Introduction (Various Types of Testing)

Quality Assurance (QA) Class Introduction on QA Class
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(1st Class)01) Black box testing02) White box testing03) Unit testing04) Incremental integration testing05) Integration testing06) Functional testing07) System testing08) End-to-end testing09) Sanity testing10) Regression testing


Okay yeah and then like you know I'll be explaining you okay various life cycles okay. So that is a life cycle so for the government life cycle and software testing life cycle then you have like a bug life cycle. Okay. And documentation part no which is the button no okay in a giant if you're no giant so some people are still using document some people are not that preservation the project how the project will be that's not mean because no and more most of the projects they will be using documents but some of them they have eradicated all the documents okay. But still we need to know it because they know it's an experienced candidate you need to know like documented well documented, you need to know have documented anyway. Okay, because they understand these two concepts how the design or the data modeling If it is no it isn't QA you know, what is the requirements of business?

What is a procedure? What is a strategy? All those things, you know, it is you need to know that each thing and it doesn't matter even if it is 100 years experience, right, you still need to feel every company has their own style of doing never. Okay, everyone has does their work in the old style, you know, they have their own policies, they have their own rules, their own regulations, okay. So that's where we're going to enter documentation is actually important. Okay, this time actually, I'm giving like, you know, this is like SharePoint.

Okay, this is like first time I made me introducing in this class that this is no I'll be giving you homework on this. Okay. And what you have to do in this is like, you will be uploading this test plan and test strategy document, okay, these three things, okay. So that, you know, we know the time How will you do that? Okay, how will you upload on Download yeah everybody knows but there is a SharePoint and this is all the documents will be stored no going in the project you cannot directly ask Okay Where is the document you know you you need to find out yourself you know everything you need to be carried out nobody else you see the corporate world right you need to help yourself this you understand that the Help yourself that means you need to help yourself everything will be there you need to find out okay that's the reason everything emotions it will be in SharePoint Of course not all things will be SharePoint, but you know, the things which will be in the SharePoint, you have to check yourself nobody will tell you Okay, only okay they will might tell you that you are in some cases in university and they might not even tell you Okay, they really they Okay, go check SharePoint that's it.

They're not even that you know, go find out you have to know you have to be you have to see the SharePoint or you have no complaints access or you have another no different no new Act. So all those things that we do so that's the reason I introduced this SharePoint okay? And then no various methodology I'll be giving you an introduction on waterfall spiral and I'll be your forgiving your native methodology. Mostly This will be the last part of our class know this by next week. Okay? And then one test management tool okay this rally I'm using this kind of I'll be giving you access to all the rally we'll be giving you to access Okay, this one is more rally that is state management and our meaning your access to the SharePoint okay?

Everybody's used to access but then you'll come in have so many access during Unix you know, Marino Unix or Informatica or any other tool that will be but in this kind of you only know for knowledge sake, we'll be okay. Are you I'll be giving you access to this. Again, SharePoint LMS rally Okay, and then I'll be giving you introduction on Qt p Okay. I'll not go much deep into that. Because no offense to the QA crowd and automation because that's an automation tool right? So UDP or EFT no isn't new right here.

I'm just giving you introduction as to how well it looks like and how we can work on that. So not no VB scripting, and I'll not go that that far. Because you know, that takes time and we only have two weeks, and then one or one class for UDP and one class called loadrunner. Okay. And then, so that said, you know about the syllabus, do you have any questions in the syllabus? Does anyone have any questions?

Syllabus? If you want me to add something, let me know. I'll add it. Okay. But this is what I think is important. Okay, more Important thing is like, you know, as a tester, QA tester, right?

As a QA, most importantly is open defects know how, how many defects you can open that month good is that much good? It is. Okay. So that's for your survival, right school thing to start with, okay? Now I'm going to get a technical point of view, okay? Everything will be in a technical point of view.

So to start with, you know, whenever we go to the new triadic, you will be no open defects. Okay, you don't open just let that go and no open debate, no need to talk to elders in United States, right. Whatever happens, you need to talk to nobody does work there. Right, they will only talk. So if you find any issues approach early on. Personally, I found an issue with this is I want to check the document right now changing the business of mental check.

