UVF Session Four (4) - How to be You, Be Different and Be Successfully Interviewed

Ultimate Visibility Formula UVF Session Four (4) - What if You're "Different?" (Introvert, Vulnerable, New Age)
1 hour 43 minutes
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Hi, this is Debbie finger ultimate visibility formula. Welcome to Week Four, you're more than halfway through starting today. So pretty auspicious and a great time to celebrate Woohoo. And we'll do some check ins today. And I want to talk about if there's any challenges you're having, we can address those. We had somebody who posted their media, one sheet, I think would be great to go over and just give you some pointers because we can all easily learn from each other.

Let me know where you're at how your mock interviews have been going. As always, we'll start with celebrations, and then we're going to get into a really interesting conversation and the gist of the conversation this week is what do you do if you're different? It's something that I've heard a lot of out there. Everything from Listen, I'm new age. I'm a healer to women. introvert to whatever it is, in fact, interestingly enough, most of us think we're really different, which I think everybody actually is.

But we're, we grow up in a world that tells us there's something called normal. And it looks like this and it acts like that. And if you're not this or that, you're not normal. So interestingly enough, the majority of people I know never grew up feeling this or that never grew up feeling like they fit into that. So that said, and since it is my contention, that we're all actually very different. How do you embody that?

How do you embrace that and be that during an interview, so that's really the gist, being vulnerable being Whoo, if you will, or New Age, as well as being an introvert, different types. And also, we're going to address some of the things that can happen during an interview that you might want to take care of. What what's happening so you show up into a really good job okay. So with that said, I'm going to get our amazing, our very amazing PowerPoint started here and share the screen. Okay. So today's session for which is being different and while you're different, being successfully interviewed, very important.

So we're going to go through some celebrations and find out your wins. How did the mock interviews go? How is your press media kit, your pitch letter happening some of you have been reporting already that you have your booking shows that you have something scheduled Exactly. That's what's meant to happen during this class. And the reason that it's meant to happen is you've got me. So let's be interviewed while you've got me and you've got access to me, it doesn't mean that this is the end of the line.

There are advanced classes to take, there are ways to keep working on being visible, with a lot of grace, a lot of fun. And I continue to teach at those levels. So it's not the end of the road for us. Or if you want to work privately, right? There's lots of ways that we can continue to be connected and thrive. The idea is this during this class, where we're basically creating the architecture, first of all, who you are and what you messages.

Second of all, what do you need in order to knock on the door, have a radio or podcast show and say, Hello, I exist? And I'm a pro and here's why. Here's my media sheet. Here's my pitch letter. And you're going to say yes or no, and chances are because I'm showing it professionally, most of the time, you're going to say yes. Now then Next pieces, oh, how do I be interviewed?

Now I booked the show now what that's what last week was about. And now we're going to go into some of the intricacies. And until now, I also want to go through some of the celebrations of what has occurred for you thus far. So before we head into that, I just want to read you something because I love this idea of being vulnerable. I think it's a really positive thing, even though in our society a lot of times it's like, Oh, don't cry, don't be vulnerable. Don't share your feelings.

Or if you've ever shared a feeling if you've ever had someone say, don't be angry. Don't be afraid, like, oh, wow, that's healing that really got me far actually gets you incredibly stuck, right? Feeling resistance to feeling and that's how we get stuck energy. So the idea is not to push anything away, but to actually allow it to flow through being vulnerable. If you evoke emotional response from the person telling a story. So that would be you being interviewed on radio podcasts.

If you evoke an emotional response from a personal person telling a story, you'll likely elicit an emotional reaction from the person listening, what does that mean? That means when a story is told correctly, and is organically connected to who you are and your truth, it means that people will feel something out there. And that's actually the turning point. That's what they'll remember. You can give away a ton of content. But the moment you get real and really connect with them as humans, because you're being human, it's a game changer.

We all want to learn how to do that vulnerability and this is a quote from the amazing Bernie Brown, which is the bottom line. I believe that you have to walk Through vulnerability to get to courage, therefore, embrace the suck. I try to be grateful every day. And my motto right now is courage, overcome comfort, courage over comfort. Beautiful. So again, today will be about visibility concerns, and for those who are introverts New Age vulnerable.

This is for you. And basically, that means all of us. So, again, we're going to head back to celebrations and what are your wins this week? So, before we do the check in, I just want to I'm going to ask everybody, if you would, please. And this actually came as a request in the calls we've been doing privately together. And somebody said, I love the meditations.

I'm getting a ton out of it. And thank you for helping us there and I actually would like it in the beginning so I'm fully present fully here. So unless you're driving, I definitely don't close your eyes then but if you are at home or to space a safe and awesome, just if you don't mind, close your eyes, put your feet on the ground, ground yourself. Take a deep breath. another deep breath and just pull up energy through your feet from the Mother Earth is so loving and nurturing and forgiving, and self sustaining and full of nutrients and wonder and just pull that beautiful energy up through your entire body and out through your head. And as you breathe down and out, allow the energy from the universe and all that loves you and guide you and see you and know you and adore you and care for you and are always there, whether you see them or acknowledge them or not.

Just read all of that gorgeousness in quite light energy, all three Your body all the way down to your feet and into the earth. And again bring the earth energy all the way up through you. Every cell important part of your body is directly and otherwise and out through the top of your head and breathe back down the energy and the golden white light, the purple white golden light through your head crown chakra all the way through your body, throat chakra Heart Chakra. arms, legs, back, tummy. hips, thighs, legs, all the way back down into the mother. Just keep that breathing going.

And as everything's going just say to yourself or in your space, if you are muted. I am happy with who I am. I am happy with what I have. I am happy with what I receive. I love who I am. I love what I have.

And I love what I receive. I want you to think of something that you want to create in this class and the ultimate visibility formula. What is it that you want? Do you want to be interviewed with ease? Do you want to be known as a go to expert? Do you want to fully understand how to do this system with grace and ease and comfort and confidence?

Or is there something else whatever it is that you want to create, set that intention right now. Make it clear and now I want you to daydream about it, see yourself in it now as though it is not as though you're watching yourself from the outside but as though it is in this moment that you are living it from the inside out. And this is your reality and just experience that taste smell visual. feeling nice all your senses. What does that feel like? And so it is because reality is Everything, and energy is everything.

And your future, your past and your now are everything, none of which are actually separated. So your intention is already so. And now let it go. Because you've done your work, and the universe being a 401k plan will handle the rest. So sit back and enjoy the ride and know that it's being taken care of whether you receive it now, or in a minute or in a day, allow it to be and to come in it's perfect timing. And breathing again up the earth energy all the way up through the top and out the white golden light energy through your entire body back into the beautiful Mother Earth as a gift to her as well.

And then just be fully present and know that this reading is so and so with that. Seven being fully present, I would ask you, what was this week? Like? who's done? Who has done their mock interviews? And how is that going?

Is media kits, anything around the subject that we are learning and teaching here? Just unmute yourself and speak right up. This is your time because celebrations really important. It's interesting how much out there I heard that in a program. One of the things people loved the most needed the most was the celebration. Not just that they were learning, learning learning, but that they were able to take a pause and reflect back on.

Wow, I actually accomplished this. I did that I had that experience. I was brave, whatever it is for you. So this is your time. Renee and go ahead Okay, well, I just want to say it's really, I'm sorry, I'm loud. I'm in a rainstorm right now.

I just want to say it's really exciting to hear everybody, you know, success stories, you know that you're, you're getting interviewed so quickly. And it's really inspiring to me to really work hard to develop my message so that I can be interviewed as well. Like, it's very exciting stuff. And, you know, it's something I want to be a part of, and I, you know, I've had my session with Debbie and I really learned a lot about myself about my message, and I have a lot that we're working on and I just want to say thank you. Thank you brave and just a reminder, the courage doesn't mean without fear. Courage means to do something in spite of fear.

So it's continually awesome that you are with us doing the work you are. And yeah, I think today's session was pretty amazing. Because it is definitely here to talk about leadership from a really unique point of view. And our past or really important times in our life, not always our past, but very important times in our life can be very informing about the journey that we go on, and why we're here to teach what we are here to teach, right? So we have to often get through to heal and get to the other side. So thank you so much for checking in and for being with us and please be careful in the rain.

