Balance & Unblock the Sacral Chakra: Affirmations & Yogic Exercises

Fully Accredited: How to Unblock and Balance the 7 Chakras The Sacral Chakra: Sexuality, Relationships, and Financial Security
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First, we're going to start with affirmations. Now affirmations, in case you don't know are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self sabotaging and negative thoughts and negative beliefs. When you repeat them often enough and try really hard to believe in them. You can start to make positive changes, even if you don't fully believe in them at the beginning, but know it is what you want and striving for. You just fake it till you make it. So here we go.

The second chakra, the sacral chakra affirmation is this. I am perfect in every way, and I feel safe and connected in my body. So let's say that again, because it's a strong chakra. I'm perfect in every way and I feel safe. connected in my body. And when you say that, again, you can either be sitting in a meditative pose, bringing your awareness down to the sacred chakra.

Or you can be getting up in the morning and saying understanding it throughout the day. There's no wrong time or place to say the affirmation. I am perfect in every way, and I feel safe and connected in my body. So here we are our first Kundalini pose for the sacral chakra, and we're going to be doing something called cat cow. A lot of you may have already heard cat cow, it's pretty well known, pretty simple to do and very lovely for the sacral chakra. So you're going to start on all fours, and what we call a tabletop position.

And in this position, you're going to take the wrists and place them underneath the shoulders, and the knees are about hip distance apart like this. You're going to elongate the spinal cord by pulling the navel in. And as you do that, you're going to keep it the back of the neck long by gazing at the floor. So it looks like this long, getting the spine pulling the navel and neck long, tucking the chin as you're gazing at the floor. That's the first part. Next, as you inhale, you're going to allow your belly to sink towards the floor and open up your collarbones as you tilt your tailbone to the ceiling.

So it looks like this. Inhaling, belly sinking towards the floor, opening up your collarbones and tilting your tailbone to the ceiling. So as you exhale, you're going to press into the floor with your hands and round out your back like this. As I exhale, bringing your chin towards your chest and your navel to This fine tucking the telephone it like this. continue moving in this position by inhaling exhaling. Inhaling exhaling.

Inhaling in the cow position. Exhaling the cat position. The sometimes you might see this move done pretty quickly like this. When I teach my classes I always tell people, listen to your body. I'm all about doing movements that are slow that you can feel and be with your body and not hurting anything, especially if you're a beginner We'll start at a slower pace that looks like this. do two more times, inhale.

Exhale. Inhale. Exhale and less time inhale and exhale. When your exhale, you can come on down. You can do a nice stretch, put your arms out, forehead to the ground and just breathe slowly Come up. Notice that I'm doing one vertebrae at a time with my chin being the last to come up.

And there you have it. There's a cat Cow Pose for your sacred chakra. So now we're ready to start Kundalini pose for the second chakra. And this post is called frog pose. Pretty funny. I know, you might think that this pose looks challenging, and it can be a little challenging at first, but because we can do modifications, it makes it a lot easier.

So let's begin. So with frog pose, what we're going to do is you're going to balance yourself, on your toes in the squat position, so it looks like this. Notice that the heels of my feet are touching the heels of your feet might not be able to touch and you might have to go like this. That's okay. So if you can do it, the heels Your feet are touching together. And you're going to spread your knees like this and put your arms inside your legs with only your fingertips touching the floor like this.

Keeping your elbows as straight as you can remember, listen to your body. always find your balance with your eyes either open or closed. This is the starting position. So modification here. If this feels too much to keep your feet up, that's why you can use household pillows or you can take a pillow and put it there to support or you can take a roll blanket. Or if you need to hold blankets you can take to roll blankets.

So even if you can't touch your heels, this is just fine. This is for the modification. If you can touch your heels, here's how this looks all 10 fingers on the floor here. Touching and you're balancing yourself you decide whether you want your eyes open or closed. We're going to inhale and we're going to stretch up with our legs as straight as you can, completely keeping your fingertips on the floor. And if you can't yet stretch your legs totally, that's okay.

But try not to take your hands off the floor. So the first part looks like this. I'm going to inhale. Come on up. And notice that my chin is tech tucked in to protect it, my buttocks is straight up. And then when I exhale, I come down, lifting my chin up, parallel to the floor.

This is frog pose. So let me show you what it looks like when you keep doing it. So here we go. Decide if your eyes are open or closed. Inhale up. Exhale down.

Inhale up. Exhale down. Inhale up. Exhale down. Inhale up. Exhale, down.

Inhale up, exhale down. Inhale up, exhale down. Now with frog pose, you can try and start off with doing 12 frog poses, or 26 frog poses, see what your body feels like, see what it can do. Remember, it's all about what your body can do. We're working on the psycho chakras. So it's all intention.

If you think oh my gosh, I need to put the blanket here. My, my heels don't touch and you can't touch the floor with your fingertips. That's fine. Use the pillow. Remember, it's all intention. You're taking care of yourself.

So modification again. I've got support in front of me. I've got support and back of me, I inhale up and exhale down. Inhale up, exhale down. So you see you don't have to do it. We're not about perfection.

It's about the intention. So let me show you what it's like to just finish frog pose. Inhaling Exhale down. Inhale up, exhale down. Inhale up, exhale down. So when you come down, you can either stay seated, balancing on your heels.

Or if it's too much for you, you can come down on your knees. Or if that's too much for you, you can come down in easy pose, put your hands underneath and just take a few deep breaths. And notice how the sacred area. Let's take a shot crop fields, notice how it's much more open, much more balanced, gives you some energy because also helps with your lungs as well. And it can also help if you have some depression going on too. So that's our frog pose for the sake of shock run, just remember, take it slow, do what your body can do, and it's all about the intention.

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