I didn't find that any, you know, relevant information in that so you know, musician issue or become an hour to check the FBI you know, so once you get experience that you can also check with the developer team you know, they don't hand and I didn't get a response and I didn't. So, can I open a defect? Is this a defect first question is is it you know connected so you'll be more active share more concepts you more than hear more than this knowledge I go active is very important for you need to be proactive, you understand what is proactive, right? You need to be you know, you can help countries you know, you need to go have no need to talk to everyone VA and developer team, everyone you need to be in a in a loop. I mean, you know, coordination, the coordination, you need to be very proactive in doing the work.

Okay. So that was the introduction. Okay, I know I'm actually have this soffit various data explaining the different various types of software testing. Okay, so This is not necessary you will be using all these in your product. Unnecessary you will be using all this in your project but it's good to know when I say you need to know. It's not good to know you need to know because suddenly oh come on out.

Okay, why did the black box testing you know you need to know that you cannot just say. Okay, any questions for Qa? Yes, no? brainer. I don't know. Any questions?

Okay, good. Yeah, that's what I mean. Right? That's what You need to be proactive. The main concept here is good my knowledge you can also gain in the know you need to understand the practice whenever asked some question you need to be know, we respond to that, at least you know, to start with, okay later you will understand everything you know, you will know you get used to it and all those things, but to start with, you need to be proactive. Okay.

Okay. So let's go back to our various types of testing. So I've included many types of testing this but there are others. Okay, there are many others. Okay. I've just included if there are any other Let me also go through I'll add it to this or you can learn yourself.

No big deal. Okay. So blackbox testing. So this is okay. The blackbox testing is done by the testers. Okay, so this is like this testing is Betsy DeVos Won't be black box testing black box testing is like, you know, high level testing, okay?

It's done by the testers. Okay, it's not done by the internal core design or nothing related to the developer point of view, it's related to testing point of view. Okay. So what is blackbox? testing? So this is high level testing, so nobody will say, Okay, what have you done your blackbox?

Testing, okay. Okay. They might say, oh, but you need to be in the team that will be in team level, not in individual level. That's what I meant. Okay. Preventing level because team will be one will be doing functional testing, one will be doing integration testing will be doing performance testing so many people, right.

So, we're going to be lower because that must include all the high level types of testing, regression testing, automation, testing, all this stuff, but, okay, so that's, that's it. I know. It's like, you know, based on the requirements of functionalities, okay. So that's blackbox testing. Okay, come to this semester. sippy Okay, what is the functionality?

So, let me give you an example. Okay, vision, the requirements or requirements. Okay, we have the requirement document of a bill, you have the common document in that build on that you can. Okay, that's a functionality. Let's know, I've been asked to be more detail on this, okay, what's the functionality? functionality isn't like, you know, anything in an application where, you know, functionality of an application can be anything like textbox, edit box, got images, buttons, static text, dynamic text, drop down box, URLs, everything.

So that is, that is a functionality, whatever. So let's take an example of a URL. Okay, that's enough functionality. Okay, this is let's take an example. Okay, this is Just giving a very simple Go to one more complex, no complex application like

Okay, I'm not fan of Amazon thing, but just want to give you some level of understanding. Okay? So Okay, so this is what the functionality so everything is a function in this. Let's understand the term functionality. Okay? Everything is on sir.

Okay, so then this button, okay, we will not bother about this button because this is a browser button, another browser cannot work. let's worry about the other than browser. Okay? So this is URL, okay, this is a functionality of that application and all these buttons, okay, this button Okay, that's, you know, you can say the URL Oh, no, I'll be no more specifically on button. And this Apps button alternate. When you click this finale, this pops up comes up this pop up right there lots of functionality, okay, software functionality.

And then you have this new notification. Okay, these are unfortunately whenever it Trying to do this this page is moving steadily. Is it? Okay, is it required? Not required? No.

We don't know about the Google requirement, right? If it is there is a requirement we will. Okay, this is about a button. Okay, this is one type of functionality, edit box. Okay, this is a Edit button. Okay, search box.

You know, we'll be more specific in this sidebar. These are the function images. This is an image, right? Google image, how we, you know, put this into here. See, it's in domain. Okay, so this is an image.

Okay. So that's an image so we are going to prioritize that for now. They should not be any button kind of stuff. And the search box is what the search box you can can you enter the search box, you can do that. Right? Okay, this under Google Search button, this is button and these are these are the functionalities for all this is all functionalities again Okay, this is all random random partial degeneration.

