Step 10 - English = Transformed

Transform Your English Step X - English = Transformed
23 minutes
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We've come a long way, haven't we? along these lessons, you've been learning, practicing and applying nine steps that when you become good and comfortable with this information, these techniques will make your English and your communication in general, much more natural, persuasive, confident and powerful. We've been working on three fundamental pillars. You've been developing your English speech, which is what gives you your accent. When you achieve a perfect pronunciation, fast and connected fluency And then emotional and authentic intonation. You develop what I call your own personal and authentic accent.

We've also developed your thinking part of English, your English style. The way you think the way you express yourself and the way you organize and structure your information can have tremendous impact in the people that listen to you. Now you have some very useful tips and techniques that will make it easy, natural and really almost automatic to structure and transmit your information in really powerful ways. Finally, we've worked on the pillar of feeling your English one of the most important aspects of English is to feel comfortable and confident with it. We've been practicing tips, techniques and exercises that are making you feel a sense of security, confidence, excitement, and connection with you your information and the people that listen to you and communicate with you. I want to thank you and congratulate you for staying with me all the time.

Remember that if you are just taking one little tip, one little correction, one little addition or improvement to your English from every step, you will have achieved a real profound and permanent transformation in the way you speak English. So you're going through a transformation of the way you speak English The way you think English and the way you feel your English once you become good, once you internalize and naturally apply all these concepts you will be you are an English speaker. You are a powerful, natural, confident, influential and resonant English communicator. You have to speak that you have to think that you have to feel that in order to be that I think that by now you know what I mean by speaking thinking and feeling at the same time. Welcome to your English reality, my friend. And things only get better and better and better from here.

So you are an English speaker. You are not an English student. However, never again will you be an English student you will keep learning, refining, personalising becoming amazing with your English communication. Because now you are living in English. Finally after all these years, you stopped studying English. This is a new reality full of different new and exciting opportunities and possibilities.

So make a commitment about this. You now live in English you will never again study English. This means that you have to take English Outside of the artificial classroom setting, and you have to implement English into your everyday life. It is now a part of you a part of how you think, or of how you hear part of how you feel a part of how you perceive and described the world and connect with. This is a life lived in English. And I have great news for you.

Because now you speak to maybe more languages. You have two different parody goals, or two different perspectives from which to see, understand and describe the world. The fun times are just starting, but you need to make sure that English stays with you. So, how can you make part of your life, an English life? Let's discuss some ideas and try to make some commitments. I'm talking about permanent commitments of welcoming English into your reality into the way you think and describe your world.

I'm sure you enjoy watching movies and TV shows in English. Listen to English music, or talk shows. So I would like you to make a commitment with me. From now on, and forever. Let's completely eliminate the captions or the subtitles. In all the English media that you watch.

You might think that having captions is useful because it lets you see how a word is written and pronounced. But if you look into it, if you pay attention to it, you will find that usually when you have subtitles, your attention is distracted completely to the letters are getting information through your eyes and not through your ears. You're living in English now. You don't need any other help. I would also like to invite you to make different commitments to bring English into your everyday life in a very enjoyable, educational and constructive way. Some good options are web pages like where you will find amazing talks from top notch People talking about anything ranging from technology, entertainment, design, the future politics, etc.

You have an infinite quantity of YouTube videos that can educate you and help you do whatever you would like to learn. Start using YouTube and Google in English, because 95% of the information available in the world is in English. Learn to find the information you need, the education you would like to get. And all the data that's relevant and important to you in English, because you always get a better quality information. Another commitment you should make is finding ways to use your English more actively in your real life. I believe we should have a balance of receiving English, to voice through videos to courses through education to classes.

But equally important is to find ways to take out your English to speak and to write your English. If you have foreign friends, keep talking to them. We have great tools nowadays like Facebook, Whatsapp, they online chats about any topic imaginable that you can use to connect and develop relationships with people from other parts of the world. If you don't have many foreign friends, I really encourage you to find them and build relationships with them. You can find foreign people everywhere in your city, whenever you're traveling or online. And now you have a set of tools that that you can use to connect with strangers in a way that they will love.

They will really appreciate you taking the courage to initiate a conversation and sharing a little bit of how special you are. At tool you can use that's fun. That's interesting. It's a little crazy. But thanks to the internet, we have the possibility to meet and find people literally from every part of this world. A website I love is called couch surfing.

COMM is a free website where you can subscribe, create your profile, upload some pictures and find people that both are visiting your city or are looking for people for tourists in their city to Meet. These are places where you can invite people visiting your city to your house, to have fun to meet each other or even to sleep if you want. Also, if you're traveling, you don't want to stay in a hotel and you want to meet different people. In couchsurfing, just by typing the name of the city you will be visiting, you'll find a list of all the people that are willing to invite you to their houses, to meet you to offer you a pouch to slip in, to have a good time, or maybe only to show you around the town without inviting you to their house or anything. I encourage you to find and use these type of software send applications.

There's dozens and dozens of these kinds of applications that will help you contact find and sell See how people are alike from different parts of the world. It will give you the great opportunity to decide if you want to meet this person. And if this makes you feel a little uncomfortable, all the better. Do you remember what we said about the importance and the benefit of getting out of your comfort zone? So English is now something you speak something you think something you feel something that lets you be your authentic and your best self. Stop studying English, start living, enjoying, benefiting and making your life more beautiful and more intense.