Awesome. Renee, you want to check in? No, that was Keith trying to check in. I'm all good. Okay. I can't hear you Keith.

Hi there. Hi, Debbie. Hi, ladies. So I did two mock interviews I'm just getting gaining confidence in it with the time I had and the stuff I'm doing I sent three using and meet the media one letters that we did I sent three different podcast station I got one reply back. The date is set for June the third 12pm with what was the company's name again? Hold on with the energy healer.

It was through one of your friends Tanya, that'd be Yes, yes. Yep. Yeah, I didn't reply back so I got one set there so I feel good getting ready and it's sent the other two still waiting for replies back. Great. Yeah, that you know, often radio and podcast hosts or stations or just say so they lose unless they have a massive team so easily someone that does take us weeks to get back. Feel free in two to three weeks.

If you don't, you know, just keep like some kind of a list who you're sending out to, I don't care how you do it, if it's Excel, and it's very fancy schmancy or it's just just keep a list. And then of course, note who you've heard back from and who you're booked on. If you haven't heard back in two to three weeks, it's perfectly fine to write a really nice follow up email, and I hope you'll all as well, still loving your show. I'm just wondering, you know, I'm hoping you received the email I understand Everyone's so busy. If you have a moment, you know, I'd like to talk about the possibility of me being booked on your show all the best Shut up. Now, if you don't hear back, you know, it's not gonna happen out, you know, move on to the next.

But often people will reply because it's that little wink wink, nudge nudge, and they'll bump you up to the top of their list. Thank you. Congratulations. That's really great news. Thank you. Congratulations, Keith.

So Debbie, so just one follow up and then that's it. That's all you would recommend doing for people correct? thousand percent because anything after that It's just overkill. And frankly, they've already communicated to you. It's just they're so busy. They don't have time to write, or the inclination.

Let's say they get 100 to 200 inquiries every week, there's no way we have the capacity to write to every person. Yes, no, yes. No, yes. No, we're really just going to right to the essence. So if you don't hear just move on. Okay.

Thank you. And thank you for the call as well, because I, I have been struggling to keep up with this class, just of all the other things that I've got going on, and it sort of gave me like this seven little shot in the arm that I'm like, Okay, look, I've got a, uh, you know, got to do this, this and this to try and you know, stay out. So, thank you so much. That was an awesome, I'm so glad we communicated yesterday. Yeah, me too. And everybody can remember that.

You know, once you get the tech down, if you will, meaning, what's my message? Here's my pitch email, which basically you're taking a template just writing in your own words, right? You're not writing something from scratch, you're not doing copy, you're literally doing remember growing up, we did something called Mad Libs. And was everything was written output lines. That's pretty much what you're doing with this template, you're just filling in those lines with your subject and the content, you can deliver your follow up information, website and so forth. Really easy.

And same thing with the media, one sheet. Basically, you've got a complete template, you drop in your photo, your name, what you do a little bio about you and some again, content and they're very Akin By the way, the pitch letter and the one sheet. So just have some fun and know that once you're done with that the rest of this is just the inner work and the outer work that happens during the interviews. That's the great news. This is the fun stuff, but you have to finish that stuff. So you're sure that you can get booked on a show that you show up professionally.

So once you get that know that we can take A breath and really start playing together. Anyone else? I'll share something great. So, like Renee, I have been completely overwhelmed with all the things going on in my space. So this weekend, I got really clear on some stuff after a very bad drive home and some very bad weather. And I have booked time in my week specifically for researching and listening to podcasts and like a block of time.

I've like actually just blocked it off from my calendar for doing that for booking, for booking, for everything that has to do with the pre stuff of the booking. So I have some stuff I still need to do in the foundational things, but that's something I just didn't realize I wasn't creating enough space for. And I was very overwhelmed and trying to manage way too many things. And I just took this breath and thought, what is the most lovely loving thing I want to be doing? And this is what I want to be doing. So I did that.

Oh, I'm so proud of you. That's huge. Right? Forget it. Yeah. It felt really huge and and I wanted to thank you too for the story that you shared.

You know about what happened with you with your partner and you separating and then you having to be on the radio show. Because this weekend, there was this like thing with really like a really bad weather and I was supporting somebody at one of her events. Before I went in, I did the breathing the 21 breaths that we did. And I totally just brought myself right where we were and allowed myself to not be caught up in my drama or what had gone on. And I'm just really grateful for that technique and you sharing that and knowing that, you know, that's going to show up for us in our lives. And we there's a way there's a tool, right?

So I appreciate that very much. Brilliant. Thank you. That's what it's all about in the in the moment, remembering a tool like that in your toolbox, when something's actually going on and saying, oh, okay, I can switch everything right now make a different choice. And that exercises so fast and beautiful. Yeah, it was good.

Thank you. And I just I feel like celebrating those things. They, you know, I wasn't going to share because I thought they were small, but I actually think they're big. So I need to reiterate Changing your life basically to keep your eye on the ball understanding, first of all what it is that you really want to accomplish and going, Oh, okay, I need to make these other things actually go back here. So I can focus on this, this course this being interviewed, this is where I want to be. That's huge because everything aligns.

And then second of all, being in a situation that really was creating discomfort, and then using something to turn all that around. This is great because you're building a muscle to so also when you get on the show. This can really help. You know I had an interview today. I don't know if you guys know who Dr. Laura Berman is. She is a relationship love sex therapist and expert.

She was on Oprah Winfrey's talk show a gazillion times she was a featured expert. She has been on the own network, Oprah Winfrey's network. She's had her own talk show with Dr. Laura Berman. She's been on Dr. Oz. She's on Dr. Oz's advisory board. Anyway, she's amazing.

I've been at her house We had such a crazy conversation, like the adjustment and we went boom so deep, and she's such a pistol like I loved her. And so she immediately talked about her being on the show and it finally came. And I had, I literally had a coughing fit in the middle of our taping. It was just the worst. I got to tell you ever I had that flu, whatever people had for three weeks, last month. And this is just the little piece of it that's still hanging on that I'm not loving.

But I always have my glass here which I recommend always have tea or water. Always have something to write on because things might come up and you'd although you don't want to be seen like this. You do want to have something even if they're still looking up. I'm doing this just so I'm taking notes, something I might want to remember to go back to. Of course she was very gracious. And of course I'm going to edit that out.

Because it wasn't a live show. Thank God but it was a live show. The show goes on but Stuff happens. And it's always good before you do any kind of connection with somebody to really be in the best space. Right? Possibly, if I had done that to be very transparent, that might not have happened.

The same, just telling myself a little bit. And Laurie, thank you so much for posting your interview. I listened to it. And I just want to give you little feedback. And this is so good for all of us. We have Kathy post, a couple of interviews that I listened to when I did a video feedback.

Laurie just posted her interview, listening to each other super helpful and hearing some coaching tweaks super helpful. So here's what I want you to know. Here's the great news. The greatness is you are so calm. You completely Connect. You're very present.

You're very hard faced. I could tell this, this host loved you. He was getting so much out of the conversation. You really know how to be succinct. What I loved is the moment you started this interview and he asked a question you answered. He sat back and breathed.

And that's exactly what it's about. Because the moment you do this as hosts, we know Okay, so for me to talk, what happens is that keeps happening because we start synergistically coming together. Well, not not maybe every host is like that, but most of them are at this just happens whether we consciously or unconsciously know what's happening, this happens. And then you take the breath and I know to come in and then you take, so it just becomes this beautiful, delicious dance and conversation. So you did everything so beautifully correctly. You do want to take that breath, you are done.

Your answers are very succinct, no oz ons you know, perfect. One thing I recommend that you start doing going forward is being more Specific. So for instance, you tell a story is really a very meaningful story in response to his question where he asks you about a way that you shifted something up, right, where you've changed something in your space, and you say that you had a really a definitive perception about yourself. And then you ended up being on a call with somebody that you really looked up to, and you really wanted to be with. And so you talk about the parameters of what happened. But if you really want to get people to relate, resonate, see their own lives in it, and better understand the arc of the story get way more specific.

So you could talk you don't have to mention the person's name, but you could maybe say what they were, why they meant so much to you what you know, just a little bit, so there's a picture going on. And then what happened because we don't ever find out what actually happened. That means I felt that when I was saying it to us, like, I don't know how much to share or not to share. Perfect. So because you already have the art of just you know, most people are trying to learn the art of being succinct. You're already down.