So okay as we are getting ready now suddenly comes all random gender all random which is getting generated by random okay okay might not be random it so there are some procedure to do that okay and this is also so all these all these are crucial So, this is the functionality of an application Okay, so that's what no nothing to do blackbox testing that I was explaining about the function the blackbox testing is something we do you know, is a high level testing which is done by the testers for what is the definition is okay and it is an internal system design is not considered Okay, so that the Java developer, not a district. Okay, so let's go to the next. white box St. So this testing is based on the internet Logic of applications code, okay, also known as blackbox testing. So this is okay, this is a high level high level testing.

This is done by the developers not beta testers. Okay. Okay, let me give you an example like I know white box testing. Okay, let's go. Let's take an example of Okay, so we have this okay see now was supposed to see this is so big website is very complicated. There are so many functionalities are integrated in just one application.

Can you see that? See the form in a year? Okay, so one guy cannot do all these things. There are so many developers, there might be so many architects involved into this no showing one application, right? Just to show one application there are so many people. So now what's the job of that?

No white boxes in ours? Mordor. Let's go this go here. So what is the outro? Here? So there's so many sensor funi applications here, right?

There's so many things are integrated into just one application. Here the warning or even there are errors still website is okay, even after being so much error. So there are so many things here there is JavaScript. There is Ajax, there's an HTML, okay, there is whatnot. Oh god, there's so many things. So here, let's say bye bye.

Very better. Okay. So I know why because the internal logic or testing this logic, okay, you're not being specific anything here. Nobody being specific understand is in high level, that means testing this some core, okay, some core got missed you go here, add scope class, okay, whatever you put a B or something else, right? And that's a developer job, not our job, I'm just showing you what to do just for understanding. Okay, this is the job of a developer to view this course.

And troubleshooting. So this is the internal logic, this is how it looks like. or the applications are beginning to start working content here, developers working here, this page, okay, anyone can see write this code script I, you know, take JavaScript all these things, is the job of a developer. So this is internal logic. But isn't the internal logic of the application rather not from internal? This is the internal logic for development.

Okay. Welcome back. Okay, so that is white box testing so you're not they're not being specific is anything that they're saying okay. So know that testing internal logic of an application code that can be anything okay and and test that okay that particular code now once the JavaScript code and they will be testing that and they will be they have their own tools, they have Eclipse and all those things and they will be working on that. Okay. So we will not be worrying about that.

So, that's white box testing for whatever processing is that high level high level testing which is done by the developers, okay. So blackbox testing is a high level testing very internal system we know design is not considered and is done by testers, Java developers, and white box testing is done by the developers and internal logic is internal to the internal logic of an application code is considered. Okay, so that is white box testing. Hello there my name like glass box testing. And they also have like another gray box testing that involves both the box and buy box. Okay, so if it is in B corporations, right, they will have grey box testing because some some developers will also be working on that some testers will be working on that on either way.

Okay, so the gray box system so I'm not included in this one. You just see. Okay, next we come to the next topic. So everyone understood right? There's anyone have any questions in this black box testing and white box testing? Okay, so functional testing as well as the requirement, okay the blackbox testing is based on the functionality and the requirements.

So, functionalities like how long should you functional divide it can be anything. Let me take a look at both the world no check box drop down in age No. Absolutely also female make it go my paycheck scripts or whatever it is. So, the although the controllers function and the requirement is something which is a document you will see the requirements does that requirement say it does function there has to be held on that. Yes. Good.

No defect. Okay, not exactly. It might not be a defect return but need to talk to have any meeting with the lead saying that, hey, I'm getting this and no requirement doesn't say that. This is the functionality I'm getting. And the requirement doesn't have that functionality. So how am I supposed to do that?

You know how we are actually You want to move forward with it? Okay. So and also I believe and I was testing and I would consider even an insignificant defect to m&e. Okay not always it's not always required No, just not necessary it should be there but you know, sometimes small issues creates so many problems, okay, it might get into production issues, so we don't want production issues right. So you know sometimes your smallest issues you know, they seem significant some text is missing are some of the code is not there not because of some code generator or some text is not there our committee probably not showing up because of that some heavy production issues might be there in a company you know, million dollar last year The company also monitor I'll show you that an example how small issues small text issue will you know, can cause the military No, not for the company.

Okay. I'll show you one example. Okay. Okay, next to going forward or unit testing. Okay, so me testing Are you being specific, right? So you're testing individual software components or modules.

