Class One - The Heavens Declare

48 minutes
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Are we just thank you, Father, we just thank you for your presence in this house lord. Let me think that you are calming fears right now. Lord, you're breaking off chains of worry and doubt, Lord. Lord, we thank You, Father. We thank you, Lord, for the spirit of peace in this house. Sure, peace.

Lay like a covering over. For You are the Prince of Peace. Thank you, Jesus. We thank You, Lord, open our ears in our hearts. We might hear you speak and join you where you're at. We all say together.

Amen. Amen. Amen. Thank you. Oh, well, if you've never been to a soaking session, that's what one was. Right there.

People by soaking CDs, that's what you get in a soaking CD. Praise the Lord. There's so you hopefully soaked off some of the stuff that you came in here with you just allow the Holy Spirit to just engulf you. Well, I could have kept on going. I just love worship. I just love it.

But too much worship without the word and we just blow up and float away, right? We got to get grounded in the word, the word grounds list. All right before I start to actually fully preach the word I'm going to share with you kind of a mini word of mouth is a mini word before the word tonight at sundown is the new Hebrew month of two moves. It is the 10th month on the civil calendar and the fourth month on the religious calendar. The religious calendar always starts at Passover. And the civil calendar always starts at Rosh Hashanah, which happens in the fall.

So tonight at sundown starts to move and I want to tell you a little bit about two moves. Because you know, I always like to keep up with the changeover in the calendar because prophetically it means something for you. When you understand the Hebrew calendar, you can understand what God is doing in the atmosphere, because his calendar, he goes by he does not go by our Gregorian calendar because that is a calendar that was established at the Council of Nicene. Way back when when Constantinople, Constantinople decided to change everything. And so our Constantine in Constantinople sorry, Constantine, he decided to change change things. And so as a result, we have the Gregorian calendar.

So I want to let you know what's happening this month. So God began to speak to me as we are approaching this month, just a couple of days ago. And he said, I want you to tell the people that I will go before them. And that's Isaiah chapter 45, verse two. And he said, you're not going to see the scriptures up here, because they're not up here. He says, I will go before you and make the rough places smooth, I will shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars.

And God says, I'm going to go before you That means that he is setting himself in front of you ahead of you to open up doors that no man can shut and remember what I taught you last weekend, when God opens the door, then no man can shut it. So if God says that he's gonna go before us in an area, it means he's getting ready to open things, broaden things, make our rough path straight. You Get those rocks, get those things out out of the way. Some translation says that he's gonna make the mountain come down. He's gonna get you in that right place. Now, why is that important?

Because God is speaking to me about the fact that he is going to go before us. He's also spoke to me about the fact that this is a month of divine alignments. What's a divine alignment, a divine alignment is when you have the opportunity to connect up with people that you may never have connected up with before, but they actually hold a key to Kingdom advancement. So you in this person have a connection. And you begin to formulate these connections and then these connections open up Kingdom advancement opportunities. So I know the Lord is shifting things into alignment this month and how do I know this also because I know that it is the fourth month of the religious calendar, which means we only have this month and two more months before Russia Shana.

And when Raja Shauna comes on September 29, it starts double portion. It is a brand new year, it's God's head of the year. So God would be shifting things into alignment, and he would be causing divine connections and alignments to take place for His glory. Because he intends to build those relationships strong so that when the double portion time comes, then there is true stepping into Kingdom advancement. There's a strong enough foundation for God to build something on. Now, in line with divine alignments, there's also whenever you're aligning something ups, things are also letting go.

So if some relationships between To change this month, that's not a bad thing. All right, people always think themselves Oh, well, you know, I'm not hanging out with so and so anymore. And maybe they don't like me. No, maybe you insurance are just fine but stolen. So it's not supposed to be in your life right now. There's other alignments that God is bringing in.

So this is not a matter of people, if you start to notice some people fall off of, of your life. It's not to say that there's anything wrong with those relationships at all, other than the fact that God wants you to have some new relationships to say hello to them, go out and have coffee only with them one time instead of 10 times in a month. If you're starting to feel that there's a little bit of a change taking place. Why? Because it's more important to obey God and to have the relationships that he wants you to have in the certain seasons, in order for Kingdom advancement to come than it is for you to hang on to yesterday's people, just to make them feel better. Now So God says I'm doing divine alignments.

