Focus and concentration for mental performance

46 minutes
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2.1 What do we mean by focus and concentration? 2.2 Symptoms of low focus and concentration 2.3 Superhero tools 2.4 Breathing and meditation 2.5 Real world nutrition 2.6 Self-belief 2.7 No fear 2.8 Superhero character 2.9 Assignments


Hello, and welcome to our groundbreaking course as part of the clinic. Whether this is your first time with us or your first, we're so excited to welcome you to the community. I'm Rachel Mone. And I'm the founder of TLA, which is a worldwide movement to enable all of us to reach our full potential. So by taking this course, you're making a huge commitment to learn some incredibly exciting tools, skills, and take part in exercises, which will help us make a big change in your life, or just get even better at what you already do. As we go through the modules in this course, you'll understand the context of why these areas are so important then specific tools for mastery, and most importantly, increased happiness to what you do and how you see things with examples and assignments and progress plans, so that you can really start to put your new skills into action.

Throughout the course, you'll discover that there are some very common themes and fundamental skills. And so we'll keep practicing those together. Even after you finish the course. We always find that a good way to learn is to do a little but often. So we've broken down the course in a way that you can fit into your busy schedules as we know that you will have Don't forget that you can come back and revisit this course at any time. When people learn, they all do it at different rates, and that's absolutely fine.

Don't get worried because you might feel like someone else might be learning at a quicker rate. So you're a bit slower than you hoped. There is absolutely no such thing. Just go back over the modules. And if you have any questions, just get in contact So focusing concentration on things we've had to work really hard at the past few years. There are so many distractions which give us lots of reasons if not excuses to lose focus.

In this module, we'll be exploring how to best increase focus and concentration, using a number of tools and examples of how to increase your focus and concentration to do things such as setting and reaching goals. And this course will take you through what we mean by focus and concentration. Symptoms of low focus and concentration will help you assignments, assessment and evaluation. So what do we actually mean? Often when people think about focus, they think about it as being very similar to concentration which is absolutely true. Concentration is an emotional tool for being and performing your best.

Taking concentration down to basics is the ability to focus your attention on the task currently at hand, therefore not being disturbed or affected by external and internal stimuli. Indeed, metaphor and Seagal 2001 argue that concentration is often the deciding factor in athletic competition. The normal condition of the mind is chaos. There's so many random thoughts, sensations and perceptions competing at the same time for attention. Concentration, then, is the effort required to turn the chaos into some kind of order. One thing separates outstanding individuals with equal levels of abilities such as in sports, which is the power to concentrate and focus on the task at hand.

So let's discuss what we actually need higher levels of concentration and focus for we can outperform opponents who have superior physical and mental ability. Consistently perform at higher levels. Work smarter, not just harder, and succeed and win when it matters most. external stimuli that can affect an individual when trying to focus includes music, shouting, negative noises, generally unpredictable behavior from others. But we also very importantly, you have internal stimuli, which can include negative thoughts and feelings such as I blew with or I'm not good enough distracting body sensations and nerves. Failure to deploy effective concentration skills have caused the downfall of many athletes, and of course anyone also studying taking exams or just carrying out their daily tasks.

Indeed, coxy thousand three pointed out that few areas in sports psychology are as important as the area of concentration and attention. Concentration also means being firmly locked in the present. Not five years in the future or last months, when our minds drift into anywhere but the present, our performance suffers. Concentration is a skill and like any skill can be improved with the input of time and practice added to patience, visualizations, a hugely important part of that. In fact, without it, we can't practice focus Li and good. focus isn't just about doing a number of tasks.

It's about something far, far bigger than that, and encompasses so many other skills. But focus isn't just about concentration, it involves so many more things. Being able to be focused, not necessarily for 20 hours a day, by the way, means that we can more easily plan and meet our goals. Focus also means working smarter. Remember that if we focus on the right things, the right elements and the important outcomes, we can work smarter to achieve the right results. In our other courses, you've probably heard us talk a lot about money.

Dictation and being in the moment, or focus also means planning for the future. A large part of focusing is being right there in the moment with very few distractions. Positivity is a huge part of being focused. And certainly I understand what happens when we're negative, or just having a really hard time and how this affects our ability to focus. So we need to ensure that we can be as positive as we possibly can. visualization is something that we're really going to go in deeply because we need to be able to imagine to be being great and see what we're focusing for.