It doesn't matter programmer, not bad tester, okay? because it requires all the detailed knowledge of the code. So, let's go back to our unit testing here. We'll be specific. So I've shown you like, you know, how do you Okay, so here unit testing might be anything which is some specific module so this is some no complete whole page here. Let's go to here some script, okay.

So, okay, you have something in their mind and I have some issue in this and you know, go in Did this some part is a bot module okay. So this is unit testing this is done by the developers okay number and it sounded like some specific external some module somebody who might not be no whole application is not complete for the next payment. Now there are so many modules here right okay some classes we don't know there might be something dumb some issue on that and edit that one and look into that. So, this is some audio not necessary hold co the whole code may be good only this module is wrong. Okay. So that is unit testing.

So testing in individual software components or modules done by the programmer, not by the testers. Why because it's, you know, the more knowledge and now in the internet design course because you need to communicate with the architect, design architect right As designers, not every design architect can be like, some architect, okay, there it is web architect, okay, our Java issues and he has to know Java architecture and so many things, okay, there's so many people involved in it. And there's so many things going on. Okay, so so the other guys have to communicate with them because those guys have designed some other way and VA is telling something else and you know, showing up here that's the reason you need no internal knowledge of the code. I mean, you need to know I'm sorry, internal. No internet design you need to know to understand the code.

Okay. Does the reason is done by the robots now beta testers. Okay, so let's go to the next topic. So everyone understood right there unit testing this is done by the programmers, not testers. And why? Because it is breaking old.

Writing detailed knowledge of internet programming. And it is like your testing individual software company or somebody. Okay, that's the unit testing. Okay, let's go to the next incremental integration testing Okay, before implementing integration, let me talk about functional and then we go to integration, okay. So functional testing, I like told you already functional testing. So let's open this up to functionality change anything and be functionally okay.

This is an application okay? or anything See, there are like, you know, if we didn't give introduction about applications, but there are two types of admission. Let's understand for know, for the sake of understanding the two applications on the client application, what is web application? These are what I'm talking about is all about web application. What is a client application client application is something which is installed in your system. And you will be doing that example like outlook.

Let's take an example Outlook or MS Word or MS Excel or anything that you installed in your system. And our application is something we do accessing through browser anything that you access to the browser is derivation anything you access from your desktop, like I know Yahoo Messenger, that's fine. Why Why? Because you're accessing through your system. Okay. And so me applications, okay.

So and although planned obligations, you know, Article Going into the web server, and there are two server side web server and cancel. Okay, I'm not going deep on to that, that is like hardware point of view. Okay. So they're like, no client server and web server and whatever communication, you know, you are doing dishes will be in the web server. If you're doing this on this web application, then it will be now going to the web server and if you are being attacked application, then you will be going into the client. Okay.

So, so at the end of the day, you will be accessing some server is accessing someone server, right a And you will be actually accessing everything. Okay. So this is like, you know, this is an application. Okay, this is an application and you're accessing to browser, okay, I'm using Firefox looks like Chrome. Okay.

And and I'm accessing this enter verification. So this is a demo application and what are the functions function as I told you everything like, you know, whatever is there in the application, okay, you can say like, you know, whatever there in the application that isn't functionality, or you know, you can we can be URLs as like only URL, text box, a box search box, drop down button, a drop down box. Okay, URLs, images, all these are functionality of an application. Okay, some random text that is getting paddled whenever you hover this mouse to that particular, so there is no functionality, right? I'm just trying to explain this complexity. Okay.

Okay, so this is also not one type of functionality, but we don't know requirement. How does it show up and is it random? Or is it has some bugs in that? We don't know. No, there can also be a bug. So indeed, I've been lucky, right?

Curious. Instead of coming, you know, you So, then we like to look at some of the functionality. So, we will not be testing all that but you know only specific which only be required. Okay. So, that is functionality and you will be testing that on so that the functional testing, okay, let's see what the deficiencies Okay, this type of testing ignores the internal part. Okay.

And blackbox testing is good to this blackbox testing Okay, so functional testing will come from that. Okay, so all these functional testing we'll come on to the blackbox testing Okay, functional testing, performance testing, regression testing is all with black box black box is a high level right all a mixture of all the testing you can consider either black box and then functional testing is to test the functionality of an application. Okay, that is called functional testing. And this laptop testing ignore the internal internal code internal part and focus without Look as it is for the requirement so whenever you're trying to test okay you want this okay you want to see okay Google how Why does it looks like this you know we need to see the requirement officer requirement admin should supposed to to document all this information in that you okay Google screenshot should like look like this.