Now why would this be pertinent in the month of two moves? Let me give you a little history. What happened in two moves in Exodus chapter 32, you're not going to see the scriptures up here. Okay? Exodus chapter 32, we find that Moses has gone up on the mountain to get to LA. And he's taken quite a long time up there.

And the people are waiting at the bottom of the mountain, and they start to get frustrated. Whereas Moses, he's gone up there, he's not coming down. And they begin to want to start to worship something. So they say, hey, let's gather together all of our gold, you know, take off your earrings and land and take off your necklaces and let's get everything together and we're gonna burn Nate. We're gonna put these in a pot, and we're gonna heat them up and we're gonna make some golden calf's. We're gonna worship those What is one of the 10 commandments?

Thou shalt have no gods before me right? Now listen to what God says right in Isaiah 45. He says, I will go before you. And we find in the month of two moves in Exodus 32. Specifically, it says, when the people saw that Moses was so long and coming down from the mountain, they gathered around Aaron and said, Come, make us gods who will go before us. As for this fella, Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don't know what's happened to him.

In other words, we're going to take matters into our own hands, we're going to take our golden silver off, we're going to take our provisions, we're going to take the things that we worship anyways, and we're going to make some calf side of this, and we're going to have those go before us. We're gonna call those our gods. Now, how does work when God says divine alignments see, in this month when it comes to God aligning you up right? You have to take note of the fact that certain relationships are idolatrous to you. their relationships that go before your relationship with God. They're codependent relationships.

They're addictive relationships. They're things that have stuck to you like an idol. And God says, I need that to go because I'm gonna go before you and not that god you're hanging on to. Now gods are created when there is a lack. Nobody makes a God unless he wants to worship something that's going to raise him up. So lack is a need for something.

What do we learn around here? our needs are based on three things provision, protection and acceptance in accordance with the Word of God. Right Genesis chapter three, Luke chapter four, Luke chapter nine, they all tell us exactly what it is. That makes us up as people who have who have a fallen nature we, we examine the world through the eyes of what we need provision, protection and acceptance. So if we're going to build an idol, the idol is going to meet one of those needs. So if God says, I'm going to go before you, what he's saying is I need you to identify the things that you've made idols out of which also include relationships, money, power sacks, whatever it is that you have put before God.

And in doing so, he says, I need you to get into a place of repentance. So you can come into divine alignment with me which means I will then go before you and make away for Kingdom advancement. I will develop alliances that are good for me God and then you will be blessed as a result of being in line with With me, see, we like to twist things. And so today, well, Moses has gone too long because humanity has to have something to worship. It decided it would put his gold together and worship that. But we need to make sense of the fact that God has is trying to build something.

He's trying to get a foundation in order with divine alignment and divine alignment with him. See, if you're worshiping idols, then your heart is not where it needs to be in God. That's where repentance comes in. This is why you need to take an inventory of your life. This is why you need to get out a journal this week goes you'll have your hot dogs and hamburgers tomorrow and celebrate Independence Day. But then the next day, you'd be dependent on God.

And you put it together, that you're going to say, God, how have I gotten out of alignment with you and what is it that I'm worshiping? That I need to get right on? With you, because you got double portion plans for you and me. And you can't build on nothing now because I keep worshipping this thing in my life. This is the whole month of two moves. The only way we know we're wrong is when we position ourselves to say, God, how am I out of alignment with you?

I know that blessings are coming. Get me in alignment with you and get me in alignment with the right people this month so we can begin to build the kingdom connections for the kingdom advancement. Does anybody understand what I'm saying in the house tonight? All right. So we start out the month with hearts that are are ready to have God go before us that are ready to make no Gods before him, but only him is God. We come to that place of saying Lord, forgive me of my sin.

Forgive me of putting This person in front of you, forgive me for putting this thing in front of you. Forgive me for reading, whatever it is in front of you. Because only you should be first. And so take an inventory of yourself the rest of the week, get it straight. The first day is only tomorrow. And so you'll be ready to go after that.