So what are the symptoms of low amounts of focus and concentration? There's a really obvious answer to that. Obviously, you can't focus or concentrate at full capacity, which means he can't perform at your highest level or even sustain levels of performance. Because of that, you may start having low mood, a lot of negative thoughts Start to slip of where you want to be and where you want to be going. There are some obvious effects of having low focus and concentration, which also lead to greater problems and frustrations. As you'd expect, if you can't focus, it's a lot harder to plan and reach your goals, which leaves us confused and demotivated in turn, that really affects our anxiety and stress.

Because we feel like we aren't achieving and we're completely off kilter. The feelings that low mood can produce can really affect us in so many areas of performance by hitting our self esteem and confidence levels, which can also affect our relationships and complete outlook on life. There's some great tools and skills to help with your focus and concentration that we're about to teach you. Don't forget that in our other courses and modules, we've talked about how nutrition and mindfulness can really help you. We'll go through a number of elements here, but make sure you check out our specific materials on nutrition and mindfulness. So from our experience, we believe that there's five elements that we can improve upon every day, and that are absolutely fundamental to becoming the very best versions of ourselves that we can possibly be, or our ultimate superheroes.

So in no particular order, these are self care, breathing and meditation, will will nutrition, no fear, and superhero character. One of the main drivers behind the lack of focus is actually what's in our mind. The ability to focus drops when one of more of the following is present. Fatigue is a huge one. Fatigue can really easily deteriorate your concentration. This is particularly relevant to those of us who don't sleep enough which Probably a loss of us.

Secondly, stress, which is an inevitable part of life, the more stressed you are, the harder it is to concentrate. illness. This also applies to you when you've not eaten enough or you're dehydrated. Unfortunately, boredom is a huge one, whether or not you're engaged, because when you're not, neither is your concentration. Equally, if you're multitasking to the extreme, you're just taking too much on and you need to bring that in and narrow the focus. As you probably know by now, we find that meditation helps us with so many things, and improving our focus is one of them.

In short, meditation is the art of turning the many thoughts running around your head and emotions and feelings you experience and focusing 100% of your attention to one particular area. It's about being in the hair and now Rather than next week or next year, there are actually a great number of people who try meditation but only if you stick to it in the long term. To begin, we need to adopt a patience and open mindset to understand that it's a skill which takes time to be really good at. Those who practice meditation regularly are generally very enthusiastic about it. Because of the results it brings, and simply for enjoyment purposes, and practice regularly. It can help a number of stress related conditions, and can also help to aid recovery for trauma.

Meditation can help those who suffer from insomnia, high blood pressure, anxiety and muscle tension. Research has shown that it can greatly help with concentration levels, and focus the mind to the here and now by shutting off the chattering of what's in our heads. To meditate. Try to lay flat or sit down. You could also find it really helpful to focus your gaze on something in particular, like the sun oriflame so when you focus try and clear your mind of thoughts. As you keep concentrating, take note of your breathing and try to regulate it with deep breathing.

Closing your eyes is something really good and some people chant a single word. In the beginning, try five minutes but bring this up more to 10 minutes and even longer. So here's some tips for successful meditation. So I was relaxed, concentrated breathing, use deep breathing to drop the heart rate. This will also relax your muscles and will also help you focus your mind before the meditation begins. Make time during your day because meditation is something that it's like eating or exercising continuous learning.

Try to get up earlier in the day or find time in the evening to discover which is the best time for you to practice. You also need to understand and accept that you will get frustrated It can be quite hard and so you might not see the benefits straightaway. also acknowledge the frustration and concentrate on your breathing. Practice is a hugely key element. And meditation really does take practice. It's hard work to try and focus your attention to a single point.

So just keep practicing trying to find a particular room or space where you can practice him. Perhaps it could be somewhere at home or it could be in the garden if it's a nice day. You could even try using candles and aromatherapy sense to create a relaxing atmosphere. If you find meditation hard in the beginning, we can promise that it becomes easier. There's also other ways to practice and to help feel in the moment, which is only a good thing and as to our meditation practice. So psychologists have discovered the benefits of using flow to try and help those who find meditation difficult Low center greeted by focusing completely on something that you really enjoy.