Okay now the old Google Doc changed that old old image Google right. And there was there has to be a favicon here. So this is a favicon. Okay, and all those things should be documented in that. Okay. So somebody asked like what is the difference between functional testing and black box testing.

Black Box testing is a high level district. It's a high level district. That is functional testing include functional testing, see? What is the end to end testing? Okay does not work. integration testing, implement integration testing, okay.

All of them included in bypass testing performance testing regression is no perfect up until understanding we'll take all these are included in the process. So blackbox testing is not a function testing, it is a part from your doing function testing that means you are doing some part of the blackbox testing. So black mask is a function testing the part in a blackbox testing. When I say no, you have three parts functional, integrated and regression testing, they say no, you have three parts that that contributes to the black box system. Okay. So that's the difference.

Okay, so that's it. The Better to understand is the high level bodies like Buffy which are high level testing where you know the damage done by the tester okay. Looks good okay. So, everyone understood the functional testing day. So, what is functional functional testing is to test the functionality of an application okay, because the functionality of applications such as edit box text box down button, okay URL images, you know, etc that is a functionality and also focus on the output as per and focus on output images just as per the requirement or not. So, this is the important point right.

Focus on the output which is as per the requirement, we will be seeing you have to validate against something that something is like document you have to see, the document states that yes, then the dysfunctional is corrupt government doesn't say that we need to talk No, not open defenders like that we need to talk first. Okay. And that is functional testing. It's called the integration testing. Okay, so integration testing. So testing of integrated modules to verify the combined functionality of integrated models are typically core models.

Okay. So let's take an example. And again, we'll go back to Google. Okay. See is no one application. But there are so many other things which are integrated into the song, they're talking about the integration, right?

So there are so many things integrated. Let's take an example. Okay, Gmail. Okay. So, this review how this is integrated let me let me show you so they have this just button here okay the others but this button takes to a different domain altogether okay not domain it is sub domain okay so you see that so that means that is a different sub domain okay. Okay, so that so that was a different domain because they have general change Okay, that might not be a different domain that's taken you into a different domain right?

So there so this is the internet there in earth let's say no, there are apps Okay. Now once you have done that all things are showing up right? All modules which take no technical boundaries are on the modules, okay? Okay, these are apps will take it as an app as a general user, but these are different models. Okay, this takes in each and everything takes a different domain. Okay, you two very different domain Whoo.

Okay, they are in a sub domain, they're using it. Okay, news. So this is like in a Dell integrated, they're integrated into one piece called no Okay. And there are so many other things here, no settings, terms. Okay.

And about there's so many URLs they have integrated so many images they have integrated. Okay, so that is integration. Okay, that's the integration, they have integrated various modules into one piece. Okay. So otherwise if the things you don't have you know, you will need to again go below you have to remember that you are alone Gmail, what is Gmail? No, we don't know.

We are in simple errors. This will automatically redirect that's a convenience point right? Because of the convenience of integrated all this. Okay, that is integration. So now you are so what happens, right? So that is integration, right?

So, like they're fully developers involved, let's say no, just google Okay. Okay, so this is no what you want development Gmail that the different sub domain for let's say no the other developer was working. There are so many people who are working right not only development district, so many people are like, testers, no developers, no architects, okay. And then the manager, no Scrum Master then again the back end developer for many people. So there's only developer working and I say no, there is other developer will be working on this. Another module, okay.

Let's say right now someone is working on this drive, okay. They are developing it their own their own application. Suddenly when you click this, okay, this is showing up. Okay, this is showing up that means this will be done with a completely different developers. Yeah, so that is good. Give me a second.

Okay. Okay, so so that is like, you know some developer is working on that one. And you know, and they are integrating this one so that you're not saying okay, you're the guy who is supposed to test this. They have tested Google document what you find. Okay, the guy who is testing that? No drive, okay?

The guy said no, no, this application is good. Now, they have integrated that Google Drive into this. Okay? They're integrated into the same app. Okay, this is what I'm calling it. After integrating that you're not to make sure that the code is not broken, right?