No, I'll teach more on that as we go along over the month, but in line with idols, it's going to lead me into tonight's message very, very well. Let's put up the screen. Pastor Adam. The Heavens Declare is the message. But what's on the screen? Oh, is that a Zodiac?

Is that what I see on the screen? Oh my goodness. Is that a Zodiac on the floor of something? What is it On the floor of this Zodiac in Israel on the floor of Hamlet, Tiberias, it is a synagogue in Israel. Let's show another synagogue. Estrada.

This is this synagogue of Beit alpha. It is also in Israel. Oh, what is that? That looks like Zodiac on the floor of a synagogue. That's a holy temple to the Lord. Let's look at another one.

This is a Pura. It is also a synagogue in Israel, and that is a mosaic. underneath. There was some excavation that took place, they found a mosaic of a Zodiac in this synagogue. There's also nine other synagogues that they know of in Israel, then have zero x. Now, you might say, Oh my gosh, Candice, why are you putting something unholy pagan astrological on the screen in the middle of church?

Is anybody curious? I got some curiosity. Very good. God is about to answer your questions. So what's the average person taught about the Zodiac? It's evil.

It's bad. It's astrology. It's going to take you down the wrong path, right? This is what we're taught. Okay? I'm not saying any of that is wrong.

I'm not saying that any of that is inappropriate or wrong. But I'm going to give you another perception of the zodiac, which is the true perception of it. You see, there's nobody out is sitting on the floor of the synagogues, because all his Zodiac is is a living circle that represents the constellations that are in heaven, who created the heavens? God Somewhere I read in Genesis chapter one, verse one, In the beginning God created the heavens and earth. So, if God created the heavens and the earth, and each one of the heavens, when you look up into the skies, were drawn as pictures by people who wanted to understand what God created. And they put it down in a circle.

Okay, a living circle. That's what Zodiac means is living circle. They put it down centuries and centuries ago, and as a matter of fact, not just the Israelites, but also other cultures did as well as they saw in the sky. The heavens every night. Remember, there was no streetlights back then that was their light. The heavens was their light.

But people today, and actually, for many centuries, have believed a hijacked myth that the Zodiac is something to be worshipped. Now, if you choose to put something before God, then it becomes an idol right? So what not, the enemy would not the Satan would not rebellious Gods make a choice to take the heavens that are declaring the goodness the beauty, the reality of God and twist it into the fact through pictures that the heavens are evil. Okay, we say they're evil. If it's wrong to worship them, our worship, they're there. They're worthy to be worshipped.

And therefore Christians say it's evil. Okay? Now, if the sky is filled with the heavens and you began to worship, that heavens, you worship the constellations and that's all those are is constellations that are drawn and pictures. And people as astrologists and others began to try and tell you your life based on those, then you'll have a tendency to make those your source instead of God right now, that's wrong because we're to have no other gods before us. However, if that wasn't the intention of them, but somebody just twisted it. Then let's get back to the original truth.

And that's where I want to take you tonight. See, the enemy hijacked the constellations and began to encourage people To worship them in order to find out prophecy and what was going to be happening in their life on a daily basis. Now I don't know about you but there's got to be somebody out here other than me that used to look constantly at my horse. Is that what it's called horoscope horoscope? I say is that what it's called because I repented of it like 25 years ago, I forgot the name. kids grow up.

I can remember as a kid being in the supermarket line. Now this is a long time ago right? Because I'm gonna be 52 this month. So it was years ago. And I got go to the live with my mama. And there was always this nice little box there.

And it had all these cool little star scrolls. And if you just spend $1 you could take your star scroll with you. Come out and find with the stars that about you. So I would always ask my mama, she gave me $1 for two star scrolls, because I'm a Leo. And I wanted to know what is said every day of the week. And I would look at those things.

And I was believing a lie. But I did not know it was a lie. Until I became a Christian. I used to worship those things, and I can tell you, me and my little 16 year old friends did. They used to have those in the paper. nobody reads paper anymore.

