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How to Use Magic to Summon True Love 3 Secrets to Attracting Love Using Magic
12 minutes
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Hello, hello, welcome. Thank you for setting up to watch this video. Now check this out. Seven years ago I was hopeless and lonely. So what was in the land fact I completely gave up on love and figured I just be a single mom forever. But now I am married to my soulmate.

And best of all, I summoned him right to me using magic. I purposely called him forth, but before I was able to attract him, there was something else that had to go first, the way I thought about myself and the way I thought about love. What actually attracts someone to you and why are they attracted in the first place? Think about it. We've all seen people fall in love and stay in love. So why do some people seem to bounce from relationship to relationship and ultimately stay single forever?

It is because they don't understand something called energetic vibration and the law of attraction. This mini Love Spell will change that you will learn the secrets of how to use the law of attraction to attract you soulmate. I'm going to break down the only three things you need to attract true love and the quickest way to do this. The tools I'm going to give you here are the exact same tools I use to attract the man of my dreams seven years ago, these methods completely changed my life, I was able to marry the most lovable and loyal man who is exactly what I asked for. So make sure to listen all the way through because I have some life changing free gems here that you won't want to miss. I am going to tell you why using the laws of the universe is the most logical way to go about getting what it is you desire.

Then I'm going to guide you through an exercise on how to generate the highest vibrational frequency of energy within your own body and how to manipulate that sweet energy to your advantage once you've generated it. Before we open up this rabbit hole, there's something there's a couple things You need to know. This is not a promise to find your soulmate within a certain amount of time, as the rate of which you attract your soulmate highly depends on your ability to believe and allow. What we cover here are real techniques that I use to raise my vibration, which enabled me to attract the type of person if desired. A lot of the work here is an inside job. If you're looking for a magical potion without doing any inner work, then these secrets won't help you.

You need to be willing to look at your shadow side and admit to yourself that you don't need to live like this anymore. And allow yourself to be open to receive new information about love. And if this is not something that resonates with you, then my method will not work for you. Here are the three secrets to attract true love. You ready? secret number one.

Before you can attract true love. You need to know how to activate that same true love from within first And then embody that of what you want to attract. secret number two, you need to train yourself to see the abundance of love and beauty in every aspect of your life at which is available to you now and stop waiting for your partner to get here to feel those in love feelings. And secret number three, you need to get yourself to a place to allow love and return by believing that you can. And that's it. That's the secret formula only took one minute.

Now, how do I apply this to my life is the real question you might be asking. Maybe it sounds too easy. Maybe it makes no sense to you at all and seems like hogwash, follow me as I break it down. I'll start with the first secret activating love from within. Let's talk about generating your own love frequency and how and why to tap into it now. Generating your own love is the most potent form of attraction Love from others.

We are all made up of energy and operate on different frequencies and you need to learn how to operate on a high frequency. So you can start attracting love in a new way ASAP. Let's give it a try right now. You can do this by going back to a favorite time in your life when you felt any type of love. It can be from anything just go back to a moment where you felt warm and fuzzy, that warm and fuzzy feeling. Then play pretend and imagine the feelings until they feel real.

Once you have your feeling then drop the memory in simply hold the feeling for a minute. And I'll give you a moment to do this now. This is reactivating loving feelings from the past to generate a bunch of Love for the future. But once these feelings feel real, describe what words come up and milk the emotions until they come alive. Take time to think about what love feels like for you. You might feel words like excitement, hopefulness, maybe even feeling playful feeling desired, loved, appreciated.

And once you feel a little tingly, breathe that energy up from the ground, through your feet and up your legs and up your spine up to your school and shoot it out of your forehead. And then let it flow back down into the ground as you breathe out. Breathe the energy up from the ground, through your feet and up your legs and up your spine and up to your school and shoot it out of your forehead. And then let it flow back down into The ground as you breathe out, continue this process a few times until you feel good inside. Once you're feeling good, deeply breathe in one last time and shoot that energy out at the top of your skull like rockets. And let it rain back down all of your body and wrap you up.

