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Alright, so the first law that Napoleon Hill talks about is desire. Desire is a huge thing. It's one of the core ingredients to actually being able to get up out of bed, do what you need to do, move and live inside of this life. Without desire. You're nothing you're basically dead. Desire is the heat that moves inside of your body of why you do what you do, why you live, why you breathe, you need to establish a desire for what you do, that will make you successful.

See, we all have desires that are just most bass natural animalistic and mundane. And they're the core ingredients to what we can build off of and realize what is most bass and animalistic to us and take exactly what does and triggers those base desires and apply it and shift it to Things that will make us successful make us wealthy make us intelligent, make us more of a better us. And that desire goes from something like food. Of course it's necessary it's necessary to live. But then there's even a desire that goes deeper to the wanting of a certain taste the flavors of indulgences. And these desires can simply be linked back to a gratification, some chemical trigger inside of our minds that simply derives this pleasure syndrome, that we live all of our lives around.

We live either going towards pleasure or away from pain. That's all things are. All right. So you're going towards pleasure or away from pain and These main things I just I really want you to, to think about and culminate, what is the very ingredient inside of your life that you're trying to work up for? What are you trying to eventually, you know, reach this plateau, this Pinnacle, this, you know, idea of what success is to you, whatever that is. Now you need to start spinning your emotions in a sensibility of that desire.

How much do you desire it? How bad do you want it? I mean, it's not enough just to want something especially when you're things that you want are grand door, and by grand door, I mean, come on, what does the average person achieve? Anything outside of that? You need a deep, deep desire that goes beyond any other average person and Everyone inside has this ability, it's just that we don't use it. And therefore that desire needs to be even more past the mundane needs to be literally a fire that's just burning inside of you.

And the best way to do this is often to think of a time where you've wanted something, even if that something is like I said something animalistic or base, something that you wanted so bad, you would literally do anything for it. And often, I'll use and what I'm going to use with you is what's known as NLP neuro linguistic programming. And that's a lot of what I want to involve inside of enacting these 13 key principles. See, when you instantly think of something of what you would do anything for something that that motive where it was just nothing could stop you, whatever it was, maybe it was a championship moment. Maybe it was, you know, this, you know, encounter with somebody, whatever it was, you're looking for that desire. And that desire is usually going to be somewhere in.

Like, when you look at it, there's literally a picture of video or something that you may even hear with it, you know, audio that goes along, but it's in your frame of reference, you know, is it to your left? Is it to your right? Where is that? Is it up? Is it down? You know, is it directly in front of you, that area that you see where you hold that image of desire, while you hold that image of desire and where it's at.

You simply need to take you know, most people, especially when they think of dreams, they look up and it's big, and you know, it's like that. That's how most people think of dreams. Some people think of dreams internally like this. All we need to do is just simply take those pictures and place them in that same exact area, where we see our desires were where we were desired something so bad, and when we start picturing our things, right They're at the same place. And we start feeling those same emotions and spinning them inside of us. And I'll teach you how to spin a little bit later.

But all of those things, that's what can create desire for even mundane activities. So you can look at things where you had insane insatiable desires, you know, it may have been food, it may have been a pleasure of the body, you know, just sweet or sour, or there's a million things there, whatever it is. And when you start placing mundane activities over that, you start getting desires to like do those activities, and it seeps off, it's like an osmosis. And simple reasoning is, is that throughout your brain, there's these wires. And these wires lead to powerhouses of emotions. And each emotion is labeled with a certain chemical, you know, it's number 101 you know, dash B.

And this is how complex our brain is. And when we think of these emotions and while they're spinning, and the faster that we spin them, and I'm going to teach you how to do that, but the more that we spin these energies, and the faster that we do it, it ends up creating, you know, enlightening the cycle. So goes Jiu Jitsu. And these are the neurons inside our brain. And, again, this is how you sparked desire to send you spark everything inside of your life. And when you start sparking this emotion, it starts filling inside your body, you're like, wow, feels really good.

And now you bring another and this is a picture. And this is a picture that me probably has little emotion attached to it. Because you know, if you wanted to be successful, you'd already be successful by naturally attaching these emotions to it and going, this is awesome, and going out and fulfilling it. So this picture that you have, you know, whatever it is. You simply look at that, as you're thinking about this a moment. It starts projecting inside of it connecting and making these connections.

So now, whenever you have this emotion go off, boom. or whenever you look at this, the same thing, boom, these connections start firing off, you're going, Oh my god, you know, I have this amazing feeling for whatever it is this passion that's absolutely driving me so much. And, you know, I, I don't really like doing the dishes, but when I, you know, picture him there, I do actually feel like doing the dishes now I start thinking like, Well, yeah, you know, we got to we got to do them, someone's got to do them. And we got to, you know, eventually lead into well doing dishes, we should do them right. And you know, we want clean dishes. There's a million ways that you can reason things off and just starting to attack desires and emotions, to different pictures, and especially goals.

That's what will ultimately drive us. So that's why desire is so important. It's the first key to success. You have to have a desire. For Success to be successful, you have to have a desire for anything. Desire is literally the fire in which you move.

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