So since that's so, build on being succinct, so now you can play a little bit more in the, let me say a little more. Let me tell a bit of a story. We want to hear your story we want to come in. So yes, although it was only a 30 minute interview, and of course, you want to keep it moving along. But you can use 510 more sentences, at least, to paint a picture so we can really feel we want to understand from beginning to end, what actually occurred to make that difference for you. Because it's, it's a very salient and powerful point you're bringing up just bring us in more Okay, thank you.

All right, specifics are terrific. Okay. Anyone else? and Russell, I just want to check in with you real quick. It's so great to have you here and see you. Welcome back.

And I just want to hear how you're doing. What's going on? Here, let me unmute you. One sec. Can I unmute you? Okay, there you go.

You're alive. Okay. Um, I'm actually back in California for another day or two. So then I'm heading back home. I've been traveling a bit for some stuff going on. But I have to be very transparent.

I haven't done my homework. So I'm a little bit over overwhelmed, but I'm excited to get back and get back on track. Great. And we'll have a call to so just start, start the work, reach out, we'll set something up and make sure that you're on track and just really remember, like, Don't overthink this stuff you actually already know and guess and let me give you a little song song. If you get to writing up what you know what you think, you know, but you're feeling like, I don't know, do I really provide that? Is that really what people receive?

Don't guess, go to your clients and either set up a call with them or when you going to have a call and a connection, just say great. I need five minutes of your time at the end or in the beginning and ask them questions. Like, I'm not asking for you to flatter me I really need to know concretely. What is it you receive from me? What is it you perceive my work is what do you perceive the gift is what is the shift that happens? What is what's possible?

What is, you know, come up with like five really juicy questions. And all you do is right. You don't need to engage. And once you start seeing patterns emerge from your clients and the people you work with in groups or individually, you'll start to understand up, this is what I provide. The other thing is when you're doing your sheets, when you're on a new age show, you can open or you can always mention that you do readings. So if you provide readings, and you can do readings, mentioned that shows like that, love, love to know this.

Okay, so whoever just clicked in Could you please mute yourself? What happens when you guys don't mute yourself is? Yeah, the camera focuses on you and it's a big black box. Fantastic. Yeah. So Russell, you know, just you thing is I just want to offer to you because you're here in probably driving around, I use my driving time to download audios from programs.

And that's when I listen to them, I absorb them really well. That way. You could listen to the three weeks and really get caught up and get a lot of direction on it. Then go into Dropbox folder and receive the templates and just fill them in. And we'll have a call. Okay, great.

Thank you. You're so welcome. I also want to let you guys know if anybody doesn't have a professional Dropbox, and you really don't want to buy it. You prefer to keep your free Dropbox and as you know, putting everything there. If it's too much for you don't you don't have to pay them the money unless you're going to use it for other things that make sense. But I can just send you a link instead by sending you a link you just have direct access to the files.

I hope that makes sense. So just reach out to me, Facebook, and I can post it there if you want to link instead. Otherwise, you know, you've got your Dropbox folder and everything's there and it's separated. So yeah, everybody. I think that was everybody. Jennifer, it sounds like you're driving did you want to check in and let us know any wins that you have this week?

Anything you've moved to head on and anything that's feeling like yay, me. I actually did this small, medium large. Okay. Okay, she may be otherwise engaged. So, uh, let her just keep listening in. And oh, hey, Debbie.

Sorry. So sorry, I just unmuted but I'm driving. So I didn't do it very well. Sorry about that. No, everything's going well with the book and I'm working more on that right now to be honest with you and try to get that squared away. So but I do have a winner.

So Yeah, I have I got somebody to call me back and talk to me about representing me for publishing for not a publisher, but as legal person and that is a huge. That's a huge step in some piece for me. So, anyway, that was a win and I'm gonna take it. Awesome. Thank you. That's so good.

Yeah, I'm thrilled. That's been in queue. Okay. So thanks, Jennifer. And for all of you who shared a big hi fi fam. Thank you so much.

Thank you so much celebrating you. So let's leap right into this. concerns. Now, I'm going to just give you bullet points of things that people have brought up that where they said, What if this happens, I don't know how to handle it. So I'm going to just go through some of these. Now you may have your own and I just want you to keep Some kind of a bullet point list.

So if there's something I don't address and you want to know, I want you to ask me, some of you who have already been interviewed on shows, I want you to bring those up, whether it's this week, or the following two weeks, or the q&a we have coming up. I 100%. Use me while you have me. So either a future concern about something that might go wrong, or something you might have heard in a show we've got, how do you handle that? Or something that has actually happened to you? And you want to know in the future, how do I deal with this?

So bring those up, because everyone's going to benefit from it. The more we can flesh these out, the more prepared you'll be when the actual interview happens. So, one of the things that people brought up was, I'm concerned about a question that the host might ask and here's why. What will I be allowed to share a full concept or example so I can help the listening audience embrace what i'm talking About. Let's talk about that. So the answer is, basically No.

I'll tell you why. Because it's a misconception that you can really flesh something out. When you have a 30 minute show my shows an hour, but still it feels like a blink of an eye. It's so fast. You want to be so two things just came up. So forgive me because there's two actually two answers to this.

So I'm going to stay with the no answer for right now. The reason why I say no is because full concept full fleshing out, the listening audience doesn't mean that they really don't. Like if you're in a conversation with somebody, somebody can start saying something to you and you'll get what they're talking about. If you have questions. As a friend as family, you're going to follow up and ask them the questions. The same is true for a host you're always suggested to give example Yes, hundred percent, the more you can paint a picture for us, the better it is for us as a listening audience to understand follow absorb relate to what you're saying.

So yes, we like that. But in general, you don't want to give this much, because you could take up a whole show doing this much this much is better allow us to do follow up questions. Or you can let the hosts know after you've said something. I've got some great examples about that. Now share them. The host has an opportunity to say you know, we're going to break but when we come back, let's do that.

Or Yes, actually, I'd love that. I was just thinking to ask you would you give some examples, so they have a chance actually to conduct their show. The great news is the really great news is as interviewed Yes, it's not our show. We don't have to figure everything out. They've got the rhythm figured out. So give them enough, give them the constant Give them the reason why you're telling something that is content valuable filled.

And outside of that you shouldn't be flushing everything out. It's sort of like something I went into, and one of the phone calls that I had with one of you, which is it's very, very, very different to be a stage speaker than to be an interview guest. And that's so important to get because people who are stage speakers know I've got this stage and sort of your captains do whatever I'm going to say in the audience. Yeah, you can walk out. But basically, everybody's going to sit here while I speak for 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour a day, today's a live event. I got you and I get to do basically a monologue ad infinitum.

It's totally not that during an interview, an interview is we're at Starbucks, we're having conversation back and forth. It's an engagement, very different energy. So please don't go in thinking you're going to fully flesh out a whole thing because it'll probably take way too much. Time and you're going to lose us, right? You want to keep us engaged. So that said, it doesn't mean there won't be pockets where you can say more or tell a story or give a statistic or do sort of examples.

Fantastic. Just don't wax on be very clear not to wax on. And remember, it is the whole show. They're there because they're curious. They're there because they want to engage. Okay, another one without being prepared.

Someone was given five minutes and froze. So this is actually somebody who's really good at doing interviews, and had been on a number of big shows, and then was going on camera. And they said, we're going to talk about this, this and this, and he sat there and wrote some notes. And then they came out ready to film him five minutes later saw the notes and said, Now we're taking these from you, and he panicked, and he didn't do well. So the thing is, we must each of us trust that we really know what we really know. I'm not going to go on a show and have somebody say, Here's Debbie dashing girl.

She's a visibility media expert, and she's going to be talking about plumbing, then I have a reason to panic, because outside of making a lot of jokes, I probably couldn't add any value, right? But if they say, talk to me about doing red carpet work, talk to me about what being visibility means or what gets in people's ways. Talk to me about writing a book about becoming a best seller about why being interviewed and visible is so important today. There's a million questions they could ask. And if I am relaxed and calm, the truth is, I know this material. It's my expertise.

