'll find God while they're headed to the goal. Therefore success has come upon them. A coach is chosen by God that's chosen by God is an actual leader. You are a leader, okay?

If you are a disciple or you are a leader, somebody is watching you. Coaching is a form of discipleship, mentoring or spiritual direction. And when you're finished with this class, you will well if you're doing this for credentialing, you will be preparing yourself to be more on a professional level. Anybody can do this, of course in the church as a disciple, but if you want that extra step of being credentialed, that puts you at a more professional level with this, alright, Christian coaches help clients move from where they are to where they want to be through seeking God and His Word. Now, a Christian coach, it's a little different than a Christian mentor. Okay, here's the difference between a coach and a mentor because a mentor is someone who has superior rank in an organization or profession, okay.

In other words, they may be a coach, but they're also at the top of the food chain for what it is that they're doing that qualifies them to be a mentor, coach. Okay. Anyway, you guys are being trained to be coaches. Trying to be good to staplers. But then you have mentors, Pastor Adam and I would be a mentor to those who are being coached. Now coaches must be able to listen and lead.

But they do not have to be experts in the field. They do have to have a biblical worldview though. Our job is also to help your client find their niche. Your job is not to mold them to you. It's to mold them, allow God to use you to help mold them into what God wants them to be here to be very client sensitive. That's where Jesus is our example.

He was sensitive to the needs of people. He was very compassionate. He met them where they were at, and that caused them to listen, and then respond. Coaching is the most important servant leadership element in helping people accomplish their goals. That's what these three mentors that Ken Blanchard, Bill Hybels and Phil Hodges, so it's very There's there's a lot of people that are doing this and they're very good at what they're doing. So let's talk about relationships.

In Matthew chapter 20, verses 20 through 28. Through that word, we understand that as a coach, you are a servant leader. And apparently you come alongside the client. You don't want the front row seat, okay? entanglements with clients will limit our ability to coach properly, you have to know what your personal needs are. And in this class, you're going to find that out, you're going to find out what makes you tick, what makes you tick from the inside and we're going to use scripture, the Word of God is going to help draw that out.

Coaching requires a commitment. It's an investment in others, it's time it's serving the Lord. If you're too intent on producing results, you're too driven or too self focus, reconsider this particular aspect Coaching as a career by any means you'll be very frustrated. Because people make moves very slowly. They it's it's highly unusual that somebody rapidly moves through something. They go rather slow in their change.

That's why God is so patient and long suffering with us is because he wants us to move slowly through change. Okay, so what are some differences between coaching and counseling, counseling is healing focused, it deals with the past, it deals with severe and deep psychological issues and requires a specialist. It deals with deep brokenness and healing. It meets people at a place of relative stability and helps them move on. Okay, but coaching moves somebody from present to future. Okay, so coaching the last two on there coaching meets people at a place of stability and helps them move forward.

Coaching moves somebody from present to the future. With a coach. They're not going to ask you a whole lot of questions about what was your relationship with your family, when you A child, you're going to find that counselors spend a lot more time in that area. So coaching is more solution focused. biblical life coaching integrates coaching discipline and skills with God's word God's goals and biblical principles. But what's the difference between biblical life coaching and transformational life coaching?

Pastor Adam and I do both. This is a biblical life coaching class. The next class to one is a transformational life coaching class. transformational life coaches understand the processes of how God transforms his people into lightness of his son. So it offers a more holistic perspective that a biblical coach is not going to bring about that's why we do one on one as a basic course before you take to a one is because this gives you a really good foundation but transformational life coaching goes way deep into the scriptures about spirit, soul and body. And so consider taking that when you're finished with 101 transformational life coaching is the study of Christian coaching, but from a holistic perspective, it focuses on understanding of how God transforms a spirit, soul and body into the likeness of a son.

Why is it necessary today? Because you need to know what happened to you when you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior from a holistic perspective. If you don't know what happened to you, how can you articulate this to another person? See, there's many people that are walking around that say they're saved, but they don't even know what God saved when they got saved. And so when you understand transformation, you can say Do you even know what guys save when you guys save? Well, I just know I'm different now.

Yeah, okay. You are different now. But let me explain to you exactly what happened. Because when you understand that you're the change was spirit first. And you began to focus your identity on who you are as a spirit, first person first. Everything will change in your life, your confidence level will go up and your soul will begin to transform as a result of that.

So it's essential that people understand Sam, this is transformational life coaches understand this. One of the key aspects of effective coaching is effective questioning. Key when you effectively question people, you're drawing them out. You're probing the person that is being coached, you're engaging them in such a way that their mind is being used to answer the questions that you're giving that are open ended. They're not closed questions that require a yes or no answer. They're open ended questions that require them to look at themselves and answered deeply.

And when someone looks at themselves and answers deeply, then you are being one who is an effective questioner, okay. And so effective questioning is a skill that you will learn in this course. It is a Christian Christian transformational life coaching is necessary because it encourages those being discipled or coach to have a greater understanding of who they are in Christ and who God is. And you'll also learn even more. So interestingly, we got we give you an introduction to it here, but you go more into it into a one and that is the various spiritual disciplines. We will go through all 12 spiritual disciplines in this class, but you will get an introduction to them, the practicing of that takes place in the 201 course.