For example, cooking, swimming, gardening painting. Through these focused enjoyable activities, you focus on the moment, forgetting about time and place and so it becomes meditation, exercise or movement is hugely important. So whether you enjoy a particular sport or maybe not much at all, movement is a part of meditative state. Just remember to try and enjoy what you're doing and breathe and allow yourself to actually have a good time. mindfulness of focusing on the present is very important and useful. You might not be able to do too much of it straightaway, but over time with practice you'll become calmer, happier and more relaxed.

And outstanding person needs amazing mental power, excellent training and a well thought out diets. People form requires a nutritious meal plan to support the individual. The most important elements of diet for an athlete or anyone trying to perform to a high level are carbohydrates from foods such as grain cereals, porridge, potatoes, lasagna and spaghetti, fats, the body's fields such as oily fish, salmon, microloan, sardines, sunflower seeds, knots and cod liver oils, protein Of course, hugely important, which also provide energy. And this is found in things like meats, poultry, seafood, peas, and eggs, vitamins and minerals, hugely important as well, where we find them in things like vegetables, tomato products, orange and yellow vegetables, such as fruits, grains, sushi, and many more. Again, fats saturated and essential. Some have a key role to play in our diets, such as essential fatty acids.

Those fats are composed of carbon Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms, which is strung together is called saturated fat when the hydrogen atoms occupy all the available binding sites in the chain. Saturated fats are often found in animal products. And these are the kind of fats that you need to limit as the body has no nutritional need for them. essential fats are liquid at room temperature and are vital for the function of the nervous system. There are two key essential fatty acids omega six oils found in nuts and seeds and omega three oils found an oily fish. Proteins completed incomplete, basically needed by the body to build the brains messages.

Protein is broken down into amino acids joined digestion, which is the building blocks for tissue and neuro transmitters. Proteins are complete or incomplete based on whether they contain all the essential amino acids are not complete proteins might include meats and fish and dairy products. Whereas incomplete might be fruits, vegetables and grains. By eating a variety of complete and incomplete, you'll be on your way to a healthy diet. Carbohydrates are slow or fast releasing. During the digestion process, carbohydrates and food are broken down into smaller and simpler sugar molecules.

One of these is glucose, which is especially important for the function of the brain and occurs naturally in foods such as fruits and vegetables. Fast releasing carbohydrates can float the blood was too much sugar, and this causes the crash. It's vitally important to include lots of slow releasing complex carbohydrate foods in our diet, such as brown rice, corn, fresh fruits and vegetables. vitamins and minerals are obviously hugely important. The body takes most of its vitamins from food it can't manufacture. They help to manufacture enzymes which are the makers within our bodies be complex vitomir They're specially important because of what they do for our brain.

These include vitamins B, one, B, two B, three B, five, B, six, b, 12, and folic acid, and they have really key roles and producing energy for the cells. Vitamins AC and E are antioxidants, which fight chemically active happens called free radicals, which can cause serious damage to cells in the brain. Such specimens are also vitally important for preserving memory in the elderly. Men are also said to be essential to human nutrition and form parts of our teeth, bones, muscles, blood and nerve cells, and particularly a the health of the brain and heart. Hydration is also so important. The body needs the right amount of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and minerals.

But it also needs adequate levels of hydration. And we mean at least two liters a day. You can get your hands on lifelong plastic containers and this will help remind you You need to drink at least two liters a day. The brain is said to be made off of about 85% water. Most muscle comprises about 70% water. Also, we can go for weeks without food, we can only go without water for around three to five days.

And actually around 60% of an adult's body weight and approximately 74% of newborns body weight is water, which makes it the largest single substance in the entire human body. In general water cushions lubricate nourishes and protects the brain, spinal cord and other tissues and helps to remove waste. We obviously need water to survive, but it can also help with things like headaches fatigue, joint pain, also helps the body and brain function by helping to carry waste products from the cells helping to regulate body temperature, helping to eliminate excess heat through sweating, being a part of essential reactions within the body. Helping to lubricate your joints, helping with digestion of food. Whilst water is extremely important for our basic survival, for peak performance, it's absolutely vital in order to achieve that optimal performance. When athletes don't drink enough water, their blood pressure decreases.

