How We Get Weak and Strong Energy

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Hello, and welcome to the positive power being neutral. This is the section where we go into how do we get here? And where is it all going? How energy gets weak and we react. This is really important to be able to understand just how our attention gets taken by certain things in our life, and we react. So we want to be consciously aware of them, so that we can get neutral to them.

Welcome back, Leroy. Thank you very much. I want to talk about how we get to the point in our life where we're reacting. And my favorite way of talking about this is to note that when we're five years old, we're going strong to 90% of our life. wellness is on automatic and all too Quickly, as we become adults, we're only going strong to 20% of our life, which means that our energy is going weak to 80%. And that 80% has to do with when we're frustrated, reacting, and we want to describe that in more detail.

And the bigger picture here is also, if you look at the dashed lines, when in our life, are we going to get on a track of getting stronger and stronger to our life? And neutral is a key way of doing that. Excellent. So if we look at the 20 to 25%, that's when we're going neutral oriented to success managing ourselves oriented to others visioning and so on the disk, disempowering thoughts those that week. week two, around, judging blaming ourselves another's anger, rage, Rage, rage, revenge, and so on. And we also have phrases we use that we go week to common things that we say that we think really are just a figure of speech.

But when we say I hate it when that happens, or that really makes me angry, or I really get impatient or annoyed. Each of these are energy goes week two, and yet they're kind of common, everyday language. Also, we have little things that when they build up they become big. For instance, feeling down depressed, anxious, feeling and being angry and resentful. always checking on the past and working on it and feeling it and treating it. so delicate She's stuck in the past with all identities a language and also actions to which we have grown wheat.

For example, if a person has hurt their ankle, and they're having trouble walking, then if it still hurts, then they tend to go weak when they walk. The same thing when we go weak to any of those other actions. There's also times where we have positions that we go weak to, for instance, if our back is hurting, we're sitting and our back hurts are standing and it hurts and our energies going weak. Then there's the reacting that we've been discussing, which is we create drama, blame, taking sides, power planes, when we're suffering, it causes our energy to go weak. And then being fearful, helpless, paralyzed. or holding on to benefits of having symptoms, not willing to let those go, having memories that are intrusive, compulsive, disturbing and so on.

And again, the kind of phrases we discussed. So, when we have misdirected or energetic support, for example, high for being depressed and dying and low for joy and living, our energy is going weak. So, we we go from the real, which is health, wellness, vitality, transformation, love, joy, peace. Being in the true self remembering who we really are creating with ease, then that 80% gets us to the what's not real disease, disease, symptoms, roots of problems, degeneration, aging, powerless drama, and we're Living in our limited self narrow bounded, we're stuck in our stuff. We're struggling. So in order to shift, we need to understand at a deeper level and sense more when we're causing our energy to go strong, and when we're causing it to go weak.

Okay, so now here's where we get into it where the practical side of this course takes over. And I was just thinking go back to that slide just before the ride. Yeah. I was thinking by by tape, printing this one out and reviewing this a few times a day and looking at it and saying what's not real and what's real and really good. Whenever we flashed on one of these not real ones. We can consciously Look at what is the reveal side of the of our existence throughout the day might start to trigger us even more into doing this.

But we're going to get into a short exercise now, which expands upon the physical sensation and the feeling of strong and awake so that you can connect with the feeling inside you and bring that up to the surface awareness so that you're able to look deeply and polish these, not rails. So back to the next slide. So here, let's get to know a feeling of strong or weak. We all know what weak or strong muscle strength is when we're going to lift or move an object. We want to contrast that with internal awareness of energetic strength and weakness. So we're referring to the binder which You had a call in lecture two.

And after watching this video, please reread pages five to 11 in the PDF. So now the exercise here that we've come up with for this course, so that you guys can do this at home is to list five thoughts on a piece of paper, five emotions and or actions that will give you an example of this first, they don't need to jump right in. We're going to fill you in on all this so or actions that your energy inside your body goes week two, and then five, that your energy goes strong too. So we'll go into the next slide show you an example of this. So we got the five positive thoughts and five emotions are going strong too. And we're noticing these ones and you could use this these emotions as well.

If you want He lists the five positive thoughts. I'm happy about. I'm grateful for I'm confident about harmony, harmony with others, looking at something like a tree or a flower or whatever it is, and then coming up with five negative thoughts that you have. And then notice how the negative thought feels. And then take a breath. And then notice how the positive thought feels.

What we're doing is really expanding our awareness, and then sensing these emotions that come up within us. And if you feel at any time that there is resistance, just take a breath at this moment, and we're going to have a short program called pure awareness exercise later on. But just pay attention to your breathing. If any of these emotions intensifies too much. Just breathe through that and Move on, move back to the to another step at the process. So we're going to show you another slide here another example.

So going strong to actions, this is the third part. So we want to find out actions that we go into strong two thumbs up. Hi fi smiles, eating, enjoy eating positive exercise, playful games and actions that are causing us to go weak. So each time we are doing one of these or we write one of these down with sensing, so you can go through this video again and pause it. And notice when you do these actions, how you feel. And that's the end of this video and Leroy what's the next step after this?

Well, we're next we're going to talk about the objectives for the workshop and how very specifically we're going to keep increasing your skill at getting to neutral. But in the meantime, as Adam said, please do this exercise to start getting more aware of what you're doing that causes your energy to go strong and what you're doing that causes it to go weak. Okay, thank you for listening

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