Each of you has your own area of expertise. You put together your media one sheet in a really particular way. So it's clear what your expertise is. So it's clear what's subjects you can speak to. And somebody doesn't even need to have a conversation with you before the show they can pull from your media, one sheet or your pitch letter, they could ask you questions just based on that you've already given them everything. Be sure to speak to your expertise and you'll be fine.

Freezing is only because you think you need to depend on something else. But the truth is, you don't need notes. You don't need anything else. You just need to breathe and be you. Okay, and trust that. What about pitching or not?

And this is this is also leading into the next question, which next two questions, what is most effective at the end of the interview websites, social media, and what to say at the end to connect with the audience? Well, this is really important because often for you, that's why you're there, right? You want to take people potentially to the next level with you. So it's really important on the show to not be salesy, and we're all very sensitive to that when we start getting too pitchy not like as an singing pitchy, but as an I'm so busy pitching myself to you and all the products and programs I have and all the ways you could work with me. And it's really uncomfortable. And we all know this because we're living in an entrepreneur world, we're going to a lot of workshops, we see people on stage pitching all the time pitch Fest, as they call it.

And it really is all often paternal, which you just want is like, just talk to me, just tell me what you know, as much as you can. And let's enjoy the time we have together. So I would very much avoid pitching or not. Now, that said, there were really particular ways you can do things. There are some shows you might be able to offer them an affiliate possibility, hey, I'm doing this workshop. I'm coming on your show before the workshop.

I'd love to offer you an affiliate fee. Should you sell anything from your show? Do you mind if we talk about it just a little bit. Now there's ways a really good host can talk about you workshop, they may not just talk about Where's they can obviously, where's your workshop? When's it going to happen? What are people going to learn?

Great, here's the link, they're out. That's great, because people who love you may just sign up, they may want to ask you another question about it. Gee, when you're talking about this subject, you know, what, what is it about that subject that's important? or what have people gotten in the past from your workshops, they may want to delve just a little bit deeper, not the whole show, obviously, because their shows about their show the listeners want content. So you can do it from a really graceful point of view. You absolutely can talk about the book and where it is, or your URL absolutely about social media.

Now, here's what's interesting. Most hosts will ask you, they will ask you at the end anything here you'd like to tell the listeners great opportunity to add wisdom? And then and here's where you can connect with me. Many hosts will actually announce your social media and information or they'll ask you specifically, can you share where people can connect with you? If someone avoids that, and you know, like you see here or wherever it is you're connecting, but you've got a clock somewhere, do recommend, there's a clock, you can see, you know, the show is only this long, and you're down to like one to two minutes at the end, and this has not come up, then it's incumbent on you to include it. Do not ever end a conversation on a show without adding that.

So what, but again, be graceful. And the show is ending and they've asked you a question. And they've said, you know, tell me about XYZ, and you share a minute about X, Y and Z and say and by the way, if people are interested, there's much more about this in my book, and they can get my book on Amazon, they get my book on the website, they can get my book on x, or whatever it is that you are wanting to drive them to. The other thing That's very important for all of us is to have a free opt in on our website. So something that's going to drive people there, I've got a free gift, I've got a free survey, I've got a free. One of the things that's really great and I'm trying to think of the word but you know, you fill things in online and it tells you information about you.

Sort of like if you've ever done the five languages, right? You go on, you fill things out and says this is your love language, your primary and secondary love language is fun, it's easy. It's information about you. What happens is, people go there, they give you their name and their email, it gets into your database so you're bumping up your database and return they get a free bonus from you a gift bonus. And PS we never called free out there. We just say it's my gift to you.

It's my valuable bonus to you. So always have an opt in it could be the first chapter in your book, whatever it is you want to give that will be something people want and need. Speaking too slowly. Well, that's a problem. As is sometimes speaking too quickly, we want to be very careful about rhythms. We also want to shift things up.

If we're constantly speaking like this, what's going to happen is we're going to put people to sleep. We're constantly talking like this. And it's really difficult for people catch up to us and really get out. You can tell I'm not a fast talker at all. I'm actually a reflector. So that's why I speak the way I do.

So we all have our own indigenous rhythms, it's fine. But just make sure you've got some animation with your passion show where your energy out because it's going to keep listeners riveted to what you're saying. So don't speak too slowly. What happens if you go off on a tangent? bring yourself back. It's happened to the best of us.

So it's happened to me. It happened to me is what I can see in the beginning. Just about everything happened to me about a decade ago when I first started being interviewed. So I've had all the experiences. So going off on a tangent is like, you know, somebody asks you a question, you really do start to answer it, and then all sudden, Frank, it's like you go somewhere else, because you think there's some kind of information they suddenly needed. And then you find yourself out there floating like a balloon, and realizing, I don't really remember what the heck we were talking about in the first place.

Not a great feeling, right? So there's a couple of ways you can handle that. If you find yourself out here on the tangent, and you realize you're on a tangent. And you recall what the person asked, take a breath. And just come back and answer the question. So let me give you an example.

I'm making this up, of course, somebody I'm being interviewed and somebody says I want you to tell me why is It's so important to write a page turner book, why do you say that, Debbie? And I start to answer the host and say, it's really important to write a page turner, because if you are going to write a book, well, let me give you an example. So now the tangents happening. Let me give you an example. You know, I had this client, and they were writing a book. And I found that I was working with them month after month, but they actually weren't finishing the book.

And it just seemed to keep going on and on. And I realized they had a lot of little sabotage is happening. And they actually were not being accountable and stick now starting to go, Oh, God, where the hell am I? I'm all the way out here. And they ask this, so I'm catching myself. So here's what I'm gonna do.

I'm gonna wrap this up quickly. And I'm going to get back and answer the question. So yeah, I realized that this client was was doing all these things and not being accountable. But what I wanted my client to know is if you'll start working with me and keeping up with the homework, write the book you said you're gonna run Let me teach you how to write a page turner. And the reason why I'm back here now with those The reason why I told them to write a page turner, the reason why I tell every client and why I'm telling you now is because there are so many books out there, what's going to make your stand out. If you take the time to write a page turner has the promotion has done for you.

Because anyone who has ever been up at 3am and can't put the darn book down, has to keep reading the next chapter knows what you're going to say to everybody the next day in your life. And that week is what are you doing? I'm reading this amazing book, what's the name of the book, they're doing the promotion for you and you're giving readers a book they love. That's why you write a page turner. So the tangent happened, I recognized it. I found a way to loop it into this cuckoo story I was often running and telling and then bringing get right back to the actual hosts question.

Now what happens if I find myself out there in lala land and I recognize, oh, dear, I am on a tangent. But the next thing is what did they say? I would be honest. And I would take a good look, I take a breath and a good laugh at myself and say, oh, my goodness, that was so funny. Because I'm so busy working with clients right now that I just went off on a bit of a story about what's happening. And yeah, there's a lesson in there about really being accountable to write a book and get it done.

I'm so sorry, though, what was the original question? People love you, you're human. And they just move on. It's actually endearing. So don't worry about that. It's just fine to be you and be real.

So that's what you do if you go off on a tangent. So we have a couple more pieces here, what I want to talk about right now and bring up on screen is. And I'm going to do a little shift around here on my end, I want to talk about your sheets. So I'm going to bring up a one pager. Now several of you've been posting in the Facebook group for us to all take a look at and I really appreciate that. And we just had one that was done.

And I just want us all to go through this so we can have a look see and again, learn from each other. So I'm going to share this screen. Okay, so this is Rene's first of all beautiful picture. Love it. She's looking right at the camera. She's smiling.

We like that. So, Renee, I actually did some tweaking. I couldn't bear to do any more redlining because it's so much worse actually just sort of rewrote yours and I'll send it back to you but I wanted to pull up your original so we all have an opportunity To take a look at this. I'm I would recommend Oh, actually, I think this is the one I rewrote. This is funny. Let me see if I could find the one I didn't write.

Okay. Hmm. I tried to pull it up. Let me see if I can do it again. There you are. Let me download it.

Let me try to save it to the desktop. Hmm, it is. I see where it showed up. That's very funny. All right. I did save it but it went into a folder.

So let's open up lift. Oh, damn. Look, Rene. Cool all the way down to one peecher. Go. Okay.

We're just going to make sure that we are on the same share. Okay. Perfect. So this is the original great picture, there's her name very clear. You can see if I make this a little smaller, you can see that this looks very nice, right? I'll make it even a little smaller so you can see better, the whole sheet.

