Increasing energy for mental performance

1 hour 9 minutes
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1.1 What is energy? 1.2 Symptoms of low energy 1.3 Superhero tools 1.4 Breathing and meditation 1.5 Real world nutrition 1.6 Self belief 1.7 No fear 1.8 Superhero character 1.9 Assignments


Hello, and welcome to our groundbreaking course as part of the clinic. I'm Rachel Mone minor founder of TLA, which is a worldwide movement to enable all of us to reach our full potential, reach our ultimate happiness level and impact the world. By taking the course you're making a huge commitment to learn and apply some incredibly exciting tools, skills and exercises, which will help you to make a big change in your life or just get better at what you already do. As we go through the modules in this course, you'll understand the context of why these things are so important. Then specific to specific tools to bring mastery and most importantly, increased happiness to what you do with words examples and assignments and progress plans. So you can really put your new things into practice.

Throughout the course, you'll discover that there are some very common themes and fundamental skills. And so we'll keep practicing those together. We always find that a good way to learn is to do a little but often. So we've broken down the course in a way that you can fit it into your busy schedules that we know you will have. Don't forget that you can go back and revisit the course at any time. When people learn, we all do it at different rates.

And that's absolutely fine. So don't get worried or anxious because you feel like you need to be learning more quickly. Just go back over the modules. And if you have any questions, get in contact. So for this course in energy, we'll take you through the key elements of our beliefs and use of energy. And then we have some assignments for you to complete so that you can really understand how to put that theory into practice.

So the structure of this course involves us teaching about the meaning, the symptoms of having low energy tools for increasing your energy, examples of ways to do this, assignments, assessments, and then a final evaluation. So energy might seem a strange thing to build a module around to some people. But in fact, energy encompasses so much. I was recently watching a documentary on Netflix about the use of study drugs, as they're referred to, that apparently enables people to achieve extraordinary feats by consistent use of performance enhancing drugs. That led me onto a journey to prove that we can create an energy drug within ourselves, which gives us a feeling of being in peak state for prolonged periods of time. I hate the idea that the only way to achieve is through the use of drugs and that's absolutely incorrect.

However, there are many conditions that Scientifically require people to use medication. But that shouldn't be the norm for people all over the world to try and do well. Happiness and energy are absolutely linked. Think of when you've had some great news or you feel like you've done something really well, and you have a lot of energy in a positive outlook. Happiness isn't the main belief state that sometimes we can achieve. It's a mix of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins, among others.

And there's a number of events that can trigger those neurotransmitters. And that's what we'll be looking at in this module. Energy also comes from who and what inspires us, and what excites us and how it makes us feel, and really importantly, motivates us to do our very best and reach for extraordinary goals. So we've already looked at how energy actually refers to a lot of different things that affects how we feel and our ability to perform At the highest level. So how do you know when something is really wrong and that there may be an issue with your energy? Your stress and anxiety levels are notably higher than usual.

Your mood is really on the downside. You feel like something is wrong. You feel like the lifeforce has been sucked out of you. You're concentrated concentration levels and notably low, your performance levels have come down and they won't go back up. You don't have as much get up and go. You let small things really upset you more than normal.

Your outlook on life has generally gone down. Your relationships are starting to suffer. You feel like your self esteem and confidence have been battered, you generally feel out of kilter, you feel increasingly tired, and you feel like sometimes you just don't care. The point here to remember is that all of that is fixable. If you do feel very stressed with a very low mood, we would always recommend that you see a health practitioner. We have a number of tools that we can teach you So that we can really help to bring your mojo back.

There's some great tools and skills to help you with your energy levels that we're about to teach you. Don't forget that in our other courses and modules that you might have seen, we've talked about how nutrition and mindfulness can really help. We'll go through a number of elements here. But make sure you check out our specific materials on nutrition and mindfulness because that's so important. So we believe there are five elements that we can improve upon every day, and that are absolutely fundamental to becoming the very best versions of ourselves that we can be our ultimate superheroes. So these are self care, breathing and meditation, real world nutrition, no fear, and superhero character.

The tools that we're about to teach you all have the same overall aim to intentionally cause neurotransmitters to flow, rather than them occurring randomly, and being able to control our levels of happiness as much as possible, because in turn, our energy will start to change. In some of the other modules such as stress, anxiety and focus, for example, we'll be looking at detailed responses and skills. So even more learning how to increase our overall general energy level, which will help everything else come into place. Meditation was free, is a learned and sometimes very difficult skill to master. Or at least it can seem difficult, because we can feel like there's only one right way to do it, which is right. It just takes practice.

In short, meditation is the art of turning the money, thoughts running around your head and emotions and feelings, your experience of focusing 100% of your attention. to one particular area, it's about being in the here and now rather than next week or last year. There's actually a great number of people who try meditation, but only if you stick to it long term. To begin, we need to adopt a patience and open mindset to understand that it's a skill which takes time to be successful at. Those who practice meditation regularly are generally very enthusiastic about it, because of the results it brings, and also for enjoyment purposes. When practice regularly it can help a number of stressful conditions, and can also help to age recovery for trauma.

Medicate meditation can help those who suffer from insomnia, high blood pressure, anxiety and muscle tension. Research has shown that it can also significantly improve concentration levels and focus the mind to meditate. Try to lay flat or sit down with your backup. You may find it helpful to focus your gaze on the light from a Blame or color and a painting. Focus on the object and try to clear your mind until there are no thoughts or thoughts into your head. recognize them and put them to one side.

