Lecture 10: Some practical examples in real life

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What happens in real life?


Let's look at a slim healthy and active person to start with. This particular individual is busy and an active goes to gym and takes in just enough food for her metabolic rate. So let's say this individual also eats a good diet when it's high in fiber, low sugar, and takes in nutrient dense food. So for her when she takes in food, some of that is used immediately for her energy demand for that moment. Some of it goes to her muscles, so she can exercise later on in the day, and some goes to her liver for storage, and use later on while she's sleeping. A tiny amount goes temporarily to fat, and this is also used later on when she's sleeping.

So this woman has a perfect continual supply of food coming in, an energy going out exactly for her needs. What about someone who genuinely eats well, but has the occasional Picard as we all need every now and again, let's say a special occasion arises, and this woman goes to a wedding. Of course, there's a loaded food table, and she eats more food and puddings than she should. In her case, there are clearly more calories being taken in than her BMI requires. As before, a certain amount will be taken by insulin and stored in her liver until that storage capacity is full. Some will be taken by insulin to her muscles until that storage capacity is full, and what's lift, and of course, there's more than usual because she's been eating more, will be shunted temporarily to fat, which will either float around in her blood as triglycerides, or float into fat cells, which will swell up temporarily.

But because this individual is aware of of eating She decides that night to have no dinner. And the next morning she gets up, and she does a hard workout. Because of the extended time of no eating, literally from the lunch waiting all the way to the following day, and the hard workout, all the stored glycogen from your liver and your muscles is used up. This leaves her body no choice but to draw on the slack eastward and fats, plus the triglycerides floating in your blood for her energy source. And so she has no permanent weight gain, which of course is very desirable. We want to be able to indulge every now and again without wearing that we're going to gain weight.

What about the person who regularly overheats? Let's take the wedding as the starting point. We all have some starting point somewhere. This individual enjoys the waiting and then because over eating causes a flood of insulin Insulin makes one hungry. This individual gives into their peckish feeding at dinnertime and has a few crackers and cheese for dinner. Now, you know from the previous lecture how the body reacts to food, and as soon as you have carbohydrates coming in, insulin will be released and the carbs will be used before any of the temporarily stored fats waiting from the from the waiting meal.

This individual has just given the body a quick carb meal, and even though it may be a tiny dinner, it's enough to upset any chance of burning those fats. To top it all as happens with a wedding. We get wedding cake or something cute and delicious to take home. So perhaps that little snack is enjoyed just before bed with a cup of tea. Now because the body is flooded again with incident, it's difficult to sleep. So this individual has a poor night.

Sleep and wakes up groggy and stressed. So certainly doesn't feel like exercise. And she needs coffee and cereal as a little kick to get her going. Once again, with a carb breakfast, her body is flooded with insulin. And so she's hungry again by 10am 10am she has tea, and a little biscuit. And that whole process starts all over again.

At no time, have the stores in the liver been depleted, nor those in the masses because there's been no exercise. So each meal, the body is has no way to pack the calories coming in, except into the fats. The existing fats are never needed as a fuel source. Because the hunger produced by the continual flood of insulin means there are no gaps between between eating for insulin to dissipate, and glucagon to be released. So with no glucagon, triggering lab paralysis, remember I said That glucagon is the hormone that is released when we're not eating. And it's the hormone that actually triggers fat burning, no fats burned.

So the process just goes round and round. And the consequence of this increase in food around BMI requirement, plus no breaks between eating of more than three hours to allow law policies, and the gradual weight gain and poor energy, reducing our willingness for exercise, or in some cases, we are exercising, but we sipping energy drinks while we exercise and of course, they're exactly incident art. And remember from the previous lecture, I said that incidents message to the body is to store energy. I will discuss more in a little bit more detail what happens during the exercise process. But coupled with all of this, and the mismanagement of our hormones, means of course over time, we are going To gain weight it may take 10 years, but it slowly creeps on with this mismanagement

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