Balance & Unblock the Throat Chakra: Affirmations & Yogic Exercises

Fully Accredited: How to Unblock and Balance the 7 Chakras The Throat Chakra: Freedom of Choice, Strength of Will, and Self-expression
7 minutes
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Now let's learn how to unblock balance and strengthen the throat chakra. We're going to start with affirmations. So I think by now you know that affirmations are really strong at helping you change the negative beliefs or thoughts that you might be holding on to. And just remember to, you don't have to fully believe in the affirmation at the beginning. It's just something you're striving for. You fake it till you make it.

So the affirmation for the throat chakra is this. I speak my truth freely, clearly, openly, and with the right timing. Let's say that again. I speak my truth freely, clearly, openly, and with the right timing. And again, you can either be in a meditative pose and say this affirmation or like I always recommend, put it On stickies, place it around different places of your house, you're always reminded about this Throat Chakra. There will come a time that the throat chakra affirmation will just roll right off of your tongue.

So now we're going to begin with the yoga exercises for the throat chakra. The first one that I will be teaching is shoulder shrugs. And shoulder shrugs not only work on the throat chakra, but it also balances all of the upper chakras, and it opens up the hormonal gate to the higher brain centers. So the first thing that you're going to do is you're going to sit in easy pose. And as I've said time and time again, if you feel like your knees are straight, you just grab a pillow and put it right under to help with your knees or old blanket, whatever you have around the house that can give some extra cushion. So it's really Sitting in easy pose, you're going to place your hands on your knees like this.

You're going to inhale and shrug the shoulders up toward the ears like this. I know it looks silly, but it does do a lot. So what happens is, as you drop the shoulders down, there's a natural exhale, that happens. And you're going to continue this in a very rhythmic movement for about one to two minutes. Don't get so hung up with the breath, because you notice that when you show your arms up to your shoulders, the breath will be natural with the shrugs. So it looks like this.

So as a side story, I went and taught this to a bunch of firefighters in a training and it was so funny and cool to see. As you looked out over the audience, all these firefighters sitting there Doing shrug poses It was great. So it's fun, and it helps a lot. So I'm going to show you what the post looks like from beginning to end. Let me just tell you that when you end the pose, you're going to come up with a full shrug. You're going to hold the breath as long as you can.

And then you're going to exhale out and relax. So here's what the post looks like from beginning to end. And feel free you can either keep your eyes open or close them. After you let that relax, long exhale, you can sit in a suppose hands on your knees, close your eyes. just noticed what parts of your body are feeling more open, and less stressful. So there you have it, you have your shoulder shrug to shrug away any stress that you're going through.

So now that you've distressed by using the shoulder shrug, we're going to move on to something called chanting, and we're going to be chanting long stock gnomes. So you may ask yourself, what the heck does that mean? And why is it so darn good. So first, let me tell you what it means. Start, which is spelled sa t means your truth nom, which is spelled na m means identity. So together satnaam means your true identity, your essence connecting with the teacher within and bowing to the Divine Wisdom.

It's very beautiful. It's very strong. So let me just show you what we're going to do to begin This chanting, you can place yourself in a pose or posture that works for your body. It can be easy pose, which I've shown a lot, or rock pose, which is what I'm showing. Now. I like rock post my stuff for this one.

And just so you know, you can use this pillow right here, just to support the feet. And it's a nice little cushion. So the first thing that you will do is you're going to take a long inhale, and then you're going to chant, a long shot, and a short nom on the exhale. So this is what it looks like. And you're going to do this anywhere from three minutes to 11 minutes. So let me just show you one more time.

And it's really nice to close your eyes because you can really feel your inner truth connecting to the essence of you and the divine wisdom from above. So let me show you one more time. No, it's strong. It's easy. It's powerful. It's connecting.

And it's quite lovely. So there you have it, the long chanting

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