Because after integrating them, I know some for my breakup no will not showing up currently, or that tab is not showing up. So that is something we do integration, testing you to catch that after integrating that module into this market. Who's offering money to separate developers? Okay, so money developing is Google Amazon romney is developing right? That module is integrated into this module and then testing this model as well as that model. That is an integration test.

Okay. So let's see what the definition goes here. Okay. testing of integrated modules to verify the combined functionality open integration. Okay. Okay, more data typically code modules, individual applications, client and server applications, etc.

So after integrating that module so given you example right example here I've given you, right. Okay, somebody has to know, the love that application and somebody has developed is So the team who was working on the Google App tested his application, that's good, good and the team are working on driver calm, okay, that application is also good, both are working fine. But now they want to integrate that. So now that application should get integrated into this and make sure both are working. And also like that integration point is also working.

That is integration testing. Okay, I hope nobody understood what is integration. Okay, so let's take testing on integrated models to verify the combined functionality the both has to work right there also has to work this out over to what happened did I can do any more. So, that is integration testing. Okay. So let's move on go back to implementing integration testing.

So this is like being more specific. Okay, drinking direction, we know those integrated modules into the navigation and unit testing that one, okay, that is integrated integration testing. Okay, but in incremental, like, you know, your name is increasing, but that means you're not, you're increasing the modules like let's say, Now, for the ad is only this one, not our one more button right, more. More butter. Can you click that new okay. Again you want us okay.

So now that the incremental right that that is incremental integration that means you have integrated it and you need to catch even that there is incremental integration testing we have integrated anything that will keep from getting increased one after the other one after that I can keep up okay then again one more okay even more kung fu now this time you are has been changed completely so this can be no this can be implemented in Islam as well given you example, okay. You don't have to be that way. This to understanding go for understanding point of view to see okay, that is complimentary integration testing. Broken so that means bottom up approach for testing that is continuous testing of an application and new functionalities are for the admins. A new functionality is always not added. This should be done by me.

Okay, anyone? district Sakuraba Okay, that is incremental regression testing. Any questions in functional integration and incremental integration testing? Okay. Let's, let's move to the next slide. Okay, so liquid Oh system does it for the system testing is like an entire system is tested as per the requirements.

Okay, so testing testing is like, you know, really controlled within our software included blackbox testing which type of testing for our requirements, okay, that is different. And this can be no part in no system testing can be a part in the blackbox testing because it's a verbal system that is old parts of the system. Okay. But system testing is like, you know, and that system that is to test it, okay. We don't care center system because that system is so much big, right? You know, it's like everything that includes in the system that is the you know, OS, okay, which always you're using, okay.

What are the operating system, okay, operating system is Windows, Mac or Unix or Linux or no. And then you have the browser which browser are using is it Firefox home Internet Explorer or para no Swan and then you know you have like which version Are you using in that browser fate include whatever they are in the system or do you have an online system right you're actually trying to say that there is system is okay so entire system that English into a system right everything What is there in the system? Okay? It's been tested as per the requirements that is called system district. Okay, he's not gonna hire. Okay, that's the high level point of view, okay system testings on a high level system.

Okay, so let's go to next one into investing So, in this enter and testing, so, testing is pretty bottom okay. So, there is also a distinguished Indian point of view, there is no distinction for the UI point of view. So, I will be no giving you more of a clear mind on what is the entire industry so, because he interesting you have so many other things right so, you know, in interesting McHugh you will be you know, the data ETL ETL point of view, right. So, there are so many things there are databases, you know, you have like then you will tell the source information then you have the target, you know we'll be testing the target and then you have no ETL Okay, retail information Medical jobs that say if you're using Informatica then you will have to discard ETL jobs and then you have like you know if you have a some third party tool like opposites jobs to do your code even do that, okay?

And then you have a callback and testing you know, where you actually tested and this is completely and again you have the bi bi reporting tools and you just call BI reports except for this is all in the into that which into as the name itself says right from start to end, that is into industry, but it's very similar to system testing, but system testing is like which contribute only in the system but into interesting is like, you know, more of a process point of view. A system testing is what is there in your system, but into industry is like you know, a process point of view, where complete process you're including through a process magically a process or ETL process doesn't have to be, you know, it's a pretty broad idea, but no as a viewer point of view The key point of view at a testing site or into industry is functional testing.

Integration testing, incremental integration, testing, regression testing. Okay. And beta testing and what are those are done in the end to end testing? I think you have it. Next. Next, let's come to the next topic.