All right. Can you believe we got through all of those PowerPoints? All right, let's take some questions. What do you think, Pastor Adam, are there any questions that are out there? Would anybody like to ask us any questions at this particular point? We're going well through this because the next set of of teaching is on vision, passion, purpose, Destiny value, so we want to take greater time to talk about that.

Anybody have any questions for us? You have a question? We'd like to hear it loudly as with the people that are watching through video. If you just want to come up to the microphone, if you don't have any questions, that's okay. We can just roll right into this because they'll probably be more questions on the second chapter. All right, nobody running to the mic.

Okay. I want to talk about vision, passion, purpose, destiny and values. Now we're getting into the meat of things. All right. So what is vision? A vision is a seed that is planted in your heart by God.

It is a mental picture of your future position, your ultimate destiny, in your imagination. Without a vision the people perish without knowledge of who you are and where you're going. It's like you're a traveler without a GPS. The vision keeps you focused on where you are going. So vision is something that God has planted on the inside of you and you can see vision behind For you, because it's your hope and it's your future in something that God has said about you and before the foundation of the world, he determined that you would step into that place and so he deposited that seed on the inside of you. Vision is a lack of vision.

Maybe sometimes this helps to understand is like a think of a ship that's just gonna drift. Maybe lost its rudder. Well, what are some things that could maybe deter us from continuing on our vision? Well, there are things that are around us that we get tempted by, or we aren't strong enough to say no to that will prevent our vision from being carried out. Some of those things in this culture are drugs and alcohol. pornography.

A lot of entertainment, we seem to Want to be entertained. And so those will distract us from completing and fulfilling our vision. So just giving you some real practical things here to process of when you're hearing this. Now vision is different than passion. Passion is an inner force that drives you to your vision. passion comes from God through the Holy Spirit.

It's what keeps your energy levels high on the pathway to the combination of your vision and in other words, it's it's like the fuel it moves you without passion you won't have the energy to make the journey you'll need to feed your fire with fuel day. They actually the the Greek words day and sire mean of the Father. Okay, so we talk about desire, what is the desire of our heart, we're talking about what is the desire of the Father's heart. For us, okay. So whenever, whenever we talk about the visions that we have, and what is God planned, for us it is the desire of the Father and the Father gives you the desire of your heart, which is his desire. A lot of what you're going to learn through dreamliners is how to have the confidence to go for the vision that you see how to keep the passion in your life fueled so that you don't get entangled and go off in a gazillion different directions.

You stay focused on the vision that God gave you. Now, fuel stands for fire under energy level. When your fuel is up, your energy is up, pay attention to your fuel. If it starts to go out, you're moving away from your vision, because as Pastor Adam said, without a vision the people perish. perishing means you're not moving towards Anything. If you're not moving toward anything, it means that you're stagnant.

If you're stagnant, then you're dying. See in God's kingdom, everything moves and it moves continually. And it doesn't stop because God doesn't stop. He doesn't sleep. We only sleep because the earth suit that he gave us needs to have rest. It needs to have proper nutrients and things like that to keep it fueled so we can keep going.

But in essence, in heaven, it's continual movement. So pay attention to your fuel. Satan wants to put out your fuel. He's gonna try and do everything he can his pastor Adam brought up and pay attention to your entanglements. You know what, what you've gotten involved in, that's not holy, that will suck the fuel right out of you. Now, that's a lie that if you go over here and do these things, see the enemy tries to lie to us.

If you go over and you mess in these arenas, you're actually going to gain fuel for your journey, but no, you kryptonite is kryptonite to Superman. And you got to know if I go over there. No, it's gonna suck the life out of me. And then what happens is, we tend to feel guilty. And so then we feel like we're not worthy. And so then we give up.

And it's like you got to start over again. And so I know, I know this is like speaking to some of us, because these traps are snares entanglements. That's exactly what the demonic wants you to mess with. wants you to mess with that, because it'll get you off your vision, which and you're in, and part of your vision is to know God more. Part of your vision is to get more out of life. Jesus says, I came to give you life and to give you more abundantly.

And so that's what we're all craving. And so these tricks these snares these traps these entanglements will get us off our game and then the demonic it's to like, sit back and and just relax because then we'll beat ourselves up and think, Well, I'm not worthy to do this and Jesus is going, I died for you to stop that. And if you make a mistake, acknowledge it, repent of it, get back up and get back on your vision. And and, and along with that is learning how to be around people or find those people or listen to those people. That will be true loving friends to you to help you stay away from those traps and snares and entanglements. Okay, let's and that will fuel your passion.

Okay, let's talk about how you find your passion. Ask a friend who knows you well, what they see To help you find out what your passion is, okay? What makes you excited? What makes you angry? What excited you when you were young? If you had no limits, what would you do?

Does your environment reveal what excites you? And then of course, pray and say God, so let me let me give you an example you might be going What do you mean? Why? Why would I want to give any entertainment to something that makes me angry? Okay. What almost always happens to Christians is once they receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior, some of those things they used to do that trapped and snared and entangle them.