We just read the internet. There was a time where you would read the paper. Come on, am I the only one that read the paper? And you'd look in the horoscope section. And you'd wonder what were they gonna say to you today? Well, today is Thursday on the calendar and horoscope says it's gonna be a bad day today.

What a terrible day you're gonna have you're gonna be filled with all kinds of and it would just describe all the bad things are gonna happen. your boyfriend's not gonna like you. Your mom's gonna be mad at you. Come on, come on. And I'd read that step and I take it in and I open myself up to demonic forces and then I'd be so depressed Oh, my God, I'm so depressed today supposed to be a bad day. That's the horoscope said.

Come on, we laugh but we lived by it. Or I'm the only one in the room that did I see somebody else smiling and you're going, Oh gosh, please don't put me under the microscope. I. It's okay. If you looked at the horoscopes. Tonight might be a night to repent of them after hearing what I have to say.

But nonetheless, we were there. When I found out that that was a bunch of lies, and then it opened up doors for demonic forces for me. I repented I asked the Lord to forgive me of my sins. I asked him to heal me. I asked him to teach It was right. I said, I don't know it's right.

I I need to learn what's right. I need you to teach him what's right. And it all comes back to there should be no other gods before me. And when you're reading your horoscope, you're opening yourself up to other gods and you're opening yourself up to demonic forces, and the strongholds that come with it. And I'm like, whoa. So I had to learn more about this, to the point where obviously, once you get clean, then God can use you in a powerful way to bring forth the word they can claim somebody else.

Right? authenticity is only about what you did that you learned was wrong, and nobody told you. I mean, it's really an innocent thing. Unless somebody tells you don't be looking at your horoscope. You just think it's fun. It's just a fun thing to do.

Right. Right. Now, the horoscopes were built off of truth, but they were twisted with a lie. Who's the Twister? Does he take a truth and just shred it just enough? When everybody starts running after it as the answer, they just go and make an idol out of their horoscopes instead of seeking the one true most high guide.

All of a sudden, you're a Christian, you're reading horoscopes, you're coming to church, but the horoscopes are telling you more about who you are what's happening, then the God of the universe. So we got to get to a place where we repent and say, Oh, my God, Lord, number one, I didn't know it was wrong to be doing that, but numbered because I'm making your creation an idol. And somebody put it on paper and wants me to worship what's being said, so that I don't worship You, Lord, forgive me. If I worship You, then I'm going to hear your voice and you can tell me what I need to know about today. What I have to know are not how am I going to survive? But what's the word for today?

You want a word for today, getting your Bible there's a bunch of words. And right there, there's a word for you today. There's 31 days, get in Proverbs, you got a word a day. There you go. somebody tells you they want to horoscopes, or just read the word, you got a word today for 31 days. Right?

Or, if you're suffering from fear, you got 365 days, you can read something about fear to break you free. So the only thing you should be reading is that, but But where's this take us to the fact that we have the Zodiac in holy synagogues. Whoa, now, I gotta tell you how God spoke to me. So God began to teach start teaching me about a year ago. It was kind of strange because, like, I hadn't heard anything about Zodiac or anything, everything for me was like, No, absolutely not. Don't look at it, don't talk about it, whatever.

Okay, although it's fun to kind of say, Okay, well, like you know what star sign, right? That's only for fun. That's not for any like reality. Okay. However, God began to speak to me about a year ago and he began to share with me, there's some things you don't know about Zodiac. Like, once, once, and he's working on me.

And he starts revealing things from a lot of different sources. All of a sudden, I go to Israel on this past trip. Boy, God talk to me talk to me a lot in Israel on this past trip in so many ways. But he began to tell me, this zodiac, there's nothing wrong with it. And I'm like, Am I hearing Satan? Or am I hearing you?

He's like, I'm telling you, there's nothing wrong with the Zodiac. It's constellations is all that it is. And in the word and I'm gonna show you guys in the word in the word it is spoken about the Zodiac. It's called the Missouri. Let's go there just so you can see the word yourself. Job.