Okay. So any any questions in EPM? I'm sorry, end to end testing. To end to end testing is like, you know, completely testing like from start to end. Okay, that could, you could have like, such as interacting database, network communications, interacting with the hardware applications or system. It's like more of a process point of view process.

What you're trying to do is through a process or ETL process But system testing is something which is system being specific to the system. Not nothing to do with the process. Right. So, yeah, so, for example, for end to end testing as a QA point of view, right, I do write functional testing. Okay. integration testing, regression testing, performance testing.

But I mean, we'll take these all in, these are all done, then end to end testing industries. But in ETL point of view, it's pretty broad, right? Like, you know, you have to like, completely it's like completely No, we are validating the database, you're validating the data, you're validating the Informatica jobs, you're validating the, you know, if it's a third party tool, you're validating that too and you know, you're so this completely, you know, Part of it but you might argue your point of view, it is only that functional testing, no regression testing, or integration testing goes along comes into this like, start to end. Where does it start in a delegate that's complete and all the distinct world in between that. That's quite interesting. Okay.

Let's go to the next topic. Okay, next company sanity district. Okay, so there is one more actually no one more testing that is more distinct. Let me explain like Rob before the smoke a smoke testing. Okay. What is smoke testing.

Smoke testing is like whenever you have gotten application, right, let's say you have an application with a developer as well. So there are three environments, right? It's true that remember the Ripper environment, Eastern Roman production in order, for know for being simplicity will take only three because there are many other other environments, like performance environment, you know, again, you're testing different kinds of enemy. Let's not worry about all those things for you only three, development, testing, production. Okay. So what happens in the smoke testing?

So whenever, you know the developers that say no developer has the open appreciation and says like, he has done the door open, and he said, Okay, okay. Okay. So this will be moving by tomorrow with that application by tomorrow, okay, for tomorrow, right when you come there and we will be there and you go and test tomorrow. So, what happens is right, you know, once the development Once the code is deployed and the development and then moves to the the move that code into test and one right once it has been moved and then only our jobs tax our job certainly you know can work orientation right normally we don't work on development okay there are some cases where you have to work in government people are Hurry, okay, you could even do that and you also will be doing in production or no, that's a different story altogether.

But this is a process we have to destiny question. So once we're not done versus Hey, so now you have to do is smoke testing what is smoke this is like random testing. Now they said okay, now come into the rotation. Amina, let me test knows okay. smoke machine is making noise kind of random, okay. You distinguish, okay, these are working.

Okay, these are working okay. Now suddenly you find some defect in smoke machine and say, Hey, not working. Only the smoke testing. I'm not even I didn't even start any functional testing right now. Just under a smoke test, you know, so now that's a issue. Okay, you open a defect role, okay, you weren't actively deciding that, hey, I will try to do smoke testing.

So developer said like, okay, that will be ready and you know, I was trying to do smoke testing and and this is not working. We said okay, okay, let's open a defect when you open defect. Okay, okay, that will be going on. So there is technically no difference in functional in smoke testing, but in smoke testing, you just do random, just random material. Okay, okay. It's working.

Now we can start testing this leg. Officially you're saying like, okay, we can start testing. Okay, so that is more pressing. It's like testing random to make sure that application is testable or not. Is that is that application testable or not? You're doing that testing that's what focuses so sanity testing to determine the coming to the next one, right sanity testing is to so in this one right is similar to that already.

Are you testing the version destined to determine if new software is version is performing okay so new then they are you know introduce a new version like you know version that will go in here and find out what the origin okay they release new what okay so then what here is like you know 44 point so this is a version okay? Okay so now they know they want to make sure okay this version is you know this is what we do okay so once the version is performing well to accept the testing so now you want to test it but you need to see okay that version of the software now I can say no you have started testing 44.0 do now you will also okay now Virgina worship, let's say okay, now we'll do that very good example right. Now that What has changed? Did you see that?

44 Point 0.2 ordered at 44 point 0.2 right now. Now I will be testing this. See, so can you guys see the difference? I already see the difference. See the home button there change completely okay, let's not worry about it. Okay, let's go again.

See you have seen right that we were working on 44 point 0.2 or whatever it is now it's 45. So now you can start testing in part a new version is a new version compatible to the system. Is it that change I can't see I can see I mean I can see the difference. I'm not sure about you guys to see the new things have been right. Okay. And see these buttons and this home button see the chain icon with this?