They're upset about. Here's the deal. The very area where you were in bondage is the very area God wants you to take the light and go into that area to transform that area with what you have Now, and you have a better understanding of those who don't know it because you live that and you know not to make that mistake. So you're to go to that area and show the grace and mercy that was given you through the sun and go show that to those people or that environment and take it back for God. So those things that make you excited those things that might get your anger up, like who I don't like, like the people, for this place used to be a bar. This place used to be a place of getting drunk and depressed and death and adultery and anger and murder.

That'll anger some people that I don't want to lose this place makes me mad. It's also the very place where God says, I want you right there so that you can be the system change agent. So just so you understand. That's what we're talking about here with passion. So it's okay, that would be righteous anger, but let's use it. Don't just stay there.

Let's go do something with that passion. Since your passion is the fuel for the vision that God deposited in your heart, you have to ask yourself a question. Do you really want to be guided by your passion? Why? or Why not? Now?

Why would we ask that question? We asked that question, do you really want to be guarded by a president? Because that could be a scary thing for you. If you don't have confidence in who you are in Christ, you're going to be afraid of your passions. Because you're not going to be sure that your passion is truly the right thing. You're always going to be second guessing yourself.

And when you're second guessing yourself, you're going to hold yourself back from the fullness of what God has for you. What obstacles do you face? When you run with your passion for those of you that know what your passion is? What are the obstacles that come against you when You're trying to run it that race. Think about some of those things, write some of those things down. Stay passionate and I are coaching you right now.

Have you noticed these are effective questions? Okay, what they do is they make you look at yourself, so that you're able to think in that place of self discovery. coaches and good disciples help you discover for yourself because when you discover for yourself, you'll change. You'll change more when you get your own aha than a pastor. And when I tell you, that's what you got to do. We should be a confirmation of what you already know about yourself.

And so getting you to that place is what this course is all about. I know the first class was a little like humdrum did it but we had to line out some of those things because those are terminologies that you'll get confused about later. And especially for people who are being credential but the bottom line here is this whole course is going to take you to enough Next level of understanding who you are in Christ, and giving you the confidence to walk it out. I want to I want to say something here too about passion. If you don't know how to socially interact with your passion. In other words, if you don't have rapport, it don't matter how much passion you got, because people aren't going to listen to you.

They're gonna think they're weird. Think about this. And and first impressions are huge. So, if you're not able to, like, control that passion, to such a sense to get the people, they're not going to listen to you. And if you have a first bad, your first impression is bad. All these studies have shown that it takes up to like 20 follow on interactions, even if people will come back and give you another chance before it wipes away that first bad impression.

So what I what I'm saying is Many times when we're passionate, we're very excited. Right? And we're very so we have to learn. So maybe it's like we need to get some schooling and some training and some coaching on how do I present my passion? effectively. Okay, that's okay.

I'm going to ask somebody who's taken the one on one class before that was dramatically changed as a result of taking it that really stepped into knowing who they are in Christ to stand up and give us a really quick testimony like a one minute testimony. Una go here and you can take it off or leave it on there. It's your prerogative. So knowing who I am Knowing what happened to me when I got saved, really, really knowing that is empowering. And it does help you when you're talking to other people, and discipling other Christians or just helping other Christians in their walk, that, you know, you've got to, you've got to understand this. And that's the basis of everything that we are able to do and everything that we're supposed to do.

As in being disciples, and being Christians, you have to understand what happened to you. And then you're able to go forth, of course and pull someone else along, so that they can understand and it just catches fire and it just goes on. And I think that goes in line kind of with what I was saying about you. We're we're all very passionate about it. But if we can't articulate it, people are kind of like, why do I want to be in it you want to share real quick when pastor Adams said something about and passion, I was one of those ones that I really had to kind of step back and really look at, okay, I need to be passionate for myself and know who I am in Christ. But to be balanced in that passion, and being in dreamland has taught me to be more of a listener, just listen.

Because, you know, we can all talk ourself and convict ourselves by just listening. And so that's what dream mentors done for me, it's really helped me to be more passionate and understanding that, you know, just be a listener, and they can take their self out, and I'm big about just pray about it. God has already given me what to tell them, but let them tell me, so that's what it's done for me. Thank you. Thank you. Okay.

Now let's talk about Mark chapter five pursuing your passion. So Chapter five, we find that there was a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years. You all know that story, right? Mark chapter five, verse 26, she suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and she, and she had spent all she had, instead of getting better, she grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the graph in the crowd, and she touched his cloak, because she thought if I just touch his clothes, I will be healed. Immediately her bleeding stop and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering.

Now, she saw in her heart, she had a vision that she would be healed. But she had to pursue a passion on the inside of herself, which was, which was what the passion was to go for him, because he was the answer that was going to bring about the vision that she was going to be a healed woman. Now, why is this such an important scripture? Because ultimately, her passion was to know him. And she knew that he would be the one that would bring about the result of her to be healed. Does anybody understand what I'm saying here?

So if God has given you a passion, whatever that thing is, it is a passion to first know him, in the process of whatever it is that is fueling your vision. Okay? So you start to look at passion differently. Not only is passion, something that you want to do, but it's also bringing about a knowing of Jesus, a knowing of God that you didn't have before. Every passion that you have is tied to knowing more about who he is. Am I right?

Because without him, what's the point of passion? His passion is fueled from heaven. We talk about how Jesus made the choice of going to the cross for us, right? That is the story of his passion for us, his passionate love that He has for us. And so when he deposits in his vision, and he knows there's a fuel that needs to carry that forth, he gives us a passion for certain things. So that vision will be accomplished.

