Stress Perspective 5

6 Steps to Overcoming Stress STRESS PERSPECTIVE 5
4 minutes
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So what's important to you? That's a great question to ask because fundamentally, I have this assumption that everyone does what's important. We all do what we value. And that's why identifying those things that are important to you are critical. In fact, the key to dealing with stress when it comes to time to commitments to pressures that we have upon us, is to focus in on those things that are important to focus in on those things that matter. And what I want to do in the days to come is unpack how you do that.

It's this whole area of time management, but it's a different view of time management. We live in a day that's so cluttered with information. We use our technology and the technology hits us all the time. We get emails, we get text, we get social media interaction. We have all sorts of notifications that come our way. Increasingly, the internet is smart.

And so it's constantly learning. And it's communicating things to us based on our patterns in the past. And we can just get cluttered with all that kind of activity plus the media, so many things coming at us all the time. Well, what happens is, all of a sudden, we start to become a product with our time management of our habits, good and bad habits. And we let others determine our priorities are use of time. And all of a sudden, people are putting things on our plate that we don't want on our plate.

But we're not thinking through those things that are valuable to us. So I want to give you a process in the days to come to focus on things that are important because the way we have a right perspective on time is that we do just that. We focus on the important and I want to give you some tools and resources that will help you do that including a classic developed by Stephen Covey, on that determines those things in our lives that are important, but not urgent, important, but urgent, unimportant and urgent and unimportant and not urgent. This quadrant, you'll see will become very helpful to you and I'm going to help you work through the process. As I coach you on focusing in on things that are especially important not only urgent, but even more so those things that are important and not urgent if you can do that.

That is focusing in on things like intimacy and relationships, your own personal development, thought strategic planning, cultivating your inner life. Those are the things that you want to focus in on. And if you can do that, then all of a sudden, you're going to have less urgent things in your life. And you're going to have a lot more sense of meaning and purpose and significance, productivity and profitability in your business. So I look forward to that. So start thinking about those four core quadrants.

Think of things in your life that are important and urgent. And try to make a list you can create a little vehicle like we have here, the four quadrants and then think of things that are important but not urgent. And then think of things that are urgent but not important. And then think of things and of course, write them down that you do that are both not important and not urgent. And if you'll start doing that, we'll work through a values clarification process that'll help you get focused in on those things that are really important. Those things that really matter those things that will last and those things that will affect Cause you at the end of your life to not say Oh, if I can only live over again I would do this this isn't this.

Instead you can say hey, I can live intentionally because I'm focusing in on those things that are important I'm maximizing my time. By doing what I should what i know i odd What I know is meaningful, and you'll find to be very helpful. Again, if you like this, pass it on to friends keep keep your head up for increasingly more information on this as we unpacked this process and multiple videos in the days to come as we work through the course on the six keys to conquering stress.

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