This has become like you know, smaller right the font has changed. Okay okay this is fire buff but it's looking like home okay this adventure but yeah okay so that's how you know that's how you can does the sanity testing you're testing that new version because now we install a new version right the new version is compatible with the system we're not testing that one that is sanity okay next regression testing so in regression testing right testing application as a whole. So, the in regression testing we will be using normally okay normally you will be using it to it may be to TP me Selenium is it or not whatever it is a dude it's an automation tool we'll be using for the regression you why you are using regression see What happened? Right whenever, let's say let's check in again as an example Okay, so there, you know, put that new web.

Okay, the page, okay, they have introduced a new that can introduce, you know, different modules. Now you have done with the functional testing have done with the integration testing, you have also done with the integration, indigo integrated incremental district. I'm sorry, implementing integration testing, you're done with that. Okay, you have completed all this. Now, that suddenly developer guy has found some issue in that, okay. And as a developer, we don't know because we are not able to see that you should say, Oh, no, that's an issue.

We are changing about God. Yeah, we are getting to Hong Kong. Okay. Now, okay, now, I'm not going to do all these again. Right. I'm already done. The team has already done that integration part and the other team has done right but everyone has done their job. Now you're you're saying to me, you know, you're changing the whole Call that doesn't make sense to me, right? Now, I'm not going to tell that now that's the reason you know, you need to do regression testing. Now that thing like, you know, they have changed the whole code. So I'm like, seriously, you know, I've done all this for nothing.

Now you're saying that all change code is change. So now, what are your different team? UTP? team? So they said, Okay, we have tested that is good, that core is there, that's not an issue. But do we have Kenny some partner call?

Because there were some issues. So core is good, but, you know, there are some issues in MVPs that issue, but we don't know because of that issue that might break some other things, right. They have introduced some new thing, that new thing might break something else. So that's the reason you need to use regression testing. Okay, this is not done manually. The terms of regression means, you know, it's like everything is done and you're trying to do it again.

That is done with an automation tool that can be a UTV, UEFI, or Selenium or with a Java application. Most of Java applications. Selenium is pretty good. But if it isn't a dotnet and all the stuff that needs to be paid good, okay, but now everyone are trying to use open source or anything it will make more difference in the long run. Okay, so that is the regression testing I hope everyone understood right right. So this is normally not done with a trademark, it's not that there'll be separate team okay Qt p team or Selenium do who will be doing this okay.

Okay, but there is an example Okay. What is the depression testing the application as a whole Okay, motivation any model or functionality is called regression. Okay, so I hope learners understood what we have. Okay. So I will be explaining this to tomorrow since no, we don't have that much time left. I will do one minute.

Okay. So do you have any questions? Any questions to me? Okay, good. So first class rate versus two classes bear with me. Okay.

I'll be explaining you the complete process. Okay, you could do that. No Once you have gone all these classes, right you don't have to right now you can just concentrate on these classes and of course you can google and work on that one, okay? But for at this point of time, just, you know, understand these concepts okay? Just bear with me These are two classes which are not very productive right now we'll go more into productive work okay. By hopefully by Thursday, Friday, by Friday, I will show you like, you know, you'll be having much more productive work by tomorrow itself you know, I can give you know some, how do you test that and how do you work on that?

How do you test an application? So, just give me some time to know tomorrow one more class just finish with this testing. This is only the introduction part because we need two more right because whenever we try to do something new testing comes up right. So you need to understand what is that and which module does it comes and you know, you need to test for those The reason I'm giving you some explanation. I'll be giving you access to Google Drive to. Okay.

Yes, I will be sending you. Recordings today. Okay to one I think if you see the handouts, right, so you guys have handouts, in that I've included this PowerPoint. If not, I can send you an email. No big. Okay.

Yeah, of course. I'll be sending you recording too. Sure, okay. Okay, whoever doesn't get by 4pm, right. Nobody gets 4pm does email me, okay? Because I might I have all the mail but if I missed someone who just make sure by 4pm if nobody gets, I mean, if someone doesn't get, just email me back, okay.

So I'll be adding you and you know, I can send you. Okay recording as well as If you want notes. Okay. I can also send you this PowerPoint. So you can go to the PowerPoint. No for today PowerPoint is good.

And from tomorrow we'll be finishing this topic and going into the action. Okay. Any more questions? Okay, so can we call this class for today? Okay, sure. Thank you.

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