But ultimately, that passion is for him, because he's the ultimate in all of it, including the vision that he gave you. it all ties back to him. He is the Alpha and Omega, he's the beginning and the end. And so us as creatures here are simply carrying out eternities vision in the earth realm in the temporal realm. So while you're traveling through this class, begin to change your thinking about the fact that you have got to reach your destiny because destiny is an earthly thing. No, Destiny is an eternal thing.

And it starts here on earth with you learning to follow the passion of loving God and what it is that he's called you to do. There's an Integration here, okay, this is a mind shift, something happens in our mind. And we begin to understand that we're not just taking this class just because we want to get through the next week or the next month or the next couple of years of our life or until we're 100 years old or whatever. No, you're learning things here because you are going to live for eternity. And the passion that he is feeling here helps you understand him more, so that you can get ready for the next dimension. All right, let's go on.

So your faith and values fuel your passion. All right. Now, so we said, passion fuels your vision. That's what we said, right? But what else fuels your passion, faith and values and faith and values together is Christ. It's who you are in Christ.

All right, your value system is the fact that you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, therefore he is your new worldview. He's your biblical view of how you plan on living on this planet, like the kingdom of heaven is on Earth. Okay? And so faith and your value system. In other words, you you establish a value system through the Word of God and what you know to be true about heaven and Jesus, but faith to believe that then fuels your passion. And we said what passion feels vision so you see how we're putting things together, one plus one equals two.

So if vision is something that that is there that God gives you, passion fuels that what fuels passion, faith and values, the woman with the issue of blood had faith that Jesus could heal her. Okay? It was a vision that she saw, but it was a value that she had. She knew that Jesus could do this. So you must have faith to believe God and that God can bring your vision Your destiny to pass and you will see it take place here in this realm. But the combination of that will take place in the next round, which is the heavenly realm.

Okay, overcoming attitude is needed to pursue your passion. A lot of times our attitudes will affect whether or not we can simply move with our passions, you're going to face obstacles on the road to pursuing your passion. So what's your attitude in the midst of that? Do you have a good attitude? You have a grateful attitude? Are you seeing things the way God sees them?

Do you have his biblical worldview? Do you have heavens worldview? Are you seeing things through these eyes in order to get over the obstacle so you can continue to pursue your passion because remember, you have a great enemy who wants to pour a whole lot of water on your fire. It says go let me just drench it so I can get rid of that fire because I'm going to read it out fire. They're going to stay in bed. They're going to be depressed.

They're going to start complaining they're going to go off doing things they shouldn't be doing. They're going to get entangled in areas they shouldn't. He's always coming against your passion, because he wants to stop your destiny. Jesus was faced with obstacles on the road to pursuing his passion of saving us, but you are more than a conqueror. Romans chapter eight, verse 31, says, What then shall we say in response to this if God is for us who can be against us? He who did not spear his own sign, but gave them up for us all?

How will he not also along with him graciously give us all things? See, you got to change your thinking about God, he is for you. He is not against you. He is a lover of your soul. He sent His Son to empower you to fulfill the planet purpose that God has for you in this earth, but also in the next round. Listen to the story of Jacob.

Genesis chapter 32, verses 22 through 32. This is a struggle that we see Jacob Having for his destiny. Jacob was left alone. Your struggle for destiny is you and God alone. You came into this earth, no clothes, no nothing. You're going to go out the same and you're going out by yourself.

You're not going out with your spouse, you're not going out with your friends. You're not going out with your kids. You came here by yourself, you're leaving by yourself. So learn to engage with God. After struggling with God you will overcome and God will give you a new name. God struggles with our flesh.

Then hip means fleshy. God touches this part of Jacob and God is getting the fleshy part of us out of control. Let's read Genesis 32 verses 22 through 32. In pull this up on my trusty little app here Got it? Yeah, I got in Genesis 3222. And he rose up that night and took his two wives and his two woman servants and his 11 sons and passed over the Ford j buck.

And he took them and sent them over the broken sent over that, that he had. And Jacob was left alone. And there wrestled a man with Him until the breaking of the day. And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh, and the hollow of Jacob side was out of joint as he wrestled with him. And he said, let me go for the day breaks. And he said, I will not let you go except you bless me.

And he said unto him, What is your name? And he said, Jacob, and he said, the name shall be called no more Jacob but Israel for as a princess without power with God and with men and has prevailed. Jacob asked him and said, Tell me, I pray your name, and he said, Wherefore is it that that does ask my name and you'd be Less than there and Jacob called the name of the place Brunel, for I've seen God face to face in my life is preserved. All right. So here we see that God touches our flesh and our wounds, so that will recognize our dependency on God. When we recognize our dependency, we finally get our flesh under control.

The injury reminds us that he brings the promise to pass, we don't bring it to pass he does. We need to be injured because the injury is a reminder of the engagement of God. We need a memory of God to undergo the journey toward the promise. See, we have to struggle for our destiny because in struggling for it, you're going to find out who you are in Christ, and you're going to find out who God is two very important questions that we have to answer while we're here on this planet. Who am I? Who is God created?