As you keep concentrating on the object, take note and breathe slowly and deeply. Some practitioners close their eyes and visualize an image or chant a single word. After five to 10 minutes. Give your mind and body time to come back and then slowly return to a standing position and practice and repeat when you can. So here's some tips for successful meditation. Start with relaxed concentrated breathing.

Use deep breathing to drop the heart rate. This will also relax your muscles and help you to aid your mind to focus before the meditation begins. Make time during your day. Meditation is something that you have to make the time for and it's important is eating exercise and continuous learning. Try to get up 10 minutes earlier or find time in the evening to discover what's the most sustainable system view. Understand that accept that you will get frustrated.

Things will happen eventually, when you're first starting out, acknowledge the frustration and concentrate on your breathing. Practice is really the fundamental thing to being good at meditation. It's really hard to try and focus your attention to a single point in the beginning. So just keep practicing. environment is important. Try to pick a particular room or space in your home to practice it, or work or somewhere you just like to be.

But try not to make it the same room as where you sleep, exercise or work if you can help it. Try and create a relaxing atmosphere. Even cynics are starting to understand the benefits of being in the moment through meditation and the benefits of being able to quiet our minds. There's also another A number of ways to supplement meditation and help support its benefits. One is called flow. Psychologists have discovered the benefits of using flow to try and help those who find meditation difficult flow center created by focusing completely on something that you really enjoy doing, such as rising painting or gardening.

Through these focused enjoyable activities, you focus on the moment, forgetting about the time and place and then it becomes like meditation, movement or exercise. Whether you enjoy cycling, running, yoga, aerobics movement is part of meditative states. through whatever you do, just remember that it's good to enjoy it, focus and breeze, mindfulness or focusing on the presence, you may not be able to manage 20 minutes a day in the beginning, so just do as much as you can. Over time and with practice, you'll become calmer, happier and more relaxed. Massage is something that we actually swear by. Although it's not really meditation.

It's a skill that's it's all about self care, and it's hugely beneficial for everyone. getting a massage can lower stress and anxiety, and help release endorphins. our emotions can get our muscles in knots and stitches, which is why we swear by massage to help keep a healthy state of mind. So there's actually many things we can do to help improve our energy, how we feel about ourselves, reaching our goals, and generally just being at the very best we can be. It's easy to forget that there's a science behind food, and how it can greatly contribute to how we feel and perform. low levels of dopamine can increase self doubt, lack of enthusiasm, and procrastination.

In turn, increases Isn't doper me help us to take action towards increasing goals, wants and needs and helps us to feel even more pleasure when we achieve the goals. We're big believers in celebrating even small wins. And that doesn't just mean buying things. It can mean watching your favorite show or reading, having a bath, taking some time out to rest and seeing your friends and family. Always be setting goals, no matter how small they are, so that you feel like you always have something to work towards. But don't make that the basis of your happiness, and that if you don't reach them, you can never be happy.

We can create small wins to increase dopamine levels by exercising, writing down your worries into small tasks, listening to music, making sure you're getting the right vitamins and regulating your caffeine intake. eating foods rich and tyrosine such as avocados, eggs, fish, beans and chicken can only To help increase your dopamine levels, vitamin D is linked to serotonin, because of the presence or nots if maybe you live in the UK of sunlight, which increases the levels of dopamine in our system. So if you live in a country such as the UK, vitamin D is a really important supplement to take. So next, oxytocin is vital for creating strong bonds between people and can really help to improve your social interactions. When someone receives a present, those levels rise. But we know it's all not all about money.

Hopes can increase oxytocin levels and help to reduce stress levels. And dare we say, maybe just people trying to be nice to each other. So endorphins This is something that probably many of us have heard about, but how do they really relate to happiness? endorphins that actually releases as a response to pain. pain and stress and help to alleviate low mood and anxiety. As you may have heard, exercise helps to increase endorphins and can also help mask some of the pain from exercise.

But laughing is also a huge, massively huge release of endorphins. A sense of humor can really help. I think we've also realized how much we need to get one or increase our own sometimes and other people. Don't forget that even dancing around the house with your music blasting, and when you don't realize that the neighbors are watching you is a big release of endorphins and that's probably our favorite. So we've heard about some ways to increase happiness by increasing neuro transmitters. Now I want to talk about the number of specific elements and nutrition that we can learn and use every day to help increase not only our energy, but our general enjoyment of life.

So we all know that an outstanding person like we're all training to be needs amazing mental power, excellent training and a very well thought out diets. Peak Performance requires a nutritious meal plan to support those individuals. So we always talk about athletes and how they're such inspirations to us. So for an athlete, very important elements of their diet are carbohydrates from foods such as grain cereals, porridge, potatoes, lasagna and spaghetti. Fats are very important. Fat to the body's fuels such as oily fish, salmon, mackerel and sardines, sunflower seeds, nuts and cod liver oils.

Protein is one that you probably know is very important. It provides energy as well. And examples are meats, poultry, seafood, peas and eggs. vitamins and minerals are hugely important, such as leafy green vegetables, tomato products, or Engine yellow vegetables and oils such as fruits, grains, sushi and many more. So just to have a think about fats if we talk about saturated and essential fats, some do really have a key role to play in our diets such as essential fatty acids. Those fats are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms, which are strung together is called saturated fat and the hydrogen atoms occupy all the available binding sites in the chain.