It looks lovely, very easy to follow. Nice on the eyes and all of that. Now, I want to start here and I'm going to bump this up just a little bit so we can go through this and you can all learn and make any adjustments to yours. I would change the name of her program, because truthfully the name of her program is giving your life a voice. I don't know if you get chills when you hear that. I do.

I feel like Mike trout. That's really the gist of what she teaches. The rest of it is the subtitle, the journey of worthiness and empowerment. Now she goes into her bio. Renee is an internationally known respected energy therapist. Author she killed her life.

She's helped thousands for 20 plus years. This is what she does. Perfect, perfect, perfect. Now, this actually becomes written in the first person, everything on your one sheet is always in the third person. So there's a couple of things here. The first is that, as I said, I rewrote it and I'll post it later.

And you can all see the rewrite was just so much easier. This all needs to be rewritten in the third person instead of my journey of life began with its Rene's journey of life began with that ended when she was reunited with her birth mother. Tada. So all that has been changed to third person. The next thing is, here's what's beautiful, is that you really get to know her right where she was and who she became. What's happening here as well as that there's actually too much of a story.

We don't need that much story. What I want more, is I want to know a little bit more About your fabulousness, I'll tell you what I always mean by fabulousness. What's your education? Maybe you have certifications, in particular healing modalities. Maybe you're a therapist, maybe you're you graduated with a business major, I don't know, maybe we're Dean's list, but it would be nice to have a little bit of something, something, anything from college to certifications that you've received. I also want to know when you say the author, what's the name of your book?

I want to know you know, if you've worked with celebrities, and they don't mind you saying that would be great to know, if you've led particular workshops that would be great to know if you have a field of work. When you talk about limitations, fears, that's great. It's also very broad. If you have anything really specific, I'd love to know but fabulousness also is magazine covers, TV shows, radio shows, etc. I know you're already booked on one show coming up in May. So That's something you want to talk about, you probably want to put on the sheet because it's going to happen.

And as you have more prominent shows like that you can add them. The Fabulous and this is why I should book you why you have this, not just the story, but what have you done that lets me know that when you come in the show, you're going to be a pro. You've written a book about this subject you've been interviewed already on the subject. You've got degrees in the subject you work with XYZ. So everybody's fabulousness is different. Please don't ever compare yourself or say I don't do that.

I haven't done this. You've done stuff. I just want to know what you've done. That's all that matters to me. So this could be cut way down. I don't mean as much story and I would a little bit in the beginning is great.

I would get way more to what this is and then imbue it with all the reasons why you why you're the expert. These proposed topics fantastic. I really, really liked the words To use tier value add for the audience. I thought that was really sensitive, because as a host, my eyes would go right to that. So that's great. I could really think of a ton of questions to ask you just based on this.

Praise, that's great. You've got a testimony contact, you've got a testimony perfect. So that's my only suggestion is like I said, I'm going to send this back to you with the tweaking I've done and the only thing you'll need to do is add in here, the pieces that I don't know about you, which is all you've been done that I want to know professionally that makes you you. Okay, does anybody have any questions about that? For your sheet or otherwise or anything we just looked at? Yeah, I do.

So just a quick recap based on the pitch letter. So the first portion which is the bio is a singular like I was determined what's the word I'm looking for? I guess like, you know, you're saying i did i dot. And when you get to the middle section Do you sit in third person? Correct? Great question.

Everything's in the third person and I'll tell you why your person, okay? Because basically we're all being our own publicists. out in the world when y'all are making plenty of money, you could do all of this work and pay somebody five grand or more a month. Right now you're taking this class, you're saving yourself all that money so you don't have to do it. You have your own pitch letter that a publicist would have put together, but he would have sent it on your behalf. They would have put together your one sheet about you but it's always in the third person, all of it.

The only thing that's not in the third person is your pitch email, your pitch letter email, that is you writing directly to somebody where you engaged and that is why any questions Everybody got it? Okay, great. So I guess the next question before I go on that I really want to ask is, has anybody had any challenges I understand about being overwhelmed. Welcome to the universe. Welcome to being human in this day and age. It's sort of like the default for most of us.

But let's push that aside because we've set a beautiful intention at the beginning of this class today. And we're going to continue to do so that we actually receive everything we desire. So we can go out and perform and be confident, savvy and calm and really start getting amazing results from media being interviewed. So that's let's just say that's done already. And we're fully present here now together. So outside of that with the material with the classes with what you're learning with what you're implementing, does anybody have any challenges that they want to talk about or dress?

Me today? Yes, well, first thank you so much for doing all that on mine. I really appreciate it. I'm what's funny is last night I was looking at my sheet and I was like, Oh damn, this is in the first person. So, thank you so very much. I always seem to struggle or you know, the challenges like a lot of this stuff is set up to say, your company name.

You know, when you're putting everything in, and all of the stuff that's why then use the creator of the program, because I don't really have a company name. I don't know if that is an issue if going down into everything that we're doing. I should be Getting into a company, I should create a company name. But if that makes any sense, because all of this stuff that you would send over everything sort of had that company name on there, and I just like sort of replaced it with the creator of the program because I really don't have a name. I've always just been known as me and I can't even think of a name for a company. So that seems to be a challenge for me.

And I don't know if that's just me get into my head. Yeah, I'm actually thinking about really big transformational people right now going through my brains, Rolodex. And I don't know that they have a company. I definitely don't think you need a name of a company. And yeah, I have more to say about that. But I just want to also keep it really succinct.

Only if you feel called You're so sensitive to energy that if energy tells you Yeah, I need a name, then I have a suggestion. We can talk offline about that. If you feel like I just do what I do, and it's going very well, thank you. And the energy is not a read on having that. I think that's perfectly fine. Give me Tell me three inspirational or motivational and transformational thought leaders that you like to follow out there.

Just throw out some names. One is passed away but Wayne Dyer Tony Robbins. I used to but not anymore. JACK Canfield. And I think that was I can't remember. There's a woman out there who did I can't remember Sonia.

I think the name is Joe cat. Yes, I think right. Beautiful, great examples. perfect examples. In fact, so for everybody out there, I want you to all think because you're all aware of these people. Wayne Dyer, jack Canfield.

So when you look at, I hope I'm saying her name, right. It's an interesting name. I know I don't need a coach yet. Anyway, you know, I'm talking about, but these are all amazing people from stage leaders, healers, and very inspiring. So does anybody think of anything outside of their name? Like the name of their program?

Not me. Me neither. And I could think of so many others. Look, I said in the beginning, Dr. Laura Berman was on my program. I know she's got a name for a radio show. She's got nine New York Times bestsellers.

I know when she was on Oprah Winfrey or still is on Oprah Winfrey's network with her two shows. Those were named something dr. oz that was named something else. I don't know that any of them have been consistent. But you know Dr. Laura Berman but you know jack Canfield, but you know, Sonia, but you knew Wayne Dyer, right? So it's perfectly fine to not have a company. And so don't let that throw you at all.

I really love this giving your life a voice. I don't know for me. And that's maybe because the voice has been a big part of my life and I see the importance of that of us being us out in the world with a lot of these that feels really yummy. And it's great to call it a program because we can all have a signature program like this is my signature program, right? But I've got other programs that build on this. I've got an advanced program here I've got a book program of the seller program, and I do everything out in the world that I teach.

So it's fine to be known for this but also actually my preference will always be not be to be known as Debbie dash finger because that means I've got a reference point. I walked People reference who I am and no, we want people to know who you are too. So don't let that throw you. And just fill those pieces in with the best information you can give it something else. Okay, thank you so much. And you're right.

I did love the when you said that just giving your life a voice. I was like, wow, that yeah. So thank you. Yeah, powerful stuff. Anyone else challenges? okie dokie.

So we're going to move forward then. And talk about last week Kathy brought up we listened to her interviews. And she told Okay, okay, she told a story about sorry. That's how I feel about that story. Oh man. So she has an interview with this podcaster.

And the podcaster says to her at the beginning, don't worry if something doesn't work. I'm going to edit the show. As it turns out during the show, she said something. And then she did a newpsie and said, You know what, I don't think that information can be out there. So she retracted it with him and said, Can you take care of this? He's, uh, yeah, I'll definitely edit it before it goes out to broadcast.