Didn't mean to be Who are you God? There are deep inner soul questions that have to be answered. And as we struggle toward the vision as we deal with our passions, we begin to answer these questions. After the struggle what happens God gives Jacob a new name and his new name means the struggle is over. Your new name will be represented by a change in who you are. In I am, his name I am is the fulfillment of God.

The new name reveals who God is in you at this time, so you can now walk toward the promise. Your new name means you're now an overcomer and you have the power to move to toward your destiny. So your new name is your first name plus overcomer. I'm Candace overcomer. Meet Adam overcomer. Look to your neighbor and call their name and call them an overcomer Come on.

Let's To when God saw Jacob was persistent and his dependency was recognized, then he saw God face to face. You got to be persistent and you've got to be dependent. It's okay with God that you're dependent on him. As a matter of fact, he's trying to train that into you. That's part of the discipline be dependent upon me. That's what he did to them in the desert when he gave them the manner the manner was the discipline to get them to that place of understanding that relationship with him was number one, it was Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord.

It wasn't what what was given, but it was that there was a strategy and that God was the answer. So, in this case, when Jacob saw God face to face, then God asks, Why do you ask Ask my name Jacob. And Jacob knew him now. Now that new place was called Peniel, which means face to face with God. The place where this happened, where he got the revelation is actually called face to face with God. Now everything has changed.

You're now ready to finish pursuing your destiny as you struggling for and you're gonna have various points in your walk with God where you're going to struggle. This was one moment in time for Jacob and you may have one momentary time where you dramatically change on your way to destiny. This is a process that God's going to take you and your clients on as you move toward destiny. So you got to be aware of the process as a people helper, we got to know these things. So values are key to your vision. What value system do you hold?

This is when you have to start asking questions. Are you a Christian? Do you have a biblical worldview? Because the vision that God gave you will not be outside your values. If your vision is contradicted by your values, then you have to reassess your vision. Values dictate whether or not your vision is going to actually come to pass.

So you have to know your value system. From a Christian coaching perspective, faith is a value. In other words, if someone comes to you and they say, I want you to coach me, I want you to help me. Do you know Jesus is our Lord and Savior? Well, no, I don't know him, Are you sure you want me as your coach? Because that's my value system.

And as I'm drawing you out, that's the direction I'm going to come from. And so the values of the person that you're coaching or discipling need to be similar values with you as in, they believe in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Now, otherwise, we call it evangelism, but just know what you're going into before you there. Okay, they may not have the same value system as yours, but they should be asking some questions if they want you to stay their coach. If they don't know Jesus is our Lord and Savior, you don't have to cut them off, be there to share with them. But tell them I'm going to share with share with you from this perspective, I'm going to ask you questions from this perspective.

That's going to cause them to have to go do some self discovery to ask the question, do I What do I believe anyways? If nothing else is gonna ask them what do they believe in? Then they're gonna go well, why do you believe what you believe? So it's gonna be a great opener. Everyone has values coaches don't coach apart from their values. And people choosing coaches want coaches with similar values.

Coaching is value Laden, it just is. counseling is value Laden. You choose to go to a secular counselor, go right ahead, but they're going to coach you through the secular theories that they read in psychopathology. So what you're getting okay You go to a Christian counselor, you're going to get the integration of psychology and theology. So they're going to understand psychopathology, but they're also going to understand what does Jesus say about all of this? What does the word say?

Okay, so if you're a Christian, you should be considering going to those counselors who have the same value system as you because otherwise you're going to come out very confused. Well, yeah, you'll be a double minded person. You're just going to be double minded, and you're going to be confused. So I mean, just just process that. I mean, if you're, if you're a Christian, you're going to have a different view on life. You're just something as basic as life.

If you're a Christian, you're going to come from a perspective of the first response isn't going to be to take a pill. The first response is going to be pray for healing. And so it's things like that and it's going to be repetitive and it's going to continue to feed you. And you're going to start to renew your mind and you're going to be transformed. Then if you continue and you hang around people like that, that are being coached in the same way. You also have to remember that your values can change.

Okay? It's not that you would not change to be a Christian, not the basis, that strong foundation of your values. But even as a Christian, you will grow and change as a Christian, you will have a foundation point but there will be building blocks over your history of walking with God. And so you have to remember that about yourself because then that helps you know that about other people that you're helping, values can be transformed by the grace of God. coaches can help their clients transform their values, how through the Word of God. And as you're working with them, you pull out the word of God, you talk to them about the Word of God so you can begin to steer them in the direction of knowing him.

Him more. You can give value assessments to your clients or those you're working with. Make a list of questions that will cause your client or the one that you're discipling to question their value system, ask them what values they subscribe to ask them what they consider to be important. That's okay. Those are all self discovery questions. When you ask people those kinds of effective questions.

They're gonna be like, Oh my gosh, I don't even know. Because they're so deep. Those are deep questions. What values do you hold? Ah, what's the value? I just go along with the flow, right?

That's what people yeah, I'm just doing this because that's what everybody else does. And I that's just why I do what I do. Okay, fair enough. Now, let's ask why. Why do you go along with the flow? Is that what a Christian does or does a Christian lead?

Is a Christian change the culture is it Christian going to do something that they know the word of God says is wrong? Are they going to do that? Because that's not what a Christian is. The Christian is going to say, you know what I might have used to do that. But now I'm not anymore. Guess what that will cause that'll cause some repercussions.