Saturated fats are often found in animal products, for example, meat, butter, and cheese. These are the kind of facts that you need to limit as the body has no nutritional need for them. Essential facts are liquid and room temperature and are vital for the function of the new sorry, the nervous system and mental activities. There are two key essential fatty acids omega six found a nuts and seeds omega three found an oil Fish. So completed incomplete proteins, protein is really needed by the body to build the brain's messages. It's broken down into amino acids during digestion, which are the building blocks for tissue and neurotransmitters.

Proteins that either complete or incomplete based on whether they contain all the essential amino acids or not. Complete proteins include foods such as meats, fish, dairy products, but incomplete proteins include fruits, vegetables and grains. By using a variety of complete and incomplete proteins, you'll be on your way to a healthy diet. So people don't really seem to like carbohydrates, and remember that they can be slow or fast releasing. During the digestion process. Carbohydrates are broken down into smaller and simpler sugar molecules.

Glucose is specially important for the function of the brain and occurs naturally in foods such as fruits and vegetables. Fast releasing carbohydrates can flood the body with too much sugar. This is where we hear about crashes, which can cause shorter attention and inability to concentrate and decreased energy is hugely important to include lots of slow releasing complex carbohydrates, such as brown rice, corn, fresh fruits and vegetables. So we all know vitamins and minerals are important. The body takes most of its vitamins from food, as it can't manufacture them itself. They help to manufacture enzymes, which are the makers within our bodies.

B complex vitamins are especially important because of what they do for our brain. These include vitamins B, one B, two B, three, B, five, B, six, b, 12, and folic acid, and they all have key roles for producing energy for the cells. If we don't have enough B vitamins, we can become tired and lethargic Fitzsimmons a, c, n, e, r, and T. oxidants which fight chemically active active atoms called free radicals, which can cause serious damage to cells in the brains. Such vitamins are also vitally important for preserving memory in the elderly. Men also said to be essential to human nutrition and form parts of our teeth, bones, muscles, blood and nerve cells. Hydration hopefully we all know how important this is.

And the body really needs the right amount of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and minerals for peak, body and mind performance. But it also really needs hydration. And this we hear is more than two liters a day. So try and get three. You can get your hands on lifelong plastic containers, and this will really help to remind you that you need to drink a lot of water each day. The brain is said to be made up of about 85% water bottle muscle comprises 70% water loss we can go for week without food, we can only go without water for three to five days.

And hopefully we all know what happens if we don't drink enough water, we can get ill and we really start to notice our amount of energy and concentration going down. What we obviously need water to survive. It can also really be an amazing cure for many things such as headaches, fatigue, joint pain, and much more. So water helps the body and brain function by helping to carry waste products from the cells, helping to regulate body temperature. It can also help to eliminate excess heat through sweating. It's also a very important part of the essential reactions within the body.

It helps lubricate your joints, and the obvious one is helping with digestion of food. Boss water is extremely important for actually surviving and not dying for people form is absolutely vital in order to achieve the optimum level of performance that we all want to strive for and we need. So for example, when athletes don't drink enough water, their blood pressure decreases, lowering card cardiac output, which is the amount of blood Your heart is able to pump from each ventricle. core temperature will then begin to rise and makes him feel fatigued much more quickly. If you lose as little as 1.5 to 2% of your body weight and water strength levels start to plummet. function of hormones can also be negatively affected, some of which play a huge role in strength development.

Optimal levels of water intake can significantly improve recovery from training. The body can more easily regulate temperature, deliver nutrients to injured muscles and quickly remove metabolic waste. Hydration is also extremely important for the flexibility of facia connective tissue that wraps around the outer layer of the muscle gliding over muscle when the body is properly hydrated. Whether you're a professional athlete or someone who hates sports, exercise is so important and needs to be a fundamental part of our lives. You might hate running, playing football or taking part in classes with other people. But there's always something you can find to do exercise wise.

You never know you might even enjoy it even if you haven't done before. Doing some form of exercise on a daily basis will not only help your health and helped me to lose weight or gain muscle. It can also be a sociable activity or a solo activity if you prefer. It will give you structure and something to aim for and importantly pushes you to try new things. Bosses many forms of exercise I try to be a part of there are two or three Want to concentrate on? Tai Chi and yoga are two fantastic instances of exercise for the mind and the body working in unison.

So right now we'll concentrate on yoga. Yoga is one of the oldest best known and popular systems for promoting the harmony of the mind and the body. Through the use of movement systems, yoga can tone muscles increase flexibility, breathing, build strength, and a more demanding styles encourage fat burning and cardiovascular fitness. Yoga is in fact a branch of Indian philosophy, which emphasizes the connection between the mind and the body. One of the most useful meanings of the word Yoga is to call unites, meaning the union of ourselves with the universe. The basic definition of Yoga has changed.

It's a definition of some 2500 years ago, which translates to the cessation of the turnings of the mind. However, ultimately, it's about calming, instilling the constant channeling of what is in our minds by using focus through alignment, breathing and meditation. So Yoga has been defined through methods such as holding your body, and study poses and controlling your breath. Even Hatha Yoga itself has over 200 postures, which has evolved into thousands of poses. Yoga teaches the practitioner how to use breathing for effective stress release and also helps the current feelings of anxiety intention. If practice regularly, in conjunction with breathing exercising techniques, it can increase stamina, energy levels, or feelings of tranquility, or enhancing flexibility, strength, muscle tone and circulation.

So here's some principles of yoga, yoga for relaxation. When your body's overworked, its efficiency decreases and sometimes can even short circuits. Yoga helps us to experience regular relaxation and stretching to release tension and making you energy. yoga and meditation are really, really linked. By the power of positive thinking. We can fight against negative voices and emotions that regularly enter our minds.