Sorry, it's in Job. Job chapter 38. jobs, jobs referring to God, he's talking about God. Okay, speaking of the power of God and heaven in the constellations and this is what he says, can now bind the sweet influences of play 80s Okay, that's a constellation are loose the bands of Orion, there's another constellation Canst thou bring for the MAS Eros in his season, or Canst thou Arcturus with his sons to talking about here. Notice thou the ordinances of heaven, can now set the Dominion thereof in the earth. What Joe is saying about the power of God is he speaks of the Moz rock, which is exactly the living circle that you see right here. So he's saying, he, he's presenting this as part of God and who he is can't now bring mas Roth, bring forth Missouri in his season, and then he's listing all these other constellations.

And so he's saying, Listen, can't though bring forth the Zodiac in his season? In other words, can't the heavens declare, in the season? what God has done is doing and he's going to do what Job says, Well, yes, he can. But who? God not man and not the Zodiac without God. Okay, so I read these I'm like, so we're on a trip.

And all of a sudden, we find ourselves in multiple synagogues. And we're looking at the artifacts and all. Well, we stumble into zipporah. And I sit down in the chair, and right in front of me. Zodiac. I say, Lord, this is your house.

This is a holy temple. This is what what is the thing doing in here? He says, I told you it's how people have worshipped the creation and not the Creator. He says they need to get into divine alignment with me and worship me. And then they will see that what is in the Zodiac is a description of the Old Testament and the New testament told from the constellations themselves. The pictures over the centuries that were written in the very, very beginning, are pictures of the story of the Old Testament and the New Testament in each and every one of these 12 signs.

There's 12 constellations, there's 12 tribes of Israel, and their stories that are buried in each one of these pictures that describe the Old Testament, and the New Testament, written in a living circle for everyone to see, which is why they're in the synagogues. They are heaven declared on the earth, in on the floor of a most holy place. Now, is it not true that the word says we're to bring heaven to earth those that have dreams On the pictures over the centuries, the artists who spent their time doing that and bringing that down, what they're doing is they're revealing what the heavens or the constellations have said about creation all the way through to the Messiah. Each one of our so called Bernstein's reveals an element of the Old Testament and the New Testament. What do you think of that? Does anybody believe me?

Are you scratching your head? Do you want to run out and call this harrassing? Anybody? I don't see anyone leaving yet. No one's leaving. It's okay if you want to get up and go.

Sorry. Because I'm going to show you what each one of them mean. The first pastor Adam, so if you're here Sunday just And Joe, that part Job chapter 38. That's when God starts talking to Joe. What God was just describing there later on that whole chapter 38 and 39 he's listing all the things what he was doing is asking job Were you there when I made the constellations? Were you there in the Pleiades?

All these Orion Orion it's the plane I flew the p3 Orion It's named after that set of stars Okay, so this is what he was asking man right now we're asking men to understand Do you see though how we can twist it will worship to creation you to understand what's going on in our world right now. People are freaking out over the rain forest, water beat all this stuff and they're worshipping creation and they're not worshiping their Creator. And it gets it's just slightly twisted like people are like, it's a good thing to take care of the environment. It's a good thing to be a good steward but they think they get blinded and then they're, they don't even acknowledge the Creator. Okay. And so when you see this stuff when we're in Israel, we're looking at these, you know, and it's like, well, I'm a Scorpio and I see the Scorpio what because it's, it's part of the stars.

So remember when I was talking Sunday through the Hebrew lens of an original Hebrew writer centuries ago, millennia ago, they would look at the stars and go, those are Gods because they moved, they were living. Okay. And so and then you see and what happened is there's a spiritual world and unseen world where do Gods reside in high places and in gardens. So God made the Garden of Eden and he combined them both, and then you're gonna hear on Sunday, about serpent. Still, the teaser there we're gonna hear about the serpent who's got a part in this and twisting it we're also going to talk about the Satan da is in front of it and I'll explain it you're gonna have to come on Sunday all right all right. So like this is the month on the calendar where we blow your mind in every way and hope you come back the beginning of August it's all this is we're just trying to see we're trying to weed out the congregation wondering whether or not you're gonna still be here in August Oh no, this is what we're trying to do here might as well get rid of y'all in the summer because you know the falls the time that we got double portion Come on.