Jesus said, he was cursed. First, he was beaten first, they hated him first. Welcome to the family. You can write a statement of your values, this would be good for you to hand it to your clients, to the people that you're working. Actually, this would be really good for each individual to do this to find out what you really know and not go along with your spouse's values are live off somebody else's values, but write them down for yourself without anybody else around to see what your values are. And it's a good thing to do routinely.

Because you'll find that some of the traps snares entanglements of the world, they're trying to inch their way into your life to get you off of those values. As you know, Satan always sets traps that revolve around our values. When you deviate from your value system, then you will heap condemnation on yourself and on others. condemnation will kill the confidence that you have to move forward in the vision that God's called you to be. You have to learn to stand firm on your values and use and use them as a guide. We've all been faced with situations where we've had to stand on our values, we've had to say no to certain people and certain things.

And that's what this is talking about. The enemy likes to set traps for us that cause us to deviate from who we say that we are. And once we do that, then condemnation comes in. If you as a coach stray from your values, you're going to lead other peoples away from their values as well. Let me give you an example of this a really practical one. I was asked many times, two as a former naval officer.

I used to Be quite the partier. So we moved down here 10 years ago, March. And we started in Eagle landing. And there was a group of guys there that asked me to come play poker. And I just didn't really respond. I just never showed up.

Finally, one day, the guy goes, Hey, I'm always asking you how come you don't? You know, pastor and we? And he's like, why don't you come? And I said, Well, since you keep pressing me, it's just you. I'll tell you why. Here's what's going to happen.

I show up. I'll play poker, but I'm not going to gamble. I'm not going to drink alcohol. I'm not going to smoke. And at some point, somebody's going to say, how come you're not putting in any money? Because I set up play cards.

I'm just not going to gamble. I'll hang around with you guys, but I'm not going to drink alcohol. And I'm not going to smoke. So somebody is going to be uncomfortable, and then they're going to ask me what I'm going to say you really want to know why you're ready for the answer. And that's going to disrupt your party and you're not going to have a team anymore to party with. And he goes, Oh my gosh, I never thought of it that way.

So you sure you want me to come to your party? Because that's what's going to happen. I will tell them why I don't. So if you're ready for a bunch of either angry guys or guys that are going to repent and get under needs, and your party is going to be blown up, I wouldn't ask me. Do you see what I'm saying? I mean, do you hear what you hear this this is?

This is this is one of the things and you will be tempted when it's happened to me guys were that when I was in the Navy, the guys were like, how come you're not drinking anymore? How come you're not smoking not growing up? You know, you're still fun to hang out with, but you're not drinking. How come you're not grabbing a beer and do that anymore? How come? Because I found Jesus.

You really want to know why. Oh, don't do that Jesus stuff. Well, you asked. I said I don't do that anymore. Because the Word of God says that'll make me drunk. It'll make me do stupid stuff.

It's the truth. So that's why I don't do it. Another reason I don't do it is because I'm a leader, because if any leader does anything, then then anybody else can see what he does that I can do it. I mean, it's just reasoned like that. So for any of you could say, well, at least I'm not a leader. Now that's not the way God looks at you if you're Christian if you're a Christian, and you're all leaders, and that's the truth, but see some it's like, oh, no, I don't want to be like you pastor Adam, or you are if you're a Christian, you're a saint.

So, so this is the deal. That's what it says you're the saints act like it. That's the truth. So this is the stuff that starts to get so when you're discipling, people are your coaching people. Don't forget about coaching yourself. Don't rationalize just because you have a title.

That's the worst thing to do. And Jesus called those people Pharisees. He mocked them. He said, You brood of vipers. So this is what this is what we have. This is our goal.

We got to challenge ourselves so that we can be Real with the people that were coaching or were discipling and have real things and go, You know what? I'm not doing too well in that, Amen. Hallelujah. That's the first place to start. That's the first place to start. Don't rationalize your own behavior.

And then think it's okay as you're ministering to somebody is you're discipling somebody as you're coaching somebody, if they're struggling with it, and and you have some challenges there, you need to go and they'll they're probably going to perk up in their seat going, you have struggles with that. How did you overcome that? Haha, glad you asked. You know, anything that you give up, God will replace with himself. And it'd be so much better than the thing that it is that you're trying to hold on to. You just have to have faith enough to believe that what you're going to receive from him is greater than the thing that you plan on giving up.

He stands there just waiting to give you what's best, but we'll hold on to to the mediocre So part of this is learning to be somebody who's an example to others. coaches are examples. And they're examples of the life giving blood of Jesus Christ, the passion that flows from just knowing him. When we talk to you about value systems, and we say, have your client write down the values, if a value a conflict exists between you and the client, but they signed a value statement, then send them back to the value statement for support as you're coaching them. Okay? If they say they're a believer in Jesus, they want to be coached like that and you start going in that direction and you start encouraging them and that in that way, and they start to want to stray from that, oh, hey, listen, you signed a value statement.

That helps keep things on track. Coaching is not about changing someone's values. It's about clarity. verifying their values. Even if you find out that their value systems a little bit off or a little bit messed up, all you want to do is question them in such a way that they can recognize the error themself. Because when they recognize their own error, then they're fixing their own issue they'll be it'll be much easier for them to get back on the path rather than you being one that tells them to do it.