Just five to 10 minutes of meditation each day is an essential part of yoga and our day. It can also greatly help us to control and focus our minds. mindfulness meditation can be especially helpful. This requires us to just observe our thoughts as if they were floating above others and unable to cause harm. mindfulness meditation, as we've already talked about, can be used to help treat depression and pain. Breathing is such an important part of yoga and meditation.

It's important in yoga to release energy for mental, physical well being and transformation Yoga uses a sense of postures otherwise known as a Sounders, which tone strength and stretch the body. Yet they also encourage the practice of recovery as well as challenge. At the end of the yoga session, you should always have more energy than he did at the beginning. Yoga philosophy recommends natural and simple foods which can be digested easily and promote health physically and mentally. This includes vegetables, fruit, dairy products, nuts and seeds. It also advises that you eat until you're only 80% full.

Well, there's many excellent DVDs and books that can teach you to practice. We really do think it's better to initially practice with an instructor. yoga can be a very effective way of strengthening your core muscles, improving your flexibility and stretching and well being yoga requires the practitioner to listen to their body rather than pushing it as far as possible 24 hours a day, and not doing any self care. The poses work by stretching your muscles and can help you to move more easily ease stiffness and tiredness. Some of the more vigorous styles of yoga are physically demanding, but there's lots of less vigorous styles, which are less intensive on the body, and they can provide significant strength and endurance benefits. Boss has a number of studies on the benefits of yoga for chronic back pain and related ailments.

The biggest benefits of physical for the meditation elements of yoga. Yoga involves using a series of moving and stationary poses which importantly, are combined with concentration and deep breathing, which we've already talked about as being so important. It's that combination that helps to reduce stress and anxiety. To our body, in addition to benefits such as balance, stamina, strength and flexibility, although nearly all yoga classes and an a relaxation pose, those that emphasize deep breathing and gentle stretching are advised for those who need to experience more stress relief. It's advised that the following practices are the most useful for stress relief, which is a huge part of getting more energy. Hatha Yoga is a gentle way to start.

Power Yoga is appropriate for those who are looking for stimulation, as well as relaxation. Sati yonder yoga, a traditional form, which features deep relaxation, gentle poses a meditation. So what can yoga actually do for us? There's so many things it can help to build muscles and increase your muscle metabolism. help strengthen your muscles. It helps you to sleep that's a huge one.

It helps to reduce emotional eating, helps to lower stress hormones, and helps to stop sweet cravings. So I promise to talk about Tai G. So Tai Chi is a very ancient Chinese way of exercising. And I think many of us have seen it being practiced whether in London or San Francisco, it's almost done as a ritual. It is something that's a little bit harder to get the teacher for. So if you look in your area to see who you can find to help you, or even join a local group, or perhaps even look on YouTube, which does have some really good introductory classes. So we'll say today was Chinese medicine, it's a lot about energy and increasing the level of energy in our bodies.

So go check out Tai Ji, and we promise that you can really like it. Sleep, one of our favorite things, but actually really hard to get Right. Basically, it's an understated necessity. The world's greatest champions live and breathe sports seven days a week, 365 days a year. But it may surprise you that sleep plays a hugely significant role in the life of an athlete, both for rest and recuperation, and athletic performance and competitive results. REM sleep, for example, provides energy to the brain as well as the body.

And if sleep is cut short, then the body and the mind don't have time to repair themselves, consolidate memory and release hormones. poor quality of sleep combined comprises of the production of tissue regeneration at lowest immune system and it can even decrease cognitive processing. Sleep can often be the first thing people sacrifice when they're busy or under pressure. And poor sleep can be an early indicator of stress and anxiety. We all need to normalize our sleeping patterns too. Maximize the all important recovery process.

So here's some suggestions for improving the quality of your sleep. So this includes avoiding watching television in bed using your computer or your phone, especially because of the blue screen. Try to switch your brain off from sorts circling around your mind using meditation or muscle relaxing technique. restrict daytime naps to an hour or less so that they don't interfere with your nighttime sleep. Although in fairness, how many of us can use daytime sleeps, create a routine for sleeping so being by by half tan and do that same thing every day because he creates a habit. Write down your worries before asleep and then forget about them until the next day.

Try to avoid raising your body temperature before bed because sleep onset normally because as the body temperature started to drop, avoid caffeine, alcohol and large meals for approximate Before ours prize asleep, warm milk may help you and try to employ relaxation techniques. For years, I've heard people talk about gratitude as a practice and how effective it can be. I have to admit, that sounded like something that was pretty crazy. But I decided to give it a go. And I have to say that it really helps. As an example, every day I write down five things that I'm grateful for for that day.

And that makes me feel really good. And that process helps to reduce stress levels, and make me feel happier and appreciate what I already have, does really start to make a good day. Some people prefer to write in their journal in the day or the evening, but just do what's right for you. It also gives us the opportunity to read back on previous entries, and see the great level of things that you've achieved and how happy that makes you satisfied. minutes a day for this practice, which we guarantee will help protect you from anger, entitlements, disappointment, and all of the bad things we feel when we forget how grateful we are for what we already have. You don't need to buy an expensive gratitude journal.

Just buy a cheap notebook that you commit to writing in every day. Over the past few years, I've realized that what really drives me and gives me energy is inspiration. And that's from people who I hugely admire. And also things like being inspired by wildlife and places as well as people. When I feel lethargic, and I just don't want to carry on with things. Probably my favorite thing is actually to watch music videos, which tends to be Red Hot Chili Peppers, or for owl or even Duran Duran, and I get so much inspiration from those videos, an energy joy and hope remembering that these amazing And artists, which we see doing amazingly well now, all started at the bottom was nothing.