I just kidding you guys. No, I'm kidding. No, but this is this may be hard to swallow. Okay. Listen. I was like, God, no, not this message.

This isn't the one you want me to bring. I feel like pastor Adam, he suffered for a couple of years before he brought forth the teaching on Sunday and what he's gonna bring this Sunday. And you know, I've even talked to some people here, freedom destiny, and I was like, Oh my god, the Lord's gonna have the minister on the Zodiac. I was like, this could just be just crushing, you know, but at the same time, I know that when God speaks to me, and I know what I have to do, because I need to get some of your mindset straight. And you need to understand how the horoscopes and and the star signs and all that kind of stuff can be deadly if you're worshiping it. But there was an original intent for the writings.

That was not what we have turned it into being. Because man tried to worship something that God never intended man to worship. God God puts the heavens in the skies in the heavens. Declare, the heavens declare and let's just read that scripture so you can actually even see where it says the heavens declare. The Heavens Declare in Psalms Chapter 19 The Heavens Declare the Glory of God and the firmament show with his handiwork. Dan today Ataris speech and nine tonight's show with knowledge, there is no speech nor language where the voice is not heard.

Their line has gone out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world. In them he has set a tabernacle for the sun, which is as a Bridegroom coming out of his chamber and rejoice this as a strong man to run a race his going for this from the end of the heaven and his circuit on to the ends of it and there is nothing hid from the heat there. Okay, so there are chambers where the sun comes through and there's a circuit there up If I'm laying on the ground and I'm looking up at the stars, what am I seeing a moving circuit of constellations with the sun and the moon, properly positioned, various times. King David speaks this. Then later, we find out in Job chapter nine verses seven through nine. A Job says the same thing which command at the sun and it's right, right if not, and seal it up the stars, which alone spread out the heavens and tread upon the waves of the sea, which makes Arcturus, Orion and Pleiades and the chambers of the South.

Same thing that David said. This is scripture, and what are they talking about? They're talking about the heavens. They're talking about the stars. They're talking about the Missouri They're talking about the specific constellations, and what they're ministering. We know that the three wise men knew exactly where to find Jesus based on the star.

That was over Bethlehem, supernatural star, right? They have been speaks, how are you going to know the end of the ages with the tribulation and all of that? How are you going to know the stars will reveal my take you to that right now? Let's go to Revelation. Let's go to Revelation. This will freak you out.

Since we're in the freaking out phase, this one will freak you out. Revelation chapter 12, verses one through five. And there appeared a great wonder in heaven a woman close with the sun and the moon onto her feet and upon her head a crown of 12 stars and she being with child cried revealing and birth and paint To be delivered, and there appeared another wonder in heaven and behold a great red dragon having seven heads and 10 horns and seven crowns upon his head and his tail through the third part of the stars of heaven, He did not cast them to the earth, and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered for to devour her child as soon as it was born. And she brought forth a man child who was to rule all the nations with the rod of iron and her child was caught up on to God and to his throne.

That is a depiction of the constellation Virgo. Yes. When the sun is in a certain place, Virgo is close with the sun, and you cannot see certain angles of her. So we know certain times certain seasons. The birth of Jesus we know is not on December 25 many astronomers Believe it happened in September, Rosh Hashanah The reason we celebrate December 25 You know why? Because the people back then when Constantine was around decided to change everything they didn't want to.

They were upset because the sun was going away on the 25th of December It was close to the equinox, right which is around the 21st. And so they decided that they wanted to make sure that they worshipped a pagan sun god on that day. And that's how we got Jesus's birthday is the worship of a pagan son God that we celebrate on December 25. I know it sounds like a bummer put up your Christmas trees Angel still calm all that good stuff happens. But they they did it for that reason. Okay, don't get too bombed a Christmas Tommy Tommy, you're sad on December 25.

So I'm going to say it's okay because we blow it up. out on Rosh Hashanah around here. All right, we blow it out around here Rosh Hashanah. Okay. All right. It's all right.