Lowering cardiac output, which is the amount of blood Your heart is able to pump from each ventricle. Core temperatures will then begin to rise and makes them feel fatigued more quickly. If you lose as little as 1.5 to 2% of your body weight and water, stress levels plummet. functions of hormones can also be negatively affected, some of which play a key role in strength development. Optimal amounts of water intake can significantly improve recovery from training. The body can more easily regulate temperature, deliver nutrients to injured muscles, and quickly remove metabolic waste.

Hydrate is also very important for the flexibility of facial connective tissue that wraps around the outer layer of the muscle gliding over muscle when the body is properly hydrated. self belief and confidence can be improved via a number of means, one of which is through the use of affirmations. So we can have positive affirmations or negative, but it's very easy to have negative affirmations, which is basically just really negative self talk. So we might say things like, I'm not good enough to get this job. I'm not cool enough. I don't have enough friends.

I'll never do well enough because I didn't go to the right school. I'm not clever enough. I'm just not able to work hard enough. I don't get the same chances as other people. And once you start, it's really hard to stop. In fact, it's so easy to have negative thoughts.

Sometimes we might even think We're being realistic and trying to protect ourselves by having thoughts like these, like it's softening the blow. But when we have them, especially on a regular basis, these thoughts drag us down and affect our personal lives, our relationships with others and our working lives. Soon thoughts become self fulfilling. we tell ourselves that we're not good enough, and we start to believe it. We act like we believe it. And then that's the end.

So what do we need to do? We basically have to do exactly the opposite. we flip the negative behaviors right on the head, and use positive affirmations. These are positive specific statements that can help you to overcome the negative thoughts that you keep feeling and hearing in your head. They help you to visualize and believe what you're telling yourself and you will notice positive changes to your life and your career. They can successfully help people with low self esteem, depression and other mental health conditions.

However, the technique might not work for everyone straight away. Like everything is an exercise for your mind. So they require a lot of practice. It's really useful when you're setting personal goals. And once you have them, you can use positive affirmations to help you to keep yourself motivated so that we can help achieve our goals. positive statements that help you challenge and overcome negative thinking and behaviors that are self sabotaging.

They are usually short positive statements that target a specific behavior or belief. Think back to what negative thoughts you hear or see yourself saying, you may have a couple you may have many. Think about the five things that you hear the most often. This can be about comparing yourself to other people or feeling like you're not good enough. Spend some time really thinking, do you really believe that these things are are actually real or are they just things you just inventing? And what should you really be thinking of and start to really help you achieve what you need to do.

Instead, think of five positive statements in the present tense, you can have will repeat to yourself five times a day. Things like I'm good enough, I'm enough I can do really well. I work really hard. Make sure they got affirmations are credible, believable, based on a realistic assessment of fact, be realistic in your affirmation, or just becomes another self sabotaging behavior. You need to be able to believe them for it to work. Try specifically counteracting each of your negative thoughts.

Some examples of positive affirmations might also be I have good skills, this project, I can do this. I'm successful. I'm an honest person. I'm happy. I'm respected. I'll be A leader in my organization.

I'm a great entrepreneur, and I work hard every day. I'm progressing well. With my photography project. I've improved my learning skills, and I've added many new skills to my portfolio. positive affirmations should also be formed in the present tense as if they are already happening. This helps you to believe that the statement is true right here right now.

They should also be easily repeatable, you need to recite them at least five times a day. They need to be repeated whenever you start to engage in a negative thought or behavior. And they should be thought of sad with feeling. So make them meaningful and say them out loud and make sure you can see them wherever you are. Peak Performance is the optimum state of performance, and it's a skill that can be learnt a difference of milliseconds can be the difference between winning and losing. So that Wash over and then she'll come back.

It's a one bye was enough and it made all the difference between winning and losing. After studying athletes and peak performance for many years, I'm certain of one thing, that it's a mental performance of the athlete that determines who wins and who loses. Athletes at the top of their game have very few differences physically, it's a mental skills that they tap into which creates a winner's at the peak of their physical strength. The mental focus of an athlete has to be controlled and ready to Excel to order. visualization is a core part of peak performance. It says to direct the attention of the athlete sustained focus to a specific act or routine and helps to reduce stress and encourage relaxation.

