Create A Purposeful Vision For Success

How To Create A Purposeful Vision For Success Create A Purposeful Vision For Success
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Hi, I'm Tony factory. Thank you for joining me today on this video blog as part of the living lessons. Video Series. today's blog is called create a purpose for vision for success. It's been some time between the last video on this one of course, given that I've spent the last three months or so, writing my upcoming book, which is due for release later this year. I'll be sure to keep you posted on that one in the coming videos.

So three points for us to consider on how to create a purposeful vision for success. And so the word I really want to impress upon you is vision because our vision creates our future if we do not have a vision of what we aspire to and what we wish to create, then how are we going to get there? So those three points are, create a personal life plan, commit to your goals. And finally, don't allow success to chase you. So create a personal life plan. That is, what do you want your life to look like 510 1520 years from now.

Get it out of your head and get it down on paper. Certainly a number of us have this vision in our minds of what our life wants to look like or what we'd like it to look like in five or 10 or 15 years time. If we don't commit that to writing, and look at each day, they merely thoughts that come and go. And what happens if those visions or those goals or dreams change along the way, what happens if they require change or they require adjustments. By writing them down, you're getting them out of your head and onto the paper or onto paper or computer where you're able to review them Every single day and update them and allow them to inspire you in order to create your future. The second point, the point is committed to your goals.

Listen, the bigger the goals, the more challenges and obstacles you'll face. And that's just part of the process. And that's life telling you that Listen, if you want to achieve this goal, then you're going to have to step up to the plate in order to show your worthiness. So stay the distance think long term. And that is in order to think long term. Don't be fazed by the short term pain.

And some of the time we experienced the pain of today, which overshadows the fulfillment of tomorrow. So I'm I'm inviting you to let go of today's pain by processing it, allowing it to move through you see what opportunity lies in that obstacle or that suffering or regret, regret or whatever it is that's invited? To grow and use that to catapult yourself into the future. And finally, don't allow success to chase you. And what I mean by that is stay ahead of the game, become a pioneer, live and breathe your passion, don't be consumed by failure and defeat. A lot of people buy into failure they buy into the fleet, they allow it to define them, they allow it to create a sense of self worth and affect their self esteem.

Your outside world does not indicate does not have a level of influence on your inner world, it is merely giving you an indication of what you need to attend to within. So if failure keeps showing up, go within and see what you need to change what you need to adjust where you need to grow in order to overcome those five years. Finally, this time signpost a a signpost, indicating in a growth If we attend to that inner growth, then as the same goes as within so without, so create your future by going within. And again, it's worth reiterating, reiterating that is that failure and obstacles are only temporary. They cannot last a long time but our thoughts as to how we view failure and obstacles can last and utterly so change those by going within change your inner dialogue, bring peace to those thoughts instead of clashing with the thoughts.

Thank you for joining me once again on these video titled create a purposeful vision for success as part of a living the lessons video series. Thank you for continuing to subscribe to these videos. My name is Tony factory. Thank you again.

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