It's just one day. Okay. But what reveals this? The Heavens Declare. Now you're gonna have to come back next week to find out what each one of them signs mean. The Old Testament, the New Testament.

Whatever month you were born in. If you really the Lion of Judah, like me, I'm a Leo. Come on. I know, I know. I know you're jealous. Okay, I get that all the time.

But I want to tell you what each one of those mean in the story. Okay, now, there's a lot writings on this. So many writings, it'll blow your mind and create mass levels of confusion. So I am bringing this down so that you can walk away with a bite sized piece of the fact that if you worship the stars and you worship the zodiac, you have chosen to worship creation instead of the Creator. However, it is not heresy to have a Zodiac inside a temple, because it represents the heavens that God created. You just got to get yourself in alignment with God.

You just got to know what you're worshipping and what you're not worshiping. You just got to get a handle on it. And then it's okay to look at it from God's viewpoint. Job was a righteous man. And what he said in the word was righteous about God. If God created these things, then we still In all of the creation, but greater all of the Creator who made such an amazing creation and when we learn the story, that the Zodiac Taos, we find a beautiful understanding of how God painted the sky for us in Genesis chapter one to reveal this story of the Israelites, the birth of the Messiah, and the church coming in to play, all of that is in the Zodiac.

Beautiful. You will never look at the stars again the same way when you can see this story. He painted it all for us. At the beginning of time, he told the story in the stars and then this is an earthly A drawing or example of what you can see when you look up into the heavens. Now, when we view it that way, and we take out the worship, the sun stars, astrology kind of thing we remove that. What we see is a God that loves us that wanted to reveal the truth in creation.

Did the Apostle Paul tell us that? Yes, he did. Let's hear Apostle Paul says and then the band can come up. This is what the Apostle Paul says. He says for the verse 18, Romans chapter one, verse 18, for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth and unrighteousness because that which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has showed it to them, for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen. being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead.

So that man is without excuse, which means we have no excuse for not believing that there is a divine creator. No, I'm sorry, Big Bang is not why you're here. And you are not a monkey that turned into a human did not happen. Sorry, I know we get drilled with that from day one did not happen. So we know that it was clearly seen. Genesis chapter one, he declared that have a team be in the beginning he made the heavens and the earth.

And then the Word says he put all the stars in the sky. He told the story before you were ever born. Now today, we get to walk in it. We get to see it. You know when you love God, and you're right with Him. You can look at the heavens, and you can explain the beauty and the blessing and the greatness of God.

Because on the inside of you, you are exploding with an understanding of His love, His salvation, how he sent the Messiah to come and die that we would be in relationship with him. We can explain all of that instead of be subject to the stars and what they're going to tell us today. I don't know about you, but I'm not going to submit to no star system. But I'm gonna submit to God who then I can look to the stars and say the glory of the Lord reigns. Let us declare that heavens declare let us declare the goodness of the Lord the glory of the Lord. You gotta get in alignment with God first.

That's what they missed in the Hebrew calendar month of two moose in In a very short time, they forgot the God that Moses went up to visit. Listen, he went up there that long and they forgot about him. That oughta tell each one of us. You can be out of church for a day. You forget about God. You can be out of your Bible.

For an hour, you forget about God. We're humans, and we will make idols out of anything and everything. But if you can worship the one true God the Most High God and and keep your your mind and your heart in that area, you will stay in alignment and he will bring you into alignment because he loves you. He will cause your heart to be pure and righteous and holy, because he doesn't want you worshipping worthless idols. He wants you to worship Him. I've given you every reason to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior and worship the king, worship the God.

We're gonna have the ultra ministry team up here. If you feel a prompting, and you haven't received Jesus or you want to recommit your life, or you want to confess that you're buying the dollar, Stark scrolls on a weekly basis, and you can come up here and somebody will stand with you, and agree with you that you are forgiven by the blood of Jesus, and that you are going to be sent now on a path of worshiping him and him alone. Let's stand our feet and worship the Lord in His presence. And remember that the heavens declare the goodness of the Lord would you leave here tonight you look up in the sky, give him give the great I am a high five cuz he made those to tell all of us about him in his son

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