I love to help people discover for themselves because then I was never the one that told them to do it. And they think they got some great aha going on there. And all it was was good effective questioning went out, good clarifying without. Since values fuel passion which fuels vision, we come back to passion because faith in God is a value the Christians heartfelt desires to glorify God and your values revolve around glorifying God. His passion within you ignites a vision that moves you in the right direction. You need to learn to be committed to this vision.

Commitment to your passion means you have to make choices to support that inner force within you. This is where we have to begin to let some things go when we make commitment to the passion and the vision, then we're driving a mental discipline that says we're going to commit to live out our passion and move toward our vision. Regardless of what obstacles we face before us. The coach helps the client make these commitments, and then encourages them along the path until they accomplish the vision. All of this is ultimately the clients decision. Now again, when we say client, we just mean the person we're discipling Okay, so don't get confused with Coach client disciple or discipling.

Okay. It's all the same thing. We're just giving you good skills training to accomplish that. When the coach helps the client clarify their values, passion and vision. You're being present focused. You're not to look to the past you keep the client on the here and now every question that you drive for that bring them back to this moment they're struggling with, okay?

You want to keep them there in that place. You want to encourage them everybody struggles for their destiny. Let's walk this out together how are we what what choices and decisions can I help encourage you that you've made, so that I can walk you I can be empirically with you as you fulfill what God has destined for you to fulfill. And as they develop this self awareness as you clarify these values and you stay present focus, they will develop self awareness. When coaches help clients focus on present, focus on the present, clarify, clarify values and look for their passion, then you become one who is bringing them self awareness. So vision is the mental picture of a future position planted in the heart.

Man buy a seed from God. Your Passion will drive you toward the vision and the vision is the target. And Habakkuk chapter two verses two through three we read in the scriptures that the Lord replies to back at write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it in other words, write down the vision make it plain, then we can do something with it since it's written down for the revelation awaits and appointed time It speaks of the end and it will not prove false though it lingers wait for it. It will certainly come and will not delay no tonight as high says though it lingers. Destiny off and lingered and a lot of different spaces of the mountain top you'll, you'll take a lot of time on certain shelves of the mountain, but you just sitting there with your backpack.

Go on and is it? Am I halfway up, am I cool? weigh up how far up have I gotten? But if you have the vision before you you will not stay on that ledge for too much longer before you start asking God how do I get off this ledge and get to where you've called me to be. So you write out the vision you make it plain the vision is now in focus. It is statements written about the future so God has planted a vision and everyone who's born again it the soil of your heart is rocky than the seed cannot take the root well so what rocks are in your soil right out the obstacles so pastor and I are coaching you right now.

What are some rocks in your own soil? God stirring the seed out there if it's not taking root? What do you heartburn? Are you are you holding on and forgiveness so you're holding on to bitterness? Are you holding on to fear are you holding on to shame or you're holding on to anger or you're holding on to past habits are you holding on to a lot You're holding on to manipulation. What are you holding on to?

That is causing the seed that is falling from heaven not to be able to take root and be deposited in your heart? Only you can answer that question. The Holy Spirit will give you revelation if you have none at this time you asked him, Lord, bring me to Revelation. I need to know what is blocking my moving forward. To receive clear vision from God, you must position yourself to receive what he has already given you. Remember, you have all things through Christ who strengthens you, God has given you everything in your inheritance with him, you are sitting on his lap.

You are a citizen of heaven that operates in the earth. You have to learn to grow in these things so that you can gain a level of confidence to carry out the vision that God has, that God has given you. You need to learn to practice the spiritual disciplines. We're going to talk about those in this course. You got to learn to pray and ask God to continue to reveal the vision to you. You need to learn to sit and meditate with him.

And that doesn't mean you know Zen Buddhism, I'm talking about learning to meditate on the Word of God repetitiously where you can begin to see the change on transformation. worship him learn to worship Him. We do that well here at freedom destiny, we teach how to sit in the hot spot for a long period of time. Till all of a sudden you can't help yourself but just worship him. You just love to worship Him. When you see people come in here, how often and just stand there, oh my god.

And then they keep coming. And then they start going lifting their hands just a little bit more. Next thing you know they start coming down the aisle. They start coming down to front. They get in freer and freer and freer and freer in worship, but unless you've been in a place like that, you You don't know what to let go of to fully enter in. It's a practice.

We teach people how to worship God here. You want to teach some people how to worship, bring in a freedom destiny. They're going to learn how to worship. Yeah, it might be a little uncomfortable, but the true worshipers will worship the Lord in spirit and in truth and there is a practice to worship. Worship is a spiritual discipline. We don't know how to worship except for things of the earth.

When you learn to worship God, things change. You also learn to pray fast and give the way that you should. And so these are just some things that being a Christian coach are preparing you to learn and change and be transformed will then help you be able to pour out on others. All right, I want we want to take a few questions and comments. We have about six minutes here before we close with any anybody have a question or comment got a revelation you'd like to share with us. Six minutes is a long time if you each take a minute we can get about five people in there.

