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Hey, Justin Hazel here, and congrats on purchasing this course. I believe this course will guide you through the fundamentals of learning the guitar, and music in general. It doesn't matter if you want to pursue acoustic or electric guitar. This course will set you up for both. Now, let me mention a couple things before we get started. First, the importance of practice, which I will go over again in module one.

It's good to be aware that no one is exempt from practicing in order to improve, but it also doesn't have to seem like an overwhelming task. Maybe don't even call it practice. Just call it playing the guitar or rocking out or jamming or whatever, I would suggest starting out playing even just five to 10 minutes about three to five times a week, so a few times a week. This will help your fingers develop the strength needed to play and also help to develop a toughness on the tips of your fingers to press down on the strings. This may take a few weeks before you can start playing longer without your fingers getting sore quickly. And recognize that the strings aren't going to always ring out clearly when you first start, because your fingers aren't used to pressing down on the strings.

Give it time, try a new concept. And if the strings don't whoring out, just try to play it a few more times, then leave it for another day. In time your fingers will naturally get used to forming chords, and the strings will ring out more and more clearly. Trust me, I sounded horrible when I first started throughout the course there are exercises at the end of each module. This would be mainly what to practice in addition to songs. When you get more and more comfortable with the exercises, then review one or two exercises at the start of your practice, particularly a chord exercise initially, later on a scale exercise as well.

And then work on a song that I will recommend learning or another song that you find on the internet or YouTube that you wish to learn and seems within your level of difficulty. And this is basically the idea of how to practice no matter what level of playing you're at. In short, practice chords and scales first as you learn them. The first half of the course will just be chords, both reviewing once you've learned as well as working on new ones. Practice any exercises associated with them, and then work on a song. The more you get comfortable knowing how and what to practice, the less mental barriers and other barriers there are to learning the guitar.

You'll also discover motivation for playing and enjoyment of playing at the same time. Remember, although the concept of practice is quite simple, it does take time to develop these habits, but they can be very easily achieved with even just a little diligence. This is a very step by step course. And there's no need to rush. Just enjoy the journey, and in time, you should see results. So be patient with yourself.

I've been playing for years and still have to remind myself of these things. I also want to strongly suggest that you find a guitar store in your area that you start to become familiar with, and even get to know the people that work there. They are a very good source in helping you in your guitar journey and getting you connected to the community of guitarists in your area. For example, if you accidentally break a string, you can take it to them and they can help you put on a new one or may even have Have a guitar tech to be able to do that for you. It's also good to play on different guitars throughout your learning experience. To get a good understanding of what kind or what brand of guitar you enjoy playing for when you go to purchasing another guitar down the road.

It'll help you with simple guitar shop talk and lingo used when talking about guitars, and music in general. Also, you may decide to eventually take regular lessons, which many guitar stores offer. I would definitely recommend this if you have the time. This course will be a great launching pad from where your guitar instructor can take you to higher levels of playing, or even just reinforce ideas learned in this course. And if there are concepts in the course you're already familiar with, then feel free to jump to the next lesson, or later part in a particular lesson. That will help you learn something new or challenging.

Lastly, I want to give a huge shout out to grant Howard At audio house.ca, who is in charge of all the audio visual production for these videos, if you happen by chance to live close to Calgary, Alberta, Canada, he is your man if you wish to record anything in the future, but no matter where you live, he also specializes in mixing and mastering. So wherever you might get recordings done, you can send them over to him for all your post production. All right, on that note, let's get started on your journey to mastering the guitar

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