Like a warm, snuggly blanket. These feelings you just produced, or what others will be attracted to. how you're feeling is how others feel about you good or bad. So you want to be feeling good as much as possible. If you struggle with this concept, I have something special for you that will help you release what's blocking you from having fun with this. The more you do this, the stronger you'll get and the more love you will attract.

Now, once you're feeling more loving, you take that sweet energy and focus it on all All of the abundance and beauty in every aspect of your life that you have now, the purpose of this is that when you observe love, you're also generating love. The more you look for love, the more you find love. The more you find love, the more you attract it. When you're seeking a rich, lasting relationship, you must be optimistic about love, not focusing on how you don't have love. Now, can I ask a question, a very important question. What are your top three reasons why you can't find your soulmate?

And I'll give you a moment to think about it. Wonderful. Now keep thinking. Excellent. You now have your top three limiting beliefs That are blocking you from your soulmate. These three reasons have become your limiting story, and you've got to change it.

You've picked up these beliefs as you've moved from one relationship to the other and these beliefs are subconsciously active and being carried in your vibration and the law of attraction attracts to you that have what you believe in that of which you are. If you are believing your three reasons then you are blocking yourself from what you want. For example, if one of your reasons was something like no one will love me. Then deep down, you are not truly loving yourself and you will attract others who cannot truly love you either because they similar to you or not fully loving themselves. The other key here is allowing yourself to embody the character of who you want to attract and I can teach you exactly how to do this. Now who am I and why would you trust this method will help you My name is Rob Shannon and I'm a holistic practitioner and Minister of Health, and also known as the Good Witch.

I am the founder of Earth love and magic, and I help people craft beauty and love into their lives using magic. And now that we've gone over the core needs for what the corneas are for finding love. I want to share a little about my story with you in hopes to inspire you to take a leap and be open to new things. I started out like many people, Blimey dating and falling in and out of relationships, repeating the same toxic patterns again and again. I even married one of my toxic patterns that and continue to stay married long after I knew it was over. We had a small child and mortgage and honestly, we were mostly just familiar with each other.

One day I woke up and I realized I hated everything about my life. I was depressed and stress, perpetuating all dysfunctional family patterns. And you know what? I realized this is not who I wanted to be. I did not want my story to be that of a victim. That was when I decided to change myself into the loving person I want it to be.

I left my marriage with nothing but a mattress, some clothes, toys for my son and a handful of money. I created my own clean slate, and I was free to be me again. And this is where my journey began. I picked myself up from my sadness and vowed to never be the same again. I read stacks of self help books, attended relationship seminars, my two years of therapy. Interestingly enough, I still kept dating men that would break my heart over and over again.

I did not understand why so many people could find love yet I was here alone again. This is what led me to the laws of the universe where I learned all about how I was sabotaging myself and my desires. I learned so much about how I was accidentally attracting worst case scenarios and perpetuating a crappy love life. Until one day I realized love had to be generated from my thin and projected out For any good relationship with last, now I have the most incredible relationship that I could have ever imagined. The intensity, the devotion and loyalty my marriage has now makes my first marriage look like a complete joke. And I stand here talking to you, wanting to remind you that you are a creator.

And it is possible for you to create your perfect relationship to I don't care what you have heard, this is the truth. If I can do it, you can do it. I am the byproduct of my own work. The byproduct of this work is being loved and finding your true love. So today we went over how you can use the power of your mind to activate love from the inside and I showed you what to do with that loving energy to clear a path for your lover to flow through. You also learn more about how to keep that path for your lover open by focusing on love and beauty in your life that you already have now.

These three techniques have already already been activated in your brain by simply watching this video. And now it's up to you to continue what you have learned here today so that you can miss serialize it into your life. If you'd like more support on your journey, I believe you know how to find me. Thank you for letting me into your home and being open to receive love. For more information on how to craft beauty and love into your life, please visit www dot Earth love and with infinite beauty and eternal love, please have a wonderful day the good way

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