Being in peak states is also described as being in the zone. For those in that zone. They know that they're going to win, and they don't doubt that for a second. Doubt isn't an emotion that they have in their state. negative words though. Some actions haven't been invented.

And in this state you feel like you can do anything. Some have rituals for attaining the state, such as an action which pumps them up or a crazy dance or verbal shouting to warm the blood to create the infinite being. All it takes is practice. And then it can be taken anytime, anywhere. We've seen a number of mental processes and states that will have a negative effect on an individual's mind and performance. There are also a number of positive mental states and processes that will enhance an individual state of mind and performance.

Visualization is one such date, also to imagery. visualization refers to changing one's own thoughts and expectations to affect that outer world is an intrinsic part of positive thinking, and has been proven to be highly successful. It's also a skill that can be learned. In short visualization helps you to build confidence and feelings of readiness through the use of mental rehearsal. As part of visualization, the individual uses their own imagination to visualize behaviors, events, smells and sounds occurring in the individuals life. The sights, sounds, feelings and emotions of the imagine seemed a playing through the user's head as they engage all of their senses thoughts and experiences.

When you're successful at it, you can stop and rewind the scene or fast forward. So we've touched on how flow is a big part of peak performance. So from years of research, a number of people developed a theory around the concept of flow itself and applied it to education, sports work life, creativeness and spirituality. Effectively, there's nine components of the state of flow. The first is challenge skills balance, and this is achieved when you have the confidence that your skills can meet the challenges ahead of you. Second, Action, awareness emerging, being completely absorbed in the activity which is actually a form of meditation.

Thirdly, having clear goals, they come into focus when you know what you're aiming for on what you need to get there for an ambiguous feedback, this is needed all the time allowing you to change your tactics if need be. Five, heightened concentration six a sense of arousal when you realize he got actions will have a direct consequence on events. Seven loss of self consciousness, throw it away because not having enough confidence or feeling like you're good enough has no place here. Eight transformation of time. This happens when you have total focus when you lose track of everything aside from your goal. Nine autotelic experience achieved when you use feel absolutely driven to succeed even without extrinsic rewards.

With practice, you'll be able to turn yourself into a state of peak performance and focus, where you feel like you can achieve superhuman actions. This energy can be stored and called upon whenever and wherever you need it is completely accessible is for everyone. Not just those is a lot of money or the right contacts. With practice, performance allows you to be your absolute best, seemingly without effort yet was total unbreakable concentration and focus. So although fear is something that we will always need to live with and embrace, there are ways to work with setting goals can help to improve concentration through specific focus, especially when the goals are performance based and not results based. When focusing on something that is controllable Ideally your actions rather than something that isn't.

Ultimately, our performance can improve. Jackson Roberts 1992 fan collegiate athletes initially performed worse when focusing on results goals, compared to performance goals, where they performed a great deal better. Use visualization to imagine what you want to be doing in your life, let's say in three years time, use all your senses. And imagine the scenes of your successes. What does it feel taste and smell like? And who's there with you?

And how do you feel emotionally? So we've talked about visualization. So now I'll tell you something specific that helps me keep on going with things even when I want to give up. Lots of people talk about visualization or goal books or even vision boards. He put images down that relate to your wildest goals, hopes and dreams for the future. So here's an idea I learned from Justin dry.

The co founder of vino mofo in Australia, use your bathroom as your vision board, sic images of places and people to your bathroom tiles, and notes of inspirational sayings and sources of inspiration. After all, we spend a lot of time in the bathroom. Soon, unconsciously, you'll start to see those images. And we guarantee that the way that you try and reach your goals will become easier as time goes on. It's really important to have that visualization so your brain starts to connect even more often. Now it's time for superhero character.

So one of my first things I wanted to talk about was how important this thing is gratitude that they keep banging on at every point. So instead, if you talk about the the gratitude that a superhero character might have, it will be things like if I have five things, it's that you've probably Last Well, since the day before, it might be that you've got to see someone really important. It could be that you are starting to progress with a healthy eating regime see might not be perfect, but you did something back to the need on the week before, or something better than you done the day before. It would be, you're starting to get into a habit about waking up before six in the morning, which is something that can take a really long time to be good at. And it could be that you generally might feel better about yourself than perhaps you did the day before, which is also a really good thing to feel great about.