Also, during the show, this man had a baby crying in the background because he was doing the show at home. So I want to talk I mean, that's not doing it, yet is unstructured. That should never be. If you have a dog if you have a cat, close the door. If you have a baby. Definitely be in an insulated room.

If you're in a busy company place Got to find a place that is a room where you've got your great microphone and your great equipment. And you can just be with the host in the show and there is no one who's going to walk in, and no phone that's going to ring and no cell it's going to go off and no fax machine and No, nothing. Turn off everything on your computer. If you've got Facebook open that would ding and Dong and your email, turn it all off. Plus your reception will be so much better. It's really our responsibility to be fully present.

Now that said, which is quite separate, when she brought up the story about the editing like oh my goodness, right. I don't do editing. I let people know like, this is the shot. So whatever gets them, this is what's going to happen. This is what's going to go out there. That's true for a large majority of shows they're going to be live occasionally someone has the capability or the team to If this guy right up front told her I'm going to edit so this is what I wasn't bad that it went out when he said he doubted it.

Yeah, clearly guys as has a baby and a lot else going on. So this was not forefront in his mind, but this is what I would recommend and this is what I would do that had happened to me. And something went out there there was like, No, my client couldn't hear that or people can't hear that about my client but whatever the situation is, I really don't know. But whatever it is, and this guy had made a promise. I would have actually emailed him right away as soon as I heard the show and said, I apologize. I need you to pull it and edit it.

Like you said you would for a minute 23 to 27 are the pieces I was talking about taking out can't be out there love to the show love being with you want to support and promote this out to my people. Let me know as soon as the editing has been Done. Thank you so much in advance so graciousness goes far, there's no reason to be weird, the guy probably just forgot always give someone the benefit of the doubt. But I would have actually hundred percent taken care of myself. So that was not in my space. Right.

And people, most people you gotta assume are good, and they'll do the work. Okay, concerned about others not understanding your work well, when you go if let's say, for instance, your healer, or your healer, or your new age person, and you're concerned about somebody understanding your work. When you're on a new age, or quote, unquote, spiritual show, that's your audience. There's actually not much to be concerned with. If you want to also be on mainstream and I highly recommend you all have that as part of your vision. Because you know, you're deeply needed right now.

And you know, you're here at this time for great reason. No mistake. If you were here, if you were given the gifts, you were also given the power to make it come true. You're not alone, you'll always be guided to the right venues. There are many ways to play being on mainstream just as an overall for you. You can have your gift and speak your wisdom without using the full information of what's going on.

So you don't have to be saying, you know, I'm clairvoyant, you know, I'm a clairsentience. You know, I see dead people. Whatever it is, that is your gift, or I'm an intuition counselor, which most shows it's just not going to land. Welcome to the world we live in, but it's not the full world we live in. But don't let that hold you back. Don't judge yourself, you know You're given gifts for a reason.

So there's absolutely every reason that you can go on and be brilliant. You just don't ever have to bring that stuff up. somebody asks you a question answer it, you may be getting the answer from someplace else from some other knowing. Just use it to speak and connect. You don't know who you're going to reach. You don't know whose life you're going to change.

That's why you're there. So just trust it. I'm going to give you an example of this later. So there's a spectrum when you're on something that's more spiritual New Age, you can be that do that say all of that because that's your audience. They're not going to blink an eye. When you start getting more mainstream.

Understand, you can do that be that you just don't no need to reference specifically. I've got these gifts or I work with this people, I've got a guru or leave all that out. Keep it simple. Just keep it simple and speak your wisdom and truth mock interviews. I just want to She has risen. Our mascot here this is Shelby has got no sense of a camera at all.

But she loves to be part of what we're doing and support us all. So just a little bit more about the whoo whoo. I want to say so when you've got things like the supernatural, the paranormal vehicles, the pseudo scientific phenomena, the emotion based beliefs, the next exclamation points. What I want you to think about is this so you feel really comfortable in your own skin going forward. Because woowoo is a slang term for all of what I just said. And typically when you go to the dictionary, and you look up the word woowoo what it says is all of that someone supernatural, paranormal, etc.

And there's no scientific basis. Okay, so let's give it a different definition because I want you to go out with in your mind without a stigma, if that happens to be you the Whoo. If you are a Woo, here's your new acronym, win others over. Just think of that. If I'm a wolf, that's awesome because I'm here to win others over. Whether it's you or others working through you to do that.

Just embrace that. So how to be vulnerable. This is a different subject, how to be vulnerable and expose yourself but not cross the line. Super important conversation. So being vulnerable, is really important. And there is a line when we're bleeding when we're going through something, it is not the time To bring it up.

We're too emotional, or too actually unstable and unsteady. We have no wisdom to offer. And all we have is whatever the soup we are in the trauma. The situation, much like the story I told last week or the week before, which was about how the show went on. Right? I had this huge breakup, one waking up one moment in a relationship 10 years being living with somebody.

And in a flash a phone call changed everything. And so there was no way Hey, I was going to go on air and tell that story, never write it. There also was no way that I was going to be interviewed and tell that story. I could not even just now became being able in the past. maybe six months, because there's a lot of healing and ease in my space. It's not a thing right now, right?

And I can talk some about wisdom. It's really important to not talk about these things when we're bleeding. What is important is that we can access things that have happened. Because of, it's the truth of who we are. And because of who we will connect with, and that's why those stories are so important. So we don't want to dramatize something and go too far or go into victim or, you know, he did this she did that met my parents or whatever.

No, we also don't want to be so deeply in something that has just happened recently happened. We're not through or over, no, but somewhere in the middle where it is. We're beyond. We're past it now. And if it's germane to an interview or question then yes. So I want to give you two examples.

I had somebody come on my radio show once, who she ran a nonprofit for women who are battered. I mean, they person out there. Really well known organization doing very well. I was excited to the conversation. I didn't know much about the subject. It actually isn't typically something I would interview on.

But I had somebody that I knew, who really asked me like, could we talk about booking this person and she made it happen? So he said, Yeah, let's do this. So the gal is really interesting what happened to her space? I don't understand it. But everything that could have she could have done wrong, she did wrong. She was supposed to be at the station.

She never showed up. She called in a panic. Because she try to remember now what happened but Somehow she she was on the road couldn't find a god last. Clearly she was a wreck, right? to start with. So she didn't map this out.

Well, she said, Oh my god, oh my god, we do this on the phone. It's like, yeah, let's make it happen. So we're doing the interview. And at some point, I asked her a question like, so why are you doing this? Why are you Why are you the champion for these women? I'm curious.

And she started to tell that she had a story around being a battered woman that she was in an abusive marriage. Now this story could have been very, very, very powerful start to finish about why she's become who she's become. And here's a little secret for all of you. We are all the wounded healer. So I'm just taking a pause there on purpose. There is something that has happen to you some time in your life.

You came in with a deficiency or an issue or something happened to you. And whatever it caused you to decide about yourself. That actually was not the truth of who you are, but was very painful to live out. called to you to be healed. And when you made the decision, it is not okay to live like this. You went on a journey and you did in your space, whatever you could and what it took to get to the other side and be fully whole and healed.

What happened is a byproduct of your journey and coming out on the other side is that you had a wisdom through your unique filter about how to get through something Like that, about what it means about different ways to operate. You have a huge buffet of wisdom around your subject. Did it happen to you on a soul level on purpose so it could be healed, and that you could be the teacher and inspiration about that subject. I have my point of view about it, you can decide for yourself. We are all the wounded healer. And when we are unrooted, we become the healer.

So I'm going to go back to the story that this woman had an amazing opportunity to tell her story of how she became the healer or the champion of battered women. But instead of her telling her story, and going through the arc and coming out the other side and how she is who she is today and all the amazing things that's been born of what was originally just a terrible situation. She started telling the story and she started crying. I'm really crying. And I'm in the station going, Wow, this is going south. And we're going to lose listeners because they're going to they're going to panic.

They don't know what to do with this woman. They can't help her. It's going to be everything from the caretakers flipping out because she's crying to the people are immune to crying to everything in between, but we're losing the message. So I did what I know to do, because I perceive energy and music. And I knew the musicality was awful. Definitely the energies also redirected the question, and I kept my energy such that I wasn't going to stay in that space with one.