Question is like work trying to lead other people I know who guys in me and I know how to let him speak through me but my my problem is and the struggles I'm having is some of the other people using the old me against the new me. And that's where I'm struggling not no one had to attack back with that the right way. Okay, here's what I want to say to that. Thank you for sharing that. And and that is everyone's struggle when they first come to really connect to their normal. Yeah, very Yeah.

My encouragement to you is to stay focused on the love of Christ. When you begin to truly love yourself and extend that love to other people, even those that want to take you back to yesterday. They're not going to understand why you're loving on them while they're trying to take you back to yesterday. That's going to be very confusing for them because They're gonna be like, No, no, no, he's supposed to lash out at me supposed to get upset. He's supposed to put up a shield he's supposed to feel condemned and guilting let them do their rambling what you do is fall in love with Jesus and let that roll over to them use of, you know, allow the fruit of the Spirit to just pour out of you the love joy, peace patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, self control. And, and your because it's New York, we all make mistakes there.

Then the thing to do is apologize. Yes, when you apologize when they don't expect it. That's the ultimate like, Oh my gosh, what's going on with this dude, he, I I'm messing with him. And he's sorry. Because, you know, maybe there was anger. Maybe there was bitterness.

Maybe there's unforgiveness and you come to them and go, even though they're trying up and you That is another one that throws them for a loop and over Consistency doing that people go, man, you are the real deal. What's going on? Like, how did you do this, then you're open door, then you have the open door, but you but you have to stay the course. stay the course. And that's why people need to be a part of a church body so that they can get because there are many that have that experience. And, and so what, when it happens to you for the first time it's a new one.

You don't have any experience. You just need to gain some and you'll overcome it. And then it'll be all hat and it'll be like breathing going. Oh, yeah, you're trying to take me back to you know what, that ain't me anymore. I'm a new dude. I mean, that's the truth.

It's just has to become a repetition like walk in. So just hang in there. Hang in there and show the love. Show the grace show the mercy when it's not deserved. Amen. Stay encouraged.

We've talked about today is tech will take time. Is it okay? If you have them at when they as you accomplishing what they're going forward to, to bring them back and reevaluate their obstacles and goals, and how often should they do that I would take them back to review obstacles. When you know that they're that they have overcome them if you need to remind them of something like there's an overcoming here. And so let me remind you that this was an obstacle now. Look at who you are.

Now look and see at what you know, you've done what God has done in you what God has done through you. That would be really the only time I would want to remind them of their obstacles, because that's the most encouraging way to help people understand how God has brought them from one place to another otherwise there really wouldn't be any reason to want to remind somebody of an obstacle because an obstacle shrinks itself when our faith is raised. Now all of a sudden, that obstacle doesn't become a big deal anymore. And we want it to stay that way for our clients. We don't want their obstacles to be a big deal. We want them to always be seeing that they can go above and beyond anybody else.

I just wanted to say that when I first started taking dreamliners I'm taking it again because the first time I was like, Okay, what is this I'm walking into. And I really quickly realized that the first time I took it that it was about discipling myself or learning about the things that I needed to deal with. So So try really not to get caught up in the first these classes and say, why don't you know really need this because a part of me at first was like, What is going on? Like, I don't understand and before the very first class was over, I realized I had a lot of religion and I really didn't realize what God had done in me and I kept going back and saying, well, man, I messed up. So I need to repent and get saved again. And it wasn't even about getting saved again, I was already saved.

I didn't realize what had happened. So if you're having any, you know, thoughts that maybe this isn't for you please just stick it out because now I'm here again and I think that this time I'll get something to help other people because it really did transform me on the inside to understand what had been done. Thank you so much. Yes, stick this out. The enemy is going to tell you to miss Monday night. He does not want to hear because the things that we're bringing far are going to help you to be more than a conqueror.

He don't want you to get this. Okay. So when you are thinking about Oh, I'm too tired to come Monday night or Oh, it started to rain or whatever the excuses and know that there'll be some warfare trying to get here. Probably Stay focused and come because God has a word for you while you're here. All right, we're going to close it down until next week know this we went through two classes in one tonight, they won't always be like this. Okay, we push through because I wanted us to push through one.

So we could get to two and really soaking in a lot more, we're going to soak in on some of the rest of them. There only be a few classes where we conquer to in one and it's because the subject matter is such that we can get through it a little bit quicker. But come back next Monday night at 630. If you're watching online, we thank you for joining us. Um, if you're interested again, please go to dream enters.org and sign up. If you'd like to be a part you can continue to watch us online.

If you purchase your materials. You can get your certificate of completion or if you'd like to be credentialed we want to hook you up with a mentor coach trainer to walk you through this process. Just go to dreamers.org and if you're watching watching these videos online, you'll want to go to next week now as you are finished with class one and class two. Thank you very much. All right, let's close down in prayer. Father, we just thank you so much, Lord, for the opportunity to be in this place together, Lord, and to just receive your presence and to hear from you God and, Lord, we thank you what you're doing in our hearts and minds and how you're positioning us father, the education, the knowledge, the wisdom revelation that you're bringing from heaven.

Just continue to turn this material and work it out in in through us this week. Father as you prepare our hearts, and we get ready for our next class. Father, we thank you, we love you. We give you all the glory all the honor and all the praise because this is your material. In Jesus name, amen.

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