And I like to make sure that I keep a diary of things like that because we all have days that they're not so good. And we can look back and see if there was perhaps a pattern. So another thing I want to talk about which has to do with something that superhero characters have Is this thing of what drives them what inspires them? So I like to go outside like going for a walk or listen to an audiobook at the same time. If I wake up in the morning early, which I've managed to do as a habit, I make sure that when I'm making breakfast, I watch music videos, and I dance around the kitchen to them. Because I also like to look at what those people on their music videos have managed to do.

At some point, it was something that they were not good at, and they've managed to become absolutely amazing. And I've also listened to really inspirational people like Gary Vee, and my Valley talks and people like Justin dry and Jacques de Llosa, who were huge entrepreneurs. And sports people can be really inspirational. And everyday people, maybe family members and friends who just keep finding that inspiration and keep finding a reason to have hope. To carry on, which is a hugely important part of having a successful and happy life is that the best advice that you can give to someone is to take care of yourself because self care is so important. And it's the first thing that we really take away when we don't have time, which is create as much happiness as possible, and to stick stop, take stock of what you already have, and to never give up on the future.

So some people say that mentoring is really important, and it really is, but on the reverse side of that mentoring other people is very, very important. And you might think that you don't have enough skills or experience to help mentor someone, but that's actually not true at all. Even very successful people have had mentors, and many have an array of mentors that they can reach out to. When you're looking for a mentor. You do need to bear in mind that although there are some fantastic people who would love to help, they do have The limited number of hours in the day. The mental also needs a relationship with someone where it's beneficial for them as well.

So the key is who you target because you will need to target quite a few. Juice careful that he wants to receive advice from. For those people you look up to the most, who may have 150 projects on the go, they might not be the right person at that time to target. Make sure you have your personal brand down to a tee before you look to approach anyone. Who are you. Who do you represent and where do you want to go?

You can try to cold call a few potential mentors. But make sure that if you do this, you do it in the right way. So be courteous understanding of the time constraints, and make sure of why you think the relationship would work for both of you. contacts of colleagues, work family, friends or a professional body are always really helpful as a good starting point in the search but never just rely on family or friends to help you get anywhere. Make sure that you build up your own network of contacts. So what should you really expect from a mentor?

A mentor has the potential to make a real difference. The role of a mentor generally includes the following things like business advice, supporting the mentee to write a business plan, carrying out market research cash flow forecast, hopefully they could help with help with the direction that mentees are aiming for in their business and aid in other appropriate ways. Education and Training, helping the mentee to understand what trading opportunities might be available to them, how to get on them, and were also helping the mentee to identify goals and plan how they can reach them. general advice things like helping to provide the mentee was focused and support for their career, education, personal and spiritual goals. A mentor should share their experience expertise, knowledge and contacts if it's appropriate with you, when looking for a mentor, here are some specific things to think about as well. What commitments are you seeking?

Timewise? What do you see is important personality wise in your mental? And what location because it could be someone from completely the opposite side of the world. If you can work in the time zones into your day? Do you need specific guidance on particular areas? We need someone with a particular skill set to make the relationship effective.

And also think about Could you do meetings via Skype or phone they don't need to be in person. dealing with difficult people. It's something that mentors can hopefully help you with. So just as successful athletes and business people have rivals we always will. They're all over the place in business. And we will always encounter difficult people throughout our lives.

Toxic people use deception and manipulation with others and then an unfortunate certainty in life. Jealousy can often be at the heart of many difficulties. And it's really important to realize that no matter how small people can make you feel or how upset you are after dealing with them. It's not your problem, it is genuinely theirs. You'll meet with competitive people every day, especially if you're successful, and you try your hardest and everything that you do. Simply this when she was threat to people who take the view that they deserve the best, even if they haven't worked for it.

