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R stands for Realign

What does 'Realign' even mean?

In the world of NLP to realign is to bring you back to your true self.

What this actually means is that with all of life's experiences, the good the bad, and the downright ugly, we begin to lose ourselves.

It is very easy to change who we are so that we can have a sense of belonging and acceptance. Sometimes these changes are positive and can lead to us growing and developing in a way that is in alignment with who we truly are. At other times it can mean that we ignore our heart's desire and forget what is truly important to us.

The focus in the next part of this course is to look at how you might have merged yourself with your partner, or with others, in a way that has led you to become someone that is not who you want to be. 

It is also about looking at strong emotions that may be holding you back, and contributing to you behaving in a way that you do not like.

Again, take your time. If you are having trouble you may wish to arrange a session with Leanne to work on this 1:1 Coaching Session Link

We'll cover the following topics in this section:

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