So in changing the energy, she got it together answered that question, and I kept zigzagging because that's just something to do to get somebody out of something and get them back on track. So I don't think she got many donations after that. You don't want to do that. I'm giving you that as an illustration. Let me give you one other story quickly, which is that I was called to tell a story once at a function, it was actually on stage, right? And out of nowhere, the event coordinator just said, Oh, you know what, I'm going to bring people up to the mic to go through what the attendees are going through.

And he saw the expression on my face. It was like, Oh, you have two minutes to pitch and because he could tell, I was afraid. He said, Debbie, you get up there. I really didn't want to do it. And I had some panic in my space. And I'm like, I don't know what to say.

And I don't you know, all that was coming up. But like, there's no way I'm going to stay there. I'm never going to be taken down by that. Like, that's good for a second. Thank you for sharing. But I just came inside and what I felt was tell the truth.

Like I had a millisecond tell the truth. Just go to the truth. I went up to the mic. I'm facing over 150 people with lights on me I have a little timer going ticking from two minutes down. I told just like y'all learned your message, this is who I am. This is what I do fantastic.

And the next thing I did was tell the truth. And what I said was, you all know what I do now. But what I want you to know is the one question that I hated the most. The entire time I have been someone who's been an expert guest is when a host asked me the question, what is your journey been Debbie? Because I don't want to tell that story. I don't want to tell you what I went through to become this.

I don't want to tell you how it felt to be invisible. I don't want to tell you why I became a champion for having a voice. But I'm going to tell you right now because I'm really tired of not wanting to tell that story. The real story and sort of skirting around it. And I immediately went into, this is who they were, this is what happened to me. This is what it was like this.

Is the hell this is when I decided no more hell ever again. This is when I said awesome you can have doubts and insecurities but you're not going to rule my life ever. And this is when I started to grab the microphone grab the camera and just say great I'm this is a yes you're an opportunity God has brought this before me goddess I'm doing this on a yes. And always to find out on the other side there was an exhilaration for doing it and saying yes. And then I wrapped it up with a message. I had an out of body experience some part of that like a blackout, but I just know the energy that was coursing through me was ginormous.

I know that what you just felt about the truth about some of that emotion that came up for me even then was there but I was not going to cry and not because I was like doing a whole dance with crying, not crying. It was because I was clear what the energy was was telling the truth. This was a huge turning point. For me, I felt it internally the freedom of finally telling the truth and having a message I wasn't even aware of a fully why I was doing what I was doing. What else happened was the audience members out there who came up to me throughout the entire weekend like oh my God, thank you for that. Best pitch.

Thank you for that related to the story. Thank you for letting me really see who you are. And, and more, the more or less important now what is important was that was being vulnerable. That was exposing a truth about myself. But it further the conversation if further the connection, and it gave me a platform, to speak a wisdom that a lot of people can relate to the feeling of being invisible, not having a voice, not being special. Not being here to be seen or heard, which is kind of unthinkable.

But It's unthinkable because that was my wound. So if I can embrace that in me, if I could swear, I will never let myself suffer that neglect again, you better believe when I coach people, I'm a champion, they will never suffer that neglect or thoughts, because it's not what I see in people. So you can feel the power of that. You have that too. You have your own story that probably has some shame to it. Like I can't tell that I can't talk about that.

You can, and that's what's going to set you free and that's going to really connect you to people. That's the real potency. Okay. We are going to a couple of things in your Dropbox, you've got a workbook my gift to you. It is an A to Z workbook about how to do this and Hire process. It's got reminders, you can keep it forever more Amen.

I am going to show you a friend of mine, who I adore, deeply great greatly. And this is a healer. I want you to see what he does. And you will not know Well, those of you who know energy will know. But otherwise, most of you will not know what he's actually doing. I know because I can feel them.

And I know who he really is out in the world. So I want you to see him on a panel, how he handles winning TV show with other people who are not woowoo His name is Dr. Dain. Here I got his permission to do all of this. He blows me away and what what is possible in media so watch this. When we talk you'll ask me about that special report. I just did write about our last newscast.

Do you have to remind people when we're talking about newspapers, advertising radio, okay. How they shaped the public's view. Because I know when I read something, I think, Oh, I could be a little bit thinner or I could be on that exercise program or something like that. How do you guys YouTube being in that type of industry of motivating people and helping people? What do you hear about the pressures out there? The simplest thing is the pressure to be perfect in every regard.

I hate that. Which is, I mean, it's the worst thing you can inflict on somebody because perfect is the you have to judge everything. How do I look? How am I fit? Oh, I didn't wake up happy today. I must be doing something wrong.

Oh, wow, I don't fit into my skinny jeans. I must be doing something wrong. And that's perpetrated on us as though whatever's being sold or whatever is being talked about is the answer out of it. And the problem is, it's not it's our self judgment. That is the problem that makes us crave the outside solution anyway. And I know that can sound sort of simple on the one hand, but you can change it.

You just have to give people the tools to actually start valuing themselves. What are some of those tools Eric? I think one of the first Who's gonna stop that right there? What I can tell you is so this again is Dr. Dain. Here he is the co founder of Access Consciousness. Obviously, I adore him to the moon and back.

And I think the world of him because he does such incredible work. So hopefully you could perceive just from watching that tiny clip, the enormity of his sensitivity, deeply sensitive man. Hopefully you can also perceive his potency, because this is a very powerful man. What you may not know about him is when he does, he does profound energy work. And also when he speaks from stage and he's doing very specific stuff, his handshake. So it's amazing to me that you can actually be in these situations without having a desk in front of him.

And they're not shaking, but he's channeling the energies answering the question totally mainstream, quote unquote answer, but there's something else going on now. Let's go Flip over to this. And I want you to see now he keeps getting asked back time and time again. There's so many shows he's on. You can look them up if you have any interest in seeing more interviews with him and seeing how brilliant he is on all of them. But he does morning talk shows, literally around the world.

It gets back that gets asked back over and over again. Part of it is the amazing information he brings. I can promise you what's really going on? Is the energy he's being they don't know. I do watch this. How can the single guys be sure they're acting like gentlemen, relationship expert Dain here is back with some dating tips.

But confusion in our current to me to society around the roles that men should be playing in when it comes to dating and relationship should you be strong and supportive, or a snag which I didn't know what this meant sensitive New Age guy. Our next guest says you should be who you are and stop playing roles. We want to welcome back relationship For an international speaker Dain here back on the show. Good to see you, Dane. Great to be back, guys. So what do you think about, you know, what's going on me to movement?

And then there's also, you know, with some men going I don't know how to handle this new Yeah, and I think that's exactly it, which is why I'm going to have a different conversation where. So what I'm talking about is something called the return of the gentleman, where and a gentleman from my point of view is somebody who can be strong, and kind and caring, and desire sex and at the same time, be willing to have a woman's back and fight for women's rights. We've got this idea that we can either be the sexual predators that we're hearing about, or the snag, the sensitive New Age guy who is more emotional than the person that we're with. But it's not true. But we don't have any role models showing us that. So I'd like to start a different conversation so men can start to have a sense that they're not wrong for being men.

And so they can actually be the gift to women and everyone else that they are. Let me ask you about two of them right off the bat. Be yourself and like yourself. Yeah. I mean, this is a big one. I mean, how many times do you meet somebody in there?

I mean, we live in LA where this never happens, but maybe someplace else like Cleveland, where people pretend to be something that they're not, you know what I mean? And this is where if we look at this and realize, what I've noticed is when you actually talk about what's true for you, you are different to the people around you. They're like, wow, there's something authentic about you. And what I see occurring around the world right now is people actually want to be around people who are authentic, who are actually them. And liking yourself goes a long way. Because rather than when you're sitting across from somebody, like in a dating situation, for example, sitting there judging you judging the clothes judging all of this, instead, you're like, Hi, I'm here.

And I'm here to be here with you. And so when you're not in that state of judgment, and you're actually liking yourself, you're more present with the person that you're with. You also give a tip, which is dressed to impress. Yes. Do we mean you in the suit here with the vest and the pocket square? Well, this works for me.