Competitiveness, jealousy and envy are three similar emotions that you may well meet them negative to varying degrees, but equally comes for you want to do even better. The best way to deal with conflict from others is to stop questioning other people's intentions and just stop worrying. Perhaps ask what they mean by their actions or words. Then accept that you'll know never truly know or understand why they said something or why they wanted to do it. Some people can go to really extraordinary lengths to be difficult, usually, so that you give in to the person and they get their own way and they feel better about themselves. Although you may be very upset and rightly want to stick up for yourself, be careful you want playing into their hands, perhaps exercise your right to tell them that you will not accept their behavior.

Maybe describe their behavior to them that they're exhibiting and tell them how it's affecting you and let them know that you aren't going to put up with the game. Remember that some people are just difficult because I'm not seeing any reason. try really hard not to take their comments personally. I accept that difficult. People often have strong opinions, use questions in response to their statements. And that may help to recognize the issues in their views.

If you need to gather supporting evidence and writing, but if you feel that you're being bullied and needed to take it further, you may need to make sure that you communicate effectively with the person because it might just be a misunderstanding. Also make sure that you are assertive rather than being obnoxious. Obviously, you shouldn't be a doormat but equally, make sure you're not rude to people in whatever circumstance or environment try to remain professional and stick to the facts. So as you know, we love to get assignments together. We promise that these are absolutely relevant, and I hope you to apply the tools and techniques that you've learned so far in this course. We'll take you through assignments and visualization, daily tasks, and meditate So throughout our courses in general, we banged on about visualization and its benefits.

So let's make sure you practice it. Sit quietly with no distractions. Now think of a situation. Perhaps it's an interview or a concert you're performing at or racy wants to do really well at work the scene through your head from beginning to end, noticing what you feel like and what you can smell, taste and hair. Whatever the situation is, imagine being really confident. And generally just being the most outstanding you can be.

You really need to keep practicing for whatever situation you need, and we promise that you'll start to see results. So don't forget the advice that we've given you play the scene exactly through your head, and also do some risk management by thinking of things that might go wrong, and how you respond to them. And keep practicing those seeds. Oh, Over and over, until you get the exact outcome you really want, and then keep practicing before the main day of the event. Next up is the assignment of five daily tasks. We all have hugely competing demands on our time and focus.

So we need to concentrate on completing a set amount each day and really go through with that. Each morning, choose five things that you're going to complete that day, the most important tasks for the day. So write them down whether you want a piece of paper or digitally. Now here's the obvious parts, complete them and repeat that every day wasn't having 30 competing demands, just choose the most important last assignment and this is on one of our favorite subjects, meditation. So you're probably very, very busy. We know that.

But I guarantee you can find 10 minutes each day. 10 minutes to sit down, breathe properly, block out distractions and make that your time. Something that I've really liked doing is doing this practice about six in the morning, which is maybe about half an hour before I need to really get ready in the morning. If I have a particularly busy day or week, and I don't get time to meditate more than the other day, I can tell you from experience that those 10 minutes in the morning are an absolute game changer. Obviously you need to measure over time how well your assignments are going and make sure you take things into account when you do what actually is success to you. What does it look like?

Make sure that you design your own path of what success looks like to you not someone else because they probably weren't be the same. Instead of measuring yourself against other people decide whether you've personally made progress since the last month or last week. Most importantly, are you happy? Do you feel happier than a week ago? And I think this is the second most important factor. Do you feel challenged.

So here's some suggestions about making progress implementing the new regimes that we've taught you. sets out improvements to make each month. Remember, this is something that you need to do bit by bit. You won't be able to master everything in a day, but you can certainly make progress. Remember that at some points on the journey, because it's about change, and that's really difficult. You may well not like it, but we promise it gets better.

For those of you taking this or our clinic course. Maybe Share your progress in our private Facebook group. So to Apple let's go through what you'll start to see a difference in anxiety and stress levels will start to decrease, happiness will start to increase. Your lifeforce will generally increase, your performance levels will start to increase, relationships will start to improve, your self esteem and confidence will definitely get better. And your mental and physical energy levels will also start to get better. So here's some key points to wrap up the module focuses about mental and physical factors.

Visualization plays a huge part. Dealing with distractions is also incredibly important. Sentence centered around all of this is performance at your own peak, not coming Pairing yourself to someone else's setting goals and visualizing achieving those is absolutely paramount. Thank you so much for taking this course and we can't wait for you to join us next time.

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