Thanks to English. I hope you enjoy Boyd, this method, this course our time together, I would love to hear your opinion. Send me an email, drop me a line, let me know what you think it would be very useful and constructive for me. Now, before we close, I would like to speak to your unconscious for a little bit. So you just sit back and relax. Don't mind me too much.

Don't pay any attention to me. And just relax and be present. Now, you are a powerful, natural, confident and influential English communicator. You have all the necessary skills and talents and information to blow people's minds when you're speaking English. You have an amazing and perfect pronunciation. Because you know how to pronounce a consonants, you can distinguish the difference between Barry and very, and yellow and jello and wood and good.

Zoo sounds very different to sue for you. And when you see trees, you might see three trees. You also know how to pronounce the vowels perfectly. You vocalize vowels correctly, so it's clear for people to understand. You see words like podcast and hot and a hot dog and cat and Kate perfectly fine. You also know to combine vowels to make the right sounds, you know say beach and not beach, which can be offensive.

You can say feet and not fit and you can perfectly distinguish the differences between seat and sit. You have fast and connected fluency so you sound smooth and Not robotic are boring when you're speaking. You know how to connect your teeth and your this. So you say get it away and get it out of my system instead of getting out of my system, figure it out for yourself. And could I would I should I take a lot of little letters with me can flow and you can intonate you demonstrate and transmit your emotions with your intonation, because you know that the tone of your voice transmits real feelings to the people that are listening to you. And when you combine your pronunciation with your fluency and give you that touch of your own authentic and emotional intonation, that combination is irresistible.

You're developing growing, refining and personalizing your vibrant vocabulary. You don't need schools or teachers or anyone to keep showing you what vocabulary to learn because now you have the power and control to refine and sculpt the vocabulary exactly as you want and as you need. It is preposterously easy. It is unfathomable, how easy it is to keep building your vocabulary in an easy, comfortable and automatic way. It is almost uncanny. You also developed a high level of brain power, your memory works because you connect, you know that if you feel what you think and what you say it will stay because an event with an emotion from some memory.

So a word like riveting means a dress floating on a river with a bell. That is a connection you will never forget. That's a riveting image that you formed. That gives you the meaning and the pronunciation of any word you want. You have structure when you speak, because you now understand that when you speak sometimes people can't connect with what you're saying. And just by adding structures that everyone can feel, and connect and understand, it will make sure that every message everything you say, is connected, understood, and motivational to the people that listen to you.

You're confident because you know the secret. Getting out of your comfort zone is the key to learning, improving and growing your English and your everything. learning and growth happens outside of your comfort zone. So you now like to do things that are uncomfortable for you, you know, seek these experiences of feeling tense and nervous when you need to speak English because you know that every time you do it, you feel more and more and more confident. It's exciting and It makes people like you and connect with you love to live out of your comfort zone. You can also laugh about yourself.

Your mistakes are not important because what's important is being here and being now and being connected with the person in front of you. If you can achieve that, no matter how many mistakes you are, they will absolutely never affect any impact of your communication. Your body language is resonant, confident, centered and grounded. You can use facial expressions and hand gestures to increase dramatically the impact of your message. You create feelings in the other people's heads and hearts and bodies. When you're using intonation combined with great a powerful body language.

You are much more influential. You are a persuasive English speaker. Because you know that every time you speak with a person, you're entering the interaction with high value. You're a special, unique individual that has a lot to offer. You also entered interaction with high mood. You're always having great feelings.

You're energetic, you have high expectations about what happens when you interact with people. People love you for that. You can connect because you also try to understand the other person first, you enter their reality. You're a renaissance man, you take an interest in what other people like and love. You make them feel understood. And then they will be dying to join your reality.

This is the most enjoyable process of connecting with people. You have the six weapons of influence at your disposal. are making your English way better and are making your communication and persuasion powers much more powerful. You know that reciprocity works so give you know that commitment works so commit and make other people commit, liking works. So like other people, social proof works so be the best man or woman you can be, be the best English speaker and communicator you can be that will give you authority as well become a scarce individual, your set of talents, your set of experiences, your set of things you can share with other people with the world are unique, and people love you for that. you communicate from an equal sense of status.

You don't feel superior, you don't feel inferior to any other person in this world. Every human being is worth the same thing. So when you're looking at the eyes of another person, you're the same. You connect as human beings. And that's it. You also have the power to talk and to create excitement, to create fantastic and passionate conversations that never end with any person that you want.

Because you know that you first should observe the other person before trying to talk about your things and your own reality. Once you observe, you know exactly what to say, How to awaken emotions of excitement, interest and passion in people, they will die to keep talking to you. You know which questions to ask. What's the most exciting experience and conversation you have had? I don't know. The best ones are yet to come.

Why? Why questions will make you have an infinite talk with whoever. Because once we start thinking about the reasons why we do things, many insights come through our minds. And when insights come, we become excited, and we want to share. We want to talk about these insights and these excitement. You know how to talk about yourself.

You don't brag you don't show off. You're a passionate individual with passionate interests and skills. You're interested in everything that exists in this world and in this universe, you are a renaissance man or Renaissance woman. You can listen to any person and find something useful, something to learn and something to connect with you from every person, every topic, every situation during and hence and finally. You are unnatural, you are confident you are a powerful, influential, motivational, amazing English communicator. Thank you

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