Yeah, you know, and I figured I'm talking about Return of the gentleman I'll dress like the gentleman perhaps if you know if I may, but we If you look at it, how many times have you gone out and you see two people on a first date, and they look like they both just crawled out of bed, which was not where they started the date, by the way, right? You know. And so when you dress to impress what it is, is you don't have to wear a three piece suit not appropriate and a lot of situations, but where, what it is where it's like, try, thank you. There we go. Put a little time and effort into that, you know, and when you get on the date, and the ladies like, Hey, you just pulled out a bed in your pajamas, you didn't put any effort in.

You didn't put any time in, when you dress to impress. It's like it's an honoring of you. And it's an honoring of the person that you're with. be interested instead of interesting. This is a big one. How many of us know somebody who's gone on a date, and they sat across the table from somebody?

And all the person did was talk about themselves? Yeah, trying to prove how interesting they are. being interested is where you actually spend the time to ask them questions about them actually get to know the person and when you do you have an authentic connection no matter where that date goes. Whether it ends in relationship or ends at night, you'll have an awful In a connection with somebody by being interested in them and what's going on, asking the question, what would make me happy you say is a good? Yeah, that's a really big one. Because in this world that we live in where we keep looking for, oh, can I be like that person?

Can I be like that person? When you ask what will make me happy, you know, like, get real, real basic about at first, what kind of person would like to be with? You know, what would make me happy? What I like somebody who likes the same activities I do. Somebody who's kind somebody who's fun. You know, I misunderstood because I thought you're supposed to ask your date.

What make me think I think we have a new tool. Wow. The best one, right. All right. For more information on how you can follow a day, I'll log on to our website, ktla.com. There's all of his social beautiful, so you get the idea.

Right. And I hope you saw so many things in that. First of all, clearly, they were given talking points, right? They didn't just make this stuff up. I know it's published this very well. And they sent very specific questions that they would address and ask him.

These were super mainstream questions. He gave really excellent, excellent answers that actually people could sit back and think about and add to their life for dating life or being a gentleman or being a woman or whatever in relationship. He never had to go into this. He never had to go. That's my hand shaking. He never had to go into anything, source or other planets or you know, and I'm, I'm justing but at the same time, I mean, he just answered the question.

I also want to point out for some of you I don't need to point this out. There was energy happening. He was pulling at us. like crazy. So if you have energy work that you do that really works for you, you want to employ it on camera, you want to employ it on microphone. You want to employ it on stage.

It is so powerful. And the other thing I hope you saw or heard is that he answered the question and got out. He really gave a full fledged answer. And then was done so they could talk. He also kept it light. So when somebody said something funny, he laughed, or he laughed.

He actually made a joke nobody got when he said, we're in LA. And nobody does that here maybe in Cleveland, but when we're comparing ourselves to other people, of course, you know, Hollywood is the capital of How do I look? how skinny Am I how rich am I and and do I ever have enough or whatever is you? So it was a joke. It just didn't land well outside of that. Get back from an for some reason she's on okay.

Outside of that when somebody he was trying to talk about how to dress like stop showing up for your partner or on a date like a slump, stop putting on your sweats and your T shirts and like frickin dress up a little, you know show up for the person like you care about them. And the, the journalist the newscaster next to him said try a little he engaged with me laughs He said exactly. Try a little. So just there's so much to learn from the ease he brings from the comfort he brings. I'm going to tell you something between me and the wall is here relationship expert. Probably not what he's really known out there for being but guess what?

Because he comes with the wisdom he does. He could be not you could almost put any kind of expert in there. That could have been A show that showed up on Valentine's Day and they were promoting his book being the art of being a gentleman and boom, there was the positioning. They connected him with being a relationship expert. He is an international speaker that is so. So I want you to see all of what's possible, not just in one lane but in your lane.

There are so many things you can very well address and excel at. And I really wanted you to see somebody who is a powerful healer I know intimately out in the world and look at what he's doing and being and how many people is he impacting how many people coming to his workshops? And if they're not, how much are they possibly learning from who is what he does, that is possible for all of you, whether you're teaching HR or acquisitions or leadership or how to come from your heart, or being a healer and more even more, this is all possible to us. So now you Have a clap. I have a question. Yes, please.

So, say when you started when you really you talked about yourself, you really express yourself. And you talked about emotion. So people really got to know you at that point. Where do you go from there? So this this gentleman talked about facts, or just, he answered questions. He didn't really, you don't know anything really much about him?

You just know he's got answers to questions. So at what point? Who are you like, What? What's the message? That is the message? Is it you consider your audience?

Does your audience want to relate to you personally? Or does your audience just want answers? Like how do you? Does it just depend on your message? This is such a good question. And you know what it depends when he has five minutes You can see that was maybe five minutes.

Look how much they got in five minutes. Pretty good. You only have five minutes. They're not going to read his bio, they had one thing ticker tape on the bottom, Dr. Dain. Here, relationship expert, international speaker and they said it at the beginning. Welcome back was clear.

He's been on before. Boom, they went right into the subject. That's what you'll have on a morning drivetime radio show. That's what you'll have on a television show. It's that fast. Nobody.

And in general, you're not going to hear someone's story is just going to be information information, right. And a message that's not quite where it belongs, because you just have a finite amount of time. Now if you're going to be interviewed on a long talk show and you're the featured guest, chances are if you have a story that is germane to the subject they're interviewing you about and you also made it clear, either in your bio or your talking points. You've got a story or the book you've written Or they know you out in the world already, then yes, it probably would be good if that is brought up. And it's brought back the whole idea of telling a story isn't so much isn't so much that people can get to know any of us, because it's just our story. But if it's become who we became, and there's something very important in understanding that that's a good reason to tell a story.

If I'm teaching you wisdom, through my story that's important. For some people, gosh, I can think of so many people like if anybody knows Danny and Brinkley. So Danny, you may not know him, it doesn't matter. Danny and Brinkley has had seven near death experiences. So is it why he's become who he's become out in the world? Uh huh.

But it's not actually. It's not like we don't have to know that. But I'll tell you why we know that seven frickin near death experiences the dude's been hit by lightning twice isn't important. Uh huh. Because it's like a fascinating story like, how did you live through that? How are you still living through that?

Because it's that impact. So is it how he came back? gifted? Yes. Is it why he does the work? He does?

Yes. Is it why he does hospice work to help people transition? Yes. So the guy came back with a mission. So there's going to be very particular stories and reasons you got to know why your story is important. And if it's not, don't tell it.

Then tell a client story that's going to pull what you're sharing forward. Talk about a client talk about a group of clients talk about a company you worked at, and what was wrong, what you they implemented, what got changed the wisdom game and how they're now different. Good keep raising your hand. Oh, okay, great. All right, cool. So hopefully that made a lot of sense.

For anybody who has not done any of the work in the preceding weeks. This is your time, I build in the makeup time, on purpose, knowing that you probably are not going to finish everything in the first weeks, so don't worry about it. Write your pitch letter, super easy. Just fill in the template. do write your media, one sheet you saw great example of it. And do mock interviews.

They're super fun. Everybody I've been talking to is having fun. You got your sheet with the radio and podcast shows. If you have not submitted yourself for 10 do that you now will have all the information in the preceding calls, how to make this light. Don't make this pressure don't make this one more to do. It's not a to do you're here because you felt the call to be interviewed.

Just to Take care of the tech because the race rest will absolutely take care of its self, I promise, I promise. So next week, which is week five, we're going to be talking about what to do after the interview. As always, we're going to be talking about your celebrations, anything you did, you've got the Facebook group where you can interact and ask questions, post things. And I do want you to know about the afterlife of interviews, because everybody wants to know, how can I get asked back? How can I get results, so we're going to be talking more about that. And I want you to definitely submit yourself for the radio shows so you get the least one booking.

While you're in this program, more is even better. You've got the workbook now at your disposal. Enjoy it. You can It's fun. It's got little cartoons and stuff. So I made it here.

Light and fun, keep this easy, you're here for a reason, you're going to move forward, we're just middle of middle of the program. So there's really no pressure. You're all doing great if you showed up. To me, that's nine tenths of everything. The rest of it is just little stuff. Give it a realistic amount of time, a little bit every day, and then go on with your life, okay, and know that you're moving forward.

And be committed, be committed to yourself, be invested in yourself and know that the world is waiting for you for your message, and what you're here to talk about. Thanks, everybody. Thank you, Debbie.

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