And at some point, they just were not good enough, but they didn't give up. All they had was a dream, and probably an awful lot of failure on the way. Other things that really inspire me in nature and wildlife, my house is actually filled with plants and photographs of wildlife to help me keeping inspires, going for a walk in nature and the outdoors can be hugely therapeutic, and something that we really encourage you to do. audiobooks and podcasts are an absolute find, and you can listen to them while you're walking around which helps you to carry on learning, which is so important to keep doing to live a happy and successful life. The best advice we can give you is basically taking care of yourself. Understanding when your body's telling you that something is really wrong, taking time out, creating as much happiness as possible.

Taking stuff have what you have already and never giving up on the future however hard It might seem. Self Confidence can be improved for a number of means, one of which is the use of affirmations. So we can have positive or negative affirmations. And it's very easy to have negative affirmations. An example of one that I might have quite a lot is when I hear myself saying, I just can't see this business going anywhere. Why would people buy my products when there's lots of other things out there?

Perhaps you might have things like they'll never like me and not clever or pretty or thin or athletic enough, even if you're the best person in the whole world wants to deal with work be. I didn't get the job because I'm just not good enough at what I want to do. That would be the reason why, and I don't see how I ever get another job ever again. Once you start with those, it's actually very hard. To stop, it's so easy to have negative thoughts. Sometimes we may even think that we're being realistic and trying to protect ourselves by having thoughts like those, almost like softening the blow.

But when we have them, especially on a regular basis, they drag us down and affect our lives. And we start to create a really bad habit within ourselves. Soon you'll find the thoughts become self fulfilling. we tell ourselves that we're not good enough, we start to believe it, our brain tells us it's true, and does everything it can to show us it's true, and to basically make us fail. And that's the end. So what do we need to do to ensure the opposites?

We need to flip the negative behaviors right on the head, and instead, use positive affirmations. affirmations are positive specific statements that you can help you to overcome the negative thoughts that you keep feeling and hearing in your head. They help you to visualize and believe in what you're telling yourself. And you'll notice positive changes in your life and career. They can successfully treat people with low self esteem, depression and other mental health conditions. However, the technique might not work for everyone.

Think of them as exercises is the mind that you keep having to practice a lot. So it can be really useful when you're setting personal goals. And once you've set them you can use those affirmations to help keep yourself motivated so that you can achieve the goals. positive statements that can help you challenge and overcome negative thinking and behaviors that are self sabotaging are usually shorts, they're positive, and they'll target a specific behavior or belief that you have. So just have a think when negative thoughts do you hear or you tell yourself he probably got at least a couple or many things. The five that you hear the most often be really sure what they are, and write them down.

Next, spend some time thinking, do you actually really believe those things that you're telling yourself? Or are they just ridiculous and things that come around your mind all the time? And now you're in a habit of telling them to yourself? What should you really be thinking instead? Think of at least five positive statements in the present tense. Do you count and we'll repeat to yourself five times a day at least, write them down as well put them where you can see them.

Save them before you go to bed when you wake up in the morning. You also need to make sure your affirmations are credible, believable, based on a realistic assessment of facts. Be realistic and your affirmation or otherwise it just becomes another self sabotaging behavior. You need to be able to believe them for it to actually work. Try specifically counteracting each of your negative thoughts. Here's some examples of positive affirmations.

I have good skills to this project, I can do this. I'm successful. I'm an honest person, I'm happy. I will be a leader in my organization in my field. I'm respected. I'm bringing a positive attitude every day.

I'm progressing well with my business or my skills. I've improved my reading skills or presentation skills and learning new skills. The positive affirmation should also be formed in the present tense as if they're already happening. This helps you to believe that the statement is true right here right now. They should be easily repeatable. You need to recite them at least five times a day and repeated whenever you start doing engage in a negative thought or behavior, thoughts or sad was feeling, make them meaningful and say them out loud.

Visualization is hugely important, also termed imagery. visualization refers to changing your own thoughts and expectations to affect the outer world. It's an intrinsic part of positive thinking, and has been proven to be a highly successful tool, and it's a skill that can be learnt. In short, visualization helps to build confidence and feelings of readiness through the use of mental rehearsal. As part of visualization, the individual uses own imagination to visualize behaviors, events, smells and sounds occurring in the individuals life. The sights, sounds, fields and emotions of the imagined scene.

A play to the users head as they engage all the senses thoughts and experiences sucks. Such an experience users can play a scene in their heads, then stop, pause, rewind or fast forward on demand, then store for another time. In the context of sports visualization has been used since the 1970s when it became hugely popular, and is used by almost every successful athlete on the planet. Practice athletes use vivid images, highly detailed run throughs and use all their senses and knowledge of the sport. To successfully visualize. Some people haven't even carried out a successful motion without first practicing it in their heads.

Specifically, it can be used for marginal gains to warm up the body and mind as an intrinsic part of the athletes training regime. A significant amount of research has actually been carried out on visualization, and not just in the context of athleticism. In one study found Taylor 9099 as students either visualize that ultimate goal If they were doing well in an exam, or the steps that they would take to reach that goal through studying. For example, participants who visualize themselves reaching and gaining the required skills and knowledge and who spent longer studying received better grades in the exam. So here visualization is set of words who to processes planning. by visualizing the process that helps focus attention on the steps needed to reach that goal, an emotion the process of visualization has led to reduce anxiety.

When imagery is done successfully, it actually impacts many cognitive processes in the brain, such as attention, perception, motor control, memory and planning. So in doing so, the brain is preparing for actual performance during the visualization process. In that way, we can create a very own training program. Think of the scenarios that you need to master That could be a job interview, perhaps, and choose a particular point that may occur in the process. For example, a nerve wracking experience of waiting in the room to be called for an interview. Sit quietly with no distractions for a couple of minutes.

Calm yourself down and breathe deeply. Try to slow down time whilst you breathe, and prepare for your chosen scenario. So now focus on the interview scene itself. Pick where the interview would be, would you be sat in an office or an open plan area, try to picture somewhere that you've already been. Now imagine that you're part of that scene. You're sitting in the reception area in the building or the factory or the showroom, the luxury center or an audition.

How do you feel you need to make sure that you're not nervous or uncomfortable. So summon your energy. Make sure that in your head you're really excited and confident to be there. And to share Everyone what you have you prepared really well. And you're just really excited to show the interviewers what you can really do. Maybe even playing Muhammad Ali's lines through your hat.

I'm the greatest. I'm going to show you engage your senses next, as you're taken into the interview room and you smile confidently shaking their hand. Put your shoulders back and your head high. And then how do you feel? What can you smell? What does the water taste like that they've passed to you?

How does your beautiful suit or uniform feel? What else can you see in the room as you walk through? Think how you feel now as you go to sit down, ready for the interview. Smile brightly. What do you want for yourself to say maybe when you're making small talk or just having a bit of a chat before you go through the process of store that scene in your head and play around? Sadly, a game changing any specific parts that you can think to improve upon.

Setup your own situations and store like a video bank in your head for a particular situation, so that you can mentally rehearse for whenever you need them. In the first few times of trying this technique, you may find yourself experiencing negative thoughts which is normal. But at that point, pause the video. Remember where you were when you started to experience those negative thoughts? If you're visualization see, is so watching from afar, then step out of yourself to see the actions and those in the room? How does your body language look in that freeze frame image?

How are your shoulders are they slumped forward or push back? Is your chest lower or higher? Is your breathing shallow or deep? Are your eyes looking at the floor? Or do you look confident and excited? Is your face expressionless or animated?

Rewind the scene, turn the camera back round so that you can press play and change the scene to play out exactly how you want it to go. Now have a look. Make sure that everything is going exactly as it should be, and how you actually want to look. Goal setting. Setting goals can help to improve concentration through specific focus, especially when the goals are performance based and not results based. As winter Martin found in 1991 when focusing on something that is controllable, for example, your actions, rather than something that isn't perhaps the outcome, concentration, ultimately, performance can improve.

Jackson Roberts 1992 found collegiate athletes initially performed worse when focusing on results goals, compared to performance goals where they performed a great deal better Use visualization to imagine what you want to be doing with your life and say 10 years. Use all your senses to imagine the scene of your successes. What does it taste feel smell like? And how do you feel emotionally? Who is there sharing the occasions with you start to break these successes down into smaller targets. Then again, and again.

Really importantly, make sure that you've written the goals down with estimated dates of achieving the smaller goals. So it's done bit by bit, so it doesn't seem completely overwhelming. You can make gold sheets or I actually like to have visual documents and display them wherever and whenever you need them for inspiration, for example, in the kitchen on a notice board on a mirror and always keep a copy in your bag. Obviously, you need to work towards your goals. So here are some categories to imagine when you Making goals what kind of things you want to think about career, education, family, attitude, creative, physical, helping others, yourself financial and spiritual. Make sure that you set performance goals.

So say your work to the level of so and so rather than purely outcome goals. Remember that outside events can really hinder outcome goals. So keep them as closely related to performance as possible. achieving goals is obviously what we really want to be doing. So we need to make sure that you have enough things to make sure that you actually really want to achieve or not that you're just telling yourself that something that you should do. Make sure that you take the time to recognize your achievements.

Realize that you're doing well when you're on track and give yourself a well deserved path on the back on the way. say well done. I remember that it's absolutely okay to be proud of yourself. Also see what you can learn from achieving the goal? Is there a similar process you can use to achieve the next goal? What have you learned from the last time?

And do you need to change any of your future goals? Do you need to learn any new skills to meet the rest of your goals? Or perhaps alter your goal timeline in any way, which is absolutely fine. Think about long term goals. Perhaps for career this could be to become self employed by working as a contractor rather than for someone else. Creative could be to follow my interest in photography to be a great photographer and increase my skills in this area.

Physical could be to become more muscular or just feel healthier. And make sure you break down those goals into shorter ones. For example, a creative one could be my five year goal is to start exhibiting my photos on the internet even if for a tiny audience. One year goal is to improve my skills greatly as a photographer And take some fantastic shots. a six month goal could be to take a photography course to improve my skills. And one month go research those courses for photography and take photos on a regular basis just to be practicing all the time.

One week go assess what equipment you need. So we've already talked about gratitude, but his specific advice. So it was again something that I found Jeff's you couldn't understand how it would work. But just many things, the thing that makes it work is habits and really finding a way to believe in yourself and to create something that you do every single day. I found it really helps my stress levels, especially when you put it together with mindfulness and meditation. And you make sure that you really feel proud of yourself and you write down those things that you feel proud of.

I do it in the morning, but if you're really stuck for time, do it in the evening. Try to make a habit of it where you can, so that it's something you do regularly without thinking of. It does really help to protect you from disappointment and anger, because you realize that things maybe aren't that bad. And there's amazing things that you've done. And you can continue to do for other things. You don't need to buy something really expensive, just something cheap.

And I like to actually take mine round every day. So if I have something that I want to write, just put it down. Now it's time for superhero character. So one of my first things I wanted to talk about was, how important this thing is gratitude that they keep banging on at every point. So instead, if you talk about the the gratitude that a superhero character might have, it will be things like, if I have five things, it's that you've progressed Well, since the day before it might be that you Got to see someone really important. It could be that you are starting to progress with a healthy eating regime.

So you might not be perfect, but you did something better than you done the week before, or something better than you done the day before. It would be, you're starting to get into a habit about waking up before six in the morning, which is something that can take a really long time to be good at. And it could be that you generally might feel better about yourself than perhaps you did the day before, which is also a really good thing to feel great about. And I like to make sure that I keep a diary of things like that because we all have days that they're not so good. And we can look back and see if there was perhaps a pattern. So another thing I want to talk about which has to do with something that superhero characters have is this thing of what drives them.

What inspires Then. So I like to go outside like going for a walk or listen to an audiobook at the same time. If I wake up in the morning early, which I've managed to do as a habit, I make sure that when I'm making breakfast, I watch music videos, and I dance around the kitchen to them. Because I also like to look at what those people on their music videos have managed to do. At some point, it was something that they were not good at, and they've managed to become absolutely amazing. And I've also listened to really inspirational people like Gary Vee, and mind Valley talks and people like Justin dry and Jacques de Llosa, who were huge entrepreneurs.

And sports people can be really inspirational. And everyday people, maybe family members and friends who just keep finding that inspiration and keep finding a reason to have hope and to carry on which is a hugely important part of Having a successful and happy life is ever the best advice that you can give to someone is to take care of yourself because self care is so important, and is the first thing that we really take away when we don't have time to create as much happiness as possible, and to stick stop, take stock of what you already have, and never give up on the future. So some people say that mentoring is really important, and it really is, but on the reverse side of that mentoring other people is very, very important. And you might think that you don't have enough skills or experience to help mentor someone, but that's actually not true at all.

Even very successful people have had mentors, and many have an array of mentors that they can reach out to. When you're looking for a mentor. You do need to bear in mind that although there are some fantastic people who would love to help, they do have a limited number of hours in the day. The mental also needs a relationship with someone where it's beneficial for them as well. So the key is who you target because you will need to target quite a few. choose carefully he wants to receive advice from.

So those people you look up to the most who may have 150 projects on the go, they might not be the right person at that time to targets. Make sure you have your personal brand down to a tee. Before you look to approach anyone. Who are you. Who do you represent and where do you want to go? You can try to cold call a few potential mentors.

But make sure that if you do this, you do it in the right way. So be courteous understanding of the time constraints, and make sure of why you think the relationship would work for both of you. contacts of colleagues, work family, friends or professional body are always really helpful as a good starting point in the search. But never just rely on family or friends to help you get anywhere. Make sure that He builds up your own network of contacts. So what should you really expect from a mentor?

A mentor has the potential to make a real difference. The role of a mentor generally includes the following things like business advice, supporting the mentee to write a business plan, carrying out market research, cash flow forecasts, hopefully they could help with help with the direction that mentees are aiming for in their business and aid in other appropriate ways. Education and Training, helping the mentee to understand what training opportunities might be available to them, how to get on them, and were also helping the mentee to identify goals and plan how they can reach them. general advice things like helping to provide the mentee was focused and support for their career, education, personal and spiritual goals. And mentor should share their experience expertise, knowledge and contacts if it's appropriate with you When looking for a mentor, here are some specific things to think about as well. What commitments are you seeking?

Timewise? What do you see is important personality wise in your mental? And what location because it could be someone from completely the opposite side of the world. If you can work in the time zones into your day? Do you need specific guidance on particular areas? We need someone with a particular skill set to make the relationship effective.

And also think about Could you do meetings via Skype or phone they don't need to be in person. dealing with difficult people is something that mentors can hopefully help you with. So just as successful athletes and business people have rivals we always will. They're all over the place in business, and we will always encounter difficult people surrounds our lives. toxic people use deception and manipulation. with others, and they're an unfortunate certainty in life.

Jealousy can often be at the heart of many difficulties. And it's really important to realize that no matter how small people can make you feel or how upset you are after dealing with them. It's not your problem, it is genuinely theirs. You'll meet with competitive people every day, especially if you're successful, and you try your hardest and everything that you do. Simply, this makes us threat to people who take the view that they deserve the best, even if they haven't worked for it. competitiveness.

Jealousy and envy are three similar emotions that you may well meet them negative to varying degrees, but equally cancer you want to do even better. The best way to deal with conflict from others is to stop questioning other people's intentions and just to stop worrying, perhaps ask what they mean by their actions or words. Then accept that you'll never truly know or understand why they said something or why they want Do it. Some people can go to really extraordinary lengths to be difficult, usually, so that you give in to the person and they get their own way and they feel better about themselves. Although you may be very upset and rightly want to stick up for yourself, be careful you want playing into their hands, perhaps exercise your right to tell them that you will not accept their behavior. Maybe describe their behavior to them that they're exhibiting and tell them how it's affecting you and let them know that you aren't going to put up with it again.

Remember that some people are just difficult because and that's the only reason I try really hard not to take their comments personally. I accept that difficult people often have strong opinions, use questions in response to their statements, and that may help to recognize the issues in their views. If you need to gather supporting evidence and writing, but if you feel that you're being bullied and needed to take it further, you may need to Make sure that you communicate effectively with the person because it might just be a misunderstanding. Also, make sure that you are assertive rather than being obnoxious. Obviously, you shouldn't be a doormat, but equally, make sure you're not rude to people, in whatever circumstance or environment try to remain professional and stick to the facts. So we know that you're really busy and we're so grateful that you've taken the time and investment in this course to develop yourself.

We've put together some assignments which we think will really help you to create a lasting sense of energy by embedding some really useful habits. So for this section are assignments centered around daily gratitude, finding your inspiration, and taking time to develop yourself through learning. So our first assignment is on gratitude. We've already been through the principles of gratitude, and how we think that it can really help you. So here's the first assignment. Take a notepad or a book, it doesn't need to be anything expensive.

You just need to make sure that you have something that you go to every day to write something down within five to 10 minutes every morning. He can do it in the evening, but we think the morning is the best time. So write down five things that you're grateful for, as an example, His mind for the day. And by the way, it took me a while to make it a habit of doing it every day. So you're not alone. I adore where I live the surroundings.

Make me really happy. I was grateful I got up by 5:30am, five days a week. And that's on the way of my goal to easily waking up at about 5am every day. I worked on this course that weekend, I'm really grateful that I'm working hard to achieve my goals. I made myself do half an hour's exercise the previous night. And even though my muscles are hurting Now, I know it's instilling good habits and it's good for me.

I make time for myself and had a bath, obviously before I went straight back to work. So here's our assignment on inspiration. This is something that I do a lot, whether it's for experts in similar fields, musicians, dancers, actresses, academics, athletes, you name it. Think about what really inspires you. And by the way, it doesn't need to be just one person here. You can research different people each day recently These people deeply and understand what failures they had to go through before they became successful, because I guarantee they had a lot.

Also research what routes they took to become successful. What extra learning did they do? What experiences did they go through, and work out how you can model those same behaviors and skills. Lifelong Learning is so important and it's integral to what we're all about. There will always be a gap between where you are now and where you want to be. And that gamma is made up of skills and experiences you just have to learn and have.

Make a conscious effort to develop yourself by pressing aside half an hour every day. You can use that for reading, watching videos, helping you to learn or perhaps reading blogs, that's a great one. Whatever it is, get into the habit. And although it might seem like a struggle on the way, we promise absolutely worth it. Something really important and deciding have we done well have we progressed? And are we being successful is to actually understand what that success criteria is.

So you need to be thinking about what does success mean to you. And first of all, the really obvious thing is that you are perhaps making a lot of money, or you feel a lot better about yourself or feel happier. But what you realize after experiencing that quite a few times and trying to meet goals is that is to say perhaps if you're you have a startup or you're learning a new skill, you won't make money for quite a long time. And so you need to realize that you have to have a different success criteria. So something amazing that you can do is just to decide that you will be better than you were last month. And then as you look back at you will be better than you were six months ago.

And back then you were a year ago, or that you're more confident. And you've developed particular skills and technology or building websites or networking, or being able to learn things very quickly and apply them. And one of the things you really need to think about is that your path is your own, rather than looking at someone else's success criteria, which might have very different outside factors. And they might have specific things that are really important to them, but they aren't so important to you. So don't ever take to someone else's goals and decide that they're the ones that you should really do. And don't always think that it's about having X amount of money or X amount of sales, or you will be successful in particular auditions because just as things happen, you won't always be successful every time.

You can't win every single time, they'll be things where someone is just slightly better or they perhaps have more experience. So the thing to really think about is that you were better than last time, or you've really developed certain skills that will help you for the next time. Obviously, the really important thing is to understand if you feel happy and challenge, definitely at work, if you're not challenged, you're not happy. And probably if you're not happy, you're not being challenged. And the key to this is really understanding that you need to be growing all the time and feeling that you're progressing for whatever reason. And that will fill you with a lot of confidence.

And also other things like you might get to travel as part of your job if that's what you want to do, or perhaps you don't want to travel. And so really understand what are the things that would make you happy and make sure that you will do more of those and also understand what makes you unhappy? you're frustrated or anxious, because there are things that you need to do less of. So how do we measure progress? As you've learned, this is something that you need to set yourself. But here's some guidance, sound improvements to make weekly, monthly, and over a number of months.

Remember that this is about doing it bit by bit. So don't worry if it seems to be taking you longer than you would have saw, perhaps other people to even do everyone's different. To warn you at some points you will really not go into like the process. But remember that in the beginning, you'll find change really hard in the middle, possibly even harder, and then you start to see work. For those of you who are signed up to our groundbreaking clinic program. Make sure that you share your progress on our private Facebook group.

So guys, here's a run through of items that we've covered and areas where you'll start to see progress. So just keep going. anxiety and stress lowering happiness increasing the feeling of your lifeforce, increasing performance levels, getting better relationships, improving a higher level of self esteem and confidence, an increase in your mental and physical energy levels. So as ever, here's some key points to remember through this module. Remember that all of this is fixable. It just takes determination, stamina, time and practice.

Secondly, to enforce again, keep practicing. Remember that you won't see progress in five minutes, so don't think Don't feel bad if you don't get any better after one try. Remember to breathe We've talked about it in meditation and remembering to breathe properly throughout this will really help you. So for now, thank you and we really hope